Foreground: Two elaborate bai sri (Thai floral decorations). Background: Newlyweds and their parents.

"Bai sri" ~ Bestowing blessings on newly-weds

I’m in a state of flux at the moment: we have just packed up all our belongings in one home and are in the process of transiting to a new home in another country. The Holmes and Rahe stress scale rates this as a reasonably stressful time on a number of counts: “change of residence” (+20); “change in living conditions” (+25); etc. In addition to the logistic considerations, we are coping with elements of “culture shock” and “re-entry shock” as we leave Thailand behind us – for a while, anyway.

As we’ve been preparing for our move, I’ve been reflecting on some of the things I’ll miss most about Thailand. The country’s delightful customs, especially those marking life-changes or special events, rank high on this long list. From the daily offerings to a spirit house to an elaborate ordination ceremony for monks, and beyond, specific traditional cultural rituals are closely followed.

Nothing says “change” and new beginnings like a wedding: the ceremonial recognition that two people are about to launch into life together. And, as with any other event in Thai life, a wedding offers ample opportunity for the modern practice – amid smiles and laughter – of some age-old cultural traditions.

This time last year, we were lucky enough to be guests at part of a Thai wedding ceremony.

I say “part of a ceremony” because a Thai “wedding” starts long before the  ceremony. The date chosen must be considered auspicious, and determining this often involves consulting astrologers. It is not uncommon for potential guests to have a number of weddings to chose from on particularly auspicious dates.

Early morning of the wedding day (between 6 and 7 am), monks will arrive to bless the new couple (วันสุกดิบ) in a Buddhist wedding ceremony involving candles, holy water, chanting and prayers. This is usually only attended by very close friends and family, and is followed by breakfast.

There may be a formal engagement process, in which a ritual dowry (‘sinsod’) is agreed upon and paid, but this is often included on the wedding day itself. Leading a procession of his family and friends, the groom tries to make his way to his prospective bride. He is stopped at several “gates”, represented by chains of flowers, silken ribbon, or belt, held by two of the bride’s female relatives. To pass, he must persuade the gate-keepers that he is worthy of the young woman. This involves much joking and laughing, and pretend arguments about the size of the gifts (red envelopes of money) required.

Two young Thai women hold an rope made of flowers, as two Thai men negotiate red envelopes.

The khan maak procession: The potential groom has to charm and pay his way past the gate-keepers.

Thai male in a dress suit on a balcony draped in flower arrangements.

The groom, having reached the door to his beloved, has to satisfy the guests that he is worthy.

Young Thai man and woman in formal dress descending a staircase.

The Bride and Groom together at last!

Portrait: Young Thai man and woman, smiling.

Guests Watch.

Two Thai couples, dressed in formal attire, seated on a sofa

The parents welcome the new couple.

Garlands of jasmine and roses on a plate.

At any Thai ceremony, you will find jasmine garlands.

View from above: decorative plates of Thai food and flowers.

Attention to small details: plates of food and flowers.

View from above: two young thai adults with two elder thais.

The new couple give gifts to their elders.

Kneeling thai couple lighting candles on a tiered platform.

The newly-weds join in lighting candles.

Two thai elders anoint two younger thai newlyweds.

Wearing their ‘sai monkhon’, the sacred loops that are independent, yet interlinked, symbolising how the couple are still individuals but united in destiny, the new couple are anointed by the groom's parents.

Using a conch shell, a thai woman pours holy water over the hands of a newlywed bride.

The final ceremony of a traditional wedding is the ‘Rod Nam Sang’: guest pour holy water over the hands of the newlyweds and give them gifts, while wishing them well, .

Portrait: Two young Thai men in profile, with a large camera.

Where there is a ceremony, there will be photographers!

Family portrait: a young Thai woman in formal attire seated on the floor in front of a middle aged Thai couple seated on a sofa.

The bride and her parents.

Getting married is 50 points on the Holmes and Rahe stress scale, but as stressful as this, or any other change is, there is also the exciting potential of the new “beginning”.

So it is for us, as we learn about life in a new place and once again come closer to a new year…

To new beginnings!



To the Future (text)


Photos: 18/12/2010.

My thanks to the bride and her family for including us in their special day.



  • Signe Westerberg - December 16, 2011 - 12:29 am

    are we expecting you home for Christmas… or is it Eden O R OR… what ever and where ever, we hope it is fabulous.
    much love Signe & LanceReplyCancel

  • Elliot Margolies - December 27, 2011 - 6:49 am

    I really enjoy your photos and commentary on the wedding rituals. An auspicious read as we just got home from a celebration dinner of Sally’s (my partner) daughter’s engagement to her boyfriend Dan. Lots of sweet rituals in the Thai wedding.

    Also read your post about the southwest province of Laos.

