Thai political campaign poster: Phea Thai

For the Future of Thai Children, (amongst other things) One PC Each and Free WiFi…

Thailand goes to the polls this Sunday. For weeks, the streets of Bangkok have been lined with colourful political posters: posters with pictures of bland-faced politicians and their pork-barrel promises of fiscal payouts to just about every demographic; posters of “everywoman” in her tennis whites and “everyman” in his golf gear; posters depicting the candidates as animals (a grievous insult) and exhorting people not to vote at all; pictures of a massage-parlour operator campaigning “against corruption”; and my personal favourite: a poster in official Thai flag colours promising WiFi and a free PC to every schoolchild.

Now, call me cynical, but having just recently returned from another trip to visit schools in “The Hills” of Thailand, I can think of many things that these children need more than their own individual PCs! Like: dorms with enough space for all the pupils who want to study but live too far from school; some proper bunks and some new bedding; somewhere to do their laundry; a spare uniform; a pair of new shoes; a canteen with a clean floor and enough tables and chairs; more teachers and auxiliary staff to help in over-crowded classrooms; the list goes on.

Historically, successive Thai governments have provided the barest of essentials for public schooling. True, Thailand is a “developing country”, but even so, it is well down the international ranks in terms of percentage GDP allocated to education (just 4.1% in 2009). The current government increased educational access to 15 years: three years of pre-school and grades 1 through 12, and it is true that 18% of government expenditure is on education, but this is in the context of low tax revenues and weak spending overall. In remote and marginalised Hilltribe communities, many of the auxiliary buildings in and around the local schools are funded, not by the government, but by charitable organisations.

At the end of May, just as the new school year was about to start, I was able to visit some schools in Mae Hong Son province in northern Thailand, with Susan Race, founder and manager of THEP – Thailand Hilltribe Education Projects, one of these charitable organisations. I’ve been on these trips before (see: Budding Potentials, Building Futures, and Schools), and what always impresses me – other than the beauty of the countryside – is the cheerful resilience of the local people.

The highlight of this particular trip was our stay at the school at Mae Lit and visiting the local community where the predominantly Karen people eke out a living growing cabbages and rice. We arrived on a Sunday, the last day of school holidays and stayed for the ‘official’ school opening.

Karen man in blue jacket and hat

Stopping for a Chat ~ Proud Father of a University Scholarship Recipient

Karen man and woman in front of fields

Side by Side ~ Karen Couple in Front of Rice Terraces, Ready for Planting

Portrait: Smiling Karen girl with short hair

Seven-Year-Old Ornwara is Starting Grade One Tomorrow! She is one of Sixty Students Accommodated in Three Dorm Rooms at the School

Group shot: Six young Karen children

The First-Graders: Ornwara’s parents won’t be there to watch her start school tomorrow – they live too far away – but she has her friends to keep her company.

Typical Karen House

Airing the Laundry ~ Typical Karen House, Mae Lit

Karen boy smiling between wooden rails

Always a Smile for the Visitors ~ Karen Boy, Mae Lit

Karen girl looking over a wooden rail

View from the Balcony ~ Karen Girl, Mae Lit

Elderly Karen woman sitting in her house

Frail Granny with Hand Tattoos Watches From Next Door

Elderly Karen woman with buffalo

Bringing Home the Buffalo ~ Mae Lit

Four Karen adults on their porch

Extended Family at Home ~ Mae Lit

Karen man in traditional tunic carving bamboo

Making Ties for Rice Planting

Village in the hills of Mae Hong Son

Afternoon Light Over the Hills ~ They’ve had electricity here for a year or so, but it is still hard to know where they would put all those PCs!

On Monday morning the dormitory children got up early to dress, cook themselves breakfast, eat, wash the dishes and do housekeeping chores before the school bell rang.

Children in school unifor doing tasks in a school canteen

Monday Morning Before First Day of Term: The Children Go About their Morning Tasks

Young boy eating vegetable soup

Spicy Vegetables for Breakfast

Thai girl in school uniform in a canteen kitchen

Kitchen Chores ~ Mae Lit School

Thai schoolgirl sweeping steps

Readying the School for Opening

Line of bicycles in schoolyard

Kids, Bikes and Dogs ~ A generous benefactor donated a number of bicycles to the school, so the children had a nice surprise for their first day back.

School lines from behind

Lines of Official Thai School-Girl Hair-Cuts

Monk on the school balcony

Monk Presiding

Woman talking to young Thai boy

Susan Chats to a Young Scholarship Recipient

Red torch ginger

Torch Ginger (Zingiberaceae) in the Schoolyard

Spring rice terrace

Fragrant and Impossibly Green ~ Early Rice on the Road Back Down Out of The Hills

These are some of the poorest villages in the country, where life changes slowly. The days in the fields are long and hard, so it is tempting to keep older children home to help. Many families have virtually no income, making it impossible to pay for uniforms, books, travel, and all the other things the government doesn’t provide for school-aged children. But, traditions are strong, communities are bonded and food is plentiful. The children at these schools are helpful, polite and wonderfully self-reliant. I have nothing against them having ready access to PCs – there is just so much else that they need more!

Regardless of who wins the next election, I have little faith that it will result in any major improvements in these communities. For these children to participate fully in the education that is theoretically available, but practically just out of reach, they will continue to need the help of “outsiders”. Susan will be visiting the students and the projects she manages again in November. If you are prepared to eat local (fresh and delicious!), travel rough on roads that sometimes disappear,To the Future (text)and sleep on the odd floor (with mats and bedding), I know she’d love to have you along to see what is needed for yourself.

In the meantime, happy travels.

