Living in Bangkok is always an adventure. Rules and regulations are as amorphous as shape shifters, and it’s often difficult to know where you will end up while trying to follow them. As ‘farang’ (colloquial for ‘foreigners of white European appearance’), we are required to renew our visas annually. Ahead of time you can never be sure whether this will be a painless fifteen-minute process or a whole day adventure. We were due for renewal, so last Monday we headed to the “OneStop Office” armed with a visa broker to assist and a pile of paper to prove our claim: originals and multiple photocopies of passports, visas, permits, letters of employment and our marriage certificate. After eight years, our file is getting rather thick, as every year requires new copies of the same documents! Anyway, the “OneStop Office” has moved, and the result was that this year the whole process took place in a more convenient location and was relatively painless and quick, leaving me and my camera with time to explore the Wat (Buddhist temple) across the road.

I’ve taken a lot of pictures of wats and buddhas over the years, and if you are interested you can have a peek in my various Flicker albums by clicking the links: wats, buddhas, monks, Thailand, and/or Bangkok.

This time, my focus was on the workers. Thais have a word which is said to be one of the four pillars of the culture: sanuk:สนุก, which basically means ‘fun’. If an activity is not fun, people don’t want to do it. This sometimes gives visitors to Thailand the impression that people don’t work very hard, which couldn’t be further from the truth. Many people have difficult or dangerous physical jobs which they might be expected to perform for twelve hours a day, six days a week for very little pay. It’s hardly surprising, therefore, that they want to have fun while working! As I was wandering around the wat (Wat Hua Lampong), I came across two striking examples of this.

The wat was suffering from drainage problems. The first group of workers I spoke to (albeit haltingly!) told me that they had to find out how to get the water ‘out’. As you can see from the attached photos, this involves using shovels made from bamboo to dig the glop out of a ditch while you are standing in it, and then bagging the glop and removing it. Certainly NOT a job I envy! But, inspite of the uncomfortable nature of the work, the workers were cheerful and good natured: they chatted with each other and one broke into song regularly. They were accepting of my pesence with my camera, joking about whose picture I should or shouldn’t take.

Wats are a hive of activity. While I was there, there were homeless folk sleeping on floors, dogs and cats underfoot everywhere, little novices running around doing errands, painters and builders involved in the ever-ongoing process of maintaining and beautifying the wat and its many salas (free-standing rooms), as well as monks and lay people engaged in the supplications, blessings and prayers that you might expect. The second group of workers that I chatted with briefly were making new chandeliers for one of the halls: painstaking, fiddly work, all done by hand. The women were sitting outside on the marble stoop, where there was a little breeze to take the edge off the 30° sticky afternoon, stringing rows of glass beads together with metal fasteners. Their colleague was inside the hotter pavilion, afixing these lenghts of beads onto a large large frame.

I was sweating, just taking the pictures! Sanuk, yes, but still very hard work.

  • Kevin Dowie - July 19, 2010 - 12:49 pm

    Nice series of shots Ursula and the blog design looks good too.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - July 19, 2010 - 5:50 pm

      Thanks, Kevin!
      Seriously STEEP learning curve… but I’ll keep working on it.

  • […] day just on animals.) What really amazed me, however, was the workers.  Anyone who has read my first post knows I am impressed by how hard people in Thailand (and other Asian countries) work.  ”Hard […]ReplyCancel

Once upon a time, people wrote letters to their family, friends and colleagues when they had something to say.  They sent greeting cards on special occasions and postcards when they traveled.  In this age of electronic media, the form of these interactions had changed significantly, while the purpose remains the same: to communicate thoughts, feelings, ideas and impressions.

I am exceedingly fortunate: I live in a region full of sights and sounds, and have the luxury of exploring it regularly.    My intention with this PhotoBlog is to share snippets of information (500-1000 words) and snapshots of observations (5-12 photos) weekly, on or about Thursdays.  I’ve already discovered that this may not always be possible!  In the ‘good old days’ letters, cards and postcards went missing once in a while, and so it is in this global age of the internet.  Even in modern cities, LAN lines often don’t work and WiFi’s can be patchy when you least expect it.

On top of all that there is the steep learning curve: even though old dogs CAN learn new tricks it can take longer.  I’m new to this Blogging stuff, so I’m not quite sure how it will all take shape.  I hope to add new things weekly, and when time permits, to return to older digital images and stories, and possibly even dig out some film…  Remember film?

So, lets see how it all goes.   I hope you will enjoy my Weekly Wanderings.

  • Guava - July 30, 2010 - 10:35 am

    Good luck with the new blog Ursula! I know how difficult it can be to find time to update as often as you would like, especially with Flickr too. Looking forward to reading your thoughts and stories as much as I enjoy your Flickr stream (^__^)ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - July 30, 2010 - 3:03 pm

      Thanks, Guava! I’m already feeling challenged. :-SReplyCancel

  • Leah Tancred - August 2, 2010 - 4:21 pm

    Hey Ursula,

    I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog; you did quite well in managing to catch those aeroplanes mid flight, i also loved how shinny they were in close ups.


    • Ursula - August 3, 2010 - 1:13 am

      Hi Leah!
      I’m so glad you liked it!
      I get the impression you and London are getting along quite well. 😉ReplyCancel