Heads of rice, ready for cultivation, Taro, Bali Indonesia

Balinese Rice
Rice and rice cultivation are at the very heart of Balinese culture.

In Bali, rice is synonymous with food. The word nasi (rice) also means “meal” in Bahasa Indonesia, the lingua franca of the region. 

But, rice is so much more than that: it is an integral part of the Balinese culture.

This little Indonesian island has been inhabited by Southeast Asian Austronesian people since at least 2000 BCE. From around the 1st century CE., the development of Balinese culture was strongly influenced by Indian, Chinese, and Hindu traditions. By 900 CE, Bali was an independent region with a distinct dialect, and Buddhism and Sivaism (Shaivism or Śaivism – a branch of Hinduism revering Shiva) were practiced side by side. 

It was also around this time that the people developed subak, a complex cooperative irrigation system which incorporates traditional ecologically-sustainable land management under the authority of the priests in the water temples. UNESCO-listed since 2012, subak “reflects the philosophical concept of Tri Hita Karana,which translates as “three causes to prosperity” or “three causes of well-being”. The three elements are: harmony among people with communal cooperation and compassion; harmony with God, expressed through rituals and offerings; and harmony with the environment, practiced by way of sustainability, conservation, and balance.

In practice, under subak, the forests which protect the water supply are themselves protected, and temples of varying importance and size mark the source or the passage of water as it flows through a managed system of canals, tunnels, and weirs, to water and irrigate the terraced subak lands. There are about 1,200 water collectives – each with between 50 and 400 farmers – managing the water supply that grows the rice – rice that is seen as the gift of God.

There is another remarkable facet to rice cultivation on Bali that struck me on our recent visit: on any given day, you can see rice at different stages of maturity. According to my 1999 edition of the Bali & Lombok Lonely Planet, there is a legend behind Bali’s continuous rice production:

A long time ago, a group of Balinese farmers promised the gods that they would sacrifice a pig if the harvest was good. They had a good season, and the rice was bountiful, but they could find no pigs. They thought they would have to sacrifice a child instead, until one resourceful farmer came up with a solution: they had promised the sacrifice after the harvest. If new rice was always growing, the harvest would never be finished, and the time for the sacrifice would never come.

To this day, Balinese farmers plant a new field before harvesting the ripening one.

Early into our January visit, we organised to go on a 25 kilometre bicycle ride through the rice fields and villages. Anyone who knows me knows that this is quiet adventurous: I have injured myself in bicycle accidents multiple times across three continents. But, the tour company promised that most of the ride would be downhill, and that the pace would be leisurely.

Our driver picked us up punctually at 7.30am and drove us the two winding hours up hill to the lookout – appropriately named Penelokan, “Place to Look” – where we stopped to admire the view over Gunung Batur before collecting our bicycle guide, and setting off through the rural villages and the many fields of rice. 

View over Mount Batur from Penelokan, Bali

Mount Batur from Penelokan
Penelokan literally means “Place to Look” or viewpoint, and it is a popular place to stop and admire Gunung Batur – the still-active volcano – and its surrounding countryside.

Village around Bayung Gede, Bangli Regency, Bali

“Follow the Brown Brick Road”
We started our downhill ride through a very tidy village near Bayung Gede in Bangli Regency. The equatorial January rains had washed everything – including the sky – clean.

Dwarapala at the entrance to a village near Bayung Gede, Bangli Regency, Bali

Like every temple and almost every home in Bali, the entrance to the village is guarded by a pair of Dvarapala or gate guardians.

Golden silk orb-weaver spider (Nephila) on a man

The Golden Silk Orb Weaver
Before long, we are in true rural countryside. Our guide Devi stopped at a barn to show us the golden silk orb-weaver spiders (Nephila).

Hindu Family Shrine, Bali

Hindu Family Shrine
Balinese Hindu family compounds include an area set aside for shrines devoted to their ancestors. I was allowed to take pictures from the gate, but not to enter.

