Tag Archives: performance

“Music is the universal language of mankind.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow  (Track: Narasirato – Roromera Dub Manasseh Remix) It doesn’t matter how remote from our experience people’s lives are: when they start to make music, we have an understanding of how they are feeling, and clues as to what they want to express. It is […]

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Balinese dance is an integral part of life on this tiny Indonesian island. Bali has a richness of unique culture that is immediately apparent to its many tourist-visitors. The productiveness of its lush, terraced rice fields and its relatively equitable division of food and labour have allowed the people time to develop and expand their […]

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How can one talk about “the people” or “the culture” of Papua New Guinea?  Papua New Guinea is one of the most culturally diverse nations in the world. Comprising the eastern half of the world’s second-largest island, it is home to hundreds of different ethnic groups and 852 known languages. And, who knows how many pockets […]

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“Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” ~Berthold Auerbach I count my many blessings daily – But, some days are still harder than others. I always experience post-holiday (Christmas-New Year-Birthday) blues: a greater-than-usual melancholy that is at least in part the consequence of too much food and alcohol and too many […]

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Isn’t it wonderful how a particular song can take you right back? Back to the time and place you were when you first heard it? Music makes connections – across people, across continents, and across time. The first time I attended the Byron Bay Bluesfest, back in 1999 when it was still called the East […]

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