Morning Street Portraits : Haridwar, India

Portrait:Sadhu in an orange turban and grey beard, Haridwar India.

A Penetrating Gaze
Sadhus, pilgrims, and locals alike, meet your eyes boldly in the streets of India. The county is street-portrait heaven!

India is truly a street-portrait paradise.

People are everywhere. Swathed in colourful fabrics and draped in layers of beads, they sit or stand against backgrounds of textured wash-painted buildings or rusting roller-doors, colourful ads or fading billboards. It is as if they are just waiting for an aspiring photographer to wander past! They meet your eyes unselfconsciously, and implicitly give consent to the camera lens.

This is especially true in a holy pilgrimage city like Haridwar, where the streets are full of travellers on the move. In Sanskrit, Haridwar means “The Gateway to Lord Vishnu”. Sitting on the right bank of the Ganges river – in and of itself a most sacred entity in Hindu tradition – Haridwar is one of the seven holy places (Sapta Puri) in India where Hindus can be liberated from the cycle of birth and death.

I was lucky enough to visit the city twice: the first time for the Kumbh Mela in 2010 (see: Weekly Wanders Kumbh Mela), and on this, the second occasion after the Pushkar Camel Fair (see: Weekly Wanders Pushkar) with photographer Karl Grobl from Jim Cline Photo Tours.

Early one morning, I braved the November chill to wander the streets, where plenty of willing subjects greeted me and my cameras.

Balcony silhouetted, Haveli Hari Ganga, Haridwar India

The Balcony – Haveli Hari Ganga
Exploring the chaos of Indian streets can result in sensory overload very quickly! Having a centrally-located oasis to escape back to makes it manageable. (iPhone6)

Portrait: woman and child in blankets, Haridwar India

Woman and Child
It is early morning, and it is cold, but people are happy to greet me and smile for the camera.

Portrait: Old woman in a headscarf, Haridwar India

Old Woman
This elderly woman was happy to pause, …

Henna-decorated hands, Haridwar India

Hennaed Hands
… and proudly showed me her hand decorations.

Portrait: Man in a woollen hat, Haridwar India

Man in a Woollen Hat

 Portrait: Child with his tongue out, Haridwar India

Cheeky Child
Children are the same the world over!

Portrait: Man in an orange blanket, Haridwar India

Man in a Blanket
The colours in India always catch my eye – especially when they are against dark, textured backgrounds.

Portrait: Smiling man in an orange blanket, Haridwar India

Big Smile

Three men in a Haridwar street, India

In the Morning Streets
The morning light sneaks into the dark laneways where pilgrims gather to chat.

Three men walking in a Haridwar street, India

More Blankets
Who knows how far some of these pilgrims have walked?

Image of Shiva behind a screen, Haridwar India

This is a holy city, and shrines are everywhere.

Rhesus Macaque outside a Shiva shrine, Haridwar India

Rhesus Macaque
The monkeys gather to eat the marigold offerings.

Portrait: macaque outside a Shiva shrine, Haridwar India

Rhesus Macaque – Macaca Mulatta

Women in layers of clothing, Haridwar, India

Women in the Street
People are all layered in an assortment of clothing to ward off the cold; I guess it beats carrying bags!

Portrait: Indian men in woolen hats and blankets, Haridwar

Men in Blankets
More pilgrims – wrapped up in blankets against the November morning chill – …

Indian men in woolen hats and blankets, Haridwar

Pilgrims at Rest
… rest their weary legs and walking sticks on their long journey.

Portrait:Sadhu in an orange turban and grey beard, Haridwar India.

The Eyes of a Sadhu

Portrait: Man in a long beard, Haridwar India

Man in a Long Beard
India is a country of 1.4 billion people – and they are all such individuals!

Portrait: Man in a white head wrap, Haridwar India

Waving Man
Everywhere I have been in the country, the people have been friendly and welcoming.

Lassi Shop, Haridwar, India

Lassi Shop
There are some things things that define a place: lassi – a tasty blend of yogurt, water, spices, and sometimes fruit – is so India.

Man cleaning the lassi-making equipment, Haridwar, India

Cleaning the Equipment
Raw milk is at high risk of transmitting foodborne illnesses, and this shop was taking its job of cleaning the equipment seriously.

Two shiny lassi machines, Haridwar India

Lassi Machine
This equipment was so shiny I could see the street in it!

Three men in turbans, Haridwar, India

The morning light slants through the narrow streets …

Three men in turbans, Haridwar, India

Men in Turbans
… catching faces, turbans, and bare feet.

It was time for me to get myself some masala chai and breakfast – and to leave the pilgrims to their travels.

Until next time –

Photos: 19November2013

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