Tag Archives: Thredbo

Live music is a joy! I was thrilled to get back to Thredbo, a little alpine village in Australia’s Kosciuszko National Park, for the annual Blues Festival this year. Thredbo is one of Australia’s favourite a winter ski resorts. But, I love the Snowy Mountains just as much in summer time – when the air […]

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The annual Thredbo Blues Festival combines two of my favourite things: mountains and music. Every summer, the delightful village of Thredbo, tucked into the unique alpine flora and fauna of the Kosciuszko National Park, plays host to this eponymous weekend festival. Restaurants, pubs, and public spaces, give themselves over to musicians and music-lovers from near […]

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We had a rough start to the year in South Eastern Australia. Instead of fire-works and revelry on New Year’s Eve, the sports and school grounds near my house were full of displaced campers, forced north by the East Gippsland fires ravaging coastal Victoria. On what would ordinarily be one of their busiest nights, our pubs […]

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Mountains are the home of my soul. Wherever I have lived, aside from a brief stint in the flat, endless oasis that is the Canadian Prairies, my eyes have been pulled to the nearby hills and mountains. Whenever I need healing time, or the space to just “be”, those mountains have attracted me. Any regular visitor […]

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The little alpine village of Thredbo (pop. 477 in 2012), a winter ski resort and a summer access point for sublime walks in the High Country of Kosciuszko National Park, is always a delightful place to visit. Every year in mid January, however, the village really comes to life. Blues and roots musicians from Australia and overseas fill […]

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