Cyclist on a dirt track, Bangli Regency, Bali

The Path Ahead
Dirt tracks wind through the elephant grass and the jackfruit, banana, and papaya trees.

Black hen with baby chicks hiding in grass, Bali

Mother Hen
Our next stop was at a demonstration farm, where we admired the chickens, …

Gentle Balinese cows, Bali

Balinese Cows
… the gentle-faced Balinese cows, …

Looking up through the leaves of a pawpaw tree, Bali

… and the tall fruiting trees.

Offering House, Bali roadside, Gianyar

Offering House
We stopped at a typical family compound in Gianyar Regency …

A Balinese couple carving tourist trinkets,

Carving Tourist Trinkets
… where a Balinese couple was sitting carving trinkets for sale in Ubud.

A fluffy white dog stretching, Bali

Downward Dog
The family dog decides we are no threat and has a stretch as we enter the compound.

Portrait of a Balinese man in his family compound, Gianyar

Family Patriarch
The compound contains separate buildings for the family elders, each of the sons and their wives, and the older children/grandchildren.

Portrait of a Balinese man in his family compound, Gianyar

Family Patriarch

Portrait of a Balinese woman in her very dark kitchen, Gianyar

Matriarch in her Kitchen
The compound also contains separate kitchens for each of the families, as well as work areas, and of course, the family shrine.

Hindu Temple Pisang Kaja Desa Taru, Bali

Hindu Temple: Pisang Kaja Desa Taru
We made a brief stop outside a temple …

Palm trees reflecting in the Rice Paddies, Gianyar, Bali

Rice Paddies
… before riding off the village pavement and onto the rutted, muddy tracks between the rice paddies.

Balinese man in a flooded rice paddy, Gianyar, Bali

Man in the Rice Paddies
It was an opportunity to get up close …

Balinese man in a flooded paddy planting rice seedlings, Gianyar, Bali

Man in the Rice Paddies
… to watch the arduous job of transplanting …

Balinese man

Transplanting Rice
… rice seedlings into the larger rice field.

Group of Balinese people harvesting rice, Gianyar, Bali

Rice Harvest
Further down the mountainside, we came across fields of mature rice, and villagers in the process of harvesting it.

Old Women Sorting Rice, Gianyar, Bali

Sorting Rice
Older women were sorting the the rice from the chaff.

Old Woman Sorting RIce, Gianyar, Bali

Old Woman Sorting Rice

Balinese man Tilling the Rice Fields, Gianyar, Bali

Tilling the Rice Fields
We continued through craft villages, and ended up at an elephant sanctuary (more about those places some other time). While in the stands for the elephant performance, I looked behind us to see men tilling fields; the shrines between the paddies watched over their work.

We had a enjoyable morning: we got an appreciable insight into rural Balinese life; it was – as promised – a pleasant mostly downhill ride; and I didn’t fall off my bicycle!

As we ate our lunch, we had a much better understanding of the cycle of work that had gone into the rice in our nasi goreng

Text: Happy Rambles, Ursula :-)

We said our thanks to Dewi Sri, the goddess of rice.

Until next time –

Happy Rambles!

Pictures: 24January2017

Jeffrey Pine and a Number 10 Sign, Woodland Trail, San Bernardino National Forest, CA

Jeffrey Pine and a Numbered Sign
The Woodland Trail is a delightful 1 1/2 mile (2.4 km) interpretive circuit trail in the San Bernardino National Forest, Big Bear Lake, California.(iPhone6)

The rugged San Bernardino Mountains in Southern California are known for their outdoor activities: mountain biking, rock climbing, horse riding…

These days, I’m usually happy with a gentle hike.

Only two hours out of Los Angeles – but a world away – the charming year-round resort city of Big Bear Lake sits high in the San Bernardinos. There are hiking and biking tracks radiating in all directions around the seven-mile long (11.3 km) eponymous lake.

