"Me, Jane!"
If you are in need a break from too-much-computer-time, let me recommend zip lining in the jungle as an afternoon diversion.
We are in Koh Samui, in the Gulf of Thailand, at the moment. If you are a regular visitor to this space, you will know I have a love-hate relationship with this delightful little island. Once again we are visiting with a long list of jobs, appointments and “to-do’s”. But, we always make sure to take some time out to go somewhere new or try something different.
So, last Sunday, while an international group of elite athletes were running, swimming and cycling their way around the perimeter of the island as part of the International Samui Island Triathlon, we were swinging through the tree-tops in the heart of the island’s rain forest.
Clearly, I didn’t take the picture on the left, which you can tell because I am in it; while I carried my camera across most of the cable crossings, I didn’t attempt to use it while in flight. But, I’ve included this shot because it so succinctly tells you what I thought of the two hours we spent in the trees. It was fun!
The brochure calls it: “The experience of a lifetime!!” I wouldn’t go quite that far, but it was fun. You learn to take self-promotion with a grain of salt in Thailand – well, anywhere, really. When the brochure states that an adventure is: “Completely safe” and “Fully insured” (or – more commonly: “Includes accidental insurance” – which is not terribly comforting!), this assumes that you arrive there in one piece in the first place. The Canopy Adventures advertises a “4×4 safari to the location” and a “short nature trek” as part of the package. What this really means is that you will rattle over a steep dirt road of caverns and gullies that even the 4WD struggles with before climbing up a rickety staircase with questionable bannisters to arrive at the start of your adventure.

Up the jungle path ~ mind the steps!

The central office is where you sign your waver forms before collecting your gear.

Overhead, we can see the last group coming back.

One of the staff opts for the upside-down delivery.

A helper returns with the harnesses.

Perhaps this is the short "nature trek?"

Young "Bird" gives us the thumbs up when we finally arrive, panting and sweating, at the top.

Nat has worked for the company for eight years, and clearly loves his job.

Nat models the harness...

and shows us the correct hand positions.

Petzl Tandem Speed Pulley

Nat smiles as he runs the cable.

Nat shows off his balance.

It always surprises me how much of the over-developed island is still undeveloped forest.

A view of Secret Falls from one of the platforms.

"Watch for the missing step!"

Above our heads, wild bees sway on the trunk of a tropical tree.

Nat shows us how it is really done.

And Nat arrives - upside-down and still smiling!

Out of the harness - whew!

After swinging through the tree-tops, we visit Secret Falls.

Nat relaxes between canopy clients.

Large spiders and their small companions are all around.

Time to go! Follow the ropes...

... down the hill.

It was a great afternoon, and I look forward to doing it again some time.
Happy landings!
eine schöne sportive Serie Ursula. Ich habe dies auch gesehen in Costa Rica, habe es selbst aber nicht gemacht (leider geht das nicht mehr) Schöne Grüsse, Dietmut
Hi Dietmut,
Thanks for your visit! We have seen these in other parts of Thailand too (never been to COsta Rica) but this was our first chance to try it. Very safe, but I felt the muscles in my arms a little the next day. 🙂
Nice… would scare the hell out of me, but you looked like you were having fun 😉
I would certainly believe Ursula.Nice day and greetings, Dietmut
Looks like fun! Yee Ha! 🙂