Portrait: Lawae Woman with Traditional Face Tattoos

Lawae Woman with Traditional Face Tattoos and Elephant Tusk Ear Plugs

Bong! Bong! Bong!

The sound of gongs reverberate in my head; deep, surprisingly melodic tones that almost transport me back to Bhutanese monasteries… But in this image there are no tall, ornately carved and painted wooden buildings; in fact we are outdoors on dusty ground, surrounded by dry trees, old people and children, with few buildings at all.

Lawae Elders Playing Gongs

Lawae Elders Welcome us with Gongs

Lawae Woman Playing a Gong

A Lawae Woman Beats a Gong while Others Sing and Clap

I’ve heard of writer’s block. What I had didn’t feel like a block – more like a maelstrom. Images, sentence fragments and half-formed ideas were swirling around my head at dizzying speed. I felt like I was caught in a twister; no – a dust storm.

It was late January, and I had just returned from Attapeu, one of the southern-most provinces in Laos.  I was supposed to be writing a nicely-structured one-thousand word photo essay about the textile weavers there. That may sound easy enough, but I had come home with an over-packed suitcase, hundreds of photos, dust in every pore of my body, impressions in every cell of my brain and no idea where to start. My thoughts were as jangled as my bones and nerves after four days of bouncing over the patchy tarmac highways and dusty dirt-pack backroads of southeastern Laos in a van as one of a group of nine individuals – individuals with experiences and dispositions as different as their own cultural backgrounds and nationalities. In fact, as diverse as those communities we were travelling to visit! It is so easy to forget that one of the joys (and challenges) of travel, especially in remoter regions, is the journey itself and the people one shares it with.

It always takes me a while to sort through and digest my impressions of a trip, especially one as rich with experience as this one had been. The journey we had embarked on was a Thai Textile Society trip, involving a one hour flight from Bangkok to Ubon Ratchatani in Northeastern Thailand and a 385 kilometre drive. This doesn’t sound like much, until you factor in nine personalities, assorted stops, and the vagaries of an overland border crossing at the small town of Chong Mek. I left my home before light and reached the hotel after dark, following what was an interesting but extremely long day.

Attapeu is not one of the more frequented tourist destinations in Laos. We were there principally because our group leader, Khun Napat Sirisambhand, has been working with the local women’s organization, the Attapeu Lao Women’s Union, for the last eleven years. With the initial support of a small World Bank grant, they are working together to help develop the quality and promote the marketing of indigenous crafts, in particular: basketry, pottery and weaving. I was there because it was an opportunity to travel ‘off-piste’ and because I see this sort of small community development project as a perfect way to support local self-determination. My travel companions were there to learn about the local weaving methods and to buy textiles.

Our first morning out, we travelled 45 kilometres south of Attapeu, much of it on dirt roads, to the small Lawae village of Pu Wong.  Laos is a relatively small country with a population of only about seven million people. In spite of this, according to official government documents there are 47 recognized ethnicities – with over 160 minor ethnic groups speaking 82 distinct living languages. Attapeu has only about 115,000 people, but they comprise of 14 ethnic groups, many of whom cross the southern borders into  neighbouring Cambodia.

Lawae in Attapeu Province, Laos, singing

Traditional Beads and Welcome Songs

Portrait: Lawae Woman

Elephant Ivory Ear Plugs and Beads

The Lawae (or Lavae, Brao or Brow, but not to be confused with the Lave or Lavi!) come from the Mon-Kmer language tradition.  Traditionally, the women have worn earring plugs made from elephant tusks, with the size determining social status, and have cut the middle of their front teeth and had their faces tattooed for beauty.  While these customs are dying out, the older women in the community we visited were living examples.  What is not dying out is the pipe: small tobacco pipes were an almost permanent fixture in the mouths of many of the women!  These villages have no weaving tradition; in the past, the Lawae have made clothing from tree bark fibre.  These days, they tend to opt for fabrics from the local markets.

