Search Results for: hereford

It’s no surprise that every Brit, regardless of age or gender, owns at least one pair of gumboots or wellingtons. You can’t get far in the English countryside without them. Winter in England has a reputation: grey and bleak and wet. While it is true that the whole time I’ve been here, it has been wet, at least […]

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Finally! I finally got a small taste of the African continent!  Once again it has been a busy year of travels. I’ve been back to some old favourites and added some new European countries to my map. And, I’ve finally dipped my toes in the African continent with an intensive two-week trip across Namibia. This week I completed six years […]

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The term “black and white village” refers to several old English villages in the counties of Herefordshire and Shropshire in the West Midlands of England. These villages are known for their timbered and half-timbered houses, some dating to medieval times. The framework of the houses was made from unseasoned green oak, which darkened over time; painting the beams black was a relatively recent innovation. The panels between the beams were covered with plaster – or […]

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