The Curtain Wall outside Trim Castle Co Meath Ireland

The Curtain Wall
Trim Castle is the largest Cambro-Norman castle in Ireland – and possibly the prettiest and most interesting, as well.

Seen one castle, seen them all?

Not quite!

During our wet month in Ireland in 2012 (Ireland), we visited a lot of castles in various states of ruin, renovation, or disrepair. What surprised me most was how different they all actually are.

Perhaps it was the brief respite from the rain, but my husband and I agreed that our guided tour of the keep at Trim Castle – the largest Cambro-Norman castle in Ireland – was the most interesting castle tour we had participated in. And, having rare blue skies overhead made the castle surrounds more attractive.

Trim Castle sits strategically on raised ground on the south bank of the River Boyne in Trim, County Meath, about 40 kilometres (25 miles) up-river from the Irish Sea. Once upon a time, that mattered. County Meath marked the outer northern boundary of “The Pale” (An Pháil): that part of Ireland under direct control of the Plantagenet Kings of England in the late Middle Ages.

A fortified ringwork was started in 1172 by the Lordship of MeathHugh de Lacy, and the castle itself was built over a period of 30 years – being finished around 1224 by de Lacy’s son Walter. The central three-story keep is cross shaped, with twenty corners: a unique design for a Norman donjon or great tower. The land and buildings were sold to the State in 1993. The Irish Office of Public Works then conducted a major six-million euro project of archaeological and conservation works, including partial restoration of the moat and the installation of a protective roof, before re-opening the castle to the public in 2000.

It’s a very pretty castle, and I really liked the concept of using a clear roof to allow light into the keep tower, while maintaining the character of the ruins.

Entry to Trim Castle Co Meath Ireland

Caisleán Bhaile Atha Troim
Old stonework leads us over the moat and in through the Trim Castle entry gate.

Trim Castle Keep, Trim Castle Co Meath Ireland

Trim Castle Keep
The castle keep (also known as a donjon or great tower) is three stories high and forms a cross in the centre of the grounds.

The Great Hall, Trim Castle Co Meath Ireland

The Great Hall
Only the harbour wall remains of the huge late 13th-century three-aisled great hall.

Trim Castle Ruins, Co Meath Ireland

Trim Castle Ruins
A river gate was built into the wall near the Great Hall so that goods could be taken in directly from boats on the water. The ruin on the other side of the River Boyne is the Yellow Steeple – the last relic of what was once St. Mary’s Abbey.

Portrait of an Irish guide with a large key, Trim Castle Co Meath Ireland

The Keeper of the Key
Access to the keep is only by guided tour. At the appointed time, we found our guide with the giant key to the keep door.

Keep Model, Trim Castle Co Meath Ireland

Keep Model
On the ground floor, there is a model of the keep structure, which our guide explains to us.

Thick mossy wall, Trim Castle Keep, Co Meath Ireland

Inside the Keep
Stairs and walkways rise up through the old, mossy interior.

Irish guide at the the arched entry to a Spiral Staircase, Trim Castle Keep, Co Meath Ireland

Spiral Staircase
Before we head up the steep staircase, our guide explains how it spirals to the right: that way any attackers who made it this far would need their right hands for the central support, forcing them to put their swords in their left hands. Defenders, on the contrary, have their right hands free.

Rough stone Arches and Stairways, Trim Castle, Co Meath Ireland

Arches and Stairways
Dark rooms are all through the keep, with their beautiful old stones attracting moss in the damp low light.

Low light through keep windows, Trim Castle Keep, Co Meath Ireland

Deep Windows
Windows through the thick keep walls let some light into the small rooms.

Clear roof over the upper Floors, Trim Castle Keep, Co Meath Ireland

Upper Floors
I love the contrast of the sleek modern scaffolded walkways and clear tubular framed roof …

Mossy stone corridor in the Keep, Trim Castle Co Meath Ireland

Corridor in the Keep
… against the mossy crumbled appearance of the ancient stone walls and the rough-hewn floors where the walkways end.

Plants and Moss on a stone wall, Trim Castle Keep, Co Meath Ireland

Plants and Moss
Even though the roof keeps the rain off our heads, there is still enough moisture in the old walls to support plenty of vegetation.

Two female tourists at an open window, Trim Castle Keep, Co Meath Ireland

Our guide is full of fascinating information and stories about the castle.

