Small modern sculpture of the Madonna and Child, The Fort, Duilhac

Madonna and Child, L'Église St Michel, Duilhac

Religious expression, or more precisely, the expression of the Roman Catholic faith, is in evidence everywhere in France. Every town has at least one church, with a bell and a cross. On our recent walk along the Cathar Trail, we came across crucifixes, large and small, at every turn.

Composite: Stone Fort and Ornate Iron Cross

The Ancient Fortified Centre is the Heart of the Village ~ The Iron Mission Cross (1855) ~ Duilhac

Of course, religious expression is not always peaceful – there is often an uncomfortable tension between war and worship. The images above are from the small town of Duilhac-sous-Peyrepertuse, which as the name suggests, sits under (sous) the ruined fortress of Peyrepertuse. Called a Châteaux cathares (Cathar castle), Peyrepertuse was a temporary haven for the persecuted Cathars during the Albigensian Crusade in the early 1200s, and so stands as a symbol of their eradiacation in the name of religion. Another of the «cinq fils de Carcassonne», the ’Five Sons of Carcassonne’, the Château de Peyrepertuse was originally built by the kings of Aragon in the 11th Century as part of their border defence system.

The climb to the magnificent  800 meter-high ruins was to be the high point (pardon the pun!) of Day Three of our randonnée pyrénéenne’.

Trip Notes:   Day 3:   Duilhac to Cubières sur Cinoble

We walk up to the Château of Peyrepertuse, through the unforgettable Galamus Gorges and continue to Cubières sur Cinoble to overnight at the Accueil au Village.

Points of interest: Peyrepertuse Fortress, Galamus Gorges, St Antoine de Galamus Hermitage, and Cubières Village.

15 kms. 5 hrs. Altitude gain/descent: +250m -340m

The trip notes make the day sound like a walk in the park. We thought we’d have a relatively easy time of it for two reasons: 1) unlike the day of our last visit in 2008, there was no sign of rain; and 2) our walk to Cubière would be 4km shorter than the walk to Bouchard, which we had done two years earlier. However, the time, distance and altitude estimates in the notes don’t include the steep walk up to the castle and back or the time spent exploring the extensive ruins.

Rocks and castle ruins above spring shrubs

Peyrepertuse ~ "Citadelle du Vertige" ~ Citadel of Vertigo

Shrubs with acorn-like casing

From a Single Acorn...

White snail on a tree branch

Snails on the Hill

Budding holly leaves

Spring Holly

Road into Peyrepertuse

The young English couple walking the same direction as us asked if the ruins were worth the extra work, to which my answer was an emphatic “yes!” I’m not alone in thinking Peyrepertuse is one of the most beautiful of the Corbière castles. The ruins, blending into the landscape like an organic outgrowth, are spectacularly situated on the rocky bluffs of the Upper Corbières. It is no wonder these fortresses were considered impregnable; although this one has been bought and sold by rulers and kings, it has never been successfully assailed. Walking over the grounds, I couldn’t help but marvel in awe at what people were able to build and wonder at how difficult life must have been here in the Middle Ages.

Peyrepertuse on the Ridge

"Peyrepertuse": From the Ancient Occitan for "Pierre Percée" or Pierced Rock

Stone Arched Entry to the Castle of Peyrepertuse

Arched Stone Entry to the Castle of Peyrepertuse

The Ruins of Peyrepertuse

Inside Peyrepertuse

View down over lower Peyrepertuse

Le Bas-Château / The Lower Castle Resembling the Prow of a Ship, Dates to the 11th Century

As amazing as Peyrepertuse is, I find it discouraging to descend from it, tired, sore and wind-blown, only to realise that it is already well past noon and we still have most of our 15km walk in front of us!

We battled winds for an hour before finding sufficient shelter to allow us a lunch stop, and then continued through farmlands, grasslands and forests before reaching the highway that would take us to Galamus Gorges.

small six-petal blue-purlple flower

Flowers on the Trail

Fresh green holly

More Spring Holly

Brown calf and mother cow in a green field

"Here's looking at you, kid!" A calf eyes me on Col de la Corbasse.

