Tag Archives: waterscape

Almost any city is nice in good weather – but you just can’t beat Sydney and its harbour on a sunny day. For all my years of being in and around Sydney, I have not spent enough time on the waters there. There is no excuse for it really – the public ferries that criss-cross […]

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The spring month of May in Nanaimo on Canada’s Vancouver Island was unseasonably cold and wet this year. I was living in a too-small-space in a boat on the harbour, and by the end of the month, I needed to get out! Fortunately, the weather improved somewhat, and Nanaimo has a lot of beautiful parklands […]

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It is nice when advertising slogans actually make sense and ring true! British Columbia (BC), Canada’s western-most province, has coined the phrase: Super, Natural British Columbia. And it fits. Wherever you go, there are natural spaces of the most incredible beauty. I had landed in Vancouver, and almost immediately headed for the woods and nature […]

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Time loops and folds in the waters and fjords of British Columbia’s Strait of Georgia.  As you turn into the deep channel of Desolation Sound – given it’s morose name by the dyspeptic Captain George Vancouver when he first explored the area in bad weather in 1792 – it is almost as if time ceases to exist. […]

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“Cruising has two pleasures. One is to go out in wider waters from a sheltered place. The other is to go into a sheltered place from wider waters.” – Howard Bloomfield I’m not sure which I enjoy more: whipping across windy waters with our 38-foot Graystone on a comfortable low-heel, or being safely anchored or […]

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