View over trim from the castle keep,

View over Trim
Outside at the top of the keep we get good views over the town…

View over the Barbican Gate. Trim Castle, Co Meath Ireland

Barbican Gate
… and over the curving curtain wall and the huge round Barbican Gate.

Weeds in the Rocks, Trim Castle, Co Meath Ireland

Weeds in the Rocks
Back outside the keep, plants grab hold where they can.

St Patricks Church behind the curtain wall, Trim Castle, Co Meath Ireland

St Patrick’s Church
Not to be confused with the older Cathedral Church of St Patrick on the other side of the river, the elegant St. Patrick’s Church sits outside the castle’s curtain wall.

Ruins on the inside the Curtain Wall, Trim Castle, Co Meath Ireland

The Curtain Wall
The inside of the curtain wall is buttressed and honeycombed with rooms.

Outside Trim Castle, Co Meath Ireland

Outside Trim Castle
Behind the curtain wall of Trim Castle, the top of the cruciform keep can be seen.

The Dublin Gate and the curtain wall, Trim Castle, Co Meath Ireland

The Dublin Gate
The arched Dublin Gate in the southern curtain wall is distinctive and beautiful.

Arch in the Gate

Arch in the Gate
It is also a great place for children; …

Young children running on the curtain wall, Trim Castle, Co Meath Ireland

Kids on the Wall
National Geographic have listed Trim Castle as one of their “10 Places That Can Change Your Child’s Life.”

Outside the Trim Castle Curtain Wall, Co Meath Ireland

Outside the Curtain Wall
Beyond the curtain wall, the more modern city encroaches on the castle. There was a lot of controversy over allowing the construction of the five-storey hotel across the road.

Trim Castle stood in for the English town of ‘York’ in Mel Gibson’s movie Braveheart, and was also used as the location for the ‘London square’ scenes.

text: slainte - good healthIt is truly a magical place.

Until next time –


Pictures: 05July2012

  • Gabe Gajdatsy - August 19, 2016 - 12:18 am

    it was indeed a beautiful castle made all the better by the guide and his historical facts. Love the photo’s. Well doneReplyCancel

Close-up: pre-pubescent Himba girl with Beads, Kunene, Namibia

Young Himba Girl with Beads
The women and girls of Otjomazeva Village in the Kunene region of Northern Namibia lay out beads and trinkets for tourist visitors. This pubescent girl is orange from the ochre paste that Himba females apply daily.

“If you educate a boy, you educate an individual. If you educate a girl, you educate a community.”

-African proverb.

It was the United Nation’s “Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples” on Tuesday, August 9th. This year’s theme was a subject dear to my heart: the right to education.

Article 14 of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples states that: “Indigenous peoples have the right to establish and control their educational systems and institutions providing education in their own languages, in a manner appropriate to their cultural methods of teaching and learning.”

Sounds easy enough. But, how many nations actually provide education in indigenous languages? And, to be fair, even if they tried, how many poorer nations could afford to utilise indigenous languages as the primary means of instruction?

And, who determines “a manner appropriate to their cultural methods of teaching and learning.” Better yet, who determines appropriate content?

Last year, I had the wonderful privilege of spending time with some Himba people in Northern Namibia (see: Mother and Child; Model Shoot). The Himba are a beautiful, proud tribe who have deliberately resisted integration into the modern world.

Linguistically and ethnically related to the more populous Herero, the Himba have wandered across what is now Northern Namibia since the early 16th century. After the crippling bovine epidemic of the late-1800’s, they forged a separate cultural identity, barely surviving attempted genocide under the colonialist German South-West Africa Government (the Herero Wars of 1904–1908), repeated severe droughts, and the guerrilla warfare that was part of Namibia’s war of independence and neighbouring Angola’s civil war.

Today, roughly 50,000 Himba remain, eking out an existence in semi-nomadic villages. While their tribal structure and traditions help them live in one of the most extreme environments on earth, these same strong traditions may be preventing them from forging a bridge with the modern world. At the moment, their only ‘integration’ means earning money from tourists who visit the villages for quickie-tours, and who may buy a few trinkets: money which often gets spent by the men on alcohol in nearby towns (e.g.: Vanishing World). Getting an education means having to dress in western clothes and being exposed to non-traditional values, and often leads to a lowering of pride in, and attachment to, one’s own culture. “Today, traditional Himba culture in Opuwo seems less highly esteemed by other tribes and by Himba youth, and traditionally-dressed Himba are often mocked.”

