Finn Blues Band, House of Ullr, Thredbo

Rocking the Blues in the Fresh Air
This is the music of my youth: it would be at home in a dark, smoky bar. But we are all older and wiser now, and can enjoy our festival sounds in the crisp fresh air of Thredbo, in Australia’s Snowy Mountains. The Sydney-based Finn Blues Band centres around drummer, singer, and song-writer Jim Finn, and has been performing internationally since 1999. Looking at the members, I have a feeling they had ‘other lives’ before becoming rocking-blues stars!

“Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”

~Berthold Auerbach

I count my many blessings daily –

But, some days are still harder than others.

I always experience post-holiday (Christmas-New Year-Birthday) blues: a greater-than-usual melancholy that is at least in part the consequence of too much food and alcohol and too many late nights.

This was more the case than ever this year. My husband and I had a wonderful – but exhausting – holiday season hosting children and grand-children, and then, before they had all even left to return to their respective homes, he went into hospital for a major operation, and stayed for ten days. The hospital was quite a distance, so I “lived” in a hotel room for the duration. We finally returned, injured and enervated, in mid-January to our home and our Christmas decorations, which were looking forlorn and out of place in the record-breaking heat-wave that was washing over Australia.

Under the circumstances, we very nearly forfeited our pre-paid Thredbo Bluesfest tickets. 

I’m so glad we didn’t!

We might have both been exhausted, but after a mere three days on the coast, we packed a bag, crawled back into the car, and drove into the mountains. There, thanks to a weekend of good food and great music, we started smiling again. 

Singer Roshani, Cascades Restaurant, Thredbo Village, Australia

Thredbo Bluesfest utilises many of the restaurants and bars in the tiny village as venues. This presents unique challenges for the the performers – and the audience – as the venues are not all particularly well-configured for sound. Lighting is also extremely challenging – with over-lit walls and under-lit performers. Sri Lankan-born Australian-raised singer-musician-songwriter Roshani met the challenge, and kept us well entertained over dinner.

Steel Guitar in purple light, Cascades Restaurant, Thredbo Village, Australia

Steel Guitar

Guitarist Tim in purple light, Cascades Restaurant, Thredbo Village, Australia

Guitarist Tim

Singer Roshani and guitarist Tim, Cascades Restaurant, Thredbo Village, Australia

Roshani and Tim
Partners in music – and in life – Roshani and Tim check sound levels before moving on to the next song.

Roshani on harmonica, Cascades Restaurant, Thredbo Village, Australia

Billed as “a harmonica wielding songstress”, Roshani grew up immersed in music.

Roshani Priddis, Cascades Restaurant, Thredbo Village, Australia

Roshani’s Smile
The multi-talented Roshani was an X-Factor participant and a finalist in the International Songwriting Competition. She also has a killer smile.

Lachy Doley, Keller Bar, Thredbo Australia

Lachy Doley
We didn’t stay for all the late-night bands, but we did manage to enjoy Hammond Organ and Whammy Clavinet maestro, Lachlan Doley, as he put his modified Hohner Clavinet through its paces.

Lachy Doley, Keller Bar, Thredbo Australia

Lachy Doley
Dubbed the Jimi Hendrix of the Hammond Organ, Lachy has released his own albums and played with some of the country’s greats.

Mary Jane Guiney performing at the Thredbo Alpine Hotel, Thredbo Australia

Mary Jane Guiney
We started our next day with fresh air, sunshine, and Irish-born, Sydney-based, New Orleans-rooted singer-songwriter Mary Jane Guiney.

Mary Jane Guiney performing at the Thredbo Alpine Hotel, Thredbo Australia

Mary Jane Guiney
“Small in stature, yet big in voice and heart,” thirty years of performing have given Mary Jane a cheeky confidence I thoroughly admired and enjoyed.

Rory Ellis with Andrew Toner, Eagle

Rory Ellis with Andrew Toner
We rode to the top of the Kosciuszko Express Chairlift to have lunch at Eagle’s Nest Restaurant where one of our favourites, Rory Ellis, was performing. We enjoyed him at Thredbo Bluesfest several years ago (see: Cool Blues, Hot Jazz) and were thrilled when we heard he was back – and especially excited when he replayed one of my favourites: The Woodstore. It is so melancholy in live performance: I cry every time! The recording is less poignant, so I’ve uploaded a title track instead: Twisted Willow.

