Portrait of Lisu Girls, Chiang Mai District Thailand

Smiling Faces and Bright Futures
Thanks to dormitory accommodation, these Thai Hilltribe girls – children of Lisu itinerant workers – are able to continue their school studies.

The remote, mountainous corners of northern and western Thailand – and neighbouring  Laos and Myanmar – are home to countless small villages of “mountain folk” (ชาวเขา), or ethnic “Hill Tribes”

These Hilltribes/Hill Tribes are not a unitary group. In Thailand alone, there are six major distinct ethnic minority groups – the Akha, Karen, Meo or Hmong, Yao, Lahu, and Lisu, plus a few smaller groups and numerous sub-groups, each with distinctive customs and languages. 

Most of these groups are relatively recent arrivals in Thailand; going into the 20th century, the country was home to only a few thousand hill tribe members. However, over a period of 200 or so years, groups have drifted across the borders from China, Tibet, Myanmar and Laos. Today, the combined groups are estimated to comprise about a million people in Thailand

Traditionally, the Hill Tribes are migratory people who practiced slash-and-burn subsistence farming. In the past, their members were regarded as foreigners by the Thai legal and social system: even today, many of them lack legal status because of their past migrations across international borders. And, even when they are legally recognised, the remoteness of their communities puts them out of reach of many mainstream services, and the differences in their languages and customs puts them “outside” mainstream society. 

Hill Tribe children face particular challenges in accessing education. They may live a long way from the nearest village school. Thai is not their language at home. Their subsistence-farming parents have little money for extras, like uniforms or books. The schools in these remote hills also face difficulties, for while the Thai Department of Education pays for classrooms and teachers, they do not invest in ancillary supports, like canteens and dormitories for children who cannot return to their distant homes during term, or libraries and recreational books to encourage literacy in pupils. Nor do they support individual students whose families lack electricity, running water, and a meaningful income. It is still often the case that “Hilltribe people are not getting the education they need to determine their future in society.”

Fortunately, this is changing.

When the Thailand Hilltribe Education Projects (THEP) was first formed in 1991, schools in the hills were struggling to provide even basic infrastructure for their resident students, and many children were dropping out of school at very young ages. Since then, THEP has supervised countless school dormitory, canteen, and agricultural projects, and has supported over 300 students through scholarship funding. In the last two years, the first THEP-sponsored students have graduated from university!

I love a good-news story that involves children being able to follow their dreams of an education.

And, I love visiting Northern Thailand, where the people are friendly, the views are stunning, and the food is superb. Susan Race, who manages the Thailand Hilltribe Education Projects (THEP), visits the region several times a year. She checks on the school projects she has found funding for, consults with local staff on potential new projects, and interviews all of the many Hilltribe students who receive study scholarships through her organisation. She does all this with absolute transparency: anyone who is interested is welcome to join her on her trips – as I have in the past (see: Ursula’s Weekly Wanders: THEP

It is always great fun accompanying her, and meeting some of the students who benefit. 

Aerial view of the red roofs over Chiang Mai Thailand

Wings over Chiang Mai
I feel good as soon as I see the red tile roofs of the city and the surrounding green mountains. (iPhone6)

Thai school children sitting on a school auditorium floor, Chiang Mai Thailand

School Assembly
Travel with Susan is always packed full! By nine in the morning, we are at our first school, where the children sit quietly waiting for us.

Susan Race from THEP and the Headmistress of Chumchon Lae Luang Prasit Wittaya Primary School speaking to young pupils, Chiang Mai Thailand

Mini Speeches
Many of the children at this school stay all term in dormitories that have received funding though THEP project grants. Flanked by Khru Usa, one of the local teachers behind THEP, and the school’s Headmistress, Susan speaks to the children briefly.

Thai man and boys in school uniform walking across a muddy road, Chumchon Lae Luang Prasit Wittaya Primary School speaking to young pupils, Chiang Mai Thailand

Like a Pied Piper
Khru Apichart, a local Headmaster and one of the principal drivers of THEP, walks towards a school’s dormitory with a group of children.

Thai school girls in school uniforms and traditional Lisu dresses, Chumchon Lae Luang Prasit Wittaya Primary School speaking to young pupils, Chiang Mai Thailand

Lisu Girls
Some of the older dormitory residents line up to meet us. The Lisu tribe consists of more than 58 different clans; the groups in Thailand are known as “Flowery Lisu” on account of their colourful traditional costumes.

Portrait of Lisu Girls, Chiang Mai District Thailand

Lisu Girls
The Lisu are a Tibeto-Burman ethnic group, descended from indigenous semi-nomadic Tibetans.