  • gabe - July 1, 2011 - 3:31 am

    thought provoking as ever. love itReplyCancel

  • Signe Westerberg - July 4, 2011 - 12:18 am

    simplicity, gratefullness and many needs, not sure our precious young ones would be so gracious with so little. Just love the stories and associated pictures, thanks for sharing them. As for the election, seems there is a new woman at the helm.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - July 4, 2011 - 1:56 am

      Hey Signe! 😉 and 😉 to both your comments… I’d best not put my thoughts in print!ReplyCancel

  • Patrick Gallagher - December 17, 2012 - 9:18 am

    Another excellent and educational piece, Ursula. Thanks for sharing it.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - December 18, 2012 - 2:40 am

      I’m so glad you are enjoying some of my older posts, Patrick! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • john kenny - January 11, 2013 - 11:25 pm

    Fantastic story Ursula, but like you say , money speaks, unfortunatly, promises promises makes them more money, John11kReplyCancel

    • Ursula - January 12, 2013 - 12:37 am

      Thanks for visiting my PhotoBlog, John. Fortunately, the Hill people are pretty resilient, and for the most part manage in spite of unfulfilled government promises.ReplyCancel

Large blue and white ceramic pots against a blue and white sky

Blue and White ~ Siam Ceramics ~ Bangkok Sky

Pottery is one of the markers of ‘civilisation’. With archeological examples dating back to B.C. 3,600, Thailand’s pottery traditions are amongst the oldest in the world. Over the years clear regional styles developed, with the quality of the products largely dependent on the types of clay found in the area.

Ceramics traditions also crossed borders: with the migrations of people and as a commodity across the region. For example, King Ramkamhaeng (1279-1298) brought potters from China to set up the now-famous Sukhothai kiln, and 600 to 800 more kilns were built around the region using the imported technology during the Sukothai period.

Today many of the small cottage industries in the Thai ceramics business make Chinese-style pottery, with one of the most popular being the ‘blue and white’ under-glazed porcelain, sometimes called ‘Ming’ porcelain (although the style originated in the earlier (1127 – 1279) Yuan dynasty).

"House of Blue and White Pottery" Shop front, with shelves of pots behind glass

Siam Ceramic “House of Blue and White Pottery” Shop Front

Modern  Blue and White pottery in different styles and pattens

Blue and White ~ In the Ming (1368 – 1644) Tradition

Over the last fifteen years, Thai ceramics producers have repositioned themselves to become significant international exporters. They have used the quality of their products to compete favourably against regional rivals (China, the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia) in the the United States, Japan, Hong Kong, Australia and United Kingdom markets.

In addition to the popular blue and white pottery, Thailand is famous for its celadon: high-fired stonewares with the distinctively crackled feldspathic and wood-ash glazes. The traces of iron in the clay, or in the glaze formulation itself, give celadon its characteristic colours: greens that are almost-white, subtly grayed, honey yellow, brown, rich Jade or olive.

Benjarong, another traditional Thai porcelain, has its roots in the Ming dynasty style of painting enamels onto a white porcelain base. The Thai name ‘Benjarong’ is from the Pali and Sanskrit words Benja and Rong, meaning ‘Five Colours’, and is descriptive: five enamel colours (red, white, yellow, black and green) are most commonly used, although some Benjarong patterns use only three colours, while others have as many as eight. Gold is liberally featured and the intricately repeated patterns are applied much more thickly than in the earlier Chinese examples, giving a highly textured finish.

Covered Benjarong (five-coloured enamel glazed porcelain) pots on a metal shelf

The ‘Five Colours’ of Benjaron ~ With the Liberal Applications of Gold

Detail: Edge of a lidded Benjarong pot with Chakri Blue design

The “Chakri Blue” Benjarong Pattern

Ceramic sheep with button-like

Individually Applied ‘Wool’ Buttons on a Ceramic Sheep

Small blue and white ceramic elephants

The Ubiquitous Thai Elephant ~ in Blue and White

Last month I was able to visit two porcelain factory outlets close to Bangkok for a small glimpse of the quality and range of Thai ceramic products. I was travelling with a group of women from ANZWG (the Australian New Zealand Women’s Group), and so we were invited ‘backstage’. “If they had shown us the workroom first, I would have appreciated the pieces even more!” exclaimed one of the women as we watched the men at work. For while the kilns and potters’ wheels might be greatly improved over what they were a thousand years ago, much of the process of creating beautiful ceramics has remained unchanged. Every piece is painstakingly painted by hand – a fact that is NOT, by Western standards, reflected in the local selling prices.

Chinese Shar-Pei amongst cement bags

Chinese Shar-Pei Guarding the Workshop Entrance

Ceramic Greenware Babies

Foreground: blue and white greenware. Background: women shopping.

Women Shopping while the Greenware Dries

Man Underglazing large Blue Porcelain pot

Delicate Work ~ Underglazing the Blue and White Porcelain

Greenware: Stylised Siamese Cats

Siamese Aristocats? Greenware in the Workroom

Man at a work-table underglazing blue and white pottery

Artisan at Work: Three days for a piece this size, he told me.

Storeroom: Foreground, blue and white pottery, Background, celadon buddhas

Storeroom: Blue and White Pots and Celadon Buddhas

Blue and whit lidded ceramic pots

Blue ~ White ~ and a Generous Brush of Gold

Small blue and whit pottery lids

Lids: Blue ~ White ~ and Gold

Ceramic tiled shop-front for pottery sales

Ceramic Tiles and Pots at the Chieng Sang Factory Outlet

Sitting on our balcony later that evening, watching the storm clouds rolling in over a city of shiny ceramic-glazed high rise buildings, I couldn’t help but think about how ceramics define modern ‘civilisation’ – being used for everything from teeth to tiles, from car parts to communications, from everyday kitchen products to aerospace. At the same time, Thai pottery traditions continue to evolve as they have for six thousand years.

Storm clouds over Bangkok

Blue ~ White ~ and Gold

Blue and white ceramics are like a symbolic bridge between the past and the future.

And, an example of the time and effort that goes into things of beauty.

Happy travels!