(Double click for: Twisted Willow by Rory Ellis)

Andrew Toner on his (backwards) guitar, , Eagle

Andrew Toner
Guitarist Andrew Toner has great skills – frontwards and backwards.

Finn Blues Band, Burger Bar, Thredbo Australia

Jim Finn
This is the blues-rock I grew up on! Even Jim’s original tracks felt like old friends.

Michael Vdelli on guitar at the Thredbo Alpine Hotel, Thredbo Australia

Michael Vdelli
More of the music of my youth: Vdelli ROCKED!

Sound Mixing,Thredbo Alpine Hotel, Thredbo Australia

Sound Mixing
Of course, the performers don’t do it alone.

Michael Vdelli (black and white) ,Thredbo Alpine Hotel, Thredbo Australia

Michael Vdelli – Guitar

Michael Vdelli (black and white) ,Thredbo Alpine Hotel, Thredbo Australia

Michael Vdelli – Voice

Hussy Hicks, Kosciuszko Room, Alpine Hotel, Thredbo Australia

Hussy Hicks
Killer combo! We saw Hussy Hicks at Byron Bluesfest in 2016 (Back to the Roots) – not once, but twice! They were as good as I remembered.

Tracy Bassy on bass, Hussy Hicks, Kosciuszko Room, Alpine Hotel, Thredbo Australia

Tracy Bassy
It’s the quiet achievers in the background that let the stars shine.

Mike Elrington, Santé, Thredbo Australia

Mike Elrington
We shared our dinner with Mike Elrington;  …

Mike Elrington, Santé, Thredbo Australia

Mike Elrington
… he was fantastic – …

Mike Elrington Abstract, Santé, Thredbo Australia

Abstract (Mike Elrington)
… – but the acoustics weren’t! Between the people talking behind me and the bounce off the walls, I had to go outside, where both the view and the temperature were cooler.

Mike Elrington, Santé, Thredbo Australia

Mike Elrington
Mike is a wild man on the guitar – …

Mike Elrington, Santé, Thredbo Australia

Mike Elrington from the Outside
… and on the tables!

Miss Whiskey, House of Ullr, Thredbo

Miss Whiskey
Sunday morning saw us back at House of Ullr, on the lawn, with Miss Whiskey, a Melbourne duo …

Miss Whiskey, House of Ullr, Thredbo

Miss Whiskey
… who represented the city in 2016 in Memphis, Tennessee at the International Blues Challenge.

Tattoos and Hats, House of Ullr, Thredbo

Tats and Hats

Marji Curran Band, Thredbo Village Square

Marji Curran Band

Sound Mixing for Blues Preachers, House of Ullr, Thredbo

Sound Mixing for Blues Preachers

Dancing Feet in flip-flops,Thredbo Alpine Hotel, Thredbo Australia

Dancing Feet

Keyboard, Soul Roots Revival Band,Thredbo Alpine Hotel, Thredbo Australia

“Did I Hear you Say you Love Me?”
Back poolside, we found the keyboard and vocal stylings of the Soul Roots Revival Band.

Kerrie Sweeney with Jim Finn, , House of Ullr, Thredbo

Kerrie Sweeney with Jim Finn
We finished as we started: with the Finn Blues Band, this time with vocalist Kerrie Sweeney helping them out, and rounding out our long weekend.

Text: To the Music

It was a lovely time out, a temporary refuge from everyday realities.

“Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness.”

― Maya Angelou

To the Music!

Photos: 19-21January2018

Two zebras crossing a gravel road< Etosha National Park Namibia

“Zebra Crossing”
Sorry! I couldn’t avoid the obvious pun. 😉

There is an irony in being able to see animals better in the wild than you can at a zoo.

My husband and I had grandchildren visiting over the Christmas break, so we took the opportunity to spend a day at Sydney’s beautiful Taronga Zoo. Now, I love this particular zoo (see: A Tale of Two Tarongas): you get plenty of exercise walking up and down its hilly terrain and the views over Sydney Harbour are magnificent. But, the animals can be a bit shy. As we walked around, trying to spot the zebras and lions, I couldn’t help but remember the wonderful days I spent in Etosha National Park in Namibia (see: Birds and Beasts; At the Waterhole; and Elephant Waltz).