The whole village turned out to greet us with those musical gongs, singing and dancing.  The dances, as is the case in most of the region, pay tribute to rice and its place in the cycle of life. Some of the songs were accompanied by what looked like a bamboo pole. It is quite amazing that comes out this simple length of bamboo when it is clapped with a cupped hand at one end by one person while someone else claps their hands rhythmically at the other end.

Singing Lawae Children. Laos

Singing Children

Lawae boy singing: girl clapping time

Singer and His Fan - He had a terrific voice, but what amazed me was his 'Mike Technique' in a village with no electricity!

Lawae Women with Pipe, Banging Large Bamboo Pipe

Playing the Pipes

Portrait: Lawae Woman with Pipe

Magic Smile!

Portrait: Lawae Teenage Girl

Looking to the Future

This community seems to comprise far more then the national average of 41% of population between newborn and 14 years… children were everywhere! Houses are simple bamboo structures with cooking and food preparation done out doors.  Although there was electricity nearby, it didn’t reach most of the homes, and of course, running water was a pipe dream. While we were there, the elders punctuated their pipe-tobacco smoking with drinking with straws from the communal rice wine pot.

Lawae Toddler on Young Teen

Hanging with His Sister

Portrait: Older Lawae Woman with Pipe

Smoking Gran ~ Notice the Tattoo Remnants and the Elongated Ear Lobes

Lawae Men Around a Large Pot of Rice Wine

Around the Rice Wine Pot

Lawae woman with rice-wine straw

Straw in the Rice Wine

Young Lawae Child with Older Woman

"Me and My Gran"

Lawae Women Squatting in the Dust

Just Chilling

Portrait: Lawae Woman Laughing

Smiles all Around ~ Notice the Filed Front Teeth on the Older Woman.

Elder Lawae Woman

Smiling Elder ~ This Woman was a Great Character and Clearly a Village Leader!

Lawae woman outdoors: preparing chicken for the pot

Open-Air Kitchen - Preparing Chicken for Dinner

Portrait: Lawae Child

Lawae Child at Home

Woven Lawae Grass Houses, Laos

Lawae Grass Homes, Pu Wong District Town

Red Dirt Road: Laos

It's a Long Way Home! Pu Wong District Town

Text: Happy Travels

So, I’ll keep the weavers for next week, and leave you in the mean time with the rich earthy smells of dust, tobacco and rice wine, and the sounds of gongs and laughter.

Happy Travels!

  • Signe Westerberg - February 11, 2011 - 2:47 am

    still think you should be compiling a book of your travels… these are amazing and mostly unheard of – fabulous as always and look forward to the next installment, certainly a pleasant diversion from electioneering ;-DReplyCancel

    • Ursula - February 11, 2011 - 5:02 am

      Thanks, Signe! I’m impressed you had time to look in with your busy schedule. Council meetings sound like my idea of hell.
      If they come to my door with a book deal, I’ll let you know!ReplyCancel

  • Gabe - February 11, 2011 - 5:42 am
  • Anthea - February 11, 2011 - 6:22 am

    amazing! I love the writing and the photos 🙂 Well done!ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - February 11, 2011 - 6:25 am

      Thanks, Anthea! You are very kind. I’m looking forward to your Som Tam story. 😉ReplyCancel

  • Gavin - February 11, 2011 - 6:16 pm

    Nice job! I think these are some of your most compelling images and make for a lovely set. Love the boy with the imaginary microphone and there are some really delightful portraits in this collection. Good on you.


    • Ursula - February 12, 2011 - 3:02 am

      Aren’t you sweet, Mr Gough. Cheers! 😀ReplyCancel

  • […] particular trip, to Attapeu and to the Lawae and Taliang villages in the region, was rich with cultural experiences. But, I find it is often […]ReplyCancel

  • […] reminded me how much I love Laos: the songs, dances and smiles of the people, the brilliant hand-woven fabrics, the colourful markets, the ethnic villages, the […]ReplyCancel

  • jeanneau - July 2, 2014 - 9:49 am

    very nice photos, here is the music that goes with it


    laurent jeanneauReplyCancel

Have you ever wondered where your salt comes from? No – I haven’t either!  Salt is one of those many things we tend to take for granted.