  • Signe Westerberg - June 24, 2011 - 2:14 am

    beautiful workmanship, again one has to ask how do you resist having a house full of trinkets and keepsakes? or do you not really resist ;-DReplyCancel

    • Ursula - June 24, 2011 - 5:27 am

      There were just a FEW pieces I couldn’t resist. 😉ReplyCancel

  • gabe - June 24, 2011 - 4:02 am

    Nicely stated ~ beautiful pieces.ReplyCancel

  • amy - November 8, 2011 - 1:27 am

    hi ursula! where in bangkok can i buy this ceramic?ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - November 8, 2011 - 10:59 am

      Hi Amy!! Thanks for your visit. I’ve emailed you the details. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Pooja Khanna - November 15, 2011 - 7:41 am

    Hi Ursula, visiting Bangkok soon. Beautiful blue pottery.. where exactly is the house of blue and white property? also could you list me other blue n white pottery shop names and locations. Thanks.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - November 16, 2011 - 4:23 am

      Hi Pooja!! Thanks for your visit. I’ve emailed you the details.ReplyCancel

    • Raja Rose Rina - October 24, 2016 - 1:00 pm

      I want to find out where exactly is the house of blue and white property? Can yiu please list me other blue and white pottery shop names and locations. Not too far away from Bangkok city. Thanks.ReplyCancel

      • Ursula - October 25, 2016 - 1:26 am

        Raja, if you look through the comments, you will find the most up-to-date information available to me. Thanks!ReplyCancel

  • Jasmine - January 5, 2012 - 1:53 am

    Dear Ursula,

    how beautiful……and a feast for the eyes. I’m from Malaysia and trying to find whether its possible to find this blue and white porcelain in Kuala Lumpur as I love collecting them…but am willing to travel to Bangkok to find as well.Can I have the address in Bangkok please ? Thanks for your informative article.Happy New Year….JasmineReplyCancel

    • Ursula - January 5, 2012 - 12:45 pm

      Hi Jasmine,
      I’m glad you liked the post. I’ve emailed you details. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Rabiya - April 5, 2012 - 8:57 pm

    Hi, i loved your post about this workshop in bangkok. I am going to be visiting soon. Would you be able to tell me the location and tel no of this post please. Thanks!ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - April 6, 2012 - 1:23 am

      Hi Rabiya,
      I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’ve tried to email you, but the address doesn’t work :-SReplyCancel

    • Tehseen - June 22, 2018 - 3:47 pm

      Where can I purchase the blue n white potteryReplyCancel

      • Ursula - June 23, 2018 - 12:30 am

        All available information is in the comments thread.ReplyCancel

  • Rabiya - April 6, 2012 - 9:30 am

    Hi Ursula,

    Thanks for your reply. I have just put in another email address. Let me know if it goes through on that.


  • nikku guron - May 18, 2012 - 3:44 pm


    I would really appreciate if you can mail me the contact detail for chieng sang factory outlet and if possible any other places where similar artifacts are available within bangkok.

    nikku guronReplyCancel

    • Ursula - May 19, 2012 - 1:58 am

      Hi Nikku,

      Thanks for your visit. I’ve sent you the information I have.ReplyCancel

  • Suzana - June 3, 2012 - 10:22 am


    I’m living in Bangkok and interested in directions and hours as well.


    • Ursula - June 4, 2012 - 3:37 pm

      Hi Suzana,

      I get a lot of requests for this info, so I’ll post it here instead of replying individually.

      Both places were around Petchkasem Road – I thought we were out of Bangkok, but apparently not.

      I can’t find the card I had for the Blue and White shop, and when I was writing the post, the website they had listed on it was an expired link. I think they trade under Siam Ceramic, which I found in Hello Trade:

      Siam Ceramic. 14/37 M. 7 Petchkasem Rd., Nong Kang Plu, Nong Khaem, Bangkok. (66)-(662)-4211385.

      The card I have for Chieng Sang doesn’t give the factory address and I wasn’t paying attention; I have only the JJ Market location: Soi 9 Section 17. Tel: 0 2272 5582.

      I hope this helps.


  • Peter - October 16, 2012 - 11:23 pm

    Hi Ursula

    Thanks for the lovely photos i collect the brightly colored Benjarong but i might look more closely at the blue and white next week when i am visiting Thailand.

    And the button sheep is just adorrable i would love to find one of those.

    St kilda

    • Ursula - October 17, 2012 - 12:26 am

      Thanks for the visit, Peter. There are lots of treasures to be found in Bangkok’s streets and markets – enjoy! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Patrick Gallagher - December 10, 2012 - 1:06 am

    Another excellent, interesting article, Ursula.ReplyCancel

    • Karen - February 26, 2017 - 4:47 pm

      Hey, loved the article and happy to see the blue and white crockery. Can you give me an idea of the pricing?ReplyCancel

      • Ursula - February 26, 2017 - 10:48 pm

        Hi Karen,
        Thanks! You need to contact the companies directly. Check the comment thread . 😀ReplyCancel

  • Ursula - December 10, 2012 - 2:03 am

    Thanks Patrick! Nice to have you along. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Daniel - January 16, 2013 - 7:11 am

    Hi Ursula! What an amazing and beautiful post. I’m a Peace Corps Volunteer in Mongolia, visiting Thailand in a few days. Money is kind of an object for me, and I’d hate to see all of this beautiful stuff in person and be unable to bring any home. Could you give me an idea of the price range these fall into? Thanks!ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - January 16, 2013 - 10:23 am

      Hi Daniel,
      I wish I could answer your question! Basically, the prices at the outlets or in the markets are very reasonable… But often, prices are dependent on size, quality, and outlet. As for the actual prices, I honestly can’t remember!!ReplyCancel

  • ania bhatti - February 18, 2013 - 7:47 am

    hi urusula can you please where can i buy these from in thailandReplyCancel

  • Ursula - February 18, 2013 - 8:06 am

    Hi Ania,

    I get a lot of requests for this info, so I’ll post it here (again) instead of replying individually.

    Both places were around Petchkasem Road – I thought we were out of Bangkok, but apparently not.

    I can’t find the card I had for the Blue and White shop, and when I was writing the post, the website they had listed on it was an expired link. I think they trade under Siam Ceramic, which I found in Hello Trade:

    Siam Ceramic. 14/37 M. 7 Petchkasem Rd., Nong Kang Plu, Nong Khaem, Bangkok. (66)-(662)-4211385.

    The card I have for Chieng Sang doesn’t give the factory address and I wasn’t paying attention; I have only the JJ Market location: Soi 9 Section 17. Tel: 0 2272 5582.

    I hope this helps.


