View over wet sand to South Thormanby Island, BC Canada

View to South Thormanby Island
Buccaneer Bay Provincial Park is a 45 hectare marine park comprising the tidal sandy foreshore between South and North Thormanby Islands.

Is there anything better than woods and water on a sunny summer day?

Summer on Canada’s West Coast is elusive and short. This year, my husband and I spent some time on the waters of Georgia Strait – the waters between Vancouver Island and the mainland coast of British Columbia (BC) – in a sail boat, chasing summer.

I love sailing. But, I love new harbours even more.

I especially love the relief of being tied up on a pier or being anchored in a sheltered bay.

This is – at least in part – because we are not very experienced sailors. Letting us loose on the water is as nerve-wracking as it is thrilling.

One particular July day, after a few short trips fraught with mechanical and other glitches, we left our home port of Nanaimo on Vancouver Island mid-morning. After we had raised the sails on Graystone, an old 38-foot Hughes, and set our heading almost due north out of Departure Bay, we could see dark rain clouds rolling in from the northwest over Georgia Strait and looming over the island behind us. We galloped across the 20+ nautical miles between us and the mainland at speeds of 7 nautical miles per hour or so – about the limits of our boat’s capabilities –  riding the swells of the strait in 20 knot winds.

We managed to just outrun the rain, and it was with a deep sigh of relief that we ducked into the sheltered waters of Buccaneer Bay and anchored in time for dinner.

We had chosen Buccaneer Bay as a destination because it sits surrounded by North and South Thormandy Islands, about 20 kilometres off the BC mainland. The lay of the islands protects the bay from the winds that can rush up or down Georgia Strait, making it a relatively safe and comfortable anchorage.

We also chose it because we’d never been there.

It’s hard to resist the opportunity to explore new terrain!

Evening over the entrance to Buccaneer Bay, Thormanby Island

Nightfall over Buccaneer Bay
Once the anchor is set and dinner from the tiny galley has been eaten, a nightcap in the cockpit is a perfect way to watch night fall over Buccaneer Bay. (iPhone6)

Night shot of a Mosquito on a fly screen with a full-moon behind, Buccaneer Bay, BC Canada

Mosquitos as Big as the Moon
Thank heavens for portable fly-screens across the companionway! The mosquitos were as big and as innumerable as we had been warned. (iPhone6)

Foreshore of Buccaneer Bay Provincial Park, BC Canada

It’s a Beautiful Day!
Morning dawned warm and fair over our boat, so we rowed the dinghy to Buccaneer Bay Provincial Park, the small marine park of sand and water between North and South Thormanby Islands. The beach opposite, overlooking the Salish Sea, was already busy with campers and other visitors.

Women wading in Buccaneer Bay, Thormanby Island, BC Canada

Swim Weather
The shallow waters of Buccaneer Bay are warm, and attractive to swimmers.

Looking over driftwood to North Thormanby Island, BC Canada

North Thormanby
Logs wash up onto the low sandbar of Buccaneer Bay Provincial Park between North and South Thormanby Islands.

Close-up of a grey fallen log, Buccaneer Bay Provincial Park, Thormanby Island, BC Canada

Fallen Log
Water, sand and weather polish the logs smooth over time.

Tangled Roots of a dead tree, Buccaneer Bay Provincial Park, BC Canada

Tangled Roots

Looking over Gumweed to

Gumweed (Grinvelia Stricta)
The plants here are not commonly found in the rest of BC, but they are well adapted to this terrain of shifting sand and water.

Dune Grass and Beach Pea, Buccaneer Bay Provincial Park, Thormanby Island, BC Canada

Dune Grass (Leymus mollis) and Beach Pea (Lathyrus japonicus)
Buccaneer Bay Provincial Park was designated to protect this rare coastal ecosystem.

White painted Row Boat on a pebble beach - South Thormanby Island, BC Canada

Row Boat – South Thormanby
The islands – and the Provincial Park between them – are accessible only by boat: water taxis or private vessels.

Cottages around Buccaneer Bay, South Thormanby Island, BC Canada

South Thormanby
The foreshore of South Thormanby Island is dotted with private holiday cottages. There is no public access through this land, which separates Buccaneer Bay Provincial Park from Simson Provincial Park, on the other side of the island.

Low Tide over Buccaneer Bay, BC Canada

Low Tide
Buccaneer Bay has a sandy foreshore …

Sand Worm on the sand, Buccaneer Bay, BC Canada

Sand Worm
… which is home to all manner of creatures.

