The “Walking Man” shows us the way out of Camp.
Is there a country in the Western world that doesn’t take to the wearing of the green on St Paddy’s Day (March 17th)?
Thanks to the abundant numbers of people of Irish origin living outside Ireland, shamrocks and Kelly green are known far afield.
But, in Ireland, it is not only the shamrock which is green: it is the whole landscape. From olive to kelly and emerald: greens of every shade and hue. And, as the skies opened and the rains fell on our heads on the second day of walking along The Dingle Way in County Kerry, we could easily understand why it was all so lush and fresh.

The narrow country lanes and muddy paths are hedged in with verdant fuchsia bushes.
Distance: 17km/11.6 miles, Ascent: 350 m/1050 ft

Camp, Ireland: where modern new homes can feature ancient ruins as part of their front-yard landscape design.

The old Tralee to Dingle road leads off into the greens…

… more greens …

Sheep on the green.

Heather, ferns and foxglove along a boggy creek.

A rusty barrel provides a nice point of contrast against all the green.

Standing stones, ogham stones, stone circles and just plain stones… We were never quite sure what we were looking at!

An evergreen tree farm in the rain.

Rain against the hills.
The rains came and went, as we walked the seventeen kilometres between Camp and Anascaul.
A photographer friend of mine asked me how I had kept my gear dry. Well: disposable plastic rain-coats pulled tight over broad-brimmed hats, plastic sleeves over the cameras, and an umbrella to keep the lenses dry whenever I wanted to take a shot. We were a bit of a sight!

Ferns at the edge of the road-side puddles.

The tangles of brambles made me think of faerie tales and sleeping princesses…

Fenced-in greens.

Wild flowers against more green…

A pale-red roofed barn in the lee of an impossibly-green hill.

Mooo! Curious cows watch us pass…

A creek joins us on our descent into Castlemaine Harbour.
Our trip-notes told us that “excellent lunches” were available at Foley’s Bar in Inch, so we followed the road through the rain and down into town.
The young cailín (colleen) tending bar told us that her family had owned the pub for generations, but they had only just sold the restaurant-portion of the Bar, and the new owner had decided to take the week off! So, we made do with coffee from the bar and muesli bars and nuts from our back-packs, while we chatted with the barmaid. Her family farmed – but things were slow – so two of her brothers were working in Australia. She had considered visiting them, but she was concentrating on her studies, and she loved being in this small corner of the world where she knew everyone and the outdoor activities were plentiful.

Peat fires over Inch.

Rains on the beaches along the North Atlantic.

The cows found us quite a sight as we passed.

More fuchsia hedges contrast the greens as we descend into Annascaul for the night.
It was not a hard walk, but it was wet. When we finally descended into Anascaul (Annascaul on Google-maps), we were very pleased to hear that we could get pizza on site, and not walk any further.
And, red wine makes a nice contrast to all that green!
leuk dat je ons hebt meegenomen op deze wandeling. Het is een mooie serie geworden. Ik wens je een fijn weekend, Dietmut
Dank je wel, Dietmut! 😀
What a delightful place, quaint and welcoming it seems from your posts and by gosh it is Green…. thanks as always for sharing your trip with us.
Thanks, Signe! I do appreciate you taking the time to comment. 😀