  • Daniel - March 14, 2013 - 10:47 am

    As of January 28 2013, Siam Ceramic is at the address and phone number you listed, Ursula. They are incredibly polite, friendly, and welcoming, and carry an incredible selection at prices that are absurdly low–they’ll still bargain with you if you have the heart to do it! It is certainly a task getting there, but your efforts will be rewarded. Call ahead and let them know you’re coming so that the showroom is open.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - March 14, 2013 - 12:30 pm

      Daniel – thanks so much for the update! It is good to know someone else has found Siam Ceramics – and found them to be good value!!ReplyCancel

  • John - March 22, 2013 - 7:07 am

    Very interesting and well written post, with great photos. I’m trying to source the Chieng Sang ceramics to sell with our ceramic range in Bali. The intricacy and accuracy of the hand painted motifs are fantastic. Sometime lost in a shop full of this style, but when you pick one up and look close, you really appreciate the artistic skill.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - March 22, 2013 - 9:12 am

      Hi John,
      I’m glad you enjoyed the post; it’s nice to see people “in the know” appreciating each others skill.ReplyCancel

  • Francis Yeong - July 11, 2013 - 8:42 am

    Hi I’m from Taiwan, and I am so interesting with it! Is there far from Siam?
    I will come to Thailand this end of month, pls show me the location address,Thanks!ReplyCancel

  • Ursula - July 11, 2013 - 8:04 pm

    Hey Francis!
    If you look through the comments on this post, you will find the details:

    Siam Ceramic. 14/37 M. 7 Petchkasem Rd., Nong Kang Plu, Nong Khaem, Bangkok. (66)-(662)-4211385.

    It is a way out from city centre – if that is what you mean by Siam.

    Good luck!

  • Lucy - November 20, 2014 - 3:58 pm

    Hi, Found this blue and white exciting, can you tell me how to get there. is there a phone number to call before going?ReplyCancel

  • Ursula - November 20, 2014 - 11:40 pm

    Hey Lucy!
    If you look through the comments on this post, you will find the details:

    Siam Ceramic. 14/37 M. 7 Petchkasem Rd., Nong Kang Plu, Nong Khaem, Bangkok. (66)-(662)-4211385.

    However, there are many manufactures around Bangkok – and they all produce beautiful things.

    Good luck!

  • Helen McCormick - January 28, 2015 - 3:11 am

    Dear Ursula,

    I am the head of art in an International School in Bangkok and was wondering if you could help us? I came across your site while doing a search and have seen how useful your advice and information has been to fellow artists.

    We are in urgent desperate need to buy glaze!!

    My goal is to develop ceramics in the school, however we are struggling to find a place to purchase glaze. Any help and advice on this would be much appreciated as our students really want to experiment with the process for their exam.

    Kindest regards

    Helen McCormickReplyCancel

    • Ursula - January 28, 2015 - 4:47 am

      Hi Helen,
      Thanks for your visit.
      You’ll find the only contact details I have in the comment thread on this page.
      Good luck!

  • Svea - February 7, 2015 - 3:44 am

    Hi Ursula,
    Really enjoyed reading your article, which makes me absolutely curious to discover it myself ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - February 8, 2015 - 8:45 am

      Thanks, Svea. The jug and bowl I bought live in my kitchen, where I enjoy them daily. 😀ReplyCancel

  • Lyn Thomas - March 5, 2015 - 4:01 am

    Hi everyone, I have a friend who is keen to visit blue and white ceramic factory outlets while in Bangkok. Can anyone make recommendations and give me addresses etc?

    • Ursula - March 5, 2015 - 11:19 am

      Hi Lyn,
      You will find all the information I have in the comment thread here. I’m sure your friend will have no trouble finding outlets.
      Cheers, UrsulaReplyCancel

  • Patricia - July 9, 2015 - 6:09 am

    Are you able to ship to Australia and is it very expensive to ship?ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - July 9, 2015 - 10:34 pm

      Hi Patricia,
      Thanks for your visit. If you read the Blog, you will see that I am NOT selling these products myself.ReplyCancel

  • Janice - July 29, 2015 - 1:47 pm

    I am going there this weekend anything in particular that I should try and see? Or get? I am not a collector but want something nice as a reminder of my visitReplyCancel

    • Ursula - July 29, 2015 - 4:08 pm

      Hi Janice,
      Thanks for dropping in! I think you’ll enjoy yourself – wherever you go. 😀ReplyCancel

  • adam - February 12, 2016 - 8:09 am

    hey i have a rare hand painted blue n white elephant stool from the ming era 1368 -1644 also mite b one n only make havent seen another exactly like it if interested u can contact me at aharris3233@gmail.comReplyCancel

  • Serena - March 9, 2016 - 12:40 am

    Can u kindly give me the direction and name of the pottery please. Planning to visit next week.


    • Ursula - March 9, 2016 - 12:55 am

      Thanks for your visit, Serena.
      If you check back on the comments thread, you will find the only addresses I have: probably outdated now. Good luck!ReplyCancel

  • a.b - April 3, 2016 - 4:33 pm

    hi Ursula
    what a lovely post
    can you please tell me where is this chieng sang factory outlet located in bangkok,i really want to buy these blue and white ginger jarsReplyCancel

    • Ursula - April 4, 2016 - 2:15 am

      I’m glad you like the post. You will find all the information I have – now quite dated – in the comment thread. Cheers, UrsulaReplyCancel

    • Totsaporn - September 12, 2016 - 6:23 pm

      Chieng Sang Factory’s address.
      25 M 7 Phetchkasem Rd Omnoi Krathumban Samutsakorn 74130
      Tel. 02-420-1437ReplyCancel

      • Ursula - September 12, 2016 - 10:47 pm

        Many thanks, Kh Totsaporn!ReplyCancel

      • Jann - December 8, 2017 - 4:28 am

        Hi does he have a website or online store please?

        Thank you.ReplyCancel

  • Karl - August 29, 2016 - 9:47 am

    Would it be possible to give me an email ID as a contact within the suppliers so i can reach them.

    Thanks very much.