Wildlife watching in Etosha is almost cheating, the animals are so prolific. From the minute we rode out in our pop-top trucks, we would catch sight of beasts on the veld, or around the various waterholes, or in the scrub, or even crossing the roads in front of us. We camped on the eastern side of this huge national park, near the King Nehale Waterhole, and all manner of animals literally came to us. I found it all so exciting I could hardly sleep at night – well, excitement, plus the yelping of jackals in the tent next door, as they fought over jerky some unwise person had left behind, and the vibrating roar of the male lions in the distance … 

As yet I’d only heard those lions, but as we drove out of camp before the sun was up on our third day in the park, the guides were buzzing: Lions had been seen!

They – and all the other animals Etosha has to offer – were magnificent!

Sunrise, Etosha National Park, Namibia

View from the Truck
Mornings are early on photo tours: it was six thirty, and we were already in the truck looking for game.

Ostrich crossing a gravel road, Etosha National Park, Namibia

“Ostrich Crossing”
It is not long before a wild animal crosses our path – quite literally!

Lion Hiding behind thorn bushes, Etosha National Park, Namibia

Lion Hiding
Lions don’t seem so well disguised in a zoo, even when they manage to hide. But, in Namibia, the morning sun bounces off the young male’s mane in exactly the same way as it bounces off the leaves on the almost-bare trees.

Three Young Male Lions, camouflaged on Namibian grassland, Etosha National Park

Three Young Male Lions
Lions are the most social of the wild cats. Male lions are expelled from their maternal pride around age two or three, when they reach maturity. These three are probably siblings or cousins who have grouped together for companionship and to improve their ability to hunt.

Young Male Lion, Etosha National Park, Namibia

Young Male Lion
The lion’s mane starts growing when he is about one year old, and darkens with age. This male looks to be the eldest of the trio, and wears battle scars on his back.

Young Male Lion, Etosha National Park, Namibia

The Male Gaze
As I aim my camera from the open roof of our jeep, I feel like one of the males is making direct eye contact: it is a breathtaking moment.

Young Male Lion, Etosha National Park, Namibia

Sun in the Lion’s Mane
In mythology, lions are associated with the sun: because of their strength, their golden-brown colour, and the male’s ray-like mane.

Young Male Lion on the road, Etosha National Park, Namibia

Lion on the Road
These magnificent creatures are kings of the park! They stride across the road knowing full well that they are at no risk.

Red hartebeest antelope at a waterhole, Etosha National Park, Namibia

Red Hartebeest at a Waterhole
The morning sun casts these African antelopes in the same shades as the scrub behind them.

Kudu at a waterhole, Etosha National Park, Namibia

Male Kudu
The striped pelts of the kudu help keep them camouflaged in the scrub, but with their long, magnificent twisting horns, the solitary males stand out at the waterhole.

Animals at a waterhole, Etosha National Park, Namibia

Waterhole Tableau

Black-Faced Impala at a waterhole, Etosha National Park, Namibia

Black-Faced Impala – Aepyceros Melampus Petersi

Zebras in scrub, , Etosha National Park, Namibia

Lines and Curves
I grew up thinking zebras were black and white, but the Burchell’s zebras, which are the most numerous in Namibia, feature brown shading between their black stripes. The stripping makes them less visible to predators, especially in the half-light of dawn and twilight, and protects them from tsetse flies, which apparently don’t like contrasting colours.

Zebras in scrub, Etosha National Park, Namibia

Here’s Looking at You!
Zebras might be one of the most common animals in Africa, but they are also one of my favourites. With their strong, stocky equine bodies, zebras are compact beasts. Did you spot the male kudu in the scrub behind them?

Head of a Zebra in scrub, Etosha National Park, Namibia

Zebra Portrait
I love their punky manes and quizzical expressions. Despite their obvious appeal, zebras have resisted domestication – unlike their closest relatives, horses and donkeys.

A group of kudus on a dusty roadway, Etosha National Park, Namibia

Kudu Crossing
A group of kudus stop us in our tracks; young ones first, a large male in the middle, and the smaller adult female bringing up the rear.

zebra crossing a gravel road, Etosha National Park Namibia

“Look Both Ways!”