Piles of salt in the sunshine

Salt Pans, Samut Sakhon

In Thailand, most of the salt used comes from brine salt-farms, and the largest number of these brine salt farms are close to Bangkok, along Highway 35 in Samut Sakhorn.  We’ve driven past these large square fields that resemble rice patties – except for the obvious absence of rice – many times, and I’ve often commented that they’d be worth photographing, but we’ve always been in a hurry to get somewhere else.  This week, driving home from the delightful beach town of Hua Hin, we stopped for coffee at a petrol station right next to one of the many salt farms.  Well, the temptation was irresistible and I wandered into one of the all-but-vacant lots.

Lanscape: Salt Pans

Entry to the Salt Pans: Planks and Steps off the Highway

Large wooden roller at the salt pans, Samut Sakorn

Wooden Roller

Rolling machine at the salt pans, Samut Sakorn

Rolling Machine at the Salt Pans

Rakes and baskets at the salt pans, Samut Sakorn

Equipment and People at Rest

Wicker basket in water

Briny Wicker Basket

Wooden rake on salt pan

Like the Outdoor Ice-Rinks of my Childhood!

Close-up: Wooden Salt Rake

Tropical Zamboni?

It wasn’t long before people came out to chat to us.  I did my best to ask intelligent questions about the salt pans: “How long does it take to produce the salt?” “One month.” “This one,” I asked, pointing to the piles of salt, beautifully dotted around the paddock.  “Ready,” I was told.  “This one?” I indicated the the smooth surface with the wooden rake lying in it.  “ยัง – Not yet,” was the answer.  That just about exhausted my Thai for the day, so we had to satisfy ourselves with smiling a lot.  My companion looked at his watch: “Three-thirty!” he exclaimed, as if that was important.

Sure enough,  as if by magic, people appeared from everywhere and the salt pan which was ready became a hive of activity: men and women in socks, boots or bare feet, walked out to the piles and set to work.  For the most part, the women shovelled the salt into bamboo carry-baskets, and the men, balancing a basket at each end of a long carry pole, carried the salt back to the store room.

To make the salt, the prepared fields are flooded with sea water pumped in from the near-by Gulf of Thailand, dammed, and left to dry naturally in the sun. When the water has evaporated, the salt is piled and taken away to be cleaned and bagged for sale: on the roadside, in local shops and internationally.   According to a web-blog source (and I could find no other reliable data), Thailand produces a million tonnes of salt each year.  From what I saw, each pound is labour intensive!

Thai man and woman moving salt

Working in Concert

Thai man carrying baskets of salt

Moving Baskets 

Thai woman in a brine salt farm

A Moment’s Pause

Portrait: Thai woman smiling; hidden by her hat

That Thai Smile is Never Far Away!

Portrait: Thai Male Worker, Salt Pans

Working the Salt Fields

Portrait: Older Thai woman in a red sunhat

Elders Continue Working…

Thai woman raking salt

Raking Piles into Baskets

Close-up: Bare feet and salt basket

Salt Foot Scrub?

Landscape: Thai man levelling salt farm

Levelling the Salt with Nonchalance

Close-up: feet in mis-matched wet socks

Socks in the Salt


Salty Reflections

Close-up: Rubbish at the salt farms, Samut Sakhorn

Keeping the Salt Farms Tidy

Broken bag of salt on wooden planks

Somehow, Spilt Salt Seems More Serious when You See How Much Work Goes into Each Bag!

Road-side stand selling salt and fish.

Buy it From the Source! Salt and Salted Fish (ปลาสลิด) for Sale. The Woman is Waving her Hand to Ask Passers-By to Stop, While her Dog Sleeps in the Shade.

Food for thought when you next salt your eggs!  Happy Travels.Text: Happy Travels

  • Catherine - February 3, 2011 - 4:56 pm

    Wonderful pictures Ursula, thanks for sharing!ReplyCancel

  • Signe Westerberg - February 3, 2011 - 10:47 pm

    Hi guys,

    you are so right… we take salt for granted, I don’t ever recall wondering how we got it etc… makes my addiction even more profound lolReplyCancel

  • Mike - February 4, 2011 - 12:54 am

    Hi Ursula many thanks for the link to my photoblog. The stats came from a Bangkok Post article and Wikipedia, as you say they are difficult to come by.