It was early summer – hot and dry – when we stayed there; ideal walking weather. Unfortunately, I was not-long off crutches after breaking my knee, and for the first several days had to satisfy myself with moderate strolls around town. Towards the end of the week, though, my husband and I grabbed our walking sticks and challenged ourselves to the short, but very steep, Castle Rock Trail

As short as it was, that popular hike had me exhausted and sufficiently sore that I was happy to search out something really gentle for our last day. The next morning, before driving back to the LAX Airport in Los Angeles for our flight out of the area, we treated ourselves to the shortest and easiest hike in the area: the 1 1/2 mile (2.4 km) interpretive Woodland Trail on the north side of the lake in the San Bernardino National Forest.

Join us for an easy ramble in the woods.

Start of the Woodland Trail, San Bernardino National Forest, CA

Woodland Trail
The Woodland Trail sets off at a gentle climb …

Top of a Western Juniper against a blue sky, Woodland Trail, San Bernardino National Forest, CA

Western Juniper (Juniperus Occidentalis)
… through the junipers which stretch high overhead.

Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja), Woodland Trail, San Bernardino National Forest, CA

Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja)
The arid soil is home to Indian paintbrush …

Wild Blue Phlox (Phlox Divaricata)

Wild Blue Phlox (Phlox Divaricata)
… and clumps of phlox.

California Black Oak (Quercus Kelloggii), Woodland Trail, San Bernardino National Forest, CA

California Black Oak (Quercus Kellogg)
Overhead, the leaves of the California black oak shine in the sun.

New leaves on a California Black Oak (Quercus Kelloggii), Woodland Trail, San Bernardino National Forest, CA

California Black Oak (Quercus Kellogg)
New leaves on the California black oak come through fuzzy and red.

Thicket of willows and a number 4 sign, Woodland Trail, San Bernardino National Forest, CA

“Water, Water, Everywhere?”
An underground water source keeps thickets of willows alive during seasons of low rainfall. (iPhone)

Wildflowers on the dusty ground, Woodland Trail, San Bernardino National Forest, CA

Desert Primrose (Oenothera deltoides)
Everywhere we look, there are delicate wildflowers in the dry earth.

Wildflowers on the dusty ground, Woodland Trail, San Bernardino National Forest, CA


White blossoms on a tree, Woodland Trail, San Bernardino National Forest, CA

White Blossoms

Yellow Wildflowers on the dusty ground, Woodland Trail, San Bernardino National Forest, CA


Prickly Pear on the dusty ground, Woodland Trail, San Bernardino National Forest, CA

Prickly Pear and Pine Cones

Pile of Rocks, Woodland Trail, San Bernardino National Forest, CA

Ignatius Rocks
Piles of granite rocks on the ridge provide homes for lizards and snakes.

Landscape: View over Big Bear from , Woodland Trail, San Bernardino National Forest, CA

View over Big Bear
The ridge also allows views over the lake and city of Big Bear Lake to the Big Bear Mountain ski runs behind, and through to the grey, bare top of Southern California’s highest peak: Mt. San Gorgonia (11,499 ft; 3515 m) behind. Nicknamed “Old Grayback” for it’s bald appearance, San Gorgonia has an alpine climate too harsh for trees to grow.

Moss on the Trees, Woodland Trail, San Bernardino National Forest, CA

Moss on the Trees
In the few shadier spots, moss and lichens thrive.

Walkers on a path past Junipers, Woodland Trail, San Bernardino National Forest, CA

“Twisted Living and Dead”
Junipers can grow together over time, with dead trunks being surrounded by living trees.

Tree trunk with "Wildlife Tree" sign, Woodland Trail, San Bernardino National Forest, CA

“Wildlife Tree”
Dead trees are an important habitat for many birds and animals.

Lupins on the Roadside, Big Bear Lake, CA

Lupins on the Verge
After finishing our walk, we drove along North Shore Drive towards the Bear Valley Dam, stopping to admire the lupins growing wild along the roadsides.

Scotch Broom on the roadway, CA330, San Bernardino Co, USA

Yellow Broom on the Verge
We stopped again, on CA 330 to admire the foliage at the side of the road.

