Tennessee Woods and Waterfalls, Coffee County, TN USA

Rutledge Falls, Short Springs Natural Area, Rutledge Falls on Crampon Creek, Coffee Co, Tennnessee USA

Rutledge Falls
Part of the Short Springs Tennessee Natural Area, Rutledge Falls is a stunningly beautiful waterfall on Crumpon Creek.

It is late spring in Middle Tennessee and the dogwood and magnolia trees are in full bloom. The grass is green and the honeysuckle is hanging from the woods in fragrant bunches.

I am always amazed by how much wild, wooded space there is in Tennessee. From the iconic mountains in the Appalachian chain in the east, to the fertile valleys between the Tennessee and the Mississippi Rivers in the west, the rural countryside alternates with lakes, woods, and waterways. In the towns and suburbs, big houses sit well back from the roadways, fronted by expansive, manicured green lawns and surrounded by stately trees.

In Middle Tennessee where the endless multi-lane highways are bounded on all sides by dense forests of deciduous trees, the lush rural landscape – dominated by rolling hills and fertile stream valleys – is punctuated by picturesque weathered barns of all ages, tidy homesteads, and magnificent horses. And, of course, countless trees.

My husband and I were in Tennessee for family functions – but there is always time for some canoeing on the rivers and walking in the woods.

Do join us!

Dogwood flowers in bloom, Tennessee USA

It is late spring in Middle Tennessee and the dogwood and magnolia trees are in full bloom (iPhone6).

Rutledge Falls, Short Springs Natural Area, Rutledge Falls on Crampon Creek, Coffee Co, Tennnessee USA

Rutledge Falls
Imagine having this in your back yard! Rutledge Falls, Tullahoma, is on private land, but access is open to the public from dawn to dusk.

The Lady of the Falls statue against spring green, Rutledge Falls Tullahoma TN

“The Lady of the Falls”
This statue comes as a delightful surprise as you work your way through the woods to the top of the falls. One of three life-sized figures cast by Wood & Perot’s Ornamental Iron Works of Philadelphia, PA, this one, originally called “Night”, was moved to this location around 1958. (For a winter view and more history, visit Lynn Roebuck’s photo.)

Rutledge Falls Tullahoma TN

Rutledge Falls
It is a short, steep, slippery walk down to the water’s edge, …

Rutledge Falls Tullahoma TN

… but it’s well worth it for the view. Locals often come to picnic, fish, or swim in the icy waters.

Small black and orange bug on a green leaf, Rutledge Falls, TN

Bug: Rutledge Falls

Two women, Rutledge Falls, TN

Women Chatting
The falls are a popular natural area for tourists and locals alike.

 Violets in the leaf litter, Rutledge Falls, TN

Violets in the Leaf Litter: Rutledge Falls

Mossy Rocks: Rutledge Falls, TN

Mossy Rocks: Rutledge Falls
The water comes down in small falls around the edges of the creek, …

Rutledge Falls Tullahoma TN

Rutledge Falls
… and in a beautiful veil through the middle.

Variegated yellow Maple Leaves, Machine Falls, Tullahoma TN

Maple Leaves
A short drive away, still in the Short Springs State Natural Area, there is car parking at the head of a network of trails which includes the short walk to Machine Falls.

 Mountain Laurel, Machine Falls, Tullahoma TN

Mountain Laurel (Kalmia Latifolia)
The air in the woods is hot and still, but fragrant from the spring flowers and foliage.

Orange barriers, green Leaves, Machine Falls, Tullahoma TN

The woods are part of a Tennessee State Park, so the steps and trails are regularly maintained –

Ground-level GeoMarker TVA, , Machine Falls, Tullahoma TN

GeoMarker: TVA
– but time and erosion has left some of the Tennessee Valley Authority geo-markers raised up in the middle of the path.

Dark woods along Bobo Creek, Machine Falls, Tullahoma TN

Velvet Woods
The woods are dark at the bottom of the hill where the trail meets the bridge over Bobo Creek.

Machine Falls, Tullahoma TN

Machine Falls
The waters of Bobo Creek drop more than 18 metres (60 feet) over the almost-60-foot-wide Machine Falls – one of the prettiest waterfalls I’ve visited in a long while.

Two women in Machine Falls, Tullahoma TN

In the Falls
Access to the falls is through the cold creek waters; trees and slippery rocks line the sides of the creek, making a dry-footed access impossible.

Hollow stump, Machine Falls trail, Tullahoma TN

Woods with Character
The spring woods are a lush mix of sycamore, buckeye, magnolia, beech, and tulip trees. The tree barks, and the shrubs and flowers at ground-level, make good excuses to stop on the steep climb back up the hill.

Text: Happy Paddling Picture: Woman and man in canoe, Duck River, TNThe beauty of nature is hard to beat, and I always feel refreshed after time around woods and waters.

I’m looking forward to our next visit.

Till then ~

Happy Paddling!

Pictures: 14May2015

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