    I have relatives in Samut Sakhon, so I usually stop near the farms if we are visiting.

    BTW did you know that production ceases during the rainy season(probably obvious why)?

    You have a very nice blog and I think the photos are great.

    Best wishes

    • Ursula - February 4, 2011 - 1:38 am

      Hi Mike! You obviously had more luck with Wiki than I did. I tried the Bangkok Post link, and they sent me to the front page. I thought your page was great – and daily!! My gosh, weekly is killing me! 😉 Oh well. And, yes, I know all about rainy season! 🙂

      Greetings Cathy and Signe! Nice to see you both. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Paul - September 14, 2011 - 9:09 am

    Hello Ursula, a wonderful set and comments. I travelled along this road from Hua Hin last year but I do not remember seeing the salt fields. But now I have seen these photos I may try and visit this area when I next visit Krung Thep.

    All the best


    • Ursula - September 14, 2011 - 9:52 am

      Thanks for visiting, Paul!
      We’ve driven past so many times – always in a hurry to somewhere else! This visit we were lucky – we stopped mid afternoon on our way back to Bangkok and wandered into the salt pans while it was quiet… not a soul around… Within half an hour, the place came to life, and everyone set to work! The workers were mostly happy to have me hanging around, which was nice. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • janice - March 25, 2012 - 2:32 am

    I was vacationing in thailand in january. I did see these salt fields on are way from Hua Hin to Pattaya. They were very interesting……ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - March 26, 2012 - 10:22 pm

      Hi Janice,
      Thanks for the vist! Thailand is full of interesting sights! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • […] Para conocer más acerca de la recolección de la sal marina visitar el fotoblog: Sal de Samut Sakhon, Tailandia https://www.ursulasweeklywanders.com/travel/salt-samut-sakhon-thailand/ (Inglés). […]ReplyCancel

  • Tan Beng Kiat - June 28, 2018 - 7:00 am

    Dear Sir ,

    I would like to know this salt manufacture company as I ‘m interested to buy direct form them . Contact No 0832933838 Khun Tan

    Thank You .

    Khun TanReplyCancel

    • Ursula - June 28, 2018 - 7:16 am

      Dear Kh Tan,
      I’m afraid I have no idea how to find the companies involved! Good luck with your search.ReplyCancel

  • Hans-Joachim Engelhardt - October 17, 2018 - 8:46 pm

    Hello Ursula, for a long time I have been dealing with salt ponds or the production of white gold by solar evaporation. Now I found these beautiful shots of the salt mountains and the people doing their hard work on the salt fields. This impresses me a lot and also your photos, which captured everything. I send you best regards from autumn Germany and wish you a lot of fun with your photo projects.
    Hans-Joachim EngelhardtReplyCancel

    • Ursula - October 24, 2018 - 1:58 pm

      Hi Hans-Joachim!
      Thanks for your lovely greeting. I’m so sorry to be so slow in replying: I have been travelling in lands with no internet. Enjoy your autumn!ReplyCancel

  • Tallwahl - December 3, 2018 - 7:37 am

    Read the book “Salt”. It’s very interesting on the subject we all probably take from granted.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - December 3, 2018 - 11:43 am

      It is a fascinating subject, Tallwahl. 😀ReplyCancel

  • Anne - June 24, 2024 - 5:28 pm

    Just passby on our drive to Chumphon..
    Bought 1 packet as the lady mentioned is non ionised salt
    . 7ReplyCancel

Money trees for sale!  Why should I be startled?

Morning markets in Asia are a jumble of surprises – people and products rubbing shoulders in unexpected combinations.  The morning market in Attapeu, southeastern Laos is a great example: a treasure trove where the nails are next to the make-up and crayons; where you can buy live catfish or invest in the nets to catch your own; where the weak fluorescent lamps can neither illuminate the dark interior corridors nor compete with the brightly angled early sunshine outdoors.