Lisu school children line up, Chiang Mai District Thailand

Kids Line Up
About 55,000 Lisu live in Thailand, mostly in the remote, mountainous hills of the Northwest.

Lisu Girls in a dormitory, Chumchon Lae Luang Prasit Wittaya Primary School speaking to young pupils, Chiang Mai Thailand

In the Girls Dorm
We are not really in “the Hills” here, though. These students live at the dormitory so that their parents can find itinerant work somewhere in the region.

Young Lisu girl, Chumchon Lae Luang Prasit Wittaya Primary School speaking to young pupils, Chiang Mai Thailand

Lisu Girl in her Dorm
The youngest dormitory resident is a five-year-old kindergarten student …

Young Lisu girl, Chumchon Lae Luang Prasit Wittaya Primary School speaking to young pupils, Chiang Mai Thailand

Lisu Girl in her Dorm
… with a lovely, cheeky grin.

In the Mosquito Nets, Chumchon Lae Luang Prasit Wittaya Primary School speaking to young pupils, Chiang Mai Thailand

In the Mosquito Nets
In the boys’ dormitory, the lads show us how the mosquito nets – which need to be replaced annually – work.

Dormitory building, Santisuk School, Chiang Mai Thailand

Dormitory in the Rain
The next school we visited has a number of tidy dormitories which accommodate several different Hill Tribe groups.

Karen school girl on a top bunk, Santisuk School, Chiang Mai Thailand

High Bunk – Low Ceiling
Inside one of the dorms, a Karen student in traditional dress shows off the top bunk.

Portrait of Karen Twin girls, Santisuk School, Chiang Mai Thailand

Karen Twins
Traditionally, unmarried Karen girls wear dresses made of lengths of white or cream cloth that has been hand-woven on a backloom – if not by the girls themselves, then by their mothers.

Hmong boys in traditional costume outside their Dormitory, Santisuk School, Chiang Mai Thailand

Hmong Dormitory Students
A group of smiling boys in their wonderfully ornate outfits made by their mothers, greet us outside their dormitory.

Hmong boys in traditional costume inside their Dormitory, Santisuk School, Chiang Mai Thailand

Inside a Dormitory
The conditions in the dorms are simple, but at this school, they are beautifully maintained.

Portrait of a Hmong boy in traditional costume, Santisuk School, Chiang Mai Thailand

Hmong Student
The traditional Hmong black velvet costumes are richly embroidered, and decorated with beads and coins.

Thai teacher and Hmong boy in traditional costume on a Dormitory bunkbed, Santisuk School, Chiang Mai Thailand

Khru Apichart in the Boys Dormitory
Apichart Intra was one of the founders of THEP. He takes an active interest in the projects and the children who benefit from them. Here, he is asking the dormitory students how it is going, and if they have any problems.

Hmong boy in traditional costume on a Dormitory bunkbed, Santisuk School, Chiang Mai Thailand

Hmong Boy in his Dormitory

THEP interviews: Susan Race and Thai teachers at at Jom Tong, Thailand

Susan and the Teachers
After a quick lunch, we move on to a local district office, where Susan and the teachers prepare to interview scholarship recipients.

Thai female students filling in Forms, Jom Tong, Thailand

Students Filling in their Forms
Scholarship recipients are expected to submit their grades every semester, and update the THEP team on any changes in financial and living status.

THEP interviews: A woman with two Thai students at Jom Tong, Thailand

Meeting Students
Susan always invites interested people to join her on trips; these may be student sponsors, and/or members of organisations who have donated project money. They always enjoy meeting the students – many of whom are willing to try out their English.

Thai Student Group Shot, Jom Tong, Thailand

Student Group Shot
No project can happen anywhere near a Thai educational office without the ubiquitous group shot! The Karen children in the front row are in traditional dress. We then got back in our van to drive further into the Hills: from Chiang Mai District, west into Mae Hong Son.

Thai girls in traditional Lanna, Hmong, and Karen dress, Sangwaan Wittaya School, Mae Sariang Thailand

Traditional Costumes
After the long and winding drive through the mountains between Chiang Mai and Mae Sariang, we arrived at our last stop for the day, Sangwaan Wittaya School. We were greeted by students in traditional Lanna, Hmong, and Karen dress.

Thai girls in traditional Lanna and Hmong dress, Sangwaan Wittaya School, Mae Sariang Thailand

Traditional Thai Dancing
They danced for us while we ate our freshly prepared dinner. (iPhone6)

It was late when we finally pulled into our guesthouse.

We’d had a long day of meeting students and teachers, checking out dormitories and bunkbeds – a day full of fresh food and smiling faces. And, we had an early start the next day to do it all again!

