Search Results for: india

“The cure for anything is saltwater – sweat, tears, or the sea.” –  Isak Dinesen “… sweat, tears, or the sea.” Sailing provides all three. I love being on the water. And – even with the sweat, tears, and frustrations – being on the water under sail is even better. I’m not a particularly good sailor. That is in no small part because […]

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I’ve said it before (A Living Landscape) – Bagan is a magic place. And, it is amazing how much you can pack into a single day around Bagan – if you get up long before dawn, and return to your room well after dark. The city served as the capital of the Kingdom of Pagan: the first kingdom […]

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It can be risky travelling through Southeast Asia during the southwest monsoon season: – daily rains can almost be relied upon, and when they come, they tend to be sudden and torrential. They make getting around difficult, especially for tourists who are not necessarily used to wading through the deep, dirty waters that often come with routine […]

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I loved New Mexico. What’s not to love about a state that reveres spiritual ancestors, country and western legends, Mother Mary, and extraterrestrials – seemingly in equal measure! It’s not that I have any particular affiliation with any of the above, but I admire a culture that allows for – and celebrates – such diversity. […]

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Names drop like musical notes – and me, once again, am caught without an umbrella… Apologies for the paraphrase, but when I envisioned dropping the names of some of the musical heavy-weights we had the good fortune to listen to at the Byron Bay Bluesfest 2014, I “saw” the names coming down like rain; like the tears in […]

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