Shells on the sands of Buccaneer Bay, Thormanby Island, BC Canada

Shells on the Beach

Sandpipers, Buccaneer Bay, Thormanby Island, BC Canada

Small sandpipers wade in the waters of low tide, looking for food.

Looking over the sands of Buccaneer Bay Provincial Park to North Thormanby Island, BC Canada

North Thormanby
Even at low tide, …

Looking over the sands of Buccaneer Bay Provincial Park to North Thormanby Island, BC Canada

Buccaneer Bay Provincial Park
… pools of water remain on the sandy spit between the islands.

Looking southwest over the Salish Sea, Buccaneer Bay Provincial Park, BC Canada

Buccaneer Bay Provincial Park
Standing in the waters at the edge of the Salish Sea, visitors to the park enjoy the quiet.

Western Red Cedar branches, Thormanby Island, BC Canada

Western Red Cedar
It is a steep kilometre climb up from the beach to the public road on the ridge of North Thormanby Island.

European Black Slug (Arion ater), North Thormanby Island, BC Canada

European Black Slug (Arion Ater)
The recent rains have brought out the slugs: black slugs …

Pacific Banana Slug (Ariolimax columbianus) North Thormanby Island, BC Canada

Pacific Banana Slug (Ariolimax Columbianus)
… and yellow.

Rough bark of a Fir tree, North Thormanby Island, BC Canada

Fallen Fir
The road is little more than a track, bordered by trees …

Looking through trees over Buccaneer Bay, North Thormanby Island, BC Canada

High on the Ridge – North Thormanby
… and multi-million-dollar properties with killer views. We didn’t trespass too far, but we could just see the mast of our boat far below.

Three Canada geese, Buccaneer Bay, BC Canada

Canada Geese
Back in our “home” on the waters of Buccaneer Bay, we were joined by Canada geese looking for dinner.

When we weren’t on the islands, we sat on the boat watching the oystercatchers skimming across the water, we marvelled at the bald eagles as they dove down from the trees, and we laughed as the sea lions frolicked.

Text: Safe SailingWhat a wonderful place to put down anchor!

Until next time,

Safe Sailing.

Pictures: 09-11July2016

  • gabe - October 28, 2016 - 2:17 am

    It was a great trip!ReplyCancel

View of Chiusi from the green fields below., Tuscany Italy

Chiusi on a Hilltop
It seems that every hilltop in central Italy – that region where Umbria and Tuscany border each other – is home to a fortified medieval town or city.

Late summer last year, my husband and I were in central Italy enjoying the sun – and the sun-drenched olives and tomatoes and grapes – that Italy is known for.

We were holidaying Italian style: we rented a wonderful villa in the tiny town of Gioiella, Umbria (Villa Gioiella), practically on the border of Tuscany, and packed the rooms with three generations of friends and family. We filled the house with wine (so many bottles that it took more than one trip to the recycling depot!), fresh food, late nights and laughter.

The days were long and lazy – but we did get out to explore some of the local countryside, albeit not very efficiently, thanks to many “lost in translation” moments. For example: we drove two hours to the medieval hilltop village of Roccatederighi to take part in their “Medieval Times in the Borgo of Roccatederighi (Grosseto)”, which happens on the first weekend of August – only to discover that we were a week early! It seems that “the weekend” starts on Friday in Italy. On the other hand, we were late for (and therefore, missed out on) our pre-paid visits to the Etruscan tombs near Chiusi because we understood we were to arrive some time after 4pm, not by 4pm.

But, the sun was shining, the wine was good, the food was fabulous, and there were so many places to visit that I think we had more than our fill of culture and history.

Join me for a few highlights from the medieval towns that sit amid the rolling hills and vineyards of central Italy.

Every Medieval Corner... No matter where you drive in Umbria or Tuscany, there is a fortified city on a hillside. (iPhone6)

Around every Medieval Corner…
As the roads crossed back and forth between Umbria and Tuscany, we were treated to repeated scenes of red roofs against dusty green olive orchards and fluffy white clouds against blue skies. (iPhone6)

Steps to the Citadel, Castiglione del Lago, Umbria, Italy

Steps to the Citadel
Castiglione del Lago, Umbria, was the city closest to us, so it was where we spent much of our time. Like other medieval cities, the best access was on foot: we’d park in the “newer” neighbourhoods, and walk up to the old walls of the “Castle of the Lion on the Lake.”

