On the Virginia Lakes Trail, Hoover Wilderness, California USA

Landscape, Virginia Lakes Trail, Mono County California USA

Sagebrush and Jagged Peaks
Pack a good pair of walking boots: this is uneven terrain. But the hot afternoon air smells beautiful, and the views are stunning.

Mono County in California’s Eastern Sierra region is an outdoor paradise: crystal clear glacial lakes and rivers that attract fly fishing enthusiasts; jagged, steep mountain peaks that are magnets for rock climbers and mountaineers; high alpine meadows, dotted with unique wildflowers which photographers flock to enjoy; salt lakes and their colonies of birds that draw bird watchers from all over the globe; and countless hiking trails meandering through National Parks, State Forests and local reserves.

Basically, one is spoiled for choice!

I was lucky: I was visiting a friend who lives in the area, so I didn’t have to think or make decisions. I just put on my hiking boots, strapped on the cameras, and followed her lead.

One of our hikes was on the Virginia Lakes Trail in the Hoover Wilderness, a short drive away from the hamlet of Lee Vining. Although the 13.0 kilometre out-and-back trail is rated as moderate, at 3000 metres (9,846 feet), the trailhead is higher than our tallest mountain in Australia! I live at sea level, so I felt every inch of the 710 m (2330 ft) gain in altitude along the way. One blog site even warns hikers to watch for signs of altitude sickness on the trail (see: Another 100 Feet).

Virginia Lakes is the collective name given to a basin of lakes, connected by Virginia Creek. This hike starts near Big Virginia Lake, and passes a number of the other small lakes on the way to a scenic pass with panoramic views. Serious hikers can continue along the Pacific Crest; we turned around at Frog Lakes.

It is a very pretty hike – and the walk back was easy!

View down from Mono Lake Vista Point, California USA

Mono Lake Vista Point
It is a short drive into the hills above Mono Lake, where we had spent the morning watching the California gulls (see: Mono Basin and Mono Lake).

View over Big Virginia Lake from the Virginia Lakes Trail, California USA

Virginia Lakes
The walk starts near the Virginia Lakes Resort – and skirts the northeast of the aptly named Big Virginia Lake.

Fishermen, Big Virginia Lake from the Virginia Lakes Trail, California USA

Virginia Lakes is popular for fishing, boating, and camping.

Fisherman, Big Virginia Lake, California USA

Catch of the Day?
Fly fishing for trout is an art – but I’m not sure this fish counts!

Landscape, Virginia Lakes Trail, Mono County California USA

Virginia Lakes Surrounds
It amazes me how these tall pines find a foothold in this steep and stony terrain.

Mountain Monardella, Virginia Lakes Trail, Mono County California USA

Mountain Monardella – Monardella Odoratissima
Pockets of wildflowers are tucked into the rocky ground, creating fragrant bouquets all around us.

Virginia Creek, Virginia Lakes Trail, Mono County California USA

Running Water
We are within sight – or at least earshot – of Virginia Creek for most of our walk.

Landscape, Virginia Lakes Trail, Mono County California USA

Pathway through the Scree
Parts of the trail are steep and covered in loose stone; I was glad for good boots and a walking stick. The wildflowers make a good excuse to stop and catch ones breath!

Landscape, Virginia Lakes Trail, Mono County California USA

Water in the Valley Below
When you look back, you can see how far you have climbed.

Asters, Virginia Lakes Trail, Mono County California USA


Pine Branches, Virginia Lakes Trail, Mono County California USA

Pine Branches

Wildflowers, Virginia Lakes Trail, Mono County California USA

Crimson Columbine (Aquilegia Formosa) and Yosemite Onion (Allium Yosemitense)
Wildflowers in every shape and colour are everywhere we look.

Sierra Tiger Lily, Virginia Lakes Trail, Mono County California USA

Sierra Tiger Lily – Lilium Parvum

California Corn Lily, Virginia Lakes Trail, Mono County California USA

California Corn Lily – Veratrum Californicum
Native to these high mountain meadows, this beautiful plant is extremely poisonous.

Woods and grass along a rocky creek bed, Virginia Lakes Trail, Mono County California USA

In the Woods
Some parts of the trail are surprisingly damp and green.


Miner’s Cabin
After we have passed Blue Lake, we come to an old miner’s cabin. It is currently in a state of disrepair and poles propped to one side keep it from tumbling over completely.

Roof beam, Miner

Miner’s Cabin Roof Detail

Empty tins inside the miner

Empty Tins Inside

Cooney Lake, Virginia Lakes Trail, Mono County California USA

Cooney Lake
It is a moderately steep climb up the hills to the next lake in the chain, Cooney Lake (3122 m – 10,244 ft).

Virginia Lakes Trail, Mono County California USA

Virginia Lakes Trail
The track continues up through tilted granite, with mountains scarred by ancient avalanches in the background.

Rocks and Milkweed, Virginia Lakes Trail, Mono County California USA

Rocks and Milkweed
Even the seemingly inhospitable granite is home to wildflowers.

Mountain Pride in bloom, Virginia Lakes Trail, Mono County California USA

Mountain Pride – Penstemon Newberryi

Woods and mountains, Virginia Lakes Trail, Mono County California USA

Along the Trail

Tree roots and sage brush, Virginia Lakes Trail, Mono County California USA

Nature’s Sculpture: Fallen Wood and Sage

View over Big Virginia Lake from the Virginia Lakes Trail, California USA

Fishing on Big Virginia Lake
Back on Big Virginia Lake, the anglers are still fishing. Gas-powered boats aren’t allowed on these lakes, so it is beautifully quiet.

I took fewer photos on the return trip, as there was less need for me to stop to catch my breath! This made the return walk much quicker than the hike up.

Text: Take only Pictures

It truly was a beautiful walk, and we had perfect weather.

Even so, my poor legs and lungs were happy to make it back down the trail in one piece!

Until next time,

Happy Walking!

Pictures: 19July2013

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