To the Future (text)I love travelling with Susan and seeing how the schools and students are doing. But, you have to have stamina!

A trip with THEP is work.

Joyful work.

Photos: 8June2017

  • susan race - June 30, 2017 - 1:50 am

    Wonderful Ursula. THANKYOU!ReplyCancel

  • sidran - July 7, 2017 - 6:54 am

    Heartwarming. The children look happy and healthy. And such colorful costumes! Kudos to the team.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - July 9, 2017 - 2:04 am

      Hi Sidran! They are indeed happy and healthy – I think it’s all that wonderful Thai food. 😀ReplyCancel

  • […] last May (see: The Faces of THEP), I was travelling with a small group of educators who manage the Thailand Hilltribe Education […]ReplyCancel

  • Ivy - September 5, 2017 - 2:18 am

    What a great organization
    How fortunate you are to see all this
    And great images and story!!
    Wonderful Ursula ?ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - June 18, 2018 - 11:05 pm

      I must have missed this, when you posted it, Ivy – I’m so sorry!
      Yes, they are a great organisation, and I love travelling with them. 😀
      – UrsulaReplyCancel

The 11-tiered meru of Pura Ulun Danu Batur, Bali

Pura Ulun Danu Beratan
The much-photographed 11-tiered meru – the thatch-roofed tower shrine – at Pura Ulun Danu Bratan is dedicated to Dewi Danu, the Goddess of the Waters, and features on Indonesia’s 50,000Rp note.

If you want to be a successful traveler, it pays to do your homework.

For example, checking the expected temperatures all around a region – not just on the coast – and packing accordingly!

This was not the first time I’d been caught out by weather in Asia: last year, my husband and I “forgot” that Vietnam is far enough north to get seriously cold in winter.

Bali, on the other hand, is just 8 degrees south of the equator, with average year-round tropical temperatures in the region of 30°C.

Unless, of course, you head into the mountains – in the wet season.

My husband and I had been enjoying some time in the coastal resort town of Sanur Beach when it became apparent that he needed to travel to Kuala Lumpur. Rather than join him, I decided to wait out his return near Candikuning. My plan was to do some yoga, go walking, catch up on work, and visit the temple of Pura Ulun Danu Bratan

I hadn’t counted on the rain: three days of cold, ceaseless rain that knocked out the internet where I was staying and rendered my clothing – especially my shoes – woefully inappropriate. English language and tourist information fell away as I climbed the mountain to Wanagiri. Walking any of the local hikes was out of the question in the pelting rain and with the wet, slippery grass underfoot. No heat, no tv, no credit cards, and no internet: it didn’t take long for me to finish my book and to exhaust the “menu” in the wet, blowy common area. It turned out that the only transportation I could get down the hill to an ATM in the closest town was a motorcycle, making the idea of carrying my cameras seem pretty fool-hardy.

Still, you make do with what you have!

Fortunately, I had a plastic raincoat in my bag. I rolled up my pants so they wouldn’t get too soggy, grabbed my iPhone6 and my umbrella, got on the back of a small bike, and hung on for dear life.

Bukit Kembar roadside in the rain, Bali

Bukit Kembar BacPaker Room
I’m pretty sure the ad I read when I booked my simple room emphasised the “EcoTourism” rather than the “Bacpaker” aspects of my accommodation. Be warned: eco-tourism is often code for “no infrastructure”. Although, to be fair, the local coffee (although gritty) wasn’t bad, and the water in my shower was nice and hot.

Overlooking Lake Buyan in the rain, Bali

Overlooking Lake Buyan
This is, no doubt, a lovely spot in good weather.

Riding on a motorcycle on a wet road in Wanagiri Bali.

The Road Ahead
It was about 10 km of steep, winding mountain road, lined with jungle, macaques, and the odd house, back to the town of Candikuning.

Entrance plaque to Pura Ulun Danu Beratan, Bali

Entrance to Pura Ulun Danu Beratan (Bratan)
I tried to organise for my motorcycle-taxi to meet me somewhere different, so I could go for a walk into town, but it was evident that we weren’t communicating clearly. I settled for assigning a time, and having him meet me here, where he left me.

Guardian at the outer gate of Pura Ulun Danu Beratan, Bali

Guardian at the Gate
This combined Hindu-Buddhist temple was built in 1633. Some of the features in the grounds – like the fierce dvarapala or gate guardians – are typical of Bali’s Hindu temple (and home) design.

Cement eagle with topiary wings, Pura Ulun Danu Beratan, Bali

Other features – like this extraordinary eagle – were like nothing I’d seen before.

Rectangular shrine, Pura Ulun Danu Beratan, Bali

Shrines of varying sizes and shapes are dotted around the grounds. The mountain in the background disappear into the rainclouds.

