Tag Archives: Canada

Getting out and about in the “wilds” of Canada’s Vancouver Island is always such a joy. Truthfully, we are not really in the wilderness; we’re parked on a dock with two pubs and two restaurants within walking distance. Hardly roughing it! But as our ability to access internet has been patchy at best, I do feel […]

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“There, to your left, you can see one of British Columbia’s highest waterfalls,” our guide and boat operator Tim said – and laughed, because we couldn’t see the cliffs rising either side of us, or the waters falling from the tops, or indeed, anything more than four feet away. Forest fires are raging across British […]

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The west coast of Vancouver Island is known for it’s wild storms. “Storm watching” features strongly in all the tourism literature from the area – it might be one of the very few times a person could be less than happy about beautiful weather. And we did have beautiful weather the day we stopped into the little district municipality of Ucluelet, […]

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It’s not a long drive along Highway 4a from the (relatively) populous east coast of British Columbia’s Vancouver Island to the more remote and storm-battered west coast. From the small city of Parksville in the east to the district of Tofino on the west takes only about 2.75 hours (174 Kms), so there is really no reason to […]

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If you grew up in one of the many protectorates or dominions of the British Commonwealth, and are as old as I am, you will remember a world map in the classroom, covered in pink. British Columbia, on the west coast of Canada, was the last bit of pink on the left – before the […]

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