Camels in the Great Thar Desert, Rajasthan, Northern India

“Take me to the Light!”

It is Christmas Day here in Australia: –

A good time to reconnect with family and loved ones, even though some might be far away, or missing completely.

An ideal time to reflect on the possibilities of love and peace – although the world at the moment seems to be providing few examples.

A good time to count one’s blessings, and, regardless of the hardships we might be facing, to be thankful for those opportunities and things we do have.

It’s not such a good time for the latest WordPress update – which doesn’t seem to allow me to upload photos in the relatively simple manner of old…

So, this will be brief: an afternoon’s sojourn into the Great Northern Desert of Rajasthan, a place where the air crackles with heat and hope, where life is hard (Life in the Thar Desert) and the nights are magic (Music and Magic). A place where, in the late afternoon, watching some men and their camels on the crest of a sandy hill, you can contemplate the rugged beauty of the place, and feel an expansive quietness – even while taking hundreds of pictures.

I will share only a few.

Camels on a distant sandy Hill, Thar Desert, Rajasthan, Northern India

Camels on the Hill
After a short camel ride over the dunes, we come into sight of another group of camels on the hills.

Three men on camel back, Thar Desert, Rajasthan, India


man on camel back, Thar Desert, Rajasthan, India

Here comes our Guide!

Camel in harness, Thar Desert, Rajasthan

That Look!

Camel in harness, Thar Desert, Rajasthan

Regal Creature

A Boy and his Camel, Rajasthan

A Boy and his Camel
Children start work young – even if it seems to be a labour of love.

two camels on Thar Desert sand, Rajasthan, India

Afternoon Light

Portrait of two camels, Thar Desert, Rajasthan India

Camel Portrait

Thar Desert, Rajastan, Northern India

Waves in the Dunes

Two camel drivers and camels resting, Thar Desert, Rajasthan, India

At Rest

Three men and two camels silhouetted in late afternoon orange light, Thar Desert, India

Camels on the Crest
Our local guide DV has a word to the camel drivers on the hill.

 man and camel silhouetted in late afternoon orange light, Thar Desert, India

Walking the Camel

Camel in the Sunset
One of the camel drivers canters across the sands against the lowering light.

Text: Peace. Picture: Camel and rider silhouetted against a Thar Desert sunset, Northeast India


Text: may the spirit of the season be with you There is great beauty in the desert.

Enough to make one pause, and give thanks.


Best wishes to you and yours!

‘Till next time

Pictures: 08November2013

  • Thomas Wall - December 25, 2014 - 10:04 pm

    Merry Christmas, Ursula. This week’s wanders is seasonal in a wonderful way, without snow, evergreens or feasting. It reflects one aspect of the multi – denominational or even the non – denominational nature of the date. I’m seeing caravans of camels snaking through the holy lands with exotic goods, beliefs and ideas; perhaps influencing a certain young, impressionable man, millenia ago. In my northrrn latitudes it the rebirth of the Sun that I celebrate. My Muslim, Punjabi, Christian and non-of-the-above friends all find reason to celebrate family, friends, prosperity and the promise of the end to the darkness at this time of year. Peace be with you!ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - December 26, 2014 - 12:16 am

      Merry Christmas, Thomas!
      So nice to “see” you here on line.
      I resisted including the photo I have of three wise women walking across the desert with metal pots on their heads. 😉
      Best wishes for the New Year.ReplyCancel

  • Dietmut Teijgeman-Hansen - December 30, 2014 - 8:25 pm

    I love the desert. I myself have also done in the Ra desert a tour on a camel. I wish you a great new year’s Eve and a healthy 2015 Ursula. Warm greetings DietmutReplyCancel

  • […] Walking the Camel…. a few of which I shared with you last some time ago (see: Camels in the Thar Desert). […]ReplyCancel

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