Fountain in the Traffic Circle, Castiglione del Lago, Umbria, Italy

The Fortress and the Fountain
The Castle of the Lion was built on an island in the southwest region of Lake Trasimeno in the mid-1200s. Over time, the growing city extended beyond this original island by land-bridge, leaving the well-preserved medieval fortress and historical centre bounded by water on the remaining three sides.

Citadel of the Fortress of the Lion, Castiglione del Lago, Umbria, Italy

The Fortress of the Lion
The pentagonal-shaped castle was built by Emperor Frederick II and finished in 1247 CE.

Street inside the fortified City of Castiglione del Lago, Umbria, Italy

Inside the Old City
The old fortified city and its three piazzas are now filled with shops and restaurants.

Gate leading outside the fortified City of Castiglione del Lago, Umbria, Italy

Old City Gate
Three gates lead in and out of the old city.

Bell Towerof the Church of Santa Maria Maddalena, Castiglione del Lago, Umbria, Italy

Bell Tower
There are three churches within the old city walls; the bell tower of the Church of Santa Maria Maddalena is the most visible. (iPhone6)

Portrait of an Italian woman, Castiglione del Lago, Umbria, Italy

It is the people that make a city. The people in Castiglione del Lago are passionate about their food: …

Portrait of an Italian woman, Castiglione del Lago, Umbria, Italy

… their wine, their olive oil, their soup mixes, and in this case, their truffles. The truffles here were the absolute best, she assured us.

Painted Ceiling - Palazzo della Corgna, Castiglione del Lago, Umbria, Italy

Painted Ceiling
The Renaissance style Palazzo della Corgna or “Ducal Palace” was predominantly painted in the late 1500s. It now operates as a museum.

Window over the Fortress From the Ducal Palace you can look to the walls of the fortress...

Window over the Fortress
From the Ducal Palace you can look to the walls of the fortress…

Walkway through the covered corridor, Castiglione del Lago, Umbria, Italy

Through the Corridor
… or you can walk to them through the covered corridor, built in the early 1600s.

Medieval Fortress Courtyard, Castiglione del Lago, Umbria, Italy

Castle Courtyard
From the Medieval Fortress, looking back to the Ducal Palace, the most predominant feature is the olive grove.

Castle ramparts, Castiglione del Lago, Umbria, Italy

On top of Castle Walls
We enjoyed glorious summer weather as we walked around the ramparts.

Castle ramparts, Castiglione del Lago, Umbria, Italy

The Lake Beyond
There are great views over Lake Trasimeno and the surrounding countryside from the top of the castle walls.

Triangular turret, Castiglione del Lago, Umbria, Italy

Up a Castle Turret
The Castle of the Lion (Castello del Leone) features square towers in four of its five corners and a triangular shaped bastion in the fifth.

View over Lake Trasimeno from a Castello del Leone window, Italy

Looking over Lake Trasimeno

Sun flare on a Castello del Leone tower, Italy

Sun on the Ramparts

Castello del Leone Ramparts, Italy

Castle Ramparts

Olive tree in a Grove, Castiglione del Lago, Umbria, Italy

Olive Grove
Ancient olive trees grow in the shelter of the ancient walls. They may well have been planted when the fortress was new: olive trees often grow to be centuries old.

Castiglione del Lago Street, Italy

Castiglione del Lago Street
Outside the museum/castle grounds, the old streets are cobbled, narrow and charming.

Black scooter in a Castiglione del Lago Street, Italy

Nothing says “Italy” to me like a scooter – even if it is a Japanese model!

Ceramic Tile City Map, Castiglione del Lago, Umbria, Italy

Tile City Map
Outside the old walls, there is a ceramic tile map of the city sights and surrounds.

The Castle of the Lion (Castello del Leone) , Castiglione del Lago, Umbria, Italy

The Citadel
A late evening sky makes the Castle of the Lion (Castello del Leone) look even more imposing.

Chiusi of a woman, Tuscany, Italy

War Memorial Of The First And Second World War (1923)
Chiusi, only thirty minutes away in Tuscany, is another charming medieval city who’s origins date back even further, to the ancient Etruscans and the centuries before the Modern Era.

Arch over a street, Chiusi, Tuscany Italy

Chiusi Arch
The cobbled laneways in these old, medieval cities are narrow, winding, and often covered with arches. They are also well lived in: festooned with laundry and decorated with colourful plants.

Inside Saint Secondiano the Martyr, Chiusi, Tuscany Italy

Inside “Saint Secondiano the Martyr”
The history in the buildings goes back for years: the Saint Secondiano the Martyr Cathedral dates to the 6th century.