Close-up: Scotch Broom on the roadway, CA330, San Bernardino Co, USA

Yellow Broom
The broom smells glorious! Unfortunately, Scotch, Spanish, and French broom are introduced invasive plants that actually contribute to California’s fire risk.

Close-up: Scotch Broom on the roadway, CA330, San Bernadino Co, USA

Yellow Broom
They are beautiful, though – and tougher than they look.

View over Yellow broom to San Bernardino Mountains, CA330, San Bernadino Co, USA

San Bernardino Mountains
We enjoyed one last view back over the San Bernardino Mountains before descending the mountain into the smoggy lowlands and following the highways back to Los Angeles.


It was a most enjoyable and interesting short walk – and a nice way to spend a bit of time before re-entering the madness that is Los Angeles International Airport.

Text: Happy Rambling

Until next time,

Happy Rambling!

Photos: 05June2016

  • Kimberly A Ferguson - March 19, 2019 - 7:12 pm

    My name is Kim Ferguson and I am the marketing and media coordinator for Big Bear Visitor Bureau. I would love to get a copy of your photo “Sweet Broom on the Verge” to use for a blog that I am doing for Spring in Big Bear.We would give you photo credit on the website.My phone number is 909-866-6190 x 230ReplyCancel

Three-sided rough wooden shelter on a grassy plain, Mongolia

Toilet Shelter on the Mongolian Steppes
It was a make-shift construction of rough planks around a hole that wasn’t half deep enough …  but it was welcome! (Phone6)

It is hard to know what to say about a day on which one of the high points is a rough-hewn three-sided toilet shelter. For most of our bumpy drive across the Mongolian steppes, we made do with rocks to squat behind. Cross-country travel in Mongolia is not for the faint-hearted – or for those who are weak of bladder!

Truth be told, that toilet shelter wasn’t all it was cracked up to be: the open side faced the road, and the pit within it really was not deep enough… But, I love the picture it presents against the sweeping plains.

It was my second day of bumping across the vast Mongolian landscape in a Russian UAZ (Ulyanovsky Avtomobilny Zavod) four-wheel-drive vehicle organised by Within the Frame and local guides G and Segi. According to Google Maps, the day’s drive from Kharkhorin to Tariat is about 280 kilometres; that they estimate a travel time of four and a half hours gives you some indication of the state of the roads!

Add to that, the fact that Air China still had no idea where my bag might be and I was wearing bits of borrowed clothing, and you get some of the bedraggled picture. Lets just say, I arrived at the end of the day like James Bond’s martini: well shaken. 

View through a UAZ windscreen: Sheep on a Mongolian Roadway

Sheep on the Roadway
UAZs may be well suited to navigating Mongolia’s roads, but they don’t afford the passengers much of an outlook on the surrounds. I amused myself on the long drives by trying to capture small snatches of views through the front windscreen as we rattled and bumped along. (iPhone6)

View through a UAZ windscreen: a long Mongolian Roadway

Steppes and Highway
The first part of our day was on paved ‘highway’. The plains and the skies go on forever… (iPhone6)

Eurasian Black Vulture (Aegypius Monachus) on a Mongolian grassy plain.

Eurasian Black Vulture (Aegypius Monachus)
Huge vultures were thick on the ground at our first stop. They didn’t let me get very close before flying off – this photo is heavily cropped.

Mongolian Ibex canyon Statue against a blue sky

Mongolian Ibex Canyon Statue
I had to make do with a statue of a male Mongolian Ibex – we never saw a real one.

Tsetserleg from a UAZ van window, Mongolia

We were travelling with our own cook, which meant our meal-stops were anywhere we pitched the meal-tent. This was a mixed blessing: it meant we had great meals, but we didn’t stop in most of the towns we passed along our way, and only saw them from the UAZ windows as we skirted by.

A Nomads Ger in the Steppes, Mongolia

A Nomad’s Ger in the Steppes
We made an afternoon stop at a nomad’s camp …

Tourists and Nomads Inside a Mongolian Ger

Inside the Ger
… and were invited in for dried yogurt.

dried yogurt on a string inside a Mongolian ger.