Lao money folded and placed on a stick with a bow

Who said money doesn't grow on trees? These money trees are to offer the local Buddhist temple.

I love morning markets – except for the fact that they are so very early in the morning! I am really not a morning person…  but the morning markets in Attapeu, southeastern Laos, start early – very early.  By the time I was up and out at 5:30am, this small frontier town at the confluence of the Xe Kong and Xe Kaman rivers was already coming to life.  Crossing the rivers on precarious little ferries that look like grass huts on pontoons, vendors and buyers from outlying areas were already arriving in town with their motorcycles, their shopping baskets and their trussed pigs and chickens. Shop keepers with permanent places at the outer edges of the large shelter that comprises part of the market were rolling up their metal doors and organising displays of hanging baskets, clothing and fishing nets.

Attapeu: Grass roofed wooden ferry

Coming into Attapeu

Lao people crossing a dusty road in Attapeu

Heading from the Ferry to Market

Motorcycle in golden light and dust

Morning has Broken: Motorcycle coming into Attapeu

As much as I love markets, I do find them challenging – both personally and photographically.  I’m not petite, and once I have my ThinkTank around my waist and a camera or two around my neck, I take up a lot of room!  Under-cover markets can be dark and crowded, with narrow aisles and a lot of people.  They are wet underfoot in places, with boxes, uneven surfaces and other obstructions in others.  When it comes to taking pictures, I have difficulty with the low light and high contrasts; as well with the tight spaces.   Sometimes, sights and smells can be confronting.

Attapeu: Woman at a table of meat

Local Butcher

Food is central to the markets: raw, cooked or still wriggling – everything is right here!

Attapeu: woman in face mask with a flaming frying pan

Kitchen Fires

Attapeu: small bird grilling on a barbeque

Chicken Little

Attapeu: Grilled chicken on bamboo skewars

Portable Take-Away "Food on a Stick" is Everywhere!

Attapeu: Making Banana Fritters

Making Banana Fritters for Breakfast

Attapeu: Banana Fritters in the sunlight

Banana Fritters: Delicious!

Attapeu: Catfish in a pink tub

Catfish Wriggling

Attapeu: Strips of Buffalo Hide

Buffalo Hide for Jerky?

The best part of local markets for me is the insight it gives me into people’s lives, and the opportunity to interact with ‘true’ locals.  Laos must be one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the region: Attapeu province alone, with it’s meagre population of 114,000, is home to fifteen ethnic groups, and the local market plays host to many of these.  Although there are numerous local languages, most people speak Lao, and between their Lao and my Thai, I can generally have small conversations. The people were engaging, willing to chat and mostly happy to be photographed.

Portrait: Smiling Lao Woman

Lao Smiles

Lao girl playing in Attapeu market

Chiildren of Vendors Have to Make Fun Where they Can Find It!

Lao woman Selling Clothes at Attapeu market

Lao Woman Selling Clothes from Thailand

Close-up: colourful Lao siilks

Local Lao Silk Weaves

Portrait: Young Lawee Girl

Lawee Child

Portrait: Lao Man in hat

Lao Man

Portrait: Lao Infant

Not Everyone is Happy to be at the Market!

Sepia portrait: Lao woman applying make-up

If You Have no Customers, Use the Products Yourself!

Markets can give you a real sense of what is important in people’s lives.  My travel companions were in search of woven baskets and silks; the two products that most got my attention were fishing supplies (river fishing is critical to livelihood here) and lumps of white stuff, which I finally worked out were brewers yeast, for making the ubiquitous rice wine!

Wicker baskets and Brooms

Wicker and Broom on Main Street, Attapeu

Close-up: metal weights on nylon fishnet

Tiny Metal Weights hang like Tear Drops on the New Nylon Fishnets

Attapeu: blue bag of Brewers Yeast

Brewers Yeast by the Bag Full - For Rice Wine by the Bucket-Full!