Tourists on a narrow Chiusi Street, Tuscany Italy

Chiusi Street
Tourists admire the old, narrow, streets. (iPhone6)

Wall-Relic statue, Atrium: National Archaeological Museum Chiusi

Statues in the Atrium
Chiusi is known for its National Archaeological Museum which houses priceless Etruscan artefacts.

Canopus head in terracotta on a winged bronze urn, Il Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Chiusi, Italy

Canopus Headed Urn
The Etruscans, from whom the name “Tuscany” is derived, had a complex civilisation. Although little is known about their origins, they left behind artworks in terracotta and bronze, and elaborate underground tombs. This beautiful bronze canopic jar dates to the 6th Century BC.

Display case of Etruscan Terracotta , Il Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Chiusi, Italy

Etruscan Canopic Urn
A terracotta head and other pottery, dating to 675-650 BC.

Etruscan Sarcophagus Greeks against Gauls 3rdC BC 19thC Head in Gypsum

Etruscan Sarcophagus
An ancient sarcophagus, dating back to about 800 BC: the sarcophagus itself depicts the battle of the Greeks against Gauls. Many of the sarcophagi were carved from la pietra fetida, a type of limestone that smells due to its sulphur content.

Roccatederighi on a hillside, Tuscany Italy

Another medieval city on another hillside, Roccatederighi comes alive for its annual medieval festival; what a shame we missed it!

Sunset over a rural landscape, Gioiella, Umbria Italy

Many were the bottles of wine we drank as the sun went down over Gioiella, Umbria, Italy.

Text: Happy TravelsFood, family, friends…

… and great sights.

Happy Travels!

Pictures: 01-07August2015

Head and hands of a guilt Avalokiteśvara, Gandantegchinlen Monastery, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

Gandantegchinlin, “the great place of complete joy”, is one of Mongolia’s most important monasteries. The central attraction is a 26m statue of Avalokiteśvara, a bodhisattva who embodies the compassion of all Buddhas.

The best way to immerse yourself in a new culture is to spend time where local people congregate and worship.

In the early morning of my first day in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, I took a taxi across the busy city centre from my hotel in the east, to the country’s largest monastery, Gandantegchinlen (“the great place of complete joy”) Khiid, west of city centre.

According to the national census of 2010, 53% of Mongolians identify as Buddhist (38.6% profess no religious affiliation, leaving very small proportions practicing traditional Mongolian shamanism, Christianity and Islam).

The country experienced its first wave of Buddhism in the third century B.C, but over the years, the religion’s fortunes have waxed and waned with the political tides. Gandantegchinlen Khiid (Gandan Monastery) was originally built in the centre of Ulaanbaatar in 1810, and was moved to its current location by the 5th Bogd Jebzundamba (the Spiritual Head of Tibetan Buddhism in Mongolia) in 1838. It grew into a complex of colleges of Sutra-Tantra Buddhist teachings, Astrology and Medicine.

Mongolian Buddhism flourished into the early twentieth century, with 843 major Buddhist centers, about 3,000 temples of various sizes, and nearly 6000 associated buildings by 1934. However, the Stalinist religious purges of 1937 took their toll. By 1940, nearly every monk across the country was either dead or had apostatised. Although most of the buildings in the Gandan Monastery were destroyed, it remained open for international display purposes. The Monastery, and its community of 100 monks, didn’t come back to proper life until the 1990s, when Buddhism was once again practiced openly.

Gandantegchinlen Khiid is the largest monastery and temple complex currently in use in the country.

In religious environments there are many photographs which can’t be taken: young monks performing their prayers, ordered by age and rank as they sit on hard wooden benches in expansive rooms with lofty ceilings but little light; or community members in distress seeking comfort and blessings from elders and abbots.

In any event, photographs never quite capture the smell of the incense, or the thrumming drone of Buddhist prayers reverberating against ancient walls.

But, they can give one a small peek into a different world.

Silhouette of Monks Banging the Morning DrumGandantegchinlen Monastery, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

Monks Bang the Morning Gong
At 9 am, young monks give a single bang to the gong in the drum tower of Gandantegchinlen Monastery, calling all the resident monks to prayers. I was expecting three gongs, so I almost missed them! (iPhone6)

Two monks with a gong, Tashchoimphei Datsan (Monastic College), Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

Tashchoimphei Datsan (Monastic College)
Their gong-ringing completed, the young monks return the gong to the Datsan

Old Woman in Mongolian dress on the steps of the Datsan, Gandantegchinlen Monastery, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

Old Woman at the Datsan
… where resident monks and people from the local community gather for morning prayers.