Candi Bentar, Pura Ulun Danu Beratan, Bali

Candi Bentar
A typical feature of Balinese temple construction is the entry gateway, or Candi Bentar, which looks like an intricate tower that has been split into two.

Inner Sanctum, Pura Ulun Danu Beratan, Bali

Inner Sanctum
There is no entry to the inner sanctum of the temple, except to those who are engaged in genuine worship.

Inner Sanctum, Pura Ulun Danu Beratan, Bali

Inner Sanctum
When the richly-carved doors are open, however, you can see the draped temples within.

Indian couple looking into the Deer Sanctuary, Pura Ulun Danu Bratan, Bali

Visitors to the Deer Sanctuary
Deer have a special place in Buddhist lore, representing Buddha’s disciples.

Barking Deer, Pura Ulun Danu Bratan, Bali

Barking Deer
The barking deer (muntjac) is a protected species in Indonesia because of their diminishing numbers in the wild.

The 11-Storey Pelinggih Meru, Pura Bratan

The 11-Storey Pelinggih Meru at Pura Beratan
Pura Beratan is a major Shaivite water temple complex, part of the UNESCO-listed Subak water management system. The 11-storey Pelinggih Meru is dedicated to Shiva and his consort Parvathi, and also enshrines a Buddha statue.

Tourists, , Pura Ulun Danu Beratan, Bali

Visitors to the Temple
A brief pause in the rain allows visitors and their Balinese guide to walk around the site.

A yellow statue of a fish, Lake Bratan, Bali

Fish Statue
A giant fish lives in Danau Bratan, which is also known as the Lake of Holy Mountain because of the area’s fertility.

Worker on the Site, Pura Ulun Danu Beratan, Bali

Worker on the Site

Sacred Fig Tree, Pura Ulun Danu Beratan, Bali

Sacred Fig Tree
Wrapped in a black and white checkered cloth which symbolises the balance of good and evil in Balinese Hinduism, a giant fig commands a central place on the lawns.

Patterned Paths, Pura Ulun Danu Beratan, Bali

Patterned Paths

Boats for Hire, Pura Ulun Danu Beratan, Bali

Boats for Hire
There are no takers for the hire boats in the wet weather.

Yellow Fish fountain, Pura Ulun Danu Beratan, Bali

Another Fish
Outside the restaurants, more fish operates as a fountain.

Tourists with colourful umbrellas, Pura Ulun Danu Beratan, Bali

Umbrellas in the Rain
From inside one of the restaurants, I can stay dry while watching more visitors as they leave the site under their colourful umbrellas.

I was lucky: the restaurant had reasonable prices and a free wifi signal; I dragged out my lunch as long as I could so that I could stay dry and check my mail and Facebook for the first time in two days.

Text: Keep smiling

Eventually, however, I had to roll up my pants again, don my plastic raincoat and brave the elements to meet my motorcycle driver for the long, wet ride back to my modest room.

Such is travel!


A Quiet Bench, The Weir riverside garden, Herefordshire, UK

A Quiet Bench
There is something very “English” about a wood and iron bench sitting amid wet grasses and spring daisies.

“Spring” – that season of new life and fresh growth – is a concept originating in the temperate regions of Europe

There is nowhere quite like an English country-garden to herald Spring in all its traditionally subtle beauty. The gentle rains – for which the countryside is so well known – coupled with slowly increasing sunlight, give rise to fresh budding leaves and an abundance of flowers. When the sun is shining, it is easier to believe in the ideas of rebirth, rejuvenation, renewal, and regrowth.

In practical terms, the arrival of spring, after a long, cold, grey winter, signals that it is time for people to get outside – either into their own small patches, or into those wonderfully expansive gardens of the old stately manors, preserved under Great Britain’s National Trust.

And so it was, one day last month while I was in Hereford, that we all grabbed our cameras and donned our sensible shoes, and went for a walk along the Wye River in The Weir Garden, a National Trust property just 8.0 kilometres (5 mi) west of the city.

This 10 acre (4 hectare) garden was designed by the prior owner, Roger Parr, and his head gardener William Boulter. In addition to the riverside walk, which follows the river banks over the old retaining wall, there is a traditional walled garden, dating back to the early 19th Century, and a Victorian glass house, added in the 1920s. 

It’s a lovely place to visit, but you might want a raincoat or an umbrella!

Trees and green grass at the Wye riverside garden, Herefordshire, UK

Everything is spring-green, as we enter the Weir Garden property. There is a small entrance fee, unless you are a National Trust member.

Man and woman with a child on the path, The Weir riverside garden, Herefordshire, UK

The paths along the riverside are pebbled and dry, but most Brits always have their Wellies in the car, so they can put them on “just in case.”