It was late afternoon when we reached the start of Galamus Gorges and the parking lot for visitors, and it was tempting to by-pass it rather than walk the extra descent and ascent in and out of the gorge to visit the Hermitage.

Dwellings built into cliff walls

The Hermitage of Galamus was built in the 15th Century by the Franciscans in Honour of Saint Antoine, the Founder of Christian Monastic Traditions

But, the descent is worth it. The Hermitage was open and the hermit, though reclusive, was in. We visited the chapel, with its tributes to Saint Antoine, the first Christian hermit (born 251 in Egypt), and bought “hermit cookies”, made by hand with tasty lemon zest by the current resident-caretaker of the site, before tunnelling through the mountain and climbing up to re-join the long, narrow, windy road along the gorge itself.

Smal plaques and tributes to Saint Antoine, Galamus

"Merci" ~ "Thank You" ~ Thanks Given to Saint Antoine the Hermit

Bell and rope, Galamus Hermitage

Every Hermitage a Bell! Galamus Hermitage.

Sculpture of Christ standing on the day of ascension with a woman adoring him and another (blindfolded) seeing only herself.

"Le Christ et L'Humanité" ~ Christ and the People ~ Galamus


Hold onto your Hat! Walking up the Gorge is as Risky as it is Windy. Cars Hope not to Meet any Oncoming Traffic as they can Barely Pass.

Horses in a field, Cubières sur Cinoble

Like a Fairy Tale ~ Horses in a Field Outside Cubières sur Cinoble.

To your health

Once we crossed a bridge out of the gorge and saw horses in a field of apple and cherry blossom, we knew we were almost ‘home’ for the night. Our evening glass of muscat could not be far away! Like horses sensing the barn, we picked up our pace, found our accommodation, and looked forward to drinks and stories over the dinner table.

‘Till next time, à votre santé ~ to your health!



  • gabe - May 26, 2011 - 11:04 pm

    Your commentary comes alive. Well doneReplyCancel

  • Signe Westerberg - May 26, 2011 - 11:14 pm

    WOW… what an amazing journey, somewhat magical, except perhaps for that road, walking albeit steep still sounds better than trying to pass another vehicle. I am constantly amazed at the places they put dwellings and castles… between rocks, on edges of mountains… and of course the workmanship, although it appears they didn’t haveto look far for rocks ;-DReplyCancel

    • Ursula - May 27, 2011 - 12:17 am

      Yes – no shortage of rocks!
      Many thanks for the comments. 😀ReplyCancel

Château d

Vines, Garrigue and Castles: This is the Corbières

I can’t help but love a country that is passionate about food, wine and walking. While ‘walking’ may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of France, the French take their walking trails seriously. The country is criss-crossed by roughly 177,030 kilometres of marked, mapped and well-maintained paths.

The Institut Géographique National (IGN), an official government agency, produces detailed maps in varying scales, and the Féderation Française de la Randonnée Pédestre (FFRP), or ‘French Long Distance Walking Association’, comprised of over 2000 local clubs, maintains the tracks and publishes guide books. With a map, a compass and some notes, it is possible to plan a walking tour (une randonnée) from village to village, staying in local hotels and bed-and-breakfasts, almost anywhere in the country.

Last month, my husband and I spent two weeks eating, drinking and walking our way across a tiny portion (only 0.1%!) of this vast network of trails: we traversed about 200 kilometres of south-eastern France, following the Sentier Cathare (the Cathar Way) through the Pyrenees from Tuchan in Langudoc-Roussillon to Foix in the Midi-Pyrénées. We did it the easy way: we used an agent. We had walking notes in English; our accommodation was pre-booked; and the majority of our baggage was transported for us. Even so, the walk lived up to its ‘moderately strenuous’ rating, with a lot of daily ups and downs. It is an area of natural beauty with a poignant history. Over the next few weeks, I hope to share some of this magnificent region with you.

Trip Notes: Day 1: Arrive in the pretty town of Tuchan for overnight at Hostellerie du Mont Tauch.