Unsurprisingly, Austin Cameron, the author of the previous sentence, is referring to male youth. In his Master’s study submitted in 2013 (The Influence of Media on Himba Conceptions of Dress, Ancestral and Cattle Worship, and the Implications for Culture Change), Cameron reports an ongoing widespread belief that females should adhere to traditional dress – except while they were attending school – whereas it was acceptable for men to wear some western clothing at all times.

So where does this leave the Himba with respect to the UN Article 14? Under German and British rule, the Himba associated schooling with Christian missionaries who undermined traditional worship of cattle, the ancestors, and the God Mukuru, for whom a sacred fire is kept lit at all times. Under Namibian law, ten years of schooling is free and compulsory. Schools in Opuwo, capital of the Kunene region and the major urban centre, are modeled after British elementary schools and curriculums, and therefore quite foreign to Himba values. Mobile village schools, originally funded (from 1998) by the government of Norway and Iceland, were taken over by Namibia in 2010 and converted to permanent buildings. According to Wikipedia, Himba leaders have complained that the “culturally inappropriate school system… would threaten their culture, identity and way of life as a people.”

But then, who makes these choices? It is regularly documented that Himba women do much of the day-to-day work: “Women take care of cooking, gardening, milking cattle, looking after children, caring for livestock in the kraal and making clothes, ewellery and otjize.” The men care for the cattle, and are “more involved in political and legal matters.” How much say do individuals – especially females – have in determining whether or not they attend school? In the absence of understanding the broader socio-cultural context, how informed can this decision ever be? And, what – as much as I’d like to promote education – are the unintended negative consequences of educating one’s children in a culturally foreign system?

These were some of the questions running through my mind when I interacted with the girls and women in the village of Otjomazeva.

Otjomazeva Village, Kunene Namibia

Into Otjomazeva
The Himba village we visited is a semi-permanent collection of huts surrounded by a simple kraal fence. When we arrived, our photo-tour leader Ben McRae was mobbed by children pleased to see him back.

Himba woman with smoking pot and an infant on her knee, Otjomazeva Village, Kunene Namibia

Fragrant Smoke
On our first visit, we spent time inside one of the dark village huts learning a little about Himba culture. In lieu of using precious water, Himba women “bathe” in fragrant smoke and cover themselves in scented ochre clay and butter paste. (More about that some other time.)

Himba infant Girl, Otjomazeva Village, Kunene Namibia

Himba Girl Child
What interested me was the interaction between the infant girl and our participants. I wasn’t sure if mum was just tired, or actually depressed, but whenever the focus was off her, she withdrew markedly. Himba don’t count their ages in years, and no-one could tell me how old the mum was – only that this was her eighth child.

Himba Mother and Child inside a hut, Otjomazeva Village, Kunene Namibia

Mother and Child
Himba girls are married off shortly after puberty, so this woman has probably been pregnant or nursing most of her adult life.

Baby Himba girl in a Bridal Headdress, Otjomazeva Village, Kunene Namibia

The Bridal Headdress
This young girl’s future husband has probably already been selected for her. She didn’t seem thrilled to model the headdress she will wear for her wedding ceremony.

Himba infant Girl, Otjomazeva Village, Kunene Namibia

Himba Girl Child
Once she was let loose, on the other hand, she was happy to engage with us.

Himba infant Girl, Otjomazeva Village, Kunene Namibia

Himba Girl Child

Portrait: Smiling young Himba woman, Otjomazeva Village, Kunene Namibia

Young Mum
Data from around the world show that the higher the level of a woman’s educational attainment, the later she is likely to marry and the fewer children she is likely to bear. (e.g.: World Economic Forum) Too late for this beautiful young woman: she’s barely a teenager herself, …

Young Himba woman with a baby, Otjomazeva Village, Kunene Namibia

Woman and Child
… but her headdress tells us she has either had a baby or has been married a year.

Young Himba woman nursing a baby, Otjomazeva Village, Kunene Namibia

Young Mum
Her friend, who was not much older, was nursing her first child.

Two old Himba women seated with a sleeping child, Otjomazeva Village, Kunene Namibia

Old Aunties from Angola
Child-minding falls to all Himba women – not necessarily only the children’s parents. This sick or tired child found a lap with one of two visiting relatives from Angola.

