Tag Archives: BC

I was so grateful! Vancouver is a beautiful city. and it has always had a magical place in my childhood, adolescent, and young-adult memories. For much of my young life I either lived nearby, or visited often. Last year, I went back for the first time in many many years. And, although it was as […]

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It is nice when advertising slogans actually make sense and ring true! British Columbia (BC), Canada’s western-most province, has coined the phrase: Super, Natural British Columbia. And it fits. Wherever you go, there are natural spaces of the most incredible beauty. I had landed in Vancouver, and almost immediately headed for the woods and nature […]

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Time loops and folds in the waters and fjords of British Columbia’s Strait of Georgia.  As you turn into the deep channel of Desolation Sound – given it’s morose name by the dyspeptic Captain George Vancouver when he first explored the area in bad weather in 1792 – it is almost as if time ceases to exist. […]

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Skookumchuk.  Anyone who has had anything to do with boating or waters in the Pacific Northwest has heard of the legendary Sechelt Rapids at Skookumchuk Narrows. Boats, especially sail boats, need to pay careful attention to tide charts, and only attempt the narrow pass between Sechelt and Jervis Inlets at slack tide. Spectators and kayakers, of course prefer their […]

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The weather in the Georgia Strait region of BC, Canada has been interesting the last two weeks: too cold for most flowers (and me!) but not cold enough to bring out all the oranges and scarlets that autumn is famous for. There have been some sunny spells which don’t actually warm, some icy winds that […]

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