Tag Archives: ancient

Every square inch of Greece has a story to tell. History imbues the ancient structures and the fallen stones. Even without an education in what was called in the West “The Classics”, the names were all familiar to me from childhood, and I recognised many of the stories. At Olympia, I saw Hera’s alter, where […]

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The home of the Delphi Oracle has a mystic resonance. The air is electric, infused with the smell of mountain herbs, and full of possibility. Of course, it might have just been the heat, or the early start. Whatever it was, I felt an energy at the Sanctuary of Apollo in Ancient Delphi that I […]

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It was hardly off the beaten path, but is one of those ‘once in a lifetime’ experiences that was on my list: the Acropolis, that rocky outcrop rising 150 m (490 ft) above sea level overlooking Athens, and the Parthenon, the ancient religious temple built for the Greek goddess Athena at the top. Mythical home […]

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The guide books will tell you it takes 45 minutes to walk down from Machu Picchu into the town of Aguas Calientes. They don’t tell you how long it takes to walk up, because trekkers normally come down through the Sun Gate and non-trekkers normal bus up the winding hill. Unfortunately, the year we walked […]

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Time lost all meaning for me in Egypt. The 63 tombs in the Valley of the Kings might indeed be over a thousand years younger than the magnificent Pyramids of the Old Kingdoms at Giza (see: Stories in Ancient Stone), but even the graffiti defacing them is older than the buildings I grew up around! […]

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