Zebra in scrub, Etosha National Park, Namibia

Zebra on the Verge

Warthogs in scrub, Etosha National Park, Namibia

The common warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) is hardly the best-looking of creatures, but at least we can say we have seen them! They’ve seen us too, and run away with their tails in the air.

Springboks at a green waterhole, , Etosha National Park, Namibia

Later in the morning, at another waterhole, we find another of my favourites: dainty springboks (Antidorcas marsupialis).

Elephants at a green waterhole, Etosha National Park, Namibia

A group of elephants bathes and splashes in a nearby pond. I could watch these beautiful creatures forever!

Elephants at a green waterhole, Etosha National Park, Namibia

In the heat of the late morning, we watch as a mother and calf slosh away through the mud …

Elephants at a green waterhole, Etosha National Park, Namibia

Elephants Wallowing
… and others stay behind to wade, splash and play in the water.

Wildebeest walking in a line away from a waterhole, Etosha National Park, Namibia

An “Implausibility of Gnus”
Wildebeests (Connochaetes) are, as James Lipton suggested when he coined the phrase an “implausibility of gnus” in 1968, truly implausible beasts! I can’t look at their big shaggy heads and skinny legs without smiling – and humming the chorus of Flanders and Swann’s comical song, “I’m a g-gnu, spelled g-n-u. You really ought to k-know w-who’s w-who!”

Wildebeests, Etosha National Park, Namibia

“Confusion of Wildebeests”
Of course, a “confusion” is just as apt a collective – even when it is not migration season!

Giraffe, Etosha National Park, Namibia

As we leave the waterhole in search of our own lunch, a giraffe watches us go.

Text: Take only PicturesI hardly needed food: I was so full of the morning’s experience: so many different animals – in plain sight, in spite of their attempts at camouflage!

But, we were going back in search of lions after lunch – so I ate. 😉 And out we went …

Happy travels!

Photos: 21August2015

  • Gabe - January 18, 2018 - 9:34 pm

    Beautiful commentary and photosReplyCancel

Nepalese women pause from their work in a potato field, Panauti-Namobuddha Nepal

Striking a Pose among the Potatoes
It’s hard work getting food to the market and the table; song, plenty of chatter, and posing for the “tourists” help lighten the load.

Every cell in my body was alive and smiling!

I had sun on my head and dirt under my feet. With my arms swinging and my feet walking, I was finally on the move, and every step was a joy. I love walking – that is, until my knees lock up and my hips inflame, whereupon every step becomes agony …

It was the start of “day one” on a short, “easy” trek in Nepal’s Kathmandu Valley, and I couldn’t have been happier to be out and about.

I love Nepal, and when photographer Gavin Gough announced he was running a workshop out of Kathmandu, I jumped at the chance to return to the country. I was so excited that I organised to arrive four days early and go on a warm-up trek with local guide Angfula Sherpa and another photo-tour participant that I knew.

Although it is true that getting there – and getting started – is half the fun, once we were out of the city and out of our vehicle, I was in my element. I had my pack on my back, my cameras on my hips and a smile on my face. Our first day’s walk was from Panauti, a small town southeast of Kathmandu, to the Thrangu Tashi Yangtse Monastery in the tiny village of Namo Buddha. According to Google Maps, it is only 10 kilometres: a walk of about two and a half hours; it took us much longer, as we stopped to photograph every corner, chat to every villager, and sample all the foods along the way!

Join me in the dirt and sunshine of the Eastern Rim of the Kathmandu Valley.

Airplane wing over the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

Wing over the Valley
Our proposed “easy trek” is somewhere below me; flying over the valleys and mountains of Nepal gave me a reminder of how rugged the terrain is.

Airplane wing over Kathmandu, Nepal

Over Kathmandu
The smog of Kathmandu is as I remember it, and the city boundaries stretch forever. I’m glad I have pre-booked a recommended accommodation down there somewhere!

Sunrise over the rooftops of Lazimpat, Kathmandu Nepal

Sunrise in Lazimpat
I’m up bright and early to try to do some pre-trek stretching on the rooftop of Lazimpat House, and to watch the sun rise over the crowded city.