Portrait: old Himba woman, Otjomazeva Village, Kunene Namibia

Old Auntie
No one knows how old these women are, and I couldn’t help but wonder what they think of the changes they have seen.

Portrait: old Himba woman, Otjomazeva Village, Kunene Namibia

The Girl Within
But, when one of the old Aunties finally addressed the camera and smiled, I felt like I could see the coquettish girl she had once been.

Mother Selling Trinkets Otjomazeva Village, Kunene Namibia

Mother Selling Trinkets
Late in the afternoon, the women lay out trinkets for sale to visiting tourists.

Old Himba Woman in a leather headscarf, with Trinkets, Otjomazeva Village, Kunene Namibia

Old Woman with Trinkets
Older women don’t always wear their headdresses.

Young Girl with GourdsOtjomazeva Village, Kunene Namibia

Young Girl with Gourds
This young girl is identifiable as pre-pubescent by the two forward-braids on her head.

Female Himba teen in a forward-braided hairstyle with Trinkets, Otjomazeva Village, Kunene Namibia

Laying out Trinkets for Sale
Older girls going through puberty wear multiple forward-facing braids designed to cover their faces for modesty.

Portrait, young married Himba woman, Otjomazeva Village, Kunene Namibia

Young Bride
This young woman was relatively newly married.

Himba School Girl with a shaved head, Otjomazeva Village, Kunene Namibia

Himba School Girl
When we returned to the village the next day, I came across this young woman. When I asked our guide (the only English-speaking Himba in the kraal) why she had no braids and was not wearing ochre, I was told it was because she was attending school. Compulsory school uniforms do not accommodate ochre. When I expressed surprise that she wasn’t allowed to keep her hairstyle (I understand the issue with the ochre body-butter, as it leaves marks everywhere), our guide Tom said: “It’s only hair!” But, everything I have read suggests that traditional hair and clothing are integral to Himba identity. I was surprised she had to give up her hair to attend school, and I couldn’t help but wonder who had made that decision for her. It also made me wonder how it was that the other school-aged girls had their hair, but not their studies.

Seated Himba Woman, Otjomazeva Village, Kunene Namibia

Himba Woman
This beautiful woman has the gentlest soul. She and I couldn’t be more different, but we seemed to have an affinity.

Young Himba woman Making Breakfast, with a baby and a dog, Otjomazeva Village, Kunene Namibia

Making Breakfast
Most Himba meals consist of porridge: water is boiled over the fire and some maize or pearl-millet flour is added. Meat – usually goat – is reserved for special occasions.

Young Himba woman outside a sleeping hut, Otjomazeva Village, Kunene Namibia

Young Himba Woman

Young Himba woman with a baby, Otjomazeva Village, Kunene Namibia

A Child with a Child
What will the future look like for these semi-nomadic people?

Everyone wins when children — and especially girls – have access to education. An educated girl is likely to increase her personal earning potential and prepare herself for a productive and fulfilling life, as well as reduce poverty in the whole community. Investing in girls’ education also helps delay early marriage and parenthood. Our booming economies in Africa need more female engineers, teachers and doctors to prosper and sustain growth.”

– Angelique Kidjo.

I have no idea how – or if – the Himba will leap that gap between making porridge in a tin and being engineers and doctors.

To the Future (text)I also don’t know if a change would make them any happier than they seem to be now.

I wish them luck.

Pictures: 16-18August2015

  • Gabe - August 11, 2016 - 3:14 pm


  • […] is home to semi-nomadic tribes whose ways of life have barely changed for hundreds of years (see: Women of the Himba, and Himba Model […]ReplyCancel

  • Les - June 13, 2023 - 6:19 am

    I found your article thoughtful…sort of.
    I guess it is thoughtful but of what thoughts? Why, for their cultural integrity, should any of the Himba be forced or encouraged even to go to school? They have and know their own culture and understand it, themselves and their place in the world far better it seems, than those of us in the industrialied/post-industrial (esp. the post-industrial) world. And it’s always amusing to read writing done as if the women’s or the men’s life is ‘easier’ or ‘harder’ than the other. Different, when accepted by the owner of that life, ought to be non-judgementally viewed. Why is it that we moderns seem always to feel the need to ‘protect’ non-modern people? Perhaps we focus on the speck in their eye to more ferociously avoid awareness of our own beam?ReplyCancel

Smiling Indian woman in a red vail, Khiyasariya village, India

That Indian Smile!
A red ghoonghat (veil) can’t hide this young villager’s magnificent smile.

