Tag Archives: music

I love Bluesfest! Byron Bay Bluesfest, the annual five-day Easter long-weekend festival of blues and roots music from around the world, always includes a line-up of interesting international visitors. Some are big names that take me back to my youth (see, for example: Bring on the Big Names; The Soundtrack of my Youth; Musical Name-Dropping; The […]

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There are those who get cynical when older musicians tour: “Are they broke – are they taking advantage?”; “Can they still sing/play? I heard they are just going through the motions!”. I prefer to be more optimistic, and think that my musical heros continue to tour because they love their music and they love performing. In […]

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There is nothing quite like a Māori haka to get your festival day started! (Double click for: Māmā Mihirangi & The Māreikura – E-Te-Ariki) The music clip attached is a prayer: E te Ariki – “Lord”, but the Aotearoa (NZ) Māori artists and activists Māmā Mihirangi & The Māreikura had started the set – first up on the […]

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Nashville wears its love of music – especially country music – on its sleeve. The moment you arrive at the International Airport, you know you are in country-music country, with exhibits and installations tipping their Stetsons to local stars and luminaries: mostly from the country music scene. Turn on the rental-car radio, and the the pre-sets […]

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Mountains are the home of my soul. Wherever I have lived, aside from a brief stint in the flat, endless oasis that is the Canadian Prairies, my eyes have been pulled to the nearby hills and mountains. Whenever I need healing time, or the space to just “be”, those mountains have attracted me. Any regular visitor […]

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