I wouldn’t have called Tuchan a ‘pretty town’, but it is in a picturesque location: in the Corbières – a wild, mountainous region where ‘garrigue’, that wonderfully fragrant Mediterranean scrubland, alternates with vineyards and rocky outcrops. Because of our previous experience of arriving on a Monday when the hotel is closed, I made sure we would arrive on a Sunday instead. Train from Clermont-Ferrand to Nîmes; overnight in Nîmes; train from Nîmes to Narbonne; taxi from Narbonne to Tuchan. Easy, right? We packed ourselves a lunch just in case! We arrived early afternoon, with enough time before dinner to consult our ‘Green Guide’ and our host, and set off for a walk/run to the nearest castle: the Château d’Aguilar. Originally built in 1021, the more recent ruins of this pentagonal fortification date back to the 13th century.  One one of the « cinq fils de Carcassonne », the ‘Five Sons of Carcassonne’, the castle and its occupants fell to the notorious Simon de Montfort in 1210.

Stone wall - Ruins of Château d

The Ruins of Château d'Aguilar ~ Tuchan, Les Corbières

Château d'Aguilar is on a relatively low (321 AMSL) 'pog' or outcrop, but affords a nice view.

Scrub and Castle ruins, Château d

The garrigue has taken over the castle ruins ~ Château d'Aquilar

Two people in the ruins of Château d

Wild winds don't deter visitors to the ruins ~ Château d'Aquilar, Tuchan

Spring in the red wine vines

Vines d'Appellation Fitou ~ Tuchan, Les Corbières

Wild Roses

Wild Roses on the Trail

Trip Notes:Day 2: Short transfer to Padern.

Today we walk from the Château of Padern through contrasting landscapes to the fortress of Queribus and from there we continue to Duilhac-sous-Peyrepertuse for overnight at The Hostellerie du Vieux Moulin.

Points of interest: Padern Castle, ruins of Mollet church, Château de Quéribus, and Cucugnan village.

16 kms. 5 hrs. Altitude gain/descent: +436m -260m

Sounds easy enough, right? But, you have to add in the actual climb to the castle and the time you might want to spend exploring it; in our case, an additional two hours. Nor do the notes factor in the wind: cold, biting 20 kilometre/hour gusts straight off the snow fields higher up in the Pyrenees; winds that threatened to blow us off hills and made a mockery of the clear spring sunshine.

We shared the transfer with a young couple from England who, like us, were setting off to do the whole walk. For them, the day was a piece of cake. Me, well, I hadn’t realised quite how much age and living the good life had caught up with me! I was a little slow on the up-hills, and, with hip and knee problems, a lot slow on the downhills.

View: Chapelle St Roch

Blue Spring Skies at the top of our First Little Hill ~ Chapelle St Roch ~ Padern

Château de Padern: Dating back to 1026, Padern belonged to l’abbaye Lagrasse from 1283- 1579. Reconstructed in the 17th century, it now sits in ruins atop a crumbling rocky slope.

Stone cottage with tall evergreen trees.

"Turn left at the beehives." Cottages and Countryside.

Graceful brick ruins

The Graceful Ruins of the Prieuré de Molhet

Lanscape scenery: Pyrenees

View Back Over the Hills: Prieuré de Molhet on the First Hill, Château de Peyrepertuse in the Background

Green succulents on a rocky ground


Landscape: Château de Quéribus against snow-covered mountains

Snow in the Pyrénées ~ Château de Quéribus Looming on the Hill

The story of the Cathar people is tragic one. They lived across much of Europe from the 11th to 13th century – particularly in the Languedoc, France and in northern Italy. They are believed to have had a dualistic concept of life and to have adhered to an ascetic form of early Christian practice, but historical reports regarding their origins and their actual beliefs are patchy and contradictory.  They had the support of many local lords and landholders, and it is likely that they were seen as a political (rather than religious) threat to the hegemony of the King and his church.

What is not in dispute is that they were labelled heretics by the Catholic Church, and wiped out of France by the Inquisition and the Albigensian Crusade.

Steep stone staircase

Stairs up into the Château de Quéribus ~ Hang onto the sides, lest the wind blow you away!

Looking up to Quéribus, which blends in with the rocks it sits on

First mentioned in 1020, the castle of Quéribus sits on the highest peak for miles around, blending in with its surrounds.