Like the rest of India, the Great Thar Desert is a beautiful expanse, full of contrasts.

At one end of the spectrum was the luxury tented resort where I, my tour companions, photographer Karl Grobl, and local guide DV Singh, were all staying; Manvar Desert Camp, amongst the dunes of the Great Thar Desert and just off the Jodhpur- Jaisalmer highway, feels like a serene oasis in the daytime heat. The dry air hums all around the beautiful, minimalist sandy exterior, while the interiors of the spacious tents are cool and quiet.  The official literature states that: “Staying [in] the tents is really relaxing & soothing experience.”

I would second that: it is hard to describe the calm I felt while staying there.

The tents of Manvar Desert Camp, Rajasthan, India

Manvar Desert Camp
A semi-circle of deluxe tents is a luxurious oasis in the Thar Desert sands.

The tents of Manvar Desert Camp, Rajasthan, India

Quiet Time
The air sizzles with heat and promise.

Dining Tent, Manvar Desert Camp, Rajasthan, India

Dining Tent
“Casual elegance” is the easiest way to describe the dining tent, with its canvas chairs and linen napkins.

However, step outside the boundaries of the resort camps – or, more accurately, ride a jeep outside – and the hardships that come from trying to eke a living out of the desert environment become more evident. We visited several villages during our desert stay (see: Life in the Thar Desert; Camels in the DesertOpium for Breakfast; Living in the Thar Dunes; and Morning Portraits in a Thar Village). Each village impressed me with it’s simplicity: life is not easy here. But, even though they might work hard, people in the villages were always happy to come and meet the visitors.

Khiyasariya, about 120 km from Jodhpur, was one of the last desert villages I visited in the area. According to the 2011 Census, Khiyasariya has about 155 houses, 1166 hectares of land, and a total population of 993 people.

Come and meet some of them:

Three Indian men on a brick Wall, Rajasthan

Men on the Wall
Everywhere you go in India, people are hanging around, draped as if they just are waiting for us to pass and photograph them.

Cow, Khiyasariya village, India

Sacred Cow
You know you are close to a village of some affluence when you come across livestock grazing on the sparse desert grasses.

Woman in pink veil walking with water canisters , Khiyasariya village, India

Walking to the Well
Women in Khiyasariya have a long walk to the closest water source.

Woman in pink veil walking with water canisters , Khiyasariya village, India

Walking with Water
How the woman walk so gracefully with the full containers on the return trip amazes me!

Rajasthani man in a turban with a pipe, Khiyasariya village, India

Man with Pipe
Meanwhile, one of the village elders …

Rajasthani man in a turban with a pipe, Khiyasariya village, India

Smoking Man
… enjoys his afternoon smoke, …

Rajasthani man in a turban with a pipe, Khiyasariya village, India

Head Man
… pausing occasionally for photographs in the bright afternoon light.

Young Rajasthani Mother and baby, Khiyasariya village, India

Woman and Child
The young women of the village are happy to show off their bare-bottomed babies.

Young woman washing dishes in a bucket, Khiyasariya village, India

Washing Dishes
Kitchen tasks are all manual, …

Old woman carrying fire wood, Khiyasariya village, India

Carrying Wood
… and like water, wood for fuel has to be gathered regularly.

Kitchen, Khiyasariya village, India


Woman in Pink veil, Khiyasariya village, India

Woman in Pink
… before looking at the camera with an open face…

Woman in Pink veil, Khiyasariya village, India

Woman in Pink
In another window, a woman looks out from behind her pink ghoongat

Woman in Pink veil, Khiyasariya village, India

Woman in Pink
… and following us to the village gate.

A smiling woman looking over a clay wall, Khiyasariya village, India

Over the Fence
As we get ready to leave the village, people come out to see us off.

Rajasthani woman with a child in red hat, Khiyasariya village, India

Woman and Child
Proud mums try to get their children …

Rajasthani woman with a child in kohl, Khiyasariya village, India

Woman and Child
… to smile for the camera, …

Kohl-Eyed Rajasthani Infant looking over his mother

Kohl-Eyed Infant
… but the kohl-eyed youngsters are not sure what to make of the strangers.

 At the Gate, Khiyasariya village, India

At the Gate
Villagers watch as we leave Khiyasariya

Village Kids, Khiyasariya village, India

Village Kids
… and the school-aged kids come out to wave us off.