Dried Yogurt
Tasting a bit like hardened tofu, the dried yogurt pieces were strung up around the inside of the ger.

Portrait of an elderly Nomadic Mongolian man.

Nomadic Mongolian Patriarch

Mongolian nomadic woman in a ger, pouring Out Homemade Vodka into bottle.

Pouring Out Homemade Vodka
Inside the richly decorated ger, we sample fermented mare’s milk, and buy a litre of homemade vodka poured into a water bottle. That plastic bottle got misplaced in one of the UAZs. Days later, one of our group took a large swig, thinking it was her water. Her choking gasp could be heard for miles!

Nomadic Mongolians and a young horse on the steppes.

Milk and the Foal
Back outside on the windy steppes, the nomad couple go back to their chores of milking the mares and moving their young.

Young Foal tied to a ground rope, Mongolia

Young Foal
The young horses are tied to a ground rope where they can feed.

 cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus) and two men on the Mongolian steppes

Vultures on the Steppes
Once again, we come across cinereous vultures; once again they fly off as anyone nears them.

Cinereous Vultures (Aegypius Monachus) on Mongolian grasslands.

Cinereous Vultures (Aegypius Monachus)

View from a UAZ Into a Linden Forest , Mongolia

View from the Truck Into the Larch Forest
Too soon, we are back in our four-wheel drives. (iPhone6)

Brown hills across Chuluut Gorge, Mongolia

Chuluut River Gorge
Our next stop was at the beautiful Chuluut Gorge, …

Chuluut River Gorge, Mongolia

Chuluut River Gorge
… about 50 kilometres short of our day’s destination.

UAZs parked at Chuluut Gorge, Mongolia

UAZs in Chuluut Gorge
The autumn-yellow of the larch trees provides a colourful backdrop for our UAZs.

Gavel road into yellow larch trees, Chuluut Gorge Mongolia

Autumn Larch Trees
Larch trees are the dominant species in Mongolia’s remaining boreal forest.

Larch Tree Trunk, Chuluut Gorge Mongolia

Larch Tree Trunk

Dry Cones on larch tree branches, Chuluut Gorge, Mongolia

Autumn Larch Cones
Although they are conifers, …

Wind in the Larch Trees Chuluut Gorge Mongolia

Wind in the Larch Trees
… larches are deciduous: in autumn their needles yellow, then fall off.

Chuluut River Gorge, Mongolia

Chuluut River Gorge

View from the Truck through a Rain-splattered window, Mongolia

View from the Truck – Rain
Our break at the Gorge over, we drove out of the forest and into the rain… (iPhone6)

When vultures and outhouses are the high-points of your day, you know it has been challenging.

But, our cook Yagaanaa produced another terrific meal – including tiramisu for desert!

That, and a glass of scotch, and I was ready for the next day – 


Pictures: 23September2016

  • Selim - January 30, 2017 - 3:50 am

    Mongolia is on my short list of places to visit, and fish. Taimen, Amur trout and lenok fly fishing is supposed to be incredible. Plus, wonderful scenery to capture with a camera. Too bad you didn’t get a chance to visit with the locals in their villages. Learned a new word – cinereous. The vultures look huge, but what sustains them? The whole landscape looks sparse in terms of scavenging opportunities. I would love to have a hi-res copy of your Chuluut River Gorge photo (the first one) for my desktop.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - January 31, 2017 - 2:03 am

      Hi Selim – so nice to hear from you! A copy of the file you asked for is winging its way to your mailbox as we speak; I hope its the one you wanted.

      The vultures seem to travel in packs: I suspect there is plenty of food from the herds of sheep and cashmere goats, as well as indigenous herbivores. The birds seemed very healthy!!