Blue sky through a brick wall, Quéribus

A Patch of Blue, Quéribus

Stone walls, Quéribus

Can you Imagine the Floor Plan? Stone Walls, Quéribus

Dark spiral stone staircase, Quéribus

How did they build these things?? Stone Spiral Staircase, Quéribus

The so-called Cathar Castles were built, not by the Cathars themselves, but by the French kings to protect their territories from invasion from the south. The Cathars, under the pressure of persecution, retreated to these fortified cities before being annihilated.

The Château de Quéribus, another of the “Five Sons of Carcassonne”, is often called their last stronghold, as many Cathars retreated there after the fall of Montségur. It is thought that most slipped away to other Cathar regions in 1255, in advance of the French army that was dispatched to deal with them.

The Cathars have been romanticised in literature from the 19th century onwards, and it is now hard to see them in their Mediaeval context. Climbing up and down the steps of these castles, however, you can try to imagine the rigours of life in these aeries.

View of Cucugnan

Charming Cucugnan ~ Nestled Amid the Spring Vines and Green Hills

From the Château de Quéribus, it’s a steep, rocky descent into the nearby village of Cucugnan, where we were finally able to stop for a very late lunch. Then off again on the long, picturesque, winding walk to Duilhac for our accommodation, evening meal, and some famous Corbières red wine – a suitable reward for a long day’s walk!

Windmill of Cucugnan against a blue sky

Immortalised by Alphonse Daudet: the Windmill of Cucugnan

Young figs against a blue sky

Wild Figs Grow Everywhere Along the Sides of the Trails

View of the château de Peyrepertuse

High up (800m) on the Distant Mountain, Le Château de Peyrepertuse Summons us Home...

Giant Meringues in a basket

Giant Meringues in the Bakery in Duilhac-sous-Peyrepertuse ~ We've Arrived!

To your health  Until next time ~ ‘santé!’ ~ to your health!

  • gabe - May 19, 2011 - 5:10 am

    Great. Brings back good memoriesReplyCancel

  • Signe Westerberg - May 20, 2011 - 6:58 am

    outstanding as always… loved catching up with you both this week, looking forward to next time!ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - May 25, 2011 - 12:05 am

      You too. 🙂ReplyCancel

Golden Buddha image, Wat Thang Sai, Prachuapkhirikhan

Buddha ~ Wat Thang Sai

When we want to escape Bangkok, one of our favourite destinations is Prachuap Khiri Khan. Once you have broken free of the Bangkok traffic (and that can take a while!), it is an easy 3 hour drive south to a relatively quiet area with magic mountains and beautiful beaches.

The province’s name means the ‘land of many mountains’, which it is, if you consider the border regions with Myanmar, but none of the mountains is very high: Khao Luang, at 1494 metres, is the highest. Still, with altitudes varying from 0 – 1200 meters above sea level, the terrain is sufficiently interesting. The coast is dotted with pretty fishing villages and the inland has its share of National Parks. And, as is the case with most of Thailand, almost every hill, on the coastal side at least, has a temple and/or a buddha image on top of it.

With its golden spires and red tiled roofs, Wat Thang Sai sits like a little girl’s fairy-tale dream castle above the little fishing village of Ban Krut.

Golden Spires above frangipani blossoms: Wat Thang Sai, Bangsaphan

The Spires of Wat Thang Sai rise out of the Frangipani Blossoms like a Fairy-Tale Dream Castle

The wide naga staircase up to Wat Thang Sai

To Reach the Wat (Temple), You Have to Climb the Steep Naga (King Cobra-like Deity) Stairs

Seated Golden Buddha, Wat Thang Sai

Golden Buddha, Wat Thang Sai (วัดทางสาย)

Composite: Wat Thang Sai Exterior and Guardian Giant (Yaak)

Cotton Candy Colours ~ Guardian Giant (Yaak : ยักษ์)

Golden Reclining Buddha, Wat Thang Sai

Reclining Buddha, Wat Thang Sai

Two young Thai girls with gold leaf on their foreheads smile for the camera.