    Will return to your blog again.
    Best wishes,
    Elliot (E>mar) from flickrReplyCancel

    • Ursula - December 27, 2011 - 7:00 am

      Hi Elliot,

      I’m so pleased you stopped in and enjoyed my post. I was also also please to be introduced to your blog site; I’ll be back! I’ve always liked your portraits – especially your handsome sons! 😉

      Have a wonderful holiday season.ReplyCancel

  • Wedding in Thailand - February 28, 2012 - 8:21 am

    Nice post.
    Wedding in Thailand is the best wedding destination in the world.
    MarryMeThailand, Our intention is that your wedding day be as perfect as possible.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - February 28, 2012 - 11:20 pm

      I don’t usually let advertising sites through – but I couldn’t resist this one (Marry me Thailand). It’s the romantic in me…ReplyCancel

Wide angle view of the white temple: Wat Rong Khun set in waters an gardens.

Wat Rong Khun, Chiang Rai

In Thailand, architecture – especially temple architecture – is the highest form of art. The architect’s ability to combine beauty of form with functional utility; to plant a building in the ground and send it soaring to the heavens – is respected and revered.

It is perhaps not surprising, then, that two recognised Thai visual artists, Mr Chalermchai Kositpipat and Mr Thawan Duchanee, both born in Chiang Mai province, would turn to large architectural projects as expressions of their respective Buddhist philosophies.

Born over ten years apart, both men studied at Silpakorn University, Thailand’s premier visual arts school, before heading overseas to further their studies and their careers. Both are award-winning, recognised, national artists. Both have been controversial: the murals Chalermchai was commissioned to paint in Wat Buddhapadipa in London were criticised for being too contemporary and “not Thai”; Thawan’s paintings, which combine Buddha images with grotesque and erotic human figures comprised of animals or insects, have been called “immoral”.

The buildings designed and built by these men are both within range of Chiang Rai, and one day in late October, we were able to visit both.

Koi fish in a pond with reflections of Wat Rong Khun in the water.

Koi Pond Reflections ~ Wat Rong Khun. The pond represents the Ocean of Sitandon.

Wat Rong Khun (วัดร่องขุ่น), known as the White Temple, was started in 1998 by Mr Chalermchai Kositpipat on the site of the original Wat Rong Khun in his family’s village. Traditionally, temples are golden, but Chalermchai wanted his temple to be white to represent Buddha’s purity. The work is ongoing, and he believes it will take 60-70 years to finish.

Head from Hell

Head from Hell, Wat Rong Khun, Chiang Rai

Sculpture of of a white skeletal head raised by a multitude of white hands

Hands of Hell

Portrait: Thai man in white cap and sunglasses holding a microphone.

Security detail.

Ornate white fence either side of a bridge to a white Buddhist wat: Wat Rong Khun

The bridge to the Wat symbolises the transition from life to the land of the Buddha.

Elaborate white gables of a Thai wat against a blue sky.

White-Icing Gables ~ Wat Rong Khun

White Buddha statue against a blue sky

Buddha like a Cloud

Two multi-tiered white pagodas in a garden.

White Pavilions

Thai wat-style building in gold

And this is just the toilet block!

But, as much as there are similarities between their work and world views, there are contrasts between the two artists.

Even the weather changed to overcast and rain as we entered the domain of National Artist Mr Thawan Duchanee, the Baandam Museum, north of the city. Aptly named the “Black House” (บ้านดำ), the artist’s residencial complex includes a huge Lanna-style vihara, held up by pillars carved like totem poles and filled with dark wooden long tables and the skins of animals.

Round ornately-carved pillars, animal skins hanging from the beams.

Pillars and Skin: Baandam, Chiang Rai

Snout of an animal carved into a wooden pillar.

Ornately carved animal snout on the pillars.

Black pillars in a long hall: snakeskin on a long table.

Snakeskin on a table in the black vihara.

White seated Buddha sculpture in a black hall.

Buddha in the Black Vihara

Black Lanna-style buildings amongst trees.

Two of the forty galleries on the Baandam Museum grounds.

Two bronze door-handles with a lock and chain.

Open by appointment...

Old weathered wooden Thai buddha images

Old wooden Buddhas in the sala

Animal horns line an outdoor sala filled with wheels and drums.

Animal horns, wheels and drums.

Thai man with hammer and chisel carving the designs in a pillar.

Craftsman at work on a pillar.

Portrait: Thai boy on a mobile phone.

Talking to Mum while Dad works on his carving.

Moss-covered stone gargoyle

Gargoyle in the Garden

Golden Thai pots in a window reflecting trees

Reflected Thai Treasures

Text: Equilibrium! As different as these masterworks are, they both represent the artistic visions of their creators: two men who have devoted their lives to the integration of buddhist philosophy into their buildings and artworks.

Truly a balancing act.

  • gabe - December 10, 2011 - 12:48 am

    It was an amazing day, five Wats in one day and all with great contrasts especially these two. Sweet.ReplyCancel

  • Signe Westerberg - December 12, 2011 - 4:00 am

    what amazing workmanship, the detail and the dedication just wonderful…thanks as always for sharing with us.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - December 14, 2011 - 4:51 am

      Thanks to my Two Trusties! Yes, the love and craftsmanship that goes into these unique buildings is amazing. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • […] between temples as we walked around Chiang Rai, visiting five complexes on foot, and another by car (Wat Rong Khun, which I’ve talked about before), essentially in the space of a day. This little provincial city has the odd church and mosque as […]ReplyCancel

  • Michael LaPalme - May 7, 2014 - 10:46 pm

    Very beautiful set of images Ursula of a very unique place. It is a shame the temple was damaged so badly during the earthquake last Monday.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - May 7, 2014 - 10:53 pm

      Thanks, Michael – I certainly hope it can be repaired. It’s a true labour of love.ReplyCancel

Smiling monk astride a white horse, with a large gold begging bowl.