Golden Datsan roof against a blue sky, Gandantegchinlen Monastery, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

Golden Roof
Mongolia’s famous blue skies are clear – with just an echo of the moon – over a golden Datsan roof.

Deer and the Dharma Wheel, Tashchoimphei Datsan (Monastic College), Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

Deer and the Dharma Wheel
Another roof is adorned with the Buddhist symbols of the deer, representing the Buddha’s first sermon at Deer Park, and the Dharma Wheel, which represents the content of the Buddha’s teaching itself.

Incense Burner in the Courtyard of Tashchoimphei Datsan (Monastic College), Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

Incense Burner in the Courtyard
As the morning prayers drone on inside the Datsan, people keep arriving, stopping for some incense smoke …

Monk on the steps of Tashchoimphei Datsan (Monastic College), Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

Monk on the Steps
… before going inside to take their place for the chanting.

Brass prayer wheels, Gandantegchinlen Monastery, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

Prayer Wheels
Brass prayer wheels invite you to walk the prayer circuit, …

Brass prayer wheels, Gandantegchinlen Monastery, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

Saying Prayers
… spinning the wheels and offering your prayers as you go.

Orange Building with a green roof inside the Gandantegchinlen Monastery Complex, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

Building inside the Monastery Complex

Vajradhara Temple, Gandantegchinlen Monastery, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

Vajradhara Temple
Built in 1840, the Vajradhara Temple houses a statue of Vajradhara, a Buddha from Tantric practice.

Relics, Buddhas and Icons, Gandantegchinlen Monastery, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

Relics, Buddhas and Icons

Migjid Janraisig Sum with chedhi and Ulaanbaatar architecture in the background, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

Migjid Janraisig Sum
Ulaanbaatar is a confusion of old and new.

Gandantegchinlen Stupa, Gandantegchinlen Monastery, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

Gandantegchinlen Stupa

Roof Detail, Gandantegchinlen Monastery, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

Roof Detail

Pathway to Migjid Janraisig Sum, Gandantegchinlen Monastery, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

Migjid Janraisig Sum
Built in 1911, Migjid Janraisig Sum features elements of traditional Chinese, Mongol and Tibetan architectural styles.

Chinese Lion door knocker, Gandantegchinlen Monastery, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

Door Knocker
Heavy doors lead into the dim interior of Migjid Janraisig Sum.

 Images of the god of longevity, Ayush, Migjid Janraisig Sum, Gandantegchinlen Monastery, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

Ayush : “Long Life”
The walls of Migjid Janraisig Sum are lined with images of Ayush, the Buddhist god of longevity.

Head and hands of a guilt Avalokiteśvara, Gandantegchinlen Monastery, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

In the centre of the Migjid Janraisig temple, the tallest indoor Buddhist statue in the world – the 26.5-meter-high Avalokiteśvara or “Lord Who Looks Down” – stands over us. Covered in gems and gold leaf, this 1996 statue replaced the original copper one, reputedly dismantled by the Russians in 1938.

Burning Prayer Candles, Gandantegchinlen Monastery, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

Prayer Candles
The temple is dimly lit with candles …

Portrait in low light: A Girl and her Father, Gandantegchinlen Monastery, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

A Girl and her Father
… which illuminate worshipers.

Prayer Candles in brass holders, , Gandantegchinlen Monastery, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

Prayer Candles

Candles in brass holders on a tiled platform, Gandantegchinlen Monastery, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

Lighting Candles
In a separate nearby building, a man lights countless candles.

Text: Metta - wishing you loving kindness.


Sustained by the memory of flickering candles and the blessings of chanting monks, it was an easy walk back through the streets of Ulaanbaatar, to the hotel.


Pictures: 21September2016

  • Gabe - October 13, 2016 - 12:18 pm

    Good article & lovely photosReplyCancel

    • Ursula - October 13, 2016 - 12:46 pm

      Many thanks to my biggest fan. 😀ReplyCancel

Red Chinese Lanterns, Old Hoi An, Vietnam

Chinese Lanterns
The entrance to the old town of Hội An is marked by colourful silk lanterns against a winter sky.

Irony: the future of the little city of Hội An has literally been saved by it’s own past demise.

Hội An (會安) means “peaceful meeting place”. Once upon a time, particularly between the seventh and 10th centuries, this strategic port near the mouth of the Thu Bon River was part of the Chăm Pa Kingdom (192-1832). The Cham, who were seafarers and traders, controlled the spice trade, and so commanded great wealth and territory before being absorbed and annexed by the Đại Việt (Great Viet) under the  dynasty.

