Tag Archives: park

One of the things I love about travel is the opportunity to get new perspectives on familiar places. On several occasions over the course of my life, I have lived, studied, and worked in and around Vancouver – that densely populated metropolis on Canada’s west coast. But that was a long time ago, and on […]

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The spring month of May in Nanaimo on Canada’s Vancouver Island was unseasonably cold and wet this year. I was living in a too-small-space in a boat on the harbour, and by the end of the month, I needed to get out! Fortunately, the weather improved somewhat, and Nanaimo has a lot of beautiful parklands […]

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It was an unseasonably cold, wet spring this year in Nanaimo on Canada’s Vancouver Island. I was experiencing cabin-fever after being trapped too long in a too-small-space by the inclement weather. It was time to ignore the forecast and get out for a walk! According to GoogleMaps and AllTrails, a park I was looking at […]

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I am very fortunate: I live in a beautiful little corner of the planet. I am also a bit lazy, and aside from regular morning walks on my boardwalk (See: A Little Slice of Paradise), I tend to not explore my neighbourhood as much as I should. So, I’m always glad when someone else organises […]

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I feel most happy when I’m walking amid green woods, listening to white waters and bird song. One of the things I missed most when I moved from Western Canada to East Coast Australia was the green: that lush green that comes with tall conifers that have grown up through decades (and even centuries) of […]

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