Three female vendors at outdoor Attapeu market

Meat and Fish: Waiting for Customers... (The red face on the woman at the left is a relatively common local condition. We were told it is the consequence of the excessive use of skin-whitening products.)

French colonial style buildings: Attapeu

Mattresses and Motor Oil For Sale in the French Colonial Shop-Houses

Motorcycle laden with aluminium pots on the beach, Attapeu

Heading to the Ferry With a Supply of Aluminium Pots: Heading Home, or to the Next Market?



Until next time ~ Happy Shopping!

  • Guava - January 28, 2011 - 11:43 pm

    Great interesting report again, nice reportage style of photographs developing too 🙂

    Are you sponsored by Thinktank? (lol joking) I use Thinktank stuff too and absolutely love their solutions for travel/street work.

    Funny about the language thing, you seem to agree with my findings; that if you are able to speak a reasonable degree of Thai, combined with some words and phrases in Lao/Isaan you pretty much have no problem communicating.



    • Ursula - January 29, 2011 - 7:08 am

      Hi Guava!
      Glad you like the post and pictures. No, ThinkTank don’t pay me, but I do love’em enough to advertise. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Gabe - January 29, 2011 - 1:14 pm

    I like the diversity of photos and theme xxxReplyCancel

  • Signe Westerberg - January 31, 2011 - 12:28 am

    Fabulous insight into the local communities Ursula… love to you both.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - February 1, 2011 - 1:07 am

      Thanks for visiting and commenting, Signe. I hope it’s getting drier where you are!ReplyCancel

  • Debbie - February 1, 2011 - 6:43 am

    Fantastic photos Ursula! Loved the commentary too- started with a bang haha, and very crisp and informative!

    Thanks for sending the link

    • Ursula - February 1, 2011 - 8:14 am

      Thanks for stopping in, Debbie. I’d love to be able to use humour like you do. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • » Ursula's Weekly Wanders - March 17, 2011 - 5:56 pm

    […] particular trip, to Attapeu and to the Lawae and Taliang villages in the region, was rich with cultural experiences. But, I […]ReplyCancel

Colourful yarn Isaan-style dream catchers

The Colours of the Wind Welcome Visitors to the Jim Thompson Farm

Some people are larger than life.  James Harrison Wilson Thompson, more commonly know as Jim, or even ‘Lord Jim’, is one such person.  He is, amongst other things, credited with single-handedly revitalizing the commercial Thai silk trade.  An Office of Strategic Services (OSS; precursor to the CIA) operative during the second World War, he resettled in Thailand where he was involved in a number of artistic and business ventures.  At the time, Thai silk was produced in the countryside for local consumption, and was dying out because of cheap synthetic and cotton clothing imports from China. Thompson saw a potential niche, and with his natural flair for style and colour created designs which he promoted to high-end over-seas markets, gaining international recognition for his success and for the product. “Simply put, the name Jim Thompson is Thai silk, and the man has become one of the most famous foreigners to have ever lived in Thailand if not the whole of Southeast Asia.”

Then, on Easter Day 1967, at the age of 61, he took a walk in the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia, and was never seen again.  Theories explaining his disappearance abound, but none has any reasonable evidence to support it, and no trace of him was ever found.  He did, however, leave a legacy as rich and colourful as his life.  The house he rebuilt in Bangkok from multiple traditional Thai teak homes and filled with precious artefacts from all over Asia, is registered as a national museum and is well worth a visit.  This, together with some of his other properties, is now operated by a foundation in his name.   Under Royal patronage, the James H. W. Thompson Foundation is dedicated to supporting Thai arts and artists; and the preservation and conservation of Thailand’s rich cultural heritage, especially with regards to textiles.  A company bearing his name grows, cooks and serves organic produce and still manufactures, markets and sells high-quality silk products.

One of the properties, the Jim Thompson Farm, is open to the public just three weeks a year, over the December-January holiday.  Art installations are on display across the farm: the work of eleven invited artists-in-residence who have studied the farm, the nearby silk factory, and the surrounding Isaan community.