Around 1595, under the feudal Nguyễn lord Nguyễn Hoàng, Hội An was established as an international trading port. By the 18th century, the city was considered by many to be the most important trade port on the East Vietnam Sea, or even in all of AsiaJapaneseChinese, Indian, and Dutch merchants had made their homes there, as had Portuguese Jesuits. Their architectural legacy remains in the “well-preserved complex of 1,107 timber frame buildings, with brick or wooden walls” that are still standing in the old town.

The collapse of Nguyễn rule following the Tây Sơn uprising (1770-1802) marked the end of  Hội An’s importance. The Tây Sơn brothers, who saw themselves as champions of the common people, were opposed to foreign trade. When Emperor Gia Long (Nguyễn Phúc Ánh of Nguyễn) defeated the Tây Sơn in 1802, he gave the French exclusive trading rights to nearby Đà Nẵng. That, and the silting up of the Thu Bon river mouth, sealed the fate of Hội An, ensuring its status as a backwater that remained frozen in time.

This is what has saved the little city: with no pressure for modern development, the original street plan – with its two-story shop-front buildings backing onto the waterways to facilitate transport of goods – remains intact. The wooden buildings themselves have predominantly been repaired using traditional methods and materials. In 1999, Hoi An Ancient Town was “recognized as an exceptionally well-preserved example of a South-East Asian trading port dating from the 15th to the 19th century” and declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site

A single entry ticket to the Ancient Town, costing 120,000 dong, or just over $5 USD, gives you entrance to five of the museums or designated old buildings within the precinct. I don’t think we actually used all five coupons: we spent a lot of our time trying on assorted bamboo-fibre and woven-silk clothing, and visiting some of the countless souvenir and coffee shops that now occupy the old shophouses.

Join me for a relaxing afternoon/evening wandering the ancient streets of old Hội An.

Street view: Hoi An Old Town, Vietnam

Hội An Old Town Street
The streets are tree-lined and shady – it must be lovely (but crowded) in summer! Alas for us, is is still winter, and unseasonably cold. The streets are fairly quiet.

Vietnamese man at a ticket taking table, Hoi An Old Town, Vietnam

Our first stop is at the Đình Cẩm Phô Đình, the Dinh Cam Pho Communal House, where the Ticket Taker is careful to vet us before we enter.

Archway, Dinh Cam Pho (Cam Pho Communal House) , Hoi An Old Town, Vietnam

Dinh Cam Pho
The Cam Pho Communal House was restored in 1817 – there is no information inside the temple courtyard to tell us when it was originally built.

Inside the Dinh Cam Pho Communal House, Hoi An Old Town, Vietnam

Inside the Dinh Cam Pho Communal House
Apparently, the communal house was built in the shape of the Chinese character that means “country” – the only information I could find about the building was badly translated, and difficult to understand. Certainly, the roof-ridge and gable ornamentation are Chinese-style.

Red flowers on a Mickey Mouse Plant (Ochna Serrulata), Hoi An Vietnam

Mickey Mouse Plant (Ochna Serrulata)
Colourful flowers bloom where they are planted in their terracotta pots around the courtyard.

Shrine: Dinh Cam Pho Communal House

The Dinh Cam Pho Communal House was built as a shrine for the god of the village, and later included worship of Cam Pho Village ancestors – hence the alternate name: “Cam Pho Huong Hien” (Ancestors of Cam Pho Village).

Three women with cooked corn on a Hoi An street, Vietnam

Street Food
Outside the Dinh Cam Pho Communal House, women sit selling freshly cooked corn.

Shop Linh Pham Shop, Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai, Hoi An Vietnam

Linh Pham Shop
Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai road is lined with shops selling manufactured goods and handicrafts. The clothing stores, with silk, cotton, wool, and bamboo-fibre products, seemed particularly good value, and we came home with several items.

Hoi An Shopfront, Vietnam

Hoi An Shop
Paintings, pottery and handicrafts are on offer – as are intricate cards of paper decoupage.

Hoi An Shopfront, Vietnam

Hoi An Gallery
The shophouses are beautiful maintained.

Laneway, Hoi An Old Town, Vietnam

Old Town Laneway

Young Vietnamese woman indie side-light, Nguyen Tuong Family Temple, Hoi An, Vietnam

Our next stop was at the Nguyen Tuong Ancient Family Chapel – also called the “Ong Lon Palace” (Dinh Ông Lớn) – where a young descendent of Nguyen Tuong, who build the temple in the beginning of the 19th century, shows us around.