Nepali people around a Fruit Stand, Panauti

Panauti Fruit Stand
Our guide, Angfula Sherpa, collected us early. We stopped in Panauti to pick up fresh fruit …

Nepali woman at a Fruit Stand, Panauti

Panauti Fruit Seller
… from a street-side fruit seller.

Indreshwar Mahadev Mandir Panauti Makar Mela Spot

Panauti Temple
Our car let us off at the head of our track, near the isthmus between the Roshi and Pungamati rivers. To our right, and across the river: one of Panauti’s many Hindu temples; …

Panauti Stupa on the river, Nepal

Panauti Stupa
… to our left, on our side of the river: one of the many Buddhist stupas that coexist beside the Hindu places of worship in Nepal.

Raised Potato Fields, Panauti-Namobuddha Rd

Potato Fields
Soon enough, the vestiges of “town” are left behind, and we are among acres of new potatoes growing in raised beds.

Two Women and a dog on Panauti-Namobuddha Rd, Nepal

Women on the Road
We are not alone on the dusty road, as Newari people – the long-time residents of this valley – go about their daily lives.

A woman doing dishes in her back yard, Panauti-Namobuddha Rd, Nepal

Doing Dishes

Woman in the Potato Fields, Panauti-Namobuddha Rd, Nepal

Woman in the Potato Fields

Father and Child on Panauti-Namobuddha Rd, Nepal

Father and Child
Parents and grandparents along the way are happy to show off their babies. All across the region, young children wear kohl around their eyes to protect against infections and evil spirits.

Dusty road of houses on Panauti-Namobuddha Rd, Nepal

Houses on the Road
People are slowly rebuilding their lives following the earthquake in April 2015: houses are still coming down and going up. The damage we walk past is both random and heartbreaking.

The Green House and the brick Shrine on Panauti-Namobuddha Rd, Nepal

The Green House and the Shrine
And then, amid the ruins and the simple brick homes, we find this!

Nepali women on the balcony of a green house, Panauti-Namobuddha Rd, Nepal

Three Generations on the Roof
This elaborate building probably houses a large extended family – as illustrated by the three generations who come out onto the upper balcony …

Nepali Mother and Baby on the balcony of a green house, Panauti-Namobuddha Rd, Nepal

Mother and Baby
… to watch us pass by.

Nepali man making samosas, Panauti-Namobuddha Rd, Nepal

Making Samosas
It may still be late morning, but when we spotted a man making samosas filled with fresh minced peanuts and spices,  …

Smiling Nepali woman in a general store, Panauti-Namobuddha Rd, Nepal

The Shopkeeper
… (while his smiling wife looked after the rest of the shop) …

Nepali man making samosas, Panauti-Namobuddha Rd, Nepal

Filling Samosas
… we had to stop and wait for them to cook so we could sample a few. They were absolutely delicious!

Pile of red baked bricks, Panauti-Namobuddha Rd, Nepal

Sun-Baked Brick Pile
Meanwhile, next door …

Nepali man laying out bricks for sun-drying, Panauti-Namobuddha Rd, Nepal

… and across the road, …

Nepali man forming bricks for sun-drying, Panauti-Namobuddha Rd, Nepal

Forming Bricks
… clay bricks are being made, laid out for sun-drying, and stacked in piles.

Nepali woman tending a garden, Panauti-Namobuddha Rd, Nepal

The Gardener
The sun rises towards its zenith, and we continue walking, with our bellies full of savoury samosas. The local women tend their gardens …

Nepali women tending potato fields, Panauti-Namobuddha Rd, Nepal

Working the Potatoes
… and hoe the potato furrows, …

Nepali women tending potato fields, Panauti-Namobuddha Rd, Nepal

Woman in the Potatoes
… pausing their work and song to greet us with curiosity.

Potato furrows, Panauti-Namobuddha Rd, Nepal

The flooded potato furrows – like our walk – stretch out to the foothills in the distance.

The sun was getting higher and the March spring air was humming with fresh smells and warmth. We still had a long way to go before lunch time – let alone before our stop for the night. But, so far, every step was a pleasure, and I was enjoying the moment.


Until next time,

Happy Walking!

Photos: 05-06March2017

A man planting rice in a Balinese field, Ubud

Planting Rice
It’s back-breaking work, planting rice, but Balinese farmers still have a smile for visitors.

