Search Results for: india

Time flies! Especially when you are having fun. A full five years of Ursula’s Weekly Wanders PhotoBlog posts have passed, and I’m still wandering ~ sometimes revisiting favourite haunts, often exploring wonderful new places. This last year has been as busy as ever, driving countless kilometres and racking up air-miles while still posting every week. The various stories […]

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“There, to your left, you can see one of British Columbia’s highest waterfalls,” our guide and boat operator Tim said – and laughed, because we couldn’t see the cliffs rising either side of us, or the waters falling from the tops, or indeed, anything more than four feet away. Forest fires are raging across British […]

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Buenos dios, fellow travellers! It is Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. I love the colours that mark the changing of the seasons. My corner of Australia never shows much dramatic change, however, and this year we have been battered by winds and rains which have washed away any colours we might have had. So, to find […]

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Rajasthan is known for it’s colourful fabrics: especially the “crowning” turbans of the men which hark back to the Rajput land-owners and rulers. Traditionally, the size and style of the turban denoted status and rank, and different colours were worn for different purposes, like weddings and celebrations, or during different seasons. Holy men in white or saffron turbans are […]

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“There is a pleasure in being mad which none but madmen know.” – John Dryden, The Spanish Friar (1681) “There is a pleasure in being mad which none but madmen know.” That is the Dryden quote that opens Gerald Durrell’s first book: My Family and Other Animals. And an apposite quote it is! When I first read the book as a young adult, I remember […]

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