      All the best, UrsulaReplyCancel

  • […] the long hours in the vehicle from Kharkhorin (see: From Kharkhorin to Tariat), I was happy to explore the soggy lake foreshore upon our arrival late in the afternoon, and again […]ReplyCancel

  • […] said it before: Cross-country travel in Mongolia is not for the faint-hearted – or for those who are&nbs… The Russian UAZ (Ulyanovsky Avtomobilny Zavod) four-wheel-drive vehicles that […]ReplyCancel

  • […] About 30% of Mongolians are nomadic or semi-nomadic, spending at least their summers in their portable ger housing close to their animals’ grazing lands, and living much as they have for hundreds of years. The herds live off the land, and the nomads live off the milk, meat and skins of their livestock. Fermented mare’s milk – airag – is popular, and milking the horses is one of the many daily activities (see: From Kharkhorin To Tariat). […]ReplyCancel

The octagonal water tower from the Chapel Bridge, Lucerne Switzerland

Lucerne’s Octagonal Water Tower
Halfway across the Chapel Bridge (Kapellbrücke) – originally built over the Reuss River in Lucerne in 1333 – you’ll see the 13th century Water Tower (Wasserturm).
Together, that is some ancient wood and brick!

Lucerne has history.

Of course, every place has a history.

But – as is the case across Europe – so much of Lucerne’s history is still present in the wood, the stones, and the brickwork of the Old City.

Lucerne also has scenery: sitting on Lake Lucerne where the Reuss runs into it, and surrounded by mountains – including Rigi and Pilatus – Lucerne is in a picture-postcard location.

The area has been dominated by Germanic people since the fall of the Roman Empire early in the 6th century; the Benedictine Monastery of St. Leodegar was founded there around 750, and the rest of the community grew alongside it, gaining independence as a city around 1178.

Today, as the biggest town in Central Switzerland, Lucerne is the urban centre for economics, transportation, culture, and media in the region, as well as a popular destination for tourists.

Walking through the medieval laneways of the Old City, it is easy to see why!

Reflections of Luzern-Interlaken Express trains in motion, Switzerland

Luzern-Interlaken Express
We stopped in Lucerne twice – once from Interlaken to the southeast, and once from Rapperswil-Jona, further northwest. Both times, the Swiss trains were clean and efficient – and afforded us magnificent views.

Lucerne Railway Station archway, Switzerland

Lucerne Railway Station
On our first visit, we were simply changing trains. We had enough time to admire this archway – all that is left of the of the old station, which was built in 1896, but burned down in 1971.

Chapel Bridge and the old city on the lake, Lucerne

Old Lucerne
The medieval Chapel Bridge (Kapellbrücke) crosses the Reuss where it meets Lake Lucerne.

Swan on Lake Lucerne, Switzerland

Swan on Lake Lucerne
Mute swans (cygnus olor) are a common sight on the lake and river.

Mute Swan (Cygnus Olor on the Reuss, Lucerne Switzerland

Mute Swan (Cygnus Olor)

Medieval Architecture on the Reuss waterfront, Lucerne Switzerland

Medieval Architecture on the Reuss
The Old City of Lucerne straddles the Reuss, and many of the buildings either side of the river dates back to the Middle Ages.

Chapel Bridge and the old city on the lake, Lucerne

Several bridges cross the Reuss to link the two sides of Lucerne. The 204 m (669 ft) long Chapel Bridge is the most famous of them.

Chapel Bridge and the Water Tower, Lucerne

Originally built in 1333, the Chapel Bridge is the oldest covered bridge in Europe.

Petunias on the Chapel Bridge, Lucerne

Petunias on the Kapellbrücke
Much of the bridge is actually new, however, having been reconstructed after a fire in 1993.

Kapellbrücke Chapel Bridge over the Reuss, Lucerne Switzerland

Kapellbrücke – Chapel Bridge

Music stand and sheet music, Lucerne Switzerland

A Small Price for Music
The Rathausquai on the north bank of the Reuss is lined with shops …

Jesuitenkirche, the Jesuit Church, Lucerne Switzerland.

Lunch with a View
… and restaurants with outdoor seating and views across the river to the Jesuitenkirche (Jesuit Church). This beautiful old baroque building was started in 1667 and consecrated in 1677 – although the onion domes were not added until 1893.