Always Ready to be Photographed! Two young Girls with Precious Gold Leaf on their Foreheads

Golden seated buddha overlooking blue water

Buddha Watching Over the Gulf of Thailand, Wat Thang Sai

I’ve mentioned before that Prachuap is the narrowest province in Thailand, running between the mountainous border with Myanmar and the beaches along the Bay of Thailand. Dan Singkhon is a border crossing at the narrowest point of Thailand, and so is easily accessible form the highway. Although only Thais and Burmese can cross here, it is interesting to have a look at what the orchid vendors have on sale. And, the coffee is good: for some reason, Thai border crossings sell some of the best coffee in Thailand, and this one is no exception.

Burmese Orchid Sellers sitting on the ground Waiting for Customers

Waiting for Customers, Dan Singkhon Border Crossing Markets

Composite: Portraits of Burmese Youths; Male and Female with tanakha or "bangnakha" (แป้งนาคา) Powder

Burmese Youngsters at the Border ~ With Tanakha or "Bangnakha" (แป้งนาคา) on their Faces

Carved and painted wooden birds, Thailand

Lucky Birds, Dan Singkhon Border Crossing Markets

Composite: Orchids

Orchids for Sale, Dan Singkhon, Prachuap Khiri Khan

Landscape: Stump decorated with ribbons

Tributes to the Tree Spirits, Dan Singkhon, Prachuap Khiri Khan

You never have to drive far in Thailand before there is another hill to climb. Khao Chong Krajok in the town centre of Prachuap Khiri Khan promises (and delivers) great views over the Gulf of Thailand. Before tackling the 396 steps up, we bought bags of corn on the cob –  not for us, but to placate the resident monkey hords who live on the hill. The monkeys seemed to belong to at least two distinct groups, and were indulging in some sort of turf warfare while we were there, racing back and forth at each other with lots of snarling and baring of teeth… Not at all the “sociable monkeys” that were written up in the guide book.

Steps up to Khao Chong Krajok เขาช่องกระจก, Prachuap Khiri Khan

More Steps! 396 Steps up to the Shrine atop Khao Chong Krajok, Prachuap Khiri Khan

Shrine Atop Khao Chong Krajok, Wat Thammikaram Worawihan Below

Pigeons on a rail overlooking Prachuap Khiri Khan

Pigeon's Eye View of the Bay of Thailand, Prachuap Khiri Khan

Monkey at Khao Chong Krachok, overlooking the Bay of Thailand, Prachuap Khiri Khan

One of the Many Monkeys at Khao Chong Krachok, Prachuap Khiri Khan

View Over Phrachuap Khiri Khan from Khao Chong Krajok (เขาช่องกระจก)

View Over Phrachuap Khiri Khan from Khao Chong Krajok (เขาช่องกระจก)

Composite: steep stairs and Thai wat

Steps Down from Khao Chong Krajok ~ Wat Thammikaram Worawihan

Thailand is a nation of “grazers” and you are never far from food – depending, of course, what you like to eat. Seafood is cheap and fresh all along the long Prachuap coastline. We also found tiny fried frogs, and a full range of insects, from larvae to full-grown. Not exactly my  cup of tea, but extremely popular with the locals. We satisfied ourselves with more mundane, but equally fresh, stir-fried vegetables with noodles before continuing on the road north to return home.

Fried Chrysalis ~ Thai delicacy

Popular Thai Delicacies in the Prachuap Khiri Khan Market: Fried Chrysalis

Fried Cicadas: Thai Food

Popular Thai Delicacies in the Prachuap Khiri Khan Market: Fried Cicadas

Sunset in a Car rear-view Mirror

The Evening Drive Home...

Text: Happy Travels


Enjoy your next escape!


  • gabe gajdatdy - May 12, 2011 - 3:00 pm

    Great scenery & colours. Reminders of our wide ranging experiences. Love itReplyCancel

  • Signe Westerberg - May 13, 2011 - 12:16 am

    Love the smiling faces on the children and the orchid vendors…not so excited about fried bugs… the fresh seafood however sounds nice…another lovely insight into an amazing country, thanks for the shareReplyCancel

    • Ursula - May 14, 2011 - 3:20 am

      While I have once (for the sake of politeness) eaten “ant eggs”, I have managed to by-pass all other bugs. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Ai French - June 25, 2011 - 2:53 am

    Wow… Ursula, your photos all are stunning. Two years ago we went to the temple in BanKrud also. Your gorgeous photos remind us of our best time with nature beach, people, and places.