A empty bench, The Weir riverside garden, Herefordshire, UK

A Quiet Bench
There are plenty of places along the riverside to sit and watch life – and the Wye River – go by.

Daisies, The Weir riverside garden, Herefordshire, UK

I love daisies! They may be rugged and simple, …

Daisy, The Weir riverside garden, Herefordshire, UK

… but they are so cheerful.

Purple Campion, The Weir riverside garden, Herefordshire, UK

Purple Campion (Silene)

Valerian, Centranthus Ruber, The Weir riverside garden, Herefordshire, UK

Valerian (Centranthus Ruber)
Clusters of flowers hang over the river as it winds past us.

Man and child at the Wye River

Daddy and Daughter
Narrow steps lead down to the water’s edge, where a father and daughter check for passing fish.

Kayaks on the Wye, The Weir riverside garden, Herefordshire, UK

Canoes on the Wye
Thanks to the local canoe rental, you can easily follow the waters down-stream.

Portrait of a young girl in a tree, The Weir riverside garden, Herefordshire, UK

Child in Nature
Youngsters are at their happiest in nature, climbing trees and getting grubby.

Toddler on a tire swing, The Weir riverside garden, Herefordshire, UK

On the Tyre Swing
Near an open area with plenty of lawn chairs, there is a natural play ground built from ropes and wooden stumps; the tyre swing was a huge hit. I think it was only the promise of ice-cream at the near-by self-serve shop that got this little one to loosen her grip.

Green grass and woods surrounding the upper path, The Weir riverside garden, Herefordshire, UK

Green on Green
The grass and woods surrounding the upper path are impossibly green …

A mass of pink and white Daisies, The Weir riverside garden, Herefordshire, UK

Colourful Daisies
… with pink daisies stretching out from the verges. (iPhone6)

A couple on a rail over the Wye River, The Weir riverside garden, Herefordshire, UK

Admiring the Wye River
The upper path looks over the old retaining wall and the river banks.

Freshly-shorn sheep grazing in a meadow, The Weir riverside garden, Herefordshire, UK

Sheep in the Meadow
Freshly-shorn sheep graze in the neighbouring meadow, as we move from the Riverside Walk to the Walled Garden.

Red Poppies at the border of the Walled Garden, The Weir riverside garden, Herefordshire, UK

Common Red Poppies (Papaver Rhoeas) at the Wall
The 19th Century Walled Garden protects lots of freshly-planted kitchen vegetables, but is also colourful with the spring flowers.

A clump of pink columbine in the Walled Garden, The Weir riverside garden, Herefordshire, UK

Columbine (Aquilegia) Flowers in the Rain

Pitcher Plant, Glass House, , The Weir riverside garden, Herefordshire, UK

Carnivorous Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia)
In true Victorian style, the heated glass house contains some real exotic specimens!

Bees in the Onion Flowers, Walled Garden, The Weir riverside garden, Herefordshire, UK

Bees in the Onion Flowers
Back outside, a light, misty rain …

Bees in the Onion Flowers, Walled Garden, The Weir riverside garden, Herefordshire, UK

Bees in the Onion Flowers
… doesn’t prevent the bees from going about their business.

Treecreepers in a rough tree trunk, The Weir riverside garden, Herefordshire, UK

Treecreeper (Certhiidae)
We were heading back to the car when one of my companions got excited about what he could see in the trees.

Treecreepers in a rough tree trunk, The Weir riverside garden, Herefordshire, UK

Treecreeper (Certhiidae)
I had to look very, very hard before the small, fast-moving treecreepers became remotely visible to me!

Canadian author Margaret Atwood has said: In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.

We did.

Text: Happy RamblingDirt, flowers, and maybe a little ice-cream.

Until next time,

Happy Rambling!

Pictures: 29May2017

View from the Truck over the Dirt Roads West across Mongolia

Dirt Roads West
It’s a long drive west across Mongolia, and for much of the way, the roads are more of a “suggestion” than an actual motorway.

It was a long day.

Long, bumpy, and noisy.

I’ve said it before: Cross-country travel in Mongolia is not for the faint-hearted – or for those who are weak of bladder! The Russian UAZ (Ulyanovsky Avtomobilny Zavod) four-wheel-drive vehicles that are tough enough to negotiate the matrix of mud, rocks, dirt and potholes that pass for a road network across the expansive steppes of Western Mongolia are not designed for passenger comfort.