    Best Regards,

  • stephen cronick - October 9, 2016 - 10:54 pm

    Would you send a price list of blue porcelain crockery please.
    I have a Thai restaurantReplyCancel

    • Ursula - October 13, 2016 - 2:49 am

      Sorry, Stephen – I don’t sell it!ReplyCancel

  • Roman - January 4, 2017 - 3:15 am

    Good Morning Ursula, Could you please email the address ? I am going to be in Bangkok in 4 days, very interested.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - January 4, 2017 - 10:16 am

      Hi Roman,
      Chieng Sang Factory’s address:
      25 M 7 Phetchkasem Rd Omnoi Krathumban Samutsakorn 74130
      Tel. 02-420-1437ReplyCancel

    • Anna - August 6, 2017 - 11:35 am

      Hi Roman
      Were you able to locate the shop? I’m heading there in a few weeks and would like to visit. Thanks!ReplyCancel

  • Cecilie Nilsen - November 21, 2017 - 9:01 pm

    Hi! Going to Bangkok on Dec. 3. Have searched all over the internet to find the House of Blue and White but no address appears. Can someone please help?ReplyCancel

  • Jann - December 8, 2017 - 4:26 am

    I love blue and white porcelain! Do you know of any online sellers?

    Many thanks!


    • Ursula - December 12, 2017 - 11:51 pm

      Thanks for your visit, Jann. As I have said before, the only information I have is in this comments thread.ReplyCancel

  • Margaret Olian - April 25, 2018 - 10:09 pm

    Please let me know if there are any online distributors of the Blue and white porcelain. Thanking you in advance

    • Ursula - April 26, 2018 - 9:05 am

      Please check the comments above for all available info.
      Cheers, UrsulaReplyCancel

  • Abigail - May 14, 2018 - 9:57 pm

    Hello are you able to post these blue and white pots to the UK I think they are amazing!!ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - May 15, 2018 - 4:27 am

      Aren’t they wonderful!
      Check the comment thread for all the contact information I have.ReplyCancel

  • Anand - July 19, 2018 - 8:01 am

    Hi Ursula,
    I will be visiting Bangkok and Chiang Mai soon. Could you please kindly guide as to where we can buy this kind of blue and white pottery and also celadon pottery here? Thanking you in advance, warm regards :))ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - July 19, 2018 - 8:57 am

      Hi Anand,
      Any information I have is in the comment thread. I have not lived in Bangkok for 7 years. Good luck shopping!

  • jigme - August 16, 2018 - 3:58 am


    where is your factory? I want to visit. I am interested to buy in large quantity.


    • Ursula - August 17, 2018 - 1:08 am

      Hi Jigme,

      All the information I have is in the comment thread.
      Cheers, UrsulaReplyCancel

  • Dina - February 15, 2023 - 12:09 pm

    Hello Ursula

    Great post and full of helpful information. I am obsessed with the blue and white ceramics, specifically the Thai ones. I will visit Bangkok soon and would love more information about the places you found this amazing g art. I was lucky I visited chaing seng in the weekend market but my last visit didn’t have time to visit the factory outlet. I will visit the outlet my next visit and I want more kindly more info for all the places you took these amazing photos.
    Kind regards

    • Ursula - February 15, 2023 - 2:22 pm

      Thanks for your visit Dina!
      You will find all the information I have in the comments thread.
      Cheers, UrsulaReplyCancel

Close-up: Rusty gear and handle

Almost Abstract: Rusty Machinery Parts, Sougraigne

We were in the car, in Australia, driving to an appointment last month, when my husband remarked: “You know, it took us two weeks to walk this same distance!”

It’s true – we routinely cover great distances driving without giving it much thought. When I’m walking, on the other hand, I’m acutely aware of the landscape that I am part of. On our walk along the Cathar Trails in the Pyrenees, one of the things we both commented on was how different our walks were each day: the nature of the forests, streams, and even farms and villages, were quite distinctive. Even the smells of the woods and fields and the sounds of the birds changed from one locale to the next.

Trip Notes Day 5: Sougraigne to Granes

We pass the village of Rennes les Bains and on to Rennes le Château with its small castle dominating the surrounding hills. We spend the night at in a chambre d’hôtes in Granes.

Points of interest: RennesleChâteau

19kms. 5hrs30. Altitude gain/descent: +445m -450m

View of Sougraine church and village against a forested mountain

No Two Towns Exactly the Same: Sougraigne Village Church

Sepia: Crucifix, Sougraine Graveyard

Roughly Worn Iron Crucifix Marks an Old Grave, Sougraigne (Sepia)

While it is true that every French village has a church, and every church has a bell, even these were distinctive in their own ways. Every village also has its own crucifix, or several, but no two were exactly alike.

Spring Chestnut blooms, foreground. Old Village House, Background. Sougraine

Fresh Leaves and Fresh Flowers on the Massive Chestnut Trees, Sougraigne

One of the biggest differences, as we set off from Sougraine to Granes on our fourth day walking, was that we were finally out of the wind and the sun was warming the earth. We heard cuckoos for the first time: further proof, if any was needed, that we were in Europe – and that spring had arrived.

Our day started along the Sals River in « Le domaine de l’Eau Salée » (“The Salty Domain”). The waterways here work their way through the limestone mountains, picking up salt and minerals before bubbling up at the source of the Sals River, near Sougraigne. At times, the Sals has 60 grams per litre of salt – twice that of the Mediterranean. Historically, this high salt content lead to the establishment of baths (including at Rennes les Bains, where Mary Magdalene purportedly baptised people) and ‘salins’; lagoons for the evaporation of valuable salt.

It is also an area where people live off the track and off the grid: in railway cars, self-built dwellings, and old caravans.

Peeling paint: "Circus" on the side of an old bus

Peeling Paint on a Temporary Dwelling: The Circus has Left Town

Celtic Pattern on Stone Marker

Modern Rendition or Ancient Remnant of Continental Celtic Traditions?

Looking up - Rough-barked tree trunk into sky

Almost Abstract: The Texture of Sky

Close-up: Rough Tree Trunk

Almost Abstract: The Textures and Colours of Tree Bark

We left the Sals River and forded the River Blanque to visit the Madeleine Spring. According to our notes, there are two springs “surging out of the rock”: one rich in iron, the other sulphurous. I have to wonder how old the notes are; there is no longer much sign of either spring. Our noses found the sulphurous trickle, while the iron was a mere sludge patch across the rock. I’m told it is good luck to bath your feet here – there was enough moisture to make the whole area dangerously slippery, but certainly not enough for a foot bath!