Indian man in a curling moustache, Khiyasariya village, India

Moustachioed Finery
Our jeep-driver sports a wonderful Indian moustache.

Old Rajasthani man with a goat, Khiyasariya village, India

Old Man and a Goat
As we drive back to our camp, we come across one of the old men of the village.

Old Rajasthani man in a white turban, Khiyasariya village, India

Old Goat Herd
He is happy to stop and chat as he makes his way back to Khiyasariya 

Sunset over goats on the deseert, Khiyasariya village, India

… and the sun goes down over his goats.

We headed back to our camp for a dinner and entertainment under the stars: the nights are filled with traditional gypsy folk music and dance (Celebrating Music and Motion).


Meanwhile in the village, life goes on.

‘Till next time –


Photos: 10November2013

Russell Morris on stage, Bluesfest 2016 Byron Bay Au

Russell Morris
With a musical career spanning fifty years, Russell Morris is a true veteran, and easily one of my favourite Australian musical story-tellers.

For a country with a relatively small population, Australia is home to a lot of talent in just about every domain – and popular music is no exception. This always surprises me somewhat, because a small populace means a small support base; unlike the “big names” in the big markets overseas, it must be hard for working musicians to make a solid living.

I guess this is one reason why those who last the distance do so because they clearly love what they do. That – along with the music itself – makes their live performances a joy to be part of.

Bluesfest at Byron Bay is billed as “Australia’s Premier Blues and Roots Music Festival”; it encompasses a much broader range of music than that would suggest, however, and I always look with interest to see who is being included in the five-day Easter-long-weekend lineup of local and international artists.

As usual, this year was a treat! We enjoyed a range of talent: fresh-faced and established; local and international; in “unplugged” and “big band” formats (see: Bluesfest 2016).

Join me for a few more musical portraits: a sampling from a great local lineup.

Tex Perkins on stage, Bluesfest 2016 Byron Bay Au

Tex Perkins
I loved the self-titled Dark Horses album (2000) and was keen to catch Tex Perkins on stage.

Tex Perkins and Raul Sanchez on stage, Bluesfest 2016 Byron Bay Au

Tex Perkins and Raul Sanchez: “The Ape”
The guitar riffs bounced off each other and all over the stage.

Jug band performers outdoors, Bluesfest 2016 Byron Bay Au

Jug Band
Outside in the sunshine, the world feels completely different. In addition to the “Busking Tent”, the festival hosts numerous impromptu “street performers”, like this jug band whose name I did’t catch.

Kim Churchill on stage, Bluesfest 2016 Byron Bay Au

Kim Churchill
Kim Churchill is one young local performer who already has a significant presence overseas. We loved him and his down-to-earth barefoot charm (see: Buskers to Big Bands).

Ash Grunwald on stage, Bluesfest 2016 Byron Bay Au

Ash Grunwald
My friend recommended we catch Ash Grunwald, an award-winning local blues artist who was new to me. We loved him. He has nine albums under his belt; clearly others are already won over.

Kasey Chambers on stage with Ash Grunwald, Bluesfest 2016 Byron Bay Au

Kasey Chambers and Ash Grunwald
Australian country singer-songwriter Kasey Chambers is branching out…

Kasey Chambers on stage, Bluesfest 2016 Byron Bay Au

Kasey Chambers
… and bringing more wailin’ rock and blues to her music. She joined Ash and the band for a couple of songs.

Ash Grunwald on stage, Bluesfest 2016 Byron Bay Au

Ash Grunwald
Alone again, Ash commands the stage.

Crowded Mojo Tent while Cat Empire performs, Bluesfest 2016 Byron Bay Au

Night Scenes
The Mojo Tent was crowded and bouncing Sunday night for one of my favourite ska and jazz bands, The Cat Empire.

Felix Riebl and Cat Empire on stage, Bluesfest 2016 Byron Bay Au

Felix Riebl and Cat Empire
Popular with the younger crowd, I first saw these guys play in a Darwin pub with my son in the early 2000’s. Official photographers are everywhere: it is times like this I wish I had a Press Pass!

Felix Riebl and Cat Empire on stage, Bluesfest 2016 Byron Bay Au

Felix Riebl
It is hard to keep a long lens still amid a jostling crowd! And, it’s even harder to keep still myself: The Cat Empire makes music to dance to.