Rice is absolutely central to Balinese society.

In Bahasa Indonesia, the lingua franca in Bali, nasi, the word for rice, also means “meal”. But in Bali, rice is so much more than that: the whole process of growing and harvesting rice is at the very core of the island’s religion and culture.

Since around 900 CE, the Balinese have followed a system of rice irrigation called subak, which arises from the Balinese Hindu philosophical concept of Tri Hita KaranaTri Hita Karanawhich translates as “three causes to prosperity” or “three causes of well-being”, seeks to promote harmony among people, harmony with nature and the environment, and harmony with God. Subak is “a complex cooperative irrigation system which incorporates traditional ecologically-sustainable land management under the authority of the priests in the water temples”, a system so unique that it was UNESCO-listed in 2012 for it’s cultural importance.

Rice cultivation in Bali happens in a continuous cycle, with neighbouring fields often at different stages of maturity. Balinese farmers always plant new fields before harvesting all the ripened ones (see: A Ride through the Rice Fields). The Balinese are the most prolific rice growers in the Indonesian archipelago; this, and their community-based egalitarian farming practices and equal distribution of resources, has allowed them to spend time in artistic and cultural pursuits.

Any time of day or year, you will find rice in the fields, and people tending it.

My husband and I were walking on a main road towards Ubud on a January afternoon when a Balinese man approached us and offered to take us for a walk through the rice terraces. This is the sort of thing that happens in Bali: strangers will offer to take tourists places, and it is usually ok …

Balinese Rice fields, Ubud Indonesia

Impossibly Green: New Rice
Around the hills of Ubud, houses and boutique hotels border the rice terraces.

Balinese Rice fields, Ubud Indonesia

Green and Yellow : Starting to Ripen
Every rice paddy is at a different stage of growth.

Giant wood spider (Nephila maculata/nephila pilipes), Ubud Bali

A Giant Wood Spider (Nephila Maculata/Nephila Pilipes)
Nephila comes from the Ancient Greek for “fond of spinning”: a tribute to the the lovely, delicate webs that golden silk orb-weavers make.

Man in a Balinese rice Field , Ubud

Working the Fields
Rice planting, transplanting, and harvesting is time-consuming work. Men do the planting and transplanting, while women do the harvesting.

A Balinese man in front of a harvested rice field, Ubud Bali

I Nyomen
We know that our impromptu guide – Nyomen – was a third-born child. By Balinese convention, children are given one of four main names according to their birth order. The “I” in front of his name indicates male gender (females often have “Ni” as a prefix) When they are older, children get a personal name, but these names are not so commonly used.

Flooded Balinese rice Field , Ubud

Flooded Sawah
Rice fields – or sawah – are flooded at regular intervals to soften the ground for planting and to nurture the new growth. The controlled flooding uses water diverted from streams and man-made water channels.

Ducks in a Balinese rice Field , Ubud

Ducks in the Rice Field
After the harvest, ducks are allowed into the sawah. They clear the fallow fields of eels, bugs, left-over grains of rice, and emerging weeds.

Working the Balinese rice Fields, Ubud

Working the Rice Fields

Ducks in a flooded Balinese Rice Terrace, Ubud

Ducks in the Rice Terraces
As well as cleaning the fallow paddies, ducks fertilise them as they are herded through.

Wet, muddy Balinese rice Fields, Ubud

Rice Terraces

Two Balinese men take a Break in the Rice Fields, Ubud Bali

Break Time
Rice is seeded in small fenced off areas, where it stays until the seedlings sprout and grow.

Wet, muddy Balinese rice Fields, Ubud

Reflections in the Rice Fields

A Balinese man transplanting rice, Ubud

Transplanting Rice
When rice seedlings are big enough, they are transplanted by hand into a flooded rice paddy. This happens with remarkable speed and precision, resulting in neatly spaced rows.

Shrine in a Balinese Rice Terrace, Ubud Bali

Shrine in the Rice
Shrines to Sri, the Rice Goddess, are dotted around the rice paddies.