Graffiti carved into rusted rock

Ancient Graffiti on the Rock Face at the Madeleine Spring

Mossy rocks in a running creek

La Blanque River: This is our Crossing Point ~ I was more than a little worried, as neither my shoes nor my cameras are waterproof!

From the river valley, we climbed up through vegetation that changed again: new forests on the sunny-side of the hill, old farming terraces in the shade and “La Roche Temblant” (The Trembling Rock) towards the top. We came out on a logging road which was bordered by shrubbery, plane trees, chestnuts and pines, and which culminated in modern farming operations.

Newly sawn tree trunk on the forest floor

Textures: Newly Sawn Tree on the Crunchy Leaves of the Forest Floor

Pine cones foreground: Hamlet and hills background

Layers ~ View through the Pine Cones

Pine cone with green fungus on the forest floor

Colours and Textures: Fungus, Pine Cones and the Forest Floor

Piled boulders in a deciduous forest

Light and Shade: La Roche Tremblante

Close-up: Young Pine

The Colour and Texture of New Pine Growth

White cows around a hay feeder

Even the Cows Differed from Place to Place.

Red poppy on green grass

Wild Poppy: Remembrance of Days (and Wars) Past

As a reward for our hard work, we stopped for a real coffee when we reached Rennes Le Château, perched atop its hill. Rennes Le Château hides its own mysteries: one of the most prominent stories is of buried treasures – originally belonging to the Visigoths, the Cathars, and/or the Templars. Other stories concern the Arc of the Covenant, and near by tombs of Jesus, Joseph of Arimathea and Mary Magdalene. And so on… I settled for the treasures that the local glass-maker creates.

Shuttered doors and windows

Charming Housed ~ Glass and Shutters ~ Rennes-le-ChâteauLadder for Rapunzel? The Castle of Rennes-le-Château

Pink and Purple Lilac, Rennes-le-Château

Sweet Smells ~ Pink and Purple Lilac, Rennes-le-Château

Red, yellow and blue glass candles, Rennes-le-Château

Light a Candle for your Prayers, Church of Saint Mary Magdalene, Rennes-le-Château

Blue glass windows and wrought iron

Colours and Textures: Stained Glass and Wrought Iron, Presbytery of Rennes-le-Chateau

Man using a blow torch to shape glass ~ Rennes-le-Château

Heat! Glass Maker at Work, Rennes-le-Château

View back to Rennes-le-Château from above Les Labadous

View back to Rennes-le-Château from above Les Labadous

To your health


As always seems to be the case, the last few miles were the longest and slowest, but we stumbled into our lodgings at a reasonable hour, with tired legs and whetted appetites – ready for a hot shower, our evening glass of muscat, and a good meal.

Cheers ~ à votre santé ~ ‘till next time.




  • gabe - June 16, 2011 - 11:27 pm

    just as good. this was a really crisp and nice dayReplyCancel

  • Signe Westerberg - June 17, 2011 - 2:51 am

    Wonderful as always, a question though…. with all the magical places you go are you inundated by take home trinkets (ie glassware)or do you have a will of iron? I can’t imagine NOT wanting to take little pieces of memory (or as Lance would call it -Junk) home with me.

    thanks again for the share…ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - June 18, 2011 - 2:23 am

      Ha Ha! You caught us, Signe. We did buy a lovely glass oil and vinegar decanter. Last time we were here, we bought glass calligraphy pens for the girls. Christmas shopping all done – now I need to open a shop. 😉ReplyCancel

  • Signe Westerberg - June 24, 2011 - 2:16 am

    Glass calligraphy pens hmmm sounds interesting!ReplyCancel

  • john kenny - February 13, 2013 - 6:55 pm

    Ursula, Very very intresting stuff, especially the Mary Magdalene connection, something i am intrested in ! Great story, JohnReplyCancel

    • Ursula - February 13, 2013 - 11:49 pm

      Thanks for your visit and interest, John. We found the area fascinating. Still, cant wait to get to your part of the world one day! 🙂ReplyCancel

White Apple Blossoms with the rocky face of Pech de Thauze (Pod Bugarach) in the background.

Pic de Bugarach, Apple Blossoms and Blue Sky

If you want to bear witness to what happens as the world comes to an end, then (the story goes) Pech de Thauze, more commonly called Pic de Bugarach, is the place to be.

There are a lot of doomsday predictions around at the moment. The one that concerns this story is not the May 21, 2011 day of earthquakes and judgement and subsequent rapture for faithful Christians, as prophesized by evangelist Harold Camping, which passed without a tremor or a murmer. Nor is it his revised October 21, 2011 ‘end of the world’ prediction.

The date that we were talking about over dinner and copious drinks at Accueil au Village, Cubières sur Cinoble, was the December 21, 2012 ‘Armageddon’ which coincides with the end of a 5,125-year-long cycle in the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar – the Maya or Mayan calendar.

To be fair to the Mayans, there is no indication they thought that the end of this cycle was a bad thing. The doomsday predictions seem to be a more recent combinatation of new-age theories, pseudo-science, and hoax mixed in with interpretations of religious eschatology. Whatever the reasons behind the predictions, international hysteria is causing a lot of local consternation.

Apparently Bugarach, which can be seen from from Cubières, is no ordinary mountain. For one thing, it is a geological anomoly: the top of the mountain is millions of years older than the bottom. In other words, Bugarach is upside down! Although I assume this to be a fact, after hours on the internet, I could find no actual verification. What is verifiable is that Bugarach, which stands at 1230m, is the highest of the Corbières Mountains, and its limestone is riddled with caves.

Secondly, the mountain is said to have “an enormous energy”, both magnetic and spiritual. I couldn’t verify the belief that Nostradamus thought the mountain’s “vibrations” useful in his work, or that Jules Verne found the entrance to an inner world, which he fictionalized in “A Journey to the Centre of the Earth”. Then there are the stories that the mountain hides the holy grail, and possibly even the body of Jesus, or that it houses aliens. “The internet abounds with tales of the late President François Mitterrand being curiously heliported onto the peak, of mysterious digs conducted by the Nazis and later Mossad, the Israeli secret services…. A visit to Bugarach is said to have inspired Steven Spielberg in his film, Close Encounters of the Third Kind – although the actual mountain he used is Devil’s Tower in Wyoming.”