Harry James Angus and Cat Empire on stage, Bluesfest 2016 Byron Bay Au

Harry James Angus and Cat Empire
I love their clever lyrics, big, brassy sounds and catchy tunes.

Richard Clapton on stage, Bluesfest 2016 Byron Bay Au

Richard Clapton
Richard Clapton is a rock and roll mainstay on the Australian music scene. His songs were a regular feature on  local popular radio stations when I first landed in the country in the late 70s.

Dom Turner of the Backsliders on stage, Bluesfest 2016 Byron Bay Au

Dom Turner
Dom Turner and the Backsliders are celebrating thirty years of playing, touring and recording. It’s probably about that long ago I first saw them in the Basement, a Sydney club.

The Backsliders on stage, Bluesfest 2016 Byron Bay Au

The Backsliders
This is another band I was determined to see. Playing traditional Mississippi delta and hill country blues as well as original songs, they clearly still love every minute.

Dom Turner of the Backsliders on stage, Bluesfest 2016 Byron Bay Au

Dom Turner
Founding member Dom Turner is known for his slide guitar. I lost track of how many different instruments he picked up during the set.

Russell Morris on stage, Bluesfest 2016 Byron Bay Au

Russell Morris
This is one act I always enjoy: we’ve made sure to catch Russell when he’s appeared at the annual Thredbo Blues (e.g.: Let’s Dance the Blues; Cool Blues, Hot Jazz).

Peter Robinson on stage, Bluesfest 2016 Byron Bay Au

Peter Robinson
Peter Robinson plays guitar with a passion.

Russell Morris Signing cds for a fan, Bluesfest 2016 Byron Bay Au

CD Signing
CD signings are a chance to play “devoted fan” and get a moment with one’s favourite artists. Russell Morris was most gracious – and of course, the CDs are great.

Sundown over the music tents Bluesfest 2016 Byron Bay Au

And, so the sun sets over another year of great music…

Text: LetI can hardly wait until next Easter when we’ll do it all again!

In the mean time,

Let’s keep dancing!

Vietnamese woman Rowing tourists part karst formations, Vung Vieng, Bai Tu Long Bay, Vietnam

Rowing in the Rain
People from Vung Vieng fishing village in Bai Tu Long Bay in North Vietnam supplement their income by rowing tourists around the waters.

It’s mesmerising: sitting in a rustic wooden boat, gliding across pristine emerald waters through a jaw-dropping karst landscape while listening to the gentle splash of the rhythmic rowing. The tops of the mountains are shrouded in cloud as a gentle rain falls.

Bai Tu Long Bay in North Vietnam was designated a National Park in 2001. It adjoins the UNESCO World Heritage-designated Halong Bay to the south, and all the tourism there operates with one eye on a UNESCO-auspiced management plan.

Vung Vieng Village, in the heart of Bai Tu Long Bay, is one of four small fishing villages in the area. Home to more than 60 families, it has become a model for eco-tourism development in the vicinity.

Originally, the families of the illiterate fisher-people in this region lived in the many caves that dot the surrounding limestone karst cliffs. Generations ago, however, the people were moved into small villages of floating homes as part of the establishment of the Ba Mun National Conservation Zone. A floating school was established for the children, but attendance rates were problematic, so children now attend a compulsory boarding school on the mainland, some 24 kilometres away.

Traditionally, the floating villages were extremely poor, with their only income for food, fuel and potable water, coming from fishing. With the help of the management planning organisation, tourism operators, and other external funding, this is gradually changing. Managed fish-farming, pearl cultivation, and eco-tourism has helped these villages generate a sustainable income and has raised local awareness of environmental protection issues.

Not only do tourist operators pay for the almost-daily row boats (like the ones we were in, operated by the Vung Vieng-based Van Chai-Ha Long Rowing Boat Cooperative) to ferry visitors around the sights, but they also pay for collected rubbish, helping to keep the waters cleaner.

It’s a win-win, really.

Female rower sitting in a wooden boat, Vung Vieng, Bai Tu Long Bay, Vietnam

Wooden Row Boat
Our tender drops us off on a tourist dock where local rowers collect us for our morning tour of Vung Vieng.

Male rower in a wooden boat, Vung Vieng, Bai Tu Long Bay, Vietnam

Our Rower
Fortunately, the rowers are brightly dressed, because the morning is rainy and grey.

