Search Results for: petra

Jordan is one of those places where I’d go back. I’ve had a lifelong love of deserts, and a fascination with Lawrence of Arabia. So, to walk and camel-ride in Lawrence’s boot-steps in the magically beautiful sculpted desert landscape of Wadi Rum was an absolute dream-come-true (see: Desert Rains and the Seven Pillars of Wisdom; […]

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History is written by the victors. So, how do the non-victors manage to tell their stories, especially to future generations who are looking back on conflicts with very different historical perspectives? How do descendants of those who were seen as perpetrators of crimes or atrocities reconcile themselves with their own histories? How do the future generations, who are often still seen […]

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Cambodia is a youthful country with a sad history. One third of the country’s 15 million people (32.2%) is under the age of fifteen (July 2011 est.). Given the genocide perpetrated by Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge between 1975-1979 when two million Cambodians were killed, it is not surprising that less than 4% of the population is 65 or […]

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