Old Vietnamese woman in a pink knit hat with Betel Juice out, Hoi An Vietnam

Betel Juice Grannie
Old Chinese coins and other trinkets are for sale in the street.

Young Vietnamese woman in the Phung Hung Old House, Hoi An Vietnam

Guide in the Phung Hung House
The old Phung Hung House is one of several open to the public.

Vietnamese woman doing embroidery in the Phung Hung Old House, Hoi An Vietnam

Although the Phung Hung Old House is beautiful with its open stairways and dark timbers, the focus of the tour is the production and sale of hand embroidered tablecloths and handkerchiefs.

View over decoupage cards in the street from the Phung Hung Old House, Hoi An Vietnam

View from the Phung Hung Old House
The balcony on the second floor is rickety, but gives a good vantage point over the street markets.

Thu Bồn Riverfront, Hoi An Vietnam

Thu Bồn Riverfront

People on the road to the Japanese Covered Bridge, Hoi An Vietnam

Japanese Covered Bridge
The Japanese had a community on one side of a small stream. In 1593, they built a unique covered bridge (Chùa cầu) to connect them to the Chinese community on the other side of the water.

Shrine: Cau Chua Pagoda, Japanese Covered Bridge, Hoi An Vietnam

Shrine: Japanese Covered Bridge
Inside the bridge is a shrine to Tran Vo Bac De, the Taoist deity of storms and weather.

Front entry of the Sa Huynh Culture Museum, Hoi An Vietnam

Bảo tàng Văn hóa Sa Huỳnh
The Sa Huynh Culture Museum contains pottery and other artefacts from the Sa Huỳnh culture, dating back over 2000 years.

View from the Sa Huynh Culture Museum through a metal fence to the Street, Hoi An Vietnam

View of the Street from the Sa Huynh Culture Museum
The exhibits in the museum are dark and dusty; I amused myself by taking street photos through the railings in the courtyard.

Vietnamese woman selling vegetables in the market, Hoi An Vietnam

Fresh Vegetable Markets
As night fell, the markets got busier …

Lit colourful lanterns, Old Hoi An, vietnam

Silk Lanterns
… and the silk lanterns came into their own.

The Japanese Bridge, floodlit after dark, Hoi An, Vietnam

The Japanese Bridge
One of Hoi An’s most popular tourist attractions, the covered Japanese Bridge is beautiful under lights, …

Vietnamese couple posing under lights at the floodlit Japanese Bridge, after dark, Hoi An, Vietnam

Lovers at the Japanese Bridge
… making it a perfect spot for romantic, after-dark photographs.

It is, indeed, like walking into the past –

Text: Happy Rambling

– but with good food and excellent souvenir shopping.

A perfect day out!


Pictures: 24February2016

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Flowers in the dry rocky terrain along the Castle Rock Trail, Big Bear Lake CA USA

Flowers in the Rocks
The mountains of Southern California are well known for their sunny blue skies and outdoor activities.

California, the third largest state in the USA, covers some remarkable terrain. With almost 900 miles (1450 km) of Pacific coastline and several mountain ranges, the topography ranges from magnificent forests of giant redwoods to the subtropical Mojave desert.

The state is also home to two of the US’s top-five most populous cities, with their notorious fogs and smogs, and home to my least favourite airport. If I have to travel through Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), I always heave a sigh of relief when I break free from it.

So it was last June: we dragged our bags out of one of LAX’s terminals, got into a shuttle bus, and finally pointed our rental car east towards San Bernardino. We drove along the multi-lane Foothill Freeway (Interstate 210), not slowing down until we escaped the basin of smog that hung over the lowlands, and started climbing into the San Bernardino Mountains and some welcome fresh air.

Our final destination was the small resort city of Big Bear Lake. The lake for which the city is named is Southern California’s largest recreation lake, and the surrounding hills are criss-crossed with hiking and biking trails.

One of the most popular walks is the short, steep Castle Rock Trail; I was glad I had a new walking stick!

Join us for an uphill-hike.

Lanscape: Smog over California Highway 210 towards the San Bernadino Mountains, USA

California Highway 210
Over an hour out of Los Angeles, and the smog is still with us, hanging over the San Bernardino lowlands and almost obscuring the mountains ahead. (iPhone6)

Roadway with a left-curve road sign, San Bernadino Mountains, CA USA

Bend in the Road
Finally we rise up out of the smog, into the fresh air above, twisting and curving our way up into the mountains. (iPhone6)

A Rocky Pathway up to Castle Rock, Big Bear Mountains CA USA

Pathway up to Castle Rock
The Castle Rock Trail is a short (1.3 mile; 2 km), but very steep, walk up to a beautiful rocky crag. The return route is by the same track.