    I would like to have your permission to paint something from your pictures. I hope to get to show you some result soon.


    • Ursula - June 25, 2011 - 4:18 am

      Hi Ai,

      I’m so glad you like the pictures. It’s a magical spot, isn’t it? We’ve stayed down there a few times, and I’d love to go back.
      You are always welcome to paint my pictures – I love all your paintings and you could only make my photos look better. I have many more from the area – some of them are probably on my Flickr site, though I get behind, so I’m not sure.

      Your Blog site is fantastic! What lovely, clean design!! I guess that is the beauty of actually understanding computers. 🙂


  • […] the Khmer Rouge years when other foods were scarce, fried insects are also popular in Thailand (see “Buddhas, Bugs and the Burmese Border”) and other parts of […]ReplyCancel

  • Phil Alexander - January 26, 2012 - 7:16 pm

    Great pictures. I was thinking of heading that way in a few weeks….Any hotel suggestions…cheap and cheerful?ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - January 27, 2012 - 2:24 am

      Hi Phil,
      Thanks for visiting! We always stay at the Keeree Waree Seaside Villa & Spa, Prachuap Khiri Khan; not really cheap, but very nice. Their website seems to be defunct, but they are listed with all the hotel-finders. There are plenty of other places around, and I imagine it would be no problem to simple drive the coast and stop where the fancy takes you! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Guava - March 8, 2012 - 10:16 am

    Some great work here Ursula. Particularly like the children shots (^____^)ReplyCancel

Red Tulips against peeling white paint on a brick wall

Tulips at the Winery, Beaune, Bourgogne. 03/04/2011

“Les hirondelles sont là!” ~ “The swallows are here!” The phonecall from my friend’s brother heralded the official beginning of spring in France: the arrival of the swallows was proof of the season – as though any further proof were needed. Buds were sprouting on the trees, cherry-, apple- and plum-trees were covered in blossoms, and hardy bulbs were blooming in every city park and private garden.

There is something magical about the transition between seasons in a temperate climate. The air is alive with possibilities as new colours transform the landscape. It is one of the things I have missed most, living in the tropics where we joke about having three seasons: “Hot, hot, and hotter!” Growing up, I always loved feeling the change in air quality and watching the transition of colours as the seasons turned. And, after a seemingly endless Canadian winter buried in snow, spring, and it’s association with crocus, skipping ropes and Easter eggs, was particularly special. Spring is both a real time and a metaphoric symbol of growth, renewal, new life, and hope.

Three plastic chairs on a green lawn, Hostellerie Saint-Martin, Perignat-les-Sarlieve

Green Lawns Waiting for Summer Garden Parties, Hostellerie Saint-Martin, Pérignat-lès-Sarliève, Auvergne, 30/03/2011

Country Lane-les-Sarlieve

Wet Country Lane, Pérignat-lès-Sarliève, Auvergne, 30/03/2011

Yellow Forsythia Blooms

Forsythia Means Spring! Pérignat-lès-Sarliève, Auvergne, 30/03/2011

This stay in France during March and April was the first spring I’ve experienced for many years. Although the weather was changeable (often wet with chillingly cold winds; typical spring weather, really), I relished the rich scent of the warming soil, the sharp perfume of tulips, jonquils and other bulb flowers, and the subtle colours of new grass and emerging buds. Everywhere we went, the smells, colours and sounds of spring were all around.

Closeup: Green leaf buds

Buds, Pérignat-lès-Sarliève, Auvergne, 30/03/2011

Man Walking his Dog through the Wet French Countryside

Man Walking his Dog, Pérignat-lès-Sarliève, 30/03/2011

Apple Blossom

New Apple Blossom ~ Gnarly Old Tree, Pérignat-lès-Sarliève, 30/03/2011

Wild Violets on the Forest Floor

Violets on the Forest Floor, Pérignat-lès-Sarliève, 30/03/2011

Landscape: Wet spring countryside

Fluffy White and Grey Clouds Over the French Countryside, Pérignat-lès-Sarliève, 30/03/2011