We – a small group of photography enthusiasts organised by Within the Frame and managed by local guides G and Segi – were on our fourth day driving west from Ulaanbaatar (see: Gandantegchinlen Monastery). Our ultimate destination, the annual Golden Eagle Festival in the far-western province of Bayan-Ulgii Province was still a few driving-days away. In theory, we were driving so that we could immerse ourselves in the local landscape and culture. In practice, we saw the land from the windows of our 4x4s and mostly stopped well away from any settlements: our evening camps were dictated by the few accommodations open as the tourist season waned, and our lunch- and “comfort-breaks” took place wherever we happened to be.

I spent a lot of years on the Canadian prairies, so I have an affection for open plains with dustings of snow and mountains in the distance. I reflected on those days of driving across the winter wheat fields as I sat watching the steppes bounce past outside my UAZ window. The difference was that the prairie highways were smooth and straight; Mongolian roads pitch worse than a bad-tempered camel or a small boat in a storm.

We had been warned: it would be a long drive from our ger camp at Tosontsengel to our “hotel” on the shores Khyargas Lake

And it was…

… with its own unique beauty.

View through fog and snow over open barren Mongolian steppes.

Snow and Mist on the Steppes
We weren’t long out of our ger camp at Tosontsengel before the view out of our UAZs disappeared into snow and fog. (iPhone6)

View from a UAZ windscreen over a snowy dirt road in Western Mongolia.

Snowy View from the Truck
It amazes me that our drivers could keep track of the vaguely marked-out dirt roads under the falling snow. (iPhone6)

Rocky Piles on yellowed grass, Zavkhan, Mongolia

Rocky Piles
Much of the landscape is open and empty; a pile of rocks indicates it is time for a comfort stop!

UAZ Vans on an empty dirt road, Zavkhan, Mongolia

UAZ Vans on the Empty Road
It is low-season; we have the roads pretty much to ourselves.

UAZ on the Flat grasslands, Telmen Lake,, Zavkhan, Mongolia

UAZs racing on the Flats
Our drivers amused themselves on the long drive by taking up impromptu challenges with each other. As we came alongside Telmen Lake, they fanned out three across and made their own paths. Bumping, pitching, and curving, they dodged giant holes and herds of cows and sheep. We started singing the theme to the TV show Bonanza as our driver raced the other vans across the flats.

UAZs on the dirt road into Nomrog, Zavkhan, Mongolia

Bridge to Nomrog
We were going to have our lunch at the side of the road, so we passed through the small town of Nomrog without stopping.

Snow on the Steppes, Zavkhan, Mongolia

Snow on the Foothills

Yaks on the Steppes, Zavkhan, Mongolia

Yaks on the Steppes
With their shaggy coats and bushy tails, the herds of domestic yaks are a sight!

Yak in dry grass, Zavkhan, Mongolia

Yak on the Steppes
Their short legs disappear into the tall grasses …

Yak running in dry grass, Zavkhan, Mongolia

Yak on the Run
… but they move pretty quickly when they want to!

White Mongolian pony on the steppes, Zavkhan, Mongolia

Horse on the Steppe
I was excited to see a fabled Mongolia pony through my UAZ window. (iPhone6)

Mongolian Nomad horseback with a herd of sheep on the Steppe, Zavkhan, Mongolia

Mongolian Nomad on the Steppe
Nomads on horseback herding their sheep and goats are dotted all over the open landscape.

Potholed dirt road, Zavkhan, Mongolia

The Road Ahead
As we continue westward, the road deteriorates further.

UAZ on a dirt road, seen through the windscreen, Zavkhan, Mongolia

UAZ on the Road Ahead
Sun and rain alternate as we continue to aim for – but never quite reach – the mountains.

Mongolian Ponies in the afternoon sun, Zavkhan, Mongolia

Mongolian Ponies
The afternoon sun shines on the herds of well-fed ponies that I watch through my truck window.

UAZs on a dirt road, seen through the windscreen, Zavkhan, Mongolia

UAZs on the Road
Snowy mountains float in the distance as we drive into a landscape … 

Strange landforms and mountains in the Distance, Uvs Mongolia

Landforms in the Distance
… that makes me think of prehistoric times and Jean M. Auel’s Clan of the Cave Bear series.

Large truck on a new stretch of roadway, Ulsv, Mongolia

New roads are being built – but not in time for us! The contracts for new highways have been won by Chinese contractors who bring in their own construction crews.

View from a UAZ windscreen over new road-works in Western Mongolia.

View from the Truck
We drive a short stretch of gravel road-base before being tipped back out onto the dirt. (iPhone6)

Silhouetted people photographing a sunset, Western Mongolia.

Sunset Quiet
The sun dipped below the horizon before we reached our destination; it was a good excuse to stretch our legs and momentarily escape the noisy vehicles.