A Rocky Pathway up to Castle Rock, Big Bear Mountains CA USA

Path to Castle Rock
The first half of the hike is the steepest; we ascended through granite boulders and shrubs …

Tall Pines silhouetted against a blue sky, Castle Rock, Big Bear Mountains CA USA

Sun in the Pines
… as tall pines touched the sky over our heads.

A Rocky Pathway up to Castle Rock, Big Bear Mountains CA USA

Rocky Pathway
The dry, sandy ground is littered with boulders.

Western Fence Lizard, Big Bear Mountains CA USA

Western Fence Lizard
The sun has brought out countless little lizards – almost invisible against their rocky back-drop.

Tree Trunk, Pathway up to Castle Rock, Big Bear Mountains CA USA

Tree Trunk
Most of the trees here are Jeffrey Pine, but there are also Ponderosa Pine, White Fir, Western Cedar and Incense Cedar.

Tall Pines against a blue sky, Castle Rock, Big Bear Mountains CA USA

Tree Tops
The pines are incredibly tall and straight.

Walkers on the Pathway up to Castle Rock, Big Bear Mountains CA USA

Walkers on the Path
Because this trail is so popular, it has a reputation for being over-crowded. We were lucky – even though it was a Saturday, the other walkers were scattered.

Cream Blossoms on a Bush, Pathway up to Castle Rock, Big Bear Mountains CA USA

Blossoms on the Bushes
The summer heat has brought out the blossoms. I thought this was Ocean Spray (Holodiscus discolor), but now I’m not sure.

Steep Climb through granite, Castle Rock, Big Bear Mountains CA USA

Steep Climb
It feels as if the path will never level out, as we gain over 500 feet (152 m) …

Rocky Terrain, Pathway up to Castle Rock, Big Bear Mountains CA USA

Rocky Terrain
…  before cresting into more level – but just as rocky – terrain.

Uprooted Trees, Pathway up to Castle Rock, Big Bear Mountains CA USA

Uprooted Trees
Fallen trees line the pathway like sculptured art; –

Textured Wood, Pathway up to Castle Rock, Big Bear Mountains CA USA

Almost Abstract
– their intricate surfaces polished by wind and sand.

Sap on a Log, Pathway up to Castle Rock, Big Bear Mountains CA USA

Sap on a Log
Like jewelled amber, beads of sap sit against slowly decaying wood.

Textured Wood, Pathway up to Castle Rock, Big Bear Mountains CA USA

Textured Wood

Sign for Castle Rock, Big Bear Mountains CA USA

Rock with Character
Finally! Another signpost, indicating that we are on track, comes into view.

Tree on a Rock, Castle Rock, Big Bear Mountains CA USA

Tree on a Rock
Castle Rock itself requires a bit of clambering; with two cameras and a tricky knee, I decided against it! It was nice enough sitting on the view points just below the summit.

Close-up of Pine Needles, Castle Rock, Big Bear Mountains CA USA

Pine Needles

Purple Wildflowers, Castle Rock, Big Bear Mountains CA USA

Purple Wildflowers
As we walk carefully back down the hill, we pause to admire the various wildflowers.

Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja) Castle Rock, Big Bear Mountains CA USA

Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja)

Sphinx-looking Tree stump, Castle Rock, Big Bear Mountains CA USA

Like a Sphinx
The lake comes back into view as we descend …

Long Shadows on the Pathway up to Castle Rock, Big Bear Mountains CA USA

Long Shadows
… into long afternoon shadows.

The walk down the hill was much quicker than the walk up! While it was only a short hike, the combination of heat, elevation gain (690 ft / 211 m), and starting altitude (Big Bear Lake sits at 6,752 ft / 2,058 m), had us happily exhausted by the time we returned to our car.

Text: Happy Rambling

Still, we recovered enough over dinner that we were out on a different track the next day. 😀

‘Till next time,

Happy Rambling!

Pictures:  29May2016 and 04June2016

  • […] It was early summer – hot and dry – when we stayed there; ideal walking weather. Unfortunately, I was not-long off crutches after breaking my knee, and for the first several days had to satisfy myself with moderate strolls around town. Towards the end of the week, though, my husband and I grabbed our walking sticks and challenged ourselves to the short, but very steep, Castle Rock Trail.  […]ReplyCancel