Closeup: Fresh Balinese rice in the Fields, Ubud

Ripening Rice

Close-up: Rice from above, Bali Ubud

Green Rice

Rice growing, Bali Ubud

From the Water Up

Ducks in a Balinese rice paddy, Ubud

Ducks in the Rice
Although the demands of tourism have resulted in new development, including guest houses amid the sawah, the fields around Ubud still feature a lot of traditional farm buildings.



Ducklings crowded in a shed, Ubud Bali

As we picked our way carefully between the paddies, I could hear the most incredible noise. Some kind of old farm machinery? I asked Nyoman. He laughed, and took us up a small rise to a shed, where the up-and-coming crop of ducks were quacking a right racket!

Green grassy hillocks and yellow rice fields, Ubud Bali.

Rice Paddies
Grassy hillocks separate the different layers of rice fields. They make for slippery walking!

Tin sheds in a yellow rice field, Ubud Bali

Sheds in the Rice Paddies
Even though houses sit on the edges of the rice fields, shelters or sheds are shattered around.

Little Spice Finch - Lonchura Punctulata - in a rice field, Bali

Little Spice Finch – Lonchura Punctulata
Commonly known as nutmeg finch, scaly-breasted munia, or spotted munia, tiny little finch hop all over the ripening rice.

Giant Wood Spider (Nephila Maculata:Nephila Pilipes), Bali

Giant Wood Spider (Nephila Maculata/Nephila Pilipes)
A healthy environment is host to a range of species; wood spiders are non-aggressive members of the golden orb-web spider genus.

After a long walk through the peaceful greens, we came back out onto a bustling main street near Ubud, just as our new friend I Nyomen had promised.

The Indonesian government has tried to further increase rice production: by introducing new  varieties, by deregulating the subak irrigation system and ignoring the rest periods and irrigation schedules, and by promoting artificial pesticides and fertilisers. 

Unfortunately, these more aggressive agricultural practices – and the demand for land for tourism – have put a unique system, one that has prospered for over a thousand years, under threat. I can’t help but wonder how much longer those fields, in their countless shades of green, will last.

To the Future (text)

I only hope the Balinese can protect their beautiful terraces and sustainable farming practices – for the benefit of all of us!

‘Till next time.

Photos: 29January2017

  • Gabe - January 8, 2018 - 7:14 am

    What a pleasent afternoon walkReplyCancel

Tufted Daisies (Brachyscome scapigera) on the Hillside, Porcupine Rocks Track, Kosciuszko National Park AU

Tufted Daisies (Brachyscome Scapigera) on the Hill
The start of the Porcupine Rocks walking track affords lovely views back over the lodges across the road from the Perisher Mountain Ski Resort in Kosciuszko National Park, Australia.

Is there anything more restorative than mountain air in summer?

Australia’s Snowy Mountains are a wonderful place for summer walking. The bonus of being in the Antipodes is that the height of summer falls across the Christmas – New Year break. It is my chance to take time out to reflect on the old year, and plan for the new …

Whenever we can, my husband and I (with assorted family and friends) spend the New Year period in the Snowy Mountains, enjoying the walks – long and short, the unique flora, and the fresh air. 

This year, we took the opportunity to revisit one one my favourite walks: from the Perisher Valley Reservoir to Porcupine Rocks – a large granite outcrop on a ridge south of Perisher Valley. Its a short, but moderately challenging walk with a suggested time of 2.5 hours return. I think it always takes me more than that: the 214m rise in elevation slows me down! 

But it is sufficiently rewarding. The wildflowers are in abundance from early January, the rocks and terrain are visually interesting and the views from the top make the last steep climb worth it.

Join us for a summer walk.

The Main Range, Kosciuszko National Park AU

The Main Range
We always start our mountain sojourn with a drive up to Charlotte Pass and a short walk on the Snow Gums Boardwalk to have a look over Kosciuszko National Park’s Main Range.

Silver Snow Daisies Celmisia Astelifolia, Charlotte Pass, AU

Silver Snow Daisies – Celmisia Astelifolia
We are at about 1,850 metres (6,070 ft) here, so the alpine flowers bloom a little later than in the more protected valleys further down the hill.

Ghost Snow Gums, Charlotte Pass AU

Ghost Snow Gums – Charlotte Pass
A bushfire passed through here many years ago; the dead skeletons of old snow gums stand like eerie ghost sentinels on the hill.