Rathaussteg and the Jesuitenkirche, Lucerne Switzerland

Rathaussteg and the Jesuitenkirche
The relatively modern (1961) Rathaussteg (Town Hall Bridge) is a bicycle and pedestrian river crossing.

Lucerne City Train on the Rathaussteg, Switzerland

City Tourist Train on the Rathaussteg

Altstadt - Old City - Building fronts, Lucerne Switzerland

Altstadt Luzern
Wandering around the Altstadt (Old City) is a delight;  …

Zunfthausrestaurant Pfistern Kornmarkt, Lucerne Switzerland

Zunfthausrestaurant Pfistern Kornmarkt
… old half-timber buildings with intricate and colourful murals …

Man smoking in an Altstad Window, Lucerne Switzerland

Man in an Altstadt Window
… have been retrofitted to house restaurants, shops, apartments, …

Hotel des Balances Weinmarkt, Lucerne Switzerland

Hotel des Balances Weinmarkt
… and even up-market hotels.

Altes Luzerner Rathaus - Old Lucerne City Hall clock tower, Switzerland

Altes Luzerner Rathaus – Old Lucerne City Hall

View of Lucerne through the ironworks of the Rathaussteg, Switzerland

Views from the Rathaussteg

View of Lucerne from the Rathaussteg, Switzerland

Lucerne’s Octagonal Wasserturm
The Rathaussteg allows views to the old 111-foot (34 metres) tall Water Tower and the mountains behind.

Double-Headed Eagle building decoration, Lucerne, Switzerland

Double-Headed Eagle

Van Laack Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung, Switzerland

Van Laack Gesellschaft mit Beschränkter Haftung
Tourists admire the old buildings …

Tourists walking the steps up to the Chapel Bridge - Kapellbrücke, Lucerne Switzerland

Onto the Kapellbrücke
… and cross the meandering Chapel Bridge.

Tourists on the Chapel Bridge - Kapellbrücke, Lucerne Switzerland

On the Kapellbrücke

Painting on the Kapellbrücke, the Chapel Bridge, Lucerne, Switzerland.

Historical Scenes
In the seventeenth century, the Kapellbrücke was decorated with paintings depicting events in local history.

Tourists on the Steps of Church of St. Leodegar, Lucerne Switzerland

On the Steps of St. Leodegar
Known as “Hofkirche”, the late Renaissance-style St. Leodegar Church (1633) was named for the city’s patron saint.

Blurry bicycle in a Lucerne intersection, Switzerland

Just as old buildings intermingle with new, bicycles, pedestrians, and vehicles share the roadways.

Löwendenkmal - The Lion Monument, Lucerne Switzerland

Löwendenkmal – The Lion Monument
To anyone who has read “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”, this lion is reminiscent of Aslan, but the Lucerne lion predates considerably C. S. Lewis’ invention.

Löwendenkmal - The Lion Monument, Lucerne Switzerland

Löwendenkmal – The Lion Monument
Designed by Bertel Thorvaldsen and carved from the rock-face in 1820–21, the dying lion commemorates the hundreds of Swiss Guards who were killed in Paris in 1792 during the French Revolution.

In A Tramp Abroad (1880), American author Mark Twain called the Lion Monument “the saddest and most moving piece of rock in the world”.

On that mournful note, we walked back across the Old City and crossed the Reuss back to the train station, and rode the Swiss rails out of town…

Until next time – 

Bon Voyage!

Pictures: 31July2014 and 12August2014

Landscape: Looking over the Kunene River above Epupa Falls, Namibia

The Kunene River
The dry heat shimmers and the winter colours vibrate on the Kunene River between Angola and Namibia.

It is hot in the northern reaches of Namibia.

Very hot.

Even in August, in the middle of the dry, winter season, when night temperatures can drop below 10°C (which is pretty cool when you are camping!), the sun rises early and bakes the arid landscape. By mid-morning, the daily highs of 30°C+ have already been reached.

