Tag Archives: Jordan

Jordan is one of those places where I’d go back. I’ve had a lifelong love of deserts, and a fascination with Lawrence of Arabia. So, to walk and camel-ride in Lawrence’s boot-steps in the magically beautiful sculpted desert landscape of Wadi Rum was an absolute dream-come-true (see: Desert Rains and the Seven Pillars of Wisdom; […]

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It is a truly biblical landscape. Referenced in the Old Testament, it was on this rocky desert terrain that the Hebrew prophet, teacher, and leader Moses walked, gave sermons, and ultimately died. Moses is considered the most important prophet in Judaism and one of the most important personages in Christianity, Islam, and other Abrahamic religions. He […]

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A Crusader castle? It didn’t feel real to me; it was as if the pictures in an old children’s storybook had come to life. My visit to Shobak Montreal Castle – now known as Qal’at ash-Shawbak in Arabic (the nomenclature and spellings vary wildly) – caused me to take a deep-dive back into my vinyl […]

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Everyone I know who had ever visited Wadi Rum in the south of Jordan has come away awestruck. As did I. It is the most extraordinary landscape: steep sandstone cliffs rising tall and textured out of a flat sandy valley with colours changing every moment from warm yellows and rusty browns through to the more […]

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Lawrence of Arabia screened on free-to air television here in Australia on Easter Saturday. It seemed an odd choice for the Easter weekend, but nothing is ‘normal’ this year. I’d forgotten what a long movie it is (four and a half hours with ad breaks!) but with the Covid-19 lock-down, it’s not as if I […]

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