The current story, which is causing headaches for long-time locals, is the belief that at world’s end, December 21 next year, the aliens residing in the mountain will leave, airlifting a few lucky humans with them. According to one source, dozens of UFOers camped out atop the mountain on December 31, 1999, to see in the previous end-of-the-world at the dawn of the new millennium. While (clearly) that ‘end’ did not happen, this has not dampened doomsday enthusiasm, and the tiny villages of Bugarach, with less than 200 residents, and neighbouring Cubières, which is of similar size, are attracting a new kind of visitor. Property prices have been driven up, and the current infastructure can’t cope with what may become a massive influx of people. The Telegraph (UK) interviewed the mayor of Bugarach and numerous other locals before posting two items (1 and 2) one year in advance of the predicted 2012 Armageddon. A month later, the story was picked up by the NY Times. As our host Françoise, former mayor of Cubières, told us, this has only agravated the problem of alternate-lifestylers moving into the area but not wanting to be part of the local ‘community.’

The mountain may well be magic, but the only ‘energy’ we experienced as we sat around the Cubières dinner table on the eve of our walk around Bugarach was the buzz of local wine, home-cooked food, and lively conversation with an international group of visitors and residents. But, we did pay special attention to the mountain, which was in our sights most of the next day.

Trip Notes: Day 4: Cubières sur Cinoble to Sougraigne

Our walk today is in the very heart of the Cathar country as we walk between the Fenouillèdes and the Corbières. We traverse the Bugarach massif and the Salso Col before arriving in the beautiful small village of Sougraigne.

Points of Interest: Chestnut Forest and Bugarach Village

15kms. 5hrs. +250m -605m

If you are going to circumnavigate half a magic mountain, what better place to start than the local church. L’Abbaye de Cubières sur Cinoble, which was redesigned and rebuilt over the ruins of a ninth century abby, is atypical in that, unlike most European churches, it is oriented on a north-south, rather than an east-west axis.

Composite: Coloured statues: 1) Jesus 2) Joan of Arc 3) Madonna and Child

The Local Church, L'Abbaye de Cubières sur Cinoble, has its own Colourful Stories ~ Including Statues of Jesus, Joan d'Arc, and the The Madonna

Composite: Cubières sur Cinoble  and the trail to Pic de Bugarach

Looking Through the Tiny Town of Cubières sur Cinoble to the Magic Mountain

Close-up: Ivy and lichen on a tree trunk

Into the Woods ~ Lichen and Ivy

View: Camps-sur-l

Approaching the Village of Camps-sur-l'Agly

Street Scene, Camps-sur-l

Ivy-Clad Ruins and Modern Village Housing, Camps-sur-l'Agly

Rusty Hand-Pump in front of wooden garage doors, Camps-sur-l

Rusty Pump at the Doors, Camps-sur-l'Agly ~ Presumably the Nailed Goats' Feet Ward off Evil

Composite street scenes: Front door draped in purple flowers, Stone-walled garden

Spring Flowers Everywhere: Front Doors ~ Back Gardens, Camps-sur-l'Agly

Small church bell tower, Camps-sur-l

Every Small Town a Bell ~ Camps-sur-l'Agly

Although the spring sun still held little warmth, the skies were blue and the winds had reduced somewhat, making for a pleasant walk winding through the countryside on stony tracks and small paved roads. We passed large farm holdings and small barnyards, eating our copious packed lunch in the lee of Bugarach and under the watchful eye of the local chickens and sheep.

Through Wire Fencing: Chickens in the Farmyard

The Chickens in the Barnyard Come Running to Look at Us

Cluster of Apple Blossom

Apple Blossom

Spring growth in front of Bugarach, from Mas Pastressis

The Hamlet of Pastressis, in the Lee of Bugarach

Sheep and a lamb, The Hamlet of Pastressis

Sheep Watch us Before Running Off, The Hamlet of Pastressis

Bugarach from The Col de Linas

Bugarach from The Col de Linas ~ Traces of Cigar Clouds in the Sky (Many Scientist Attribute UFO Sightings to these Types of Cloud Formations)

If Bugarach has a magnetic force, it clearly didn’t work for us. Somewhere after Col de Linas, we lost the trail and ended up working our way down toward the town following goat tracks. A couple of French hikers passed us by, heading the same general direction. When I asked if we were on the path to Bugarach, they refused to confirm it until I pronounced it correctly. You have to love the French, their pursed [y] sound – and their sense of humour! Leaving the town, we lost the track again – not really our fault this time, as all the trees with our way-markers had been cut down by loggers.

Five-petal White Wild Flowers on dark green grass

Wild Flowers in the Grass

Rusty wheel axle in the grass

Still Life Found: Rusty Bits of Abandoned Machinery

Dirt path, green foliage and view of Pech de Bugarach

Last Views of Pech de Bugarach, before we Cross Over the Col de la Pourteille

Wild Violets on the Forest Floor

Wild Violets on the Forest Floor

View of the village of Sougraine from the hill

Sougraigne ~ Our Home for the Next Two Nights

Beech Leaves against the sky

New Growth: Beech Leaves Overhead

Close-up: Trunk of a Beech Tree

Trunk of a Beech Tree

Pine needles, pine cones, beech and oak leaves on the Forest Floor

Pine, Beech and Oak on The Forest Floor

The way down into Sougraigne was much longer than I remembered from our last visit… But once we got there, the hotel was as delightful as we recalled and the food was superb:

Entrée: Croustillants au chèvre en confit d’oignon

To your healthPlat: Côte de porc fermier, Bouchée aux champignons et légumes du jour


Dessert: Carré aux pommes

Vin compris

Now that is magic! There could be no better place for an extra night and a much needed rest. ‘Till next time!