Colourful floating houses of Vung Vieng Village, Bai Tu Long Bay, Vietnam

Vung Vieng Village
The floating houses of Vung Vieng Village are clean and colourful.

Wooden Row Boat on Vung Vieng waters, Bai Tu Long Bay Vietnam

Wooden Row Boat
Tourist are expected to wear their life-jackets, as they are rowed …

Vung Vieng House, Bai Tu Long Bay Vietnam

Vung Vieng House
… past the simple wooden houses, sitting on their floating pontoons.

Colourful floating houses of Vung Vieng Village, Bai Tu Long Bay, Vietnam

Vung Vieng House
The houses may be simple, but they sit against a stunning karst landscape.

Wooden Row Boat on Vung Vieng waters, Bai Tu Long Bay Vietnam

Row Boat on Vung Vieng
I think the oars are made from bamboo. I would have thought that a wider design would have made rowing easier, but even the slightly-built Vietnamese women seemed to have no difficulty rowing us around. All the boats have the nets on the back for rubbish: to encourage them to be more mindful of litter, boat operators are paid for all the garbage they collect.

Limestone rock Bridge and Reflections in green water, Vung Vieng waters, Bai Tu Long Bay Vietnam

Rock-Bridge Reflections
Each of our boats takes us under the limestone bridge in turns, so that we might admire the workings of eons of erosion.

Wooden Row Boats on Vung Vieng waters, Bai Tu Long Bay Vietnam

Rowing in the Rain
We huddle under our conical woven bamboo hats as the horizon fades off into the rain and mist.

Pearl Farm buoys, Vung Vieng, Bai Tu Long Bay Vietnam

Pearl Farm
Soon, the oyster- and pearl-farm comes into view.

Pearl Farm buoys, Vung Vieng, Bai Tu Long Bay Vietnam

Vung Vieng Oyster Farm
The buoys that the oysters are suspended from stretch off into the distance.

Rowing into the Vung Vieng Pearl Farm, Bai Tu Long Bay Vietnam

Rowing into the Vung Vieng Pearl Farm

Oysters in a basket suspended in water, Vung Vieng Pearl Farm, Bai Tu Long Bay Vietnam

Oyster Farm
We are deposited on the floating dock at the pearl farm.

Beautiful young Vietnamese woman, Vung Vieng, Bai Tu Long Bay Vietnam

Sales Attendant
The gift shop has attendants ready to sell us luminous cultured pearls. I managed to resist the jewellery, but I couldn’t resist this smile.

Tourists watch as a Vietnamese man Seeds Oysters, Vung Vieng, Bai Tu Long Bay Vietnam

Seeding Pearls
Inside the workshop, the visiting tourists watch as oysters are prised open …

Pearl-Seeding Equipment, Vung Vieng, Bai Tu Long Bay Vietnam

Pearl-Seeding Equipment
… and nucleus pearls are embedded for cultivation.

A Vietnamese man Seeds Oysters, Vung Vieng, Bai Tu Long Bay Vietnam

Seeding Oysters
It is fiddly and pains-taking work.

A plastic tray of Oysters, Vung Vieng, Bai Tu Long Bay Vietnam

Vung Vieng Pearl Farm cultivates three different types of pearls, which take between one and four years to grow to maturity.

Karst Islets almost hidden by fog, Bai Tu Long Bay Vietnam

Foggy Islands
It was a short row back to our boat, where we packed up our cabin in preparation for lunch and departure. The world around us disappeared into the February fog.

Smiling Vietnamese boat captain, , Bai Tu Long Bay Vietnam

Captain Nguyen
Our captain popped into the crowded dining room to wish us bon voyage…

Boats soon a foggy Into Hon Gai Harbour, Halong, Vietnam

Into Hon Gai Harbour
… before we cruised back into harbour.

Tour Boats in a foggy Hon Gai Harbour, Halong, Vietnam

Into Hon Gai Harbour
The weather deteriorated further …

Mooring Ropes, Hon Gai Harbour, Halong, Vietnam

On the Ropes
… as we waited for our tender and headed back to shore.

Bai Tu Long Bay is a unique and wonderful place. I was there with my husband because we had heard negative reports about the overcrowding on Halong Bay itself; I hope the eco-tourism model provided by Vung Vieng allows the traditional people there to determine their own futures, while preserving their past and guarding their precious environment – for all of us.

Text: Safe SailingUntil next time,

Happy Sailing!

Pictures: 22February2016