Landscape: Canal, palms, Installation Art

Art on the Farm

Floral outdoor installation art piece made from silk

Art on the Farm: Artists in Residence Interpret the Farm and Nearby Silk Factory

Art installation: Bales of hay with Pumpkins

Art on the Farm: Bales and Pumpkin


Art on the Farm: Pumpkin

Field of Cosmos in bloom

Nature's Art: Cosmos Field

Close-up of rice growing in water

Nature's Art: Rice on it's Element

Young rice growing

Patterns: Rice on the Farm

Art installation: wicker alter with flowers

Art on the Farm: Altar To the Rice Goddess, Mae Phosop (แม่โพสพ)

Silk Bobbins in an old farm cart

Silk Bobbins at 'The Market'

Isaan Musicians with Traditional Instruments

Isaan Musicians with Traditional Instruments

Portrait: Thai mother and infant in sunhats

Local Flowers in Sun Hats

Composite: Thai woman threshing rice

Rice Threshing

Portrait: Old Isaan Thai woman

Smiling Isaan Rice Farmer

Hands making a clay pot

Making a Pot Without a Wheel Means Walking Around the Pot!

Portrait: Elderly Isaan Woman

Elderly, but Still Spry! The Potter

Portrait: Young Thai man in green shirt

Young Farmer

Miniature Pumpkins with Barcodes

Miniature Pumpkins for Sale

Thai woman photographing a Thai male amongst pumpkins

Photo Op Amongst the Pumpkins

Close-up: Orange and Purple Chili Plant

Chilies of Another Colour

Sunflower Bud

Immature Sunflower

Sunflower Back

Say Good-Bye to the Farm ~ For Another Year...

Text: Safe Travels! Ursula

Art and nature: a winning combination for a great day out.  We enjoyed the sun and the silk and the colour…  Still, I couldn’t help but wonder about Jim…  It’s been over 40 years now since his disappearance and the legacy and legend are as big as ever. We may never know what happened that day, but we are unlikely to forget him.

We could all do much worse!  Safe travels.

  • Signe Westerberg - January 21, 2011 - 2:34 am

    Lovely, as always… those silk bobbins are awesome and I’m sure you took at least one hand made pot home… thanks for the share, be well

    much loveReplyCancel

  • facebook - February 18, 2011 - 3:01 pm

    i love itReplyCancel

  • Paula Bulancea - June 11, 2011 - 7:47 am

    Wonderful post and photos. You’re absolutely right – the colors are amazing and you captured them perfectly. Looking at your pictures, I can definitely see that you enjoyed the day at the farm. Well done, Ursula! 🙂 Cheers!ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - June 11, 2011 - 11:55 am

      Hi Paula,
      Welcome back to ‘civilisation’. Glad you like the post!
      I’m still looking to get together for a night shoot – I’ll sms you. 🙂ReplyCancel

Mon woman with basket of vegetables on her head walking on a wooden BridgeMon Woman on the Sangkhlaburi Bridge (2009)

The other week, someone tried to explain to me how time goes backwards…. (I sometimes lunch with Mathematicians, so this kind of theoretical abstraction is a regular topic at the table.)  I confess: I really didn’t get it. As I get older, I swear that time is going faster and I have enough trouble trying to pause it or slow it down!

So, if I don’t understand how time can go backwards, why should I expect that I can travel back through it? If there is one thing I’ve learned living in Thailand, it is that having anything resembling an ‘expectation’ is just asking the universe to throw things at you.

But, none the less, a couple of weeks ago, I thought I could go back in time, and that nothing would have changed. In mid-2009, I took part in a very rushed trip to one of the very edges of Thailand: the exotically named but rather ordinary Three Pagodas Pass, Vajiralongkorn Lake (Khao Laem reservoir), and the remote Ban Wangka, the Mon village across the river from Sangkhlaburi.  I’ve always wanted to go back.  Sangkhlaburi is an enchanting small town of typical Thai houses and wats (temples) mixed in with guesthouses and back-packer lodging; it is the last stop before Myanmar. It is, however, a very long drive from Bangkok, so you need time (there is that nebulous concept again) and a good reason to go there.

