Solemn-Faced Karen Boy
I had a lot of enthusiastic response to last week’s “Wander”; clearly the good works that are happening in Mae Hong Son province, in Northwestern Thailand, strike a chord with many people.

Driving into Hills and Valleys

Big Smiles
Over the years, a number of interested parties, sponsors and sponsors’ representatives have accompanied Susan Race, who established “THEP -Thailand Hilltribe Education Projects”, on her trips north to organise and supervise the various building projects in marginalized ‘Hills’ schools in Mae Hong Son. Not surprisingly, these visitors, like myself, have been impressed by the practical projects that have been undertaken to support the educational needs of local children, and have also come away from these visits with vivid memories of the beauty of the area and the warmth of the people.
Susan tells the story about one of her first projects: a cement floor. In the hills, most houses are on stilts, with woven bamboo flooring over a wooden frame. This is practical enough for small buildings, built on uneven ground and steep slopes, but doesn’t work very well for larger, public buildings. The Thai government has undertaken to build classrooms in all villages, but does not supply sufficient funding for auxilliary buildings like cafeterias, dormitories or libraries. If you are in a Hill village school compound, and you see a solid building, chances are pretty good that it will have a plaque on it naming the sponoring organization!

A Donated Building ~ Huay Pheung Mai School

Pre-Class Reading

Seven years ago, there was no electricity at the school; now there is satellite!
Anyway, Susan, who at the time was part of a women’s organization who had money to donate to charity, heard the story of a remote school with a lunch/cafeteria shelter (I think it was) with a dirt floor. She organised the money for the cement and materials needed to put a proper floor in, but NOT for labour costs. She was able to visit the project while it was in the works, and observed first hand the school staff, including the director, breaking up the gravel, mixing and pouring; in short, laying the floor themselves after finishing a long, arduous day at their normal jobs.
For me, this story is such an apt metaphor for the projects themselves: good buildings, like a good education, require a solid foundation; if you want people to take ownership of a project (or their own learning) give them the tools they need rather than doing the job for them; and with the right tools and materials, and a bit of guidance, co-operation and goodwill, people can accomplish almost anything.

Tools in the School Yard

Look Up!

Men at Work
At one of the schools we visited, a new building was being constructed in true Thai style: workers in thongs or bare feet were smiling, up in the rafters without the benefits of harnesses, while on the ground materials were everywhere. The building was not going up exactly to plan – but it was going up, and that, after all, was the main thing! The children in the playground at this idyllic but remote school were oblivious to the work going on in their midst.

Mae Toh School Yard

Typical Thai Classroom Windows


Have Camera ~ Find Kids!

School Shoes outside the Classroom

Late for Class!

Traditional Thai Dancers

Attractive and ‘Modern’ Mae Toh…

…but, five minutes up the road, the electricity and ‘modern’ stops.

Two Young Karen Children Looking to the Future

Layered Dusk ~ Mae Hong Son

The trip is at an end ~ the last smile for the road
If you are interested in learning more about projects conducted through “THEP -Thailand Hilltribe Education Projects” and “ISGF – International Support Group Foundation”, they’ll be happy to talk to you.
‘Till next time, here’s looking to a better future for us all.
Good piece – thought provoking!
Great post as always, lovely to hear good news stories of people making changes themselves and not waiting for someone else to do it for them. thanks for the share!
Thanks to my two most loyal followers for stopping by. 😀
[…] talked about this collection of projects before, after my first visit, in my posts of mid- and late-November last […]
[…] of these charitable organisations. I’ve been on these trips before (see: Budding Potentials, Building Futures, and Schools), and what always impresses me – other than the beauty of the countryside […]
Thank you for your nice informational articles…
I love to read and see those nice pictures.
If I have a car I would love to travel to all your
Best regards,
Hi Henny,
Thanks for joining me on my travels! Pattaya has some lovely spots as well – especially to the south. 🙂
Cheers, Ursula
[…] deep in the hills of Mae Hong Son. I’ve talked about previous trips (Budding Potentials, Building Better Futures, Schools at the end of the Road, and True Colours) in several previous posts, but I never tire of […]
[…] mentioned THEP and the work it does several times before (Budding Potentials 1, Building Better Futures, Schools at the End of the Road, True Thai Colours, and For the […]