It was dark before we reached our hotel – which was possibly just as well! The old Russian building (called by one French blogger “an ancient Soviet (Internment?) Camp”) looked like a high school, but lacked internal plumbing or any other creature comforts. The toilets were holes over pits at the petrol station next door, and the washing station was a walk in the other direction, at the cold-water tank. I thanked my lucky stars for my headlamp: otherwise, I would have had no chance of  negotiating the rocky, obstacle-laden paths in the dark.

As chance would have it, the one person in our group who saw a mouse is deathly afraid of them. She was persuaded that mice don’t climb stairs, and that she’d be safe on the second floor. Those of us on the ground floor tucked into our beds with hard and lumpy horsehair mattresses and crunchy barley-filled pillows, and took our chances with the mice.

Text: Happy TravelsStill, it was warm.

May all your roads be less bumpy!

Happy travels –

Photos: 25September2016

  • Gabe - June 8, 2017 - 3:39 pm

    The views are like going back in time.ReplyCancel

  • sidran - June 9, 2017 - 6:40 am

    Surreal landscapes.Like seeing the ponies and sheep in their natural settingsReplyCancel

Tulip Tree Flowers, Blue Ridge Parkway VA USA

Tulip Tree Flowers
Tulip Trees (Liriodendron tulipifera) are native to eastern North America, and in these Appalachian cove forests, they can grow to almost 180 ft (24 m). The trees don’t produce their unique tulip-like flowers until they are 8-9 years old.

You could spend weeks – or even years – exploring the scenic views, the mountain trails, the towns and villages, and the flora, fauna, music, culture and craft along the Blue Ridge Parkway. Meandering along the spine of the Blue Ridge Mountains in America’s Appalachians, the National Parkway starts at Rockfish Gap, Virginia, where it continues south from the Skyline Drive in Shenandoah National Park (see: In the Virginia Woods), and runs 469 miles (755 km) to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the Cherokee Indian Reservation in North Carolina.

It was this time last year, late in an American spring, that my husband and I were driving south along this “National Scenic Byway”. The timing of our trip had been determined long before by family functions, not by the parkway’s peak blooming season. Shrubs and plants come into flower according to whim, location, and weather; but we got lucky: various ground-dwelling wildflowers were in bloom, and the flowers on the rhododendron and azalea bushes and the mountain laurel and tulip trees, were out in full glory.

We had only a little over three days – which sounds like a lot for the relatively short distance, but when you consider that the very maximum speed anywhere along the Parkway is 45 mph (72 kph), and when you factor in all the excuses to stop, we could have used more time. Still, we did manage lots of scenic breaks for flowers and views, explorations of historic and cultural sights, a few walks, and time out for wild berry pies and other Appalachian treats.

Join us for the first part of our journey.

Humpback Rocks Farm Visitor Center, Blue Ridge Parkway VA USA

Humpback Rocks Farm Visitor Center
We were not very far along the Parkway (Mile 6.1) when when we made our first stop at a Visitor Center. There is a walk to Humpback Rocks from here, …

Blue Ridge Instruments in a case, Humpback Rocks Farm Visitor Center, Blue Ridge Parkway VA USA

Blue Ridge Instruments
… but we satisfied ourselves with a look at the static displays …

Outbuildings and Vegetable Patch Humpback Rocks Farm, Humpback Rocks Farm, Blue Ridge Parkway, VA USA

Outbuildings and Vegetable Patch
…and a walk around the old Appalachian farm buildings. 

Anemone Flower in the Vegetable Patch, Humpback Rocks Farm, Blue Ridge Parkway, VA USA

Wood Anemone (Anemone Nemorosa) in the Vegetable Patch

Root Cellar, Humpback Rocks Farm, Blue Ridge Parkway, VA USA

Out Building
I always marvel at how hard early farmers had to work, and the ingenious solutions that they came up with for food preparation and storage, in the days before electricity and refrigeration.

Fence Posts Humpback Rocks Farm

Fence Posts and Ivy
Split rail fences were common in these heavily-wooded regions. (iPhone6)

Fallen Fences Humpback Rocks Farm, Blue Ridge Parkway, VA USA

Fallen Fences
Built from easy to split, rot-resistant wood, they last a long time – but not forever!

Afternoon Sun at Ravens Roost Overlook, , Blue Ridge Parkway, VA USA

Afternoon Sun at Ravens Roost
By the time we made our next stop, at Ravens Roost (Mile 10.7), the afternoon sun was angling lower in the sky.

Metal signboard at Ravens Roost Overlook, Blue Ridge Parkway, VA USA

Ravens Roost Marker
From this overlook, sitting at a height of 3200ft (975 m), you can see north to the Shenandoah Mountains and south to the Great Smoky Mountains.