I was tenting at Omarunga Camp, within earshot of the magnificent Epupa Falls on the Kunene River (see: Landscapes of the Kunene). Our trip-organiser, photographer Ben McRae had a shoot planned for the late afternoon, and it was tempting to sit out the heat of the day in the shade, watching the birds on the Kunene riverbank. 

But, Omarunga offers an afternoon guided walk upstream along the Kunene River in search of crocodiles. After too many miles bumping across Namibia’s rough roads, a leisurely walk was just what the doctor ordered!

Landscape: Crocodile on the Kunene River

Crocodile on the Kunene River
Another tourist with binoculars pointed out the crocodile sitting, almost invisible with its mouth open on the rocks in the middle of the river; truth is, I thought it was a fake, until it closed its maw and slithered out of sight!

Landscape: Angola across the Kunene River, Namibia

Angola across the River
The Omarunga Camp common area, attached to the restaurant and bar, is a delightful place to sit on the banks of the Kunene River… 

Mourning Collared Dove (Streptopelia Decipiens) on a feeder, Kunene River, Namibia

Mourning Collared Dove (Streptopelia Decipiens)
… and watch the native birds …

Finches Blue Waxbills and Laughing Doves around a feeder, Omarunga Camp, Namibia

Finches, Blue Waxbills, and Laughing Doves
… who take advantage of the seed and water left out for them.

Golden Weaver on a seed feeder, Omarunga Camp, Namibia

Golden Weaver (Ploceus Xanthops)

Golden Weavers on a seed feeder, Omarunga Camp, Namibia

Golden Weavers (Ploceus Xanthops)
I could have watched the various birds for hours!

Modest homestead, Kunene River Namibia

The Yard
Outside the tourist campsites and cabins, the homesteads are modest.

Three Donkeys, Kunene, Namibia

Dainty donkeys scrabble around for food in the dry ground.

Young Himba Men Bathing in the Kunene River, namibia

Young Himba Men Bathing
This is Himba territory; as we round a bend, we come across a group of young men with their distinctive hairstyles.

Namibian Man explaining a plant, Kunene River.

Local Guide
Our guide stops regularly to point out plants that have medicinal or aromatic uses.

Crocodile Tail on the banks of the Kunene River, Namibia

Crocodile Tail
He also spots a crocodile – who declines to show us anything but its back end.

Petroglyphs on sandstone, Kunene River, Namibia

Rock carvings dot the sandstone all along the Kunene River – probably made by stone-age hunter-gatherers around 6000 years ago.

Landscape: Mountainsreflected in the Kunene River, Namibia

Mountains in the Distance
The water is so quiet here …

Rock in the Kunene River, Namibia

Rock in the Kunene River
… that the reflections shimmer in the heat. 

Landscape: Looking over the Kunene River above Epupa Falls, Namibia

The Kunene River
The calm is so different from the noise of the falls just a few miles downstream!

Kunene Scrub and tree trunks, Namibia

Kunene Scrub
The 1,050 kilometre-long river is one of the few perennial rivers in Namibia, …

Succulent with yellow flowers, Kunene Region, Namibia

… and the plants on the riverbank are clearly adapted to the arid climate.

Tourists on the Kunene River, Namibia

Tourists on the River

Crocodile on the Kunene River, Namibia

Finally! Just before we have to turn around and head back to camp, we spot the front end of a large crocodile.

Rocky landscape at the top of Epupa Falls, Namibia

Top of the Falls
I got back to the campsite and followed the waters to the top of the falls, …

Landscape: Epupa Falls, Namibia

Epupa Falls
… where the nature of the river changes completely, as it races roaring through a primordial landscape of baobabs and into a deep ravine.

Young Himba men walking away, Kunene River, Namibia

In Search of a Location
To round out a day on the river, we are headed further downstream in search of a location to make portraits of two traditionally-dressed young Himba men (see: Himba Model Shoot).

The landscapes Text: Take only Picturesin the different regions of Namibia all have real and discrete personalities.

The Kunene River is no exception, with each section distinctive from the next.

I loved it!

Till next time.

Photos: 16-17August20