Rickety wooden foot-bridge

Built in 1993, the longest wooden bridge (400m) in Thailand separates a Mon village from the rest of Sangkhlaburi. (2009)

On the break between Christmas and New Year’s, I thought we had both: time and good reason. We had family visiting from both Canada and Australia, so a visit to the Allied war memorials at Kanchanaburi (more about that some other time) and beyond, seemed like a good idea. I had failed to take “time” into account: the time it takes on winding Thai roads to drive the 200 km from Sai Yok to Sangkhlaburi, and the time that had passed since my last visit.

Change, even change for the better, is considered a stressor. Expectations, realistic or otherwise, can blind one to ‘what is’.  So it was, when I arrived in Sangkhlaburi, with (again) too little time, only to discover that they were in the process of renovating THAT bridge, that I almost lost sight of what is still there.

What is still there is a traditional community of Mon people, displaced from Myanmar (not to be confused with Hmong, from China).  The community of Ban-Wangka was first established by the Theravada Buddhist monk Reverend Uttama, who escaped to Thailand from Burmese persecution in 1949, after the Second World War.  Although he died in 2006, his practices live on. Every morning at 6:00 am the monks from his temple (Wat Wangwiwekaram – วัดวังก์วิเวการาม) do their morning rounds, and the people of the village line up to give alms.

People on a wooden bridge in the dark

Morning on the New Wooden Bridge (2010)

Terracotta pots of monk offerings

Monk Offerings: Then (2009)

Glazed terracotta pots of monk offerings

Monk Offerings: Now (2010)

Monks on alms rounds on a foggy street

Slip off your Shoes and Bow your Head: Here Come the Monks!

Monks in orange robes on morning rounds

Who Knew they Could Move so Fast! Here Come the Monks! (2009)

Close-up: folded hands in lap

Patiently Waiting

Close-up: Male hands with Monk offerings

Offerings Ready (2009)

Flower temple offerings on wooden skewers

Temple Offerings (2009)

Composite: Woman with Flowers; Monk Receiving Alms

Giving (2009) and Receiving (2010)

Close-up of woman dishing rice into monk bowl

Daily Serving of Rice

Woman giving alms

Giving Alms (Sai Baht ~ ใส่บาตร) is a Solemn Affair without Eye Contact

Portrait: Monk receiving alms

Monk Receiving Alms (2009)

Portrait: Monk Receiving Alms

Monk Receiving Alms ~ Now

Paired portraits: Young Thai Nehn

Some Things Don't Change! Little Nehn (เณร) ~ Then and Now

Monks at Breakfast

By 7:00am the gong sounds, setting all the dogs howling pitifully, and the food is dished up for all the monks in the temple. The rest of the villagers go back to their daily routines...

Monks on the Bridge

Monks Heading Home

Portrait: Toddler in white against morning mists

Little Angel with Flower Offerings

Landscape: The Mon Houses of Baan Wangka

Quiet Afternoon: The Mon Houses of Baan Wangka

Boys sitting on the railing of the wooden bridge

Boys on the Bridge: What does the Future Hold?

While theoretical time might reverse, here on planet earth you can never quite go back. For better or worse, things change, times change, we change.  I looked at the young men sitting on the bridge and wondered what time would hold for them.  How would they bridge the transition from a simple traditional past and the future?

I guess only time will tell, but I can’t help but hope that somehow these people will determine a positive future for themselves, harmoniously incorporating the values of the past.  Certainly, time will not stand still.

Not for any of us.

  • Signe Westerberg - January 13, 2011 - 10:42 pm

    Just lovely Ursula, nice touch with the before and after photo’s. Time moves so quickly I have to agree… January is half gone, where is the new year going…
    love to you bothReplyCancel

    • Ursula - January 14, 2011 - 12:49 am

      Thanks, Signe! Stay well. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Gabe - January 14, 2011 - 6:38 am

    beautiful linkage 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Dawn in Phuket - January 18, 2011 - 1:34 pm

    Some great portrait shots Ursula!ReplyCancel