Water Supply Storage Road and Rock Creek, Porcupine Rocks Track, Kosciuszko National Park AU

Winter Ski Lodges
Although Kosciuszko National Park has an increasing number of summer visitors, many of the ski lodges are only open in winter. Our walk the next day starts on Water Supply Storage Road past empty chalets and continues along Rock Creek.

Tufted Daisies (Brachyscome Scapigera) , Porcupine Rocks Track, Kosciuszko National Park AU

Tufted Daisies – Brachyscome Scapigera
The grasslands around us – which are under snow in winter – are scattered with cheerful patches of daisies and buttercups.

Rocky path up Porcupine Rocks Track, Kosciuszko National Park AU

The Path Up
Were glad of our walking sticks and sturdy boot! Parts of the track resemble a dried creek bed.

Mountain Mint on a boulder, Porcupine Rocks Track, Kosciuszko National Park AU

Alpine Mint Bush – Prostanthera Cuneata – on the Rocks
The Snowy Mountains were under the ocean some 450 million years ago. Today, the effects of millennia of pressure that metamorphosed the sedimentary rocks – and the subsequent erosion of these rocks, has left a roughly hewn landscape with the harder granite boulders protruding.

Grass Trigger-plant - Stylidium Sp. , Porcupine Rocks Track, Kosciuszko National Park AU

Grass Trigger-plant – Stylidium Sp.
The ground either side of the path (and sometimes on it) is boggy and wet.

Gorse and heather on a hillside, Porcupine Rocks Track, Kosciuszko National Park AU

Golden Hillside
The hillside is yellow with gorse blooms: in this instance, it is probably the Common Shaggy Pea (Oxylobium ellipticum).

Burned Out Snow Gums on a hillside, Porcupine Rocks Track, Kosciuszko National Park AU

Burned Out Snow Gums
I love the delicate colours of the heath and the granite …

Signpost on the Porcupine Rocks Track, Kosciuszko National Park AU

… as we reach the three-way intersection with Porcupine Link Track. In winter, this is cross-country terrain.

Red-flowering Carpet Heath, Porcupine Rocks Track, Kosciuszko National Park AU

Carpet Heath

Alpine Mint Bush - Prostanthera cuneata, Porcupine Rocks Track, Kosciuszko National Park AU

Alpine Mint Bush – Prostanthera Cuneata
The smells all around us – especially the Alpine Mint – are fresh and glorious.

Granite Outcrop, Porcupine Rocks Track, Kosciuszko National Park AU

Granite Outcrop
As we got close to the top of the hill, …

Granite Outcrop, Porcupine Rocks Track, Kosciuszko National Park AU

Granite Outcrop
… the granite outcrops became more dramatic.

Silver Snow Daisies - Celmisia Astelifolia, Porcupine Rocks Track, Kosciuszko National Park AU

Silver Snow Daisies – Celmisia Astelifolia

Porcupine Rocks, Kosciuszko National Park AU

Porcupine Rocks
Finally we reached our target: the ancient, craggy granite outcrop at the top of the ridge.

View Over Lake Crackenback from Porcupine Rocks, Kosciuszko National Park AU

Looking Over Lake Crackenback
There are good views over the resort at Lake Crackenback from the ridge. Those willing to clamber to the top of the rocks get clear views of Perisher Valley, Mt Duncan, Thredbo River Valley and Bullocks Flat. We, however, played it safe and stayed lower down.

Granite Buttercups - Ranunculus Graniticola, Porcupine Rocks Track, Kosciuszko National Park AU

Granite Buttercups – Ranunculus Graniticola
As we work our way back down, we stop to admire the buttercups.

Snow Gums and Gorse shrubs, Porcupine Rocks Track, Kosciuszko National Park AU

Snow Gums and Gorse

View of Perisher from Porcupine Rocks Track, Kosciuszko National Park AU

Perisher in Sight
When the ski resort comes back into view, we know we are almost finished.

Small fish in Rock Creek, Porcupine Rocks Track, Kosciuszko National Park AU

Find the Fish!
We cross back over Rock Creek and make our way back to the car.

It was a lovely way to end the old year and start the one; I’ll be back in the mountains again when this year turns over.

Till next time …

Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy 2018!

Photos: 01-02January2017