  • Signe Westerberg - June 9, 2011 - 11:07 pm

    I love the background info you give us, another magic tour… thank you… be well guys, see you both soon I hope.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - June 10, 2011 - 4:00 am

      Glad you enjoyed it, Signe. Always glad to have your company!ReplyCancel

  • gabe - June 10, 2011 - 8:41 am

    Second the comments. Brings back good memories and always educationalReplyCancel

  • Siempre Su Amor - June 16, 2011 - 5:22 pm

    A quick google search explained that a now dormant volcano beside the mountain pushed the large hillside, a rocky mass, up on top of the hill creating a mountain. The magnetism in the area they speak of is more than likely electro-magnetism that will be picked up by equipment only since the water in the area there is slightly radio active, not toxic though, likely because Nazi Fourth Reich hid there for some time after WWII doing who knows what in secret, Hitler documents say they working on Nuclear bomb but it still hasn’t been found. This could also explain the mysterious findings in the cave tunnels.

    No secrets here, just a nice little town. Thanks for the pics.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - June 16, 2011 - 6:16 pm

      Hi Siempre Su Amor!

      Thanks for your visit ~ and the info. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • […] purportedly predicting the end of the world on a date which coincides with the end of the Mayan Calendar (21/12/2012), many people are watching global natural disasters and political unrest with pessimistic […]ReplyCancel

  • Patrick Gallagher - November 7, 2012 - 2:45 am

    Very cool, Ursula. I feel like I have been there myself now.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - November 7, 2012 - 2:47 am

      Thanks, Patrick. So glad you enjoyed the post! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • […] the US have their bunkers ready; just as well, really, as French authorities are banning access to Bugarach, the magic mountain and safe haven in the Pyrenees. I’ll spend the evening sitting on my balcony, come what […]ReplyCancel

Stem and leaves of a snow gum tree against the snow

Twisted Snow Gum (Eucalyptus pauciflora) in a Bed of Snow ~ Charlotte's Pass

The snows came early this year.

It was only mid-May, and already the tops of the Australian Alps were covered with white. Even down in Jindabyne (934 metres) where we were staying, wet flakes settled briefly on our noses before puddling into cold water. Late one afternoon we tried to drive up to Charlotte Pass, at the top of Kosciuszko Road, only to be turned back by a nice National Parks employee who laughed at our Queensland-plated rental car and asked us where our snow chains were. We had to be satisfied with a view-stop at the Waste Point Lookout and a drive up to Threadbo, where, in spite of grey skies and light flurries, the road was still open.

Plaque: "The Members of the Snowy Workforce", agains Lake Jindabyne

Against the Backdrop of Lake Jindabyne, at the Waste Point Lookout, is a Plaque Commemorating the Workers who Lost Lives Building the Snowy Hydro-Electric Scheme

Two emu on the roadside

Junior and Senior Emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae), Alpine Way, NSW

We had tried to get snow chains, but winter rentals are a seasonal business, and with the ski season not due to open for another three or four weeks, none of the rental shops were operating. Snows fell in the Australian Alps in April this year, which is unseasonably early – although snow can fall any time from May to October, significant falls before June (when the ski season usually opens) are unusual. Australia is a relatively flat, dry continent with the alpine area comprising a minute (about 0.15%) proportion of the total landmass. The country’s highest point, Mount Kosciuszko, at 2228 meters, has a bare peak in summer, and the alpine area only hangs onto the smallest patches of snow, tucked into shady hollows, between winters.

 Kosciuszko Road with a dusting of snow either side

Through the Windscreen and into the Snowy Mountains

The next morning we tried again and this time succeeded, albeit slowly and carefully, in making it up through the slush, snow and ice to Charlotte Pass and the fabulously gnarled snow gums that line the aptly named Snow Gums Boardwalk.

Snow Gums (Eucalyptus pauciflora) are amazing trees. Living between 1500m and the tree line, they have adapted themselves to the extreme conditions of the alpine slopes. Curled against the wind, the snow gums have a bark that changes colour in response to climactic conditions and external branches that slope down to allow the snow to fall off. As one writer puts it: “it is their twisted shapes that makes you stand in awe and feel humbled, moved, and inspired by their resilience and determination”.

The colourful bark of a snow gum against the snow

A Colourful Snow Gum

Close-up of Snow Gum bark

The Smooth Pale Bark of the Snow Gum Peels in Patches ~ The Colours Change with the Barometric Pressure

Red bark of a Snow Gum against snowy Mt Townsend

The Red Bark of a Snow Gum Stands in Contrast Against Snowy Mt Townsend

Snow covered road, Australia

Snow Gums and Mountains ~ The Road at Charlotte Pass

Strands of grass in the snow

The Last Grasses

Mountain Mint partially covered in snow

Like Other Kosciuszko Shrubs, Fragrant Mountain Mint Withstands Being Buried Every Year

Ice and snow around Spencers Creek, Kosciuszko

Spencers Creek and the Mountains

Stone and Grass in the Snow

Still Life ~ Stone and Snow

The plants and animals that live here, many of which live nowhere else, are well adapted to the snowy conditions. They are, however, vulnerable to the already-measurable effects of climate change, and it is likely that the next decades will see significantly changes in this unique landscape.

Snow and ice on water and rock, Spencers Creek, Australia

Ice and Snow, Spencers Creek

sun-flare over snow and water, Spencers Creek

Afternoon Light, Spencers Creek

Text: Safe Travels! Ursula

Many species will probably be lost entirely within our lifetime.

It’s a shame, isn’t it?

Until next time…



  • Guava - June 3, 2011 - 9:24 pm

    Great stuff Ursula. That Snow Gum bark is amazing, such wonderful texture and colours.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - June 5, 2011 - 10:25 am

      Thanks for stopping in, ฝรั่ง. Yes – Snow Gums are amazing trees. 😀ReplyCancel

  • Signe Westerberg - June 6, 2011 - 5:51 am

    this is a trip I can make, and should… the tragedy that some of these amazing species could be lost in such a short period of time when we still have pollies discussing whether or not climate change is valid is awful, or unbelieveable depending on where you stand on the matter… they say that the koala is on borrowed time, between disease, climate changes and habitat loss we really do need to STOP…THINK… ACT…before it’s too late.

    thanks for the share, those gums are magic!ReplyCancel

  • […] That is one of the reasons why I like to get away to the Australian Alps. […]ReplyCancel