Two large shaggy black horses

Wet and Muddy in their Winter Coats ~ Shaggy Black Horses, Pérignat-lès-Sarliève, 30/03/2011

Jonquils in a Street Garden

Jonquils in the Street, Beaune, Bourgogne (Burgundy), 02/04/2011

Short Sleeves and Blossoms, Beaune, Bourgogne (Burgundy), 02/04/2011

Red Tulips and White Daffodils in the Street

Tulips and Daffodils in the Street, Beaune, Bourgogne (Burgundy), 03/04/2011

Yellow and Red Tulip

Tulips the Colours of Sunshine, Clermont-Ferrand, Auvergne, 05/04/2011

Large white crucifix

Large Crucifix ~ Christian Symbol of Rebirth ~ Clermont-Ferrand, Auvergne, 05/04/2011

Hanging Orange flowers, Vichy

The Other Springs: Orange Flowers Outside the Vichy Spring Water Rooms, Vichy, Auvergne, 06/04/2011

Green Heart-shaped leaves

Fresh Greens, Montségure, Ariège, 21/04/2011

Spring flowers around a round fountain

Fountain Flowers, Toulouse, 24/04/2011

Spring flowers against red and white brickwork

Colours and Textures ~ Saint Sernin Cathedral, Toulouse, 24/04/2011

Golden Poppies

Golden Poppies, Toulouse, 24/04/2011

France in the springtime: a true sensory delight!


The year’s at the spring
And day’s at the morn;
Morning’s at seven;
The hillside’s dew-pearled;
The lark’s on the wing;
The snail’s on the thorn;
God’s in His heaven
 All’s right with the world!
~ Robert Browning


Enjoy the season.





  • Signe Westerberg - May 5, 2011 - 11:41 pm

    I forget that in Bangkok you miss the subtleties of the changing seasons, I expect you have a prevalence of flowers but rarely the contrasts of which you speak. The things we take for granted as we rush through our busy lives, enjoy the magic of (spring) or in our case Autumn, with the crisp air, the coloured leaves and the excuse to curl up with a good book on the lounge or tucked warmly into bed. Finally my favourite time of year, a reason to dress well, not be sticky and to enjoy a good meal with friends… all without the beads of perspiration associated with our summer. Oh and listen to Lance whine as he mourns the loss of summer, and reminds me how much he hates winter…hmmm our differences make us stronger I hopeReplyCancel

    • Ursula - May 6, 2011 - 4:43 am

      Funny, isn’t it? Even in Sydney I missed the “seasons” I was used to, and would drive to Canberra for spring smells and autumn colours. Sydney seems to lurch into summer with very little notice! 🙂ReplyCancel

Profile: Giant seated buddha on a hill, Lantau

The Giant Buddha, Lantau

When I think of Hong Kong, I think of a bustling metropolis with cosmopolitan shops, sparkling lights and tall buildings.

And it is true: as one of “The Four Asian Tigers”, Hong Kong is a financial centre with modern architecture reaching into the sky; a pulsating commercial network which never sleeps; and one of the most densely populated territories in the world.

But it is so much more than that.

At least in part because of it’s steep mountainous terrain, less than 25% of the territory’s landmass (which includes Kowloon, The New Territories, and over 200 other islands) is developed. Elsewhere, there are parks, nature preserves, and villages which seem not to have changed much over the centuries.

So, Hong Kong has a surprising amount of green space and it is easy to ‘escape’ the hectic modern city and find a quiet timelessness.

On my visit to Hong Kong last month, I took the opportunity to go to Lantau, the largest island in the territory, to revisit the Po Lin Monastery and the giant bronze Tian Tan Buddha at Ngong Ping.

The last time we visited this area of Lantau, we had to take a bus across the island to the temple. These days, access is much easier, thanks to the new cable cars: the “Ngong Ping 360”.  Because I had booked with a group tour, I was saved what looked like a tedious wait in the terminal – though I felt pangs of guilt about queue-jumping waiting monks!

