Tag Archives: Provincial Park

I do love a road trip!  Of course, it can be easier with two people: with the non-driver navigating, map-reading, and watching for interesting stops. I find that I need to do much more preparatory planning ahead of time when I’m travelling solo. On my last Canadian road trip, I made a point of breaking […]

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There is something magical about being in a place that is accessible only by boat! Saysutshun is a small island (3.63 km2, 1.40 sq mi) with a long and colourful history. For thousands of years, it was a seasonal fishing site for the local Coast Salish people. Because they only built temporary housing on the island, early […]

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It is nice when advertising slogans actually make sense and ring true! British Columbia (BC), Canada’s western-most province, has coined the phrase: Super, Natural British Columbia. And it fits. Wherever you go, there are natural spaces of the most incredible beauty. I had landed in Vancouver, and almost immediately headed for the woods and nature […]

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I feel most happy when I’m walking amid green woods, listening to white waters and bird song. One of the things I missed most when I moved from Western Canada to East Coast Australia was the green: that lush green that comes with tall conifers that have grown up through decades (and even centuries) of […]

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Is there anything better than woods and water on a sunny summer day? Summer on Canada’s West Coast is elusive and short. This year, my husband and I spent some time on the waters of Georgia Strait – the waters between Vancouver Island and the mainland coast of British Columbia (BC) – in a sail boat, chasing summer. I love sailing. But, I love new harbours […]

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