Tag Archives: australian

I’ve said it before: for a country with a small population, Australia has a disproportionate wealth of musical talent (see: The Local Lineup). I look forward to the annual Easter long-weekend Byron Bay Bluesfest: it can invariably be relied upon to serve up a range of quality musicians. It is a joy to discover new […]

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Support your local musicians! In Australia, this is easy, for in the world of music – as with just about every other creative endeavour – the country is extraordinarily well represented, per capita, with talented individuals who work hard at their craft. Although I love getting to see the international “big names” whenever I attend the […]

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It is ANZAC Day today. ANZAC Day is the official “Remembrance Day” for Australians and New Zealanders. First observed in 1916, it started as a tribute to the Australia New Zealand Army Corps (the ANZACs) on the anniversary of their landing on the beaches of Gallipoli in Turkey on April 25th, 1915 during World War I.  It is said that as […]

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The writers at the Lonely Planet call it: “one of the world’s most spectacular coastal drives”. They are not wrong. Officially starting in Torquay, gateway to Victoria’s “Surf Coast”, and hugging the rugged coastline along the Southern Ocean for 243 kilometres (151 miles) to Allansford, just outside the Victorian regional centre of Warrnambool, The Great Ocean Road is worthy of its listing […]

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The little alpine village of Thredbo (pop. 477 in 2012), a winter ski resort and a summer access point for sublime walks in the High Country of Kosciuszko National Park, is always a delightful place to visit. Every year in mid January, however, the village really comes to life. Blues and roots musicians from Australia and overseas fill […]

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