Monks in brown robes waiting in line

Monks in Waiting ~ Tung Chung Terminal

Cable car with passengers: Ngong Ping 360

"Ngong Ping 360" Car and Riders

Ngong Ping 360 car over Tung Chung Bay

Cable-Car View over Tung Chung Bay

The views on the twenty-five minute ride from Tung Chung Bay where Hong Kong’s international airport is located, over the North Lantau Country Park, and out to the Ngong Ping Plateau, truly are in all directions, especially as some of the cable cars are fitted with perspex floors! These see-through floors gave us a bird’s-eye perspective as we rode over walkers treading the wooden boards below.  According to the literature, you can walk the track in two hours, but I was happy to have the lofty advantage.

Cable car over scrubby hills, Lantau

The Wilds of North Lantau Country Park

Walkers on the boardwalk, North Lantau Country Park

Walkers Below ~ North Lantau Country Park

The Ngong Ping Plateau area has been developed (over-developed?) with the advent of the cable-car, and before reaching the temples and monastery, you have to run the gamut of coffee shops, restaurants and trinket sales.

Tian Tan Buddha sighted from Ngong Ping Themed Village

Sighting the Tian Tan Buddha from the Ngong Ping Themed Village

Monks in Brown Robes

Monks on a Mission! Heading to the Tian Tan Buddha

It is a long climb up and around the three floors under the buddha, but  well worth it: this buddha is one of my favourites. Twenty-six meters high according to one source and thirty-four meters tall according to another, the statue is big!  Seated on on a lotus throne, with his left hand resting in his lap, giving dhana, and his right hand raised, removing affliction, the bronze buddha radiates calm.

Side view: Giant Seated Buddha

With His Left Hand Resting,Giving Dhana, The Giant Seated Buddha Radiates Calm

High-contrast high-saturation picture of the giant buddha statue, Lantau

Buddha Dreams (Processing Notes: Maximum Fill Light and Colour Saturation)

One of the "The Offering of the Six Devas" Satues

One of the "The Offering of the Six Devas" Satues

One of the "The Offering of the Six Devas" Satues

Beautiful Offerings

The Giant Buddha at the top of 268 Steps, Lantau

Up 268 Steps

The statue is particularly impressive from the bottom of the long staircase at the front. Many visitors, when visiting the Buddha, prefer to climb up the 268 steps before circling the lotus platform at the top.

We were told that all other great Buddha statues face south (as I have no sense of direction, I can’t argue with this, but somehow I can’t believe that this is true in Thailand): according to our guide, the builders were running out of money, and the Chinese government offered to make up the shortfall, providing the statue faced Beijing, to the north.

Sitting below the giant statue are the very Chinese Buddhist temples of the Po Lin Monastery, which we visited before heading to the centuries-old fishing village of Tai O, also on the north side of Lantau. Here you can stock up on everything from salted fish and sea-cucumbers, to fish lungs and shrimp paste, before returning home.


Front of the temple: Po Lin Monastery

Temple at Po Lin Monastery

Inside the Temple at Po Lin Monastery

The Red and Gold of a Chinese buddhist Temple, Po Lin Monastery


Fading Red and Gold in the Temple Grounds

Fishing Boats, Tai O, Lantau

Tai O Fishing Boats

Dried Fish Lungs - Tai O market

Dried Fish Lungs: VERY Expensive, but Reputed to Keep you Looking Young!

Portrait: Elderly Chinese Woman, Tai O

Elderly Woman, Tai O (I Wonder if SHE Uses Fish Lung Face Cream?)

Cable Cars over the Hills of Lantau

Heading Home: Over the Hills of North Lantau

Text: Happy Travels

From the fishing village back to the city: a short drive but a world away!

Wishing you good days.


  • Signe Westerberg - May 2, 2011 - 4:34 am

    as always a joy to behold…ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - May 2, 2011 - 6:18 am

      Many thanks to my most ‘vocal’ fan! 😉ReplyCancel

  • Luke Yang - May 29, 2011 - 3:13 am


    Very professional photos on the road and site view, as it presents the time and space we are there.

    apprciate your camemra eye and passion for the nature and culture.

    wish you one “China day” catalogReplyCancel

    • Ursula - May 29, 2011 - 1:45 pm

      Thanks for looking, Luke. I’m glad you enjoyed the post. 🙂ReplyCancel