Fallen pink Rhododendron flower, Blue Ridge Parkway VA USA

Fallen Rhododendron
All along the roadway, rhododendron blooms lay where they have fallen.

View from an Overlook, Blue Ridge Parkway, VA USA

View from a Parkway Overlook
Everywhere we pull over, the trees and mountains extend off into the distance.

Sheep Laurel iin bud, Blue Ridge Parkway, VA USA

Sheep Laurel
Definitely a laurel, I think this is too pink to be the “mountain” variety, and I’m guessing it is Kalmia angustifolia, which is found all over eastern North America. Either way, the buds are lovely.

White Tailed Deer, Blue Ridge Parkway, VA USA

White Tailed Deer
Small, timid white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) feed on the verges as twilight drops over the road.

Sunset over Bedford, VA USA

Bedford Sunset
We were treated to and old-town sunset as we pulled off the parkway to find our bed for the night. (iPhone6)

Rhododendron on the Roadside, Blue Ridge Parkway, VA USA

Rhododendron on the Roadside
I never tire of wild rhododendron! We were not long in the park on our second day – after an overnight break in Bedford just north of Roanoke – when we stopped the car to explore the flowers.

Rhododendron on granite rocks, Blue Ridge Parkway, VA USA

This day fits us just that bit further south, and the blooms are plentiful. Short bushes with their huge flowers cling to inhospitable-looking granite boulders.

Flame Azalia in flower, Blue Ridge Parkway, VA USA

Flame Azalia
I was especially excited to find the endemic Appalachian flame azalea (Rhododendron calendulaceum) in full flower.

Mountain Laurel, Blue Ridge Parkway, VA USA

Mountain Laurel
Another of my favourite plants native to the eastern United States, is the very pretty mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia).

Tulip Tree Flowers, Blue Ridge Parkway, VA USA

Tulip Tree Flowers
I remember seeing a picture of tulip trees (Liriodendron tulipifera) in a book when I was a child in Canada, and not believing that they could be real. I still think they are pretty amazing.

Smart View Loop Trail signpost,

Smart View Loop Trail
Determined not to sit in the car all day, we stopped at Smart View (Mile 154.5) to walk the short (2.6m/4.2km) loop trail …

Steps on the Smart View Loop Trail, , Blue Ridge Parkway, VA USA

Smart View Loop Trail
… though the wet …

Tall trees on the Smart View Loop Trail, , Blue Ridge Parkway, VA USA

Virginia Woods
… and impossibly green …

Tall trees on the Smart View Loop Trail, , Blue Ridge Parkway, VA USA

Tall Trees
Virginia woods.

Fungus, Blue Ridge Parkway, VA USA

Fungus in the Shadows
The sheltered ground is home to fungi …

Frog in the Leaf Litter, Blue Ridge Parkway, VA USA

Frog in the Leaf Litter
… and tiny frogs are almost invisible in the leaf litter at our feet.

Trail Cabin, Blue Ridge Parkway, VA USA

Trail Cabin
We finally reached the cabin that was home to the Trail family in the 1890s. We are meant to have a “right smart view” here, but the dogwood blooms are finished, and the clouds are coming in.

Rock Castle Gorge from the Blue Ridge Parkway, VA USA

Rock Castle Gorge (Mile 170)
The rains are starting to roll our way again when we stop at the overlook near Rocky Knob.

The Parkway originated during the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, with work started late in 1935 and mostly finished by the end of 1966. The project required negotiation with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, whose lands were affected, and displaced many existing farm-holding residents and landowners.

Text: Take only Pictures

Thank heavens for Roosevelt’s effort and foresight! Today, the Parkway is a priceless ecological and historical resource. “The parkway has been the most visited unit of the National Park System [almost] every year since 1946…” 

These wonderful green spaces are so hard to recover once lost.

Until next time,

Enjoy the green spaces!

Pictures: 25-26May2016

  • Gabe - June 1, 2017 - 3:22 pm

    Beautiful reminder of the preservation of national parks for the benefit of all visitors. Unfortunate we have an administration wishing to destroy parts of it.ReplyCancel

  • sidran - June 9, 2017 - 6:35 am

    Lovely trail and magnificent trees!ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - June 9, 2017 - 3:52 pm

      Thanks for your visit, Sidran! It is a beautiful area.ReplyCancel

  • […] The first stop for my husband and myself after entering this “National Scenic Byway” at its northernmost point at Rockfish Gap, Virginia (Mile 0) late last spring, was at the Humpback Rocks Farm Visitor Center,;where we were able to appreciate how how hard these pioneers had to work (see: Driving the Blue Ridge Parkway Part 1). […]ReplyCancel