Smiling mounted monk ~ with his begging bowl.

Far up in the hills of  the Golden Triangle, in the Mae Chan region of Chiang Rai Province in Thailand, there is a temple where the monks do their morning alms rounds not on foot, but on horse-back, and where kickboxing (Muay Thai) practice is as important a part of their daily routine as meditation and chanting the sutras.

The temple is home to a number of nehn (young novices), many of them Burmese refugees, most of them orphans; a few monks and nuns; about 200 hundred horses and a scattering of elephants, cows and buffalo. How it came to be there reads like the plot of one of those Chinese folk stories: you know, the ones where the heros are fast and smart and pure of heart; where the villainous powerlords bully defenseless villagers; where warriors, cloaked in black, scale walls and descend into fortressses under the cover of darkness; and where anyone can take on demon form and fly through the air to engage in hand-to-hand battles of epic proportions.

Almost fifty years ago, so the story goes, in the northwestern-most corner of Thailand, an ethnic Tai Lue woman desperately wanted to have a child. She had already lost five babies in their infancy, and so she went to the ancient Lanna temple on the nearby mountain of Doi Tung to pray to the Buddha image there and ask for assistance. Some nights later, she dreamt that a white horse came and carried her away – for miles and miles. Shortly after, it was confirmed that she was pregnant.

The child, Samer Jaipinta, was a fussy baby, crying all the time, so the parents consulted an astrologer. The astrologer told them that the child was “not normal” and needed an elephant and a horse as guardians. Naturally, Samer’s farming parents could not afford this, so his father drew pictures of the animals above the door of their home and taught the child that these animals were his friends and protectors.

Samer took up Muay Thai at thirteen. Inspired by the warrior spirits of the fighting cocks his father raised, he became a champion fighter, who, according to one report, only ever lost three fights out of the hundreds he entered. He studied law in Bangkok, but gave up to join the cavalry when his father died. By age thirty, he was married, with children, and about to challenge for the Muay Thai world championship, when he gave it all up to go to fast and meditate, sitting on a rock in the forests of Mae Sai for 15 days. Wasps nested on his body: “It was as though they were my teachers. Each time I couldn’t focus, they would sting me.”

He ordained as a monk, underwent four days of ritual and protective tattooing and spent the next six years travelling through those mountainous border regions, providing pastoral care in an area where people, gems, arms, and drugs slip through the jungles to and from Myanmar. He witnessed first-hand the impact of violence, fear and drug addiction on the mountain villages in the wake of the wars between the drug lords. He founded the Monastery of The Golden Horse, giving a home to young boys who might otherwise end up as recruits in United Wa State Army. He teaches his novices Muay Thai in addition to more usual dhamma teachings, and together they ride out into the countryside, educating people against the dangers of drugs, and using their martial arts skills when required.

His ongoing battle against drug growing and trafficking has earned him the support of the Thai army and the disapprobation of the powerful drug lords. Stories are told of his miraculous survival against numerous attacks and assassination attempts. He sees no other option: “I have to live my life in an honest and direct way,” he says. “My life is like a candle and provides light for those around me. If it blows out, this is fate, and nothing can be done about fate.”

Monks on horseback collect food, water and other goods from supporters.

The morning alms collection at Wat Pra Aacha Tong is "Unseen" anywhere else in Thailand.

Monk in glasses with his alms bowl, riding a brown horse.

... make these quiet monks invincible.

Close-up: tattooed monk

Protective tattoos plus Muay Thai...

Close-up: sandel-clad male foot in a horse stirrup

Sandle-clad monks in the saddle.

Thai Buddhist monk on a white horse, collecting donations

One of the fabled white horses keeps watch.

View through trees: Monk on horseback collecting donations.

Alms Rounds

Close-up: Dappled gray horse (head) eating corn on the cob.

The horses get their breakfast; I have never seen horses eat corn-on-the-cob so daintily!

Portrait: two middle-aged Thai women

These women have travelled from the other side of the country to pay their respects.

Portrait: Nehn or Thai buddhist novice

Little Nehn (Novice)

Gold-painted statue of a muay thai warrior on a red podium.

Muay Thai, like other Asian martial arts, has a strong spiritual component.

Muddy white pony tied in front of palm trees and rough buildings.

Lone Pony

Scene: back of a thai monk on horseback, village people sitting on plastic stools with hands in prayer.

After the alms rounds, the morning dhamma talk, with prayers, is conducted outdoors.

Thai people sitting outdoors on plastic chairs with their hands in prayer.

People come from near and far for morning prayers.

Thai monk with a begging bowl and twenty baht notes.

After prayers, faithful swap hundred-baht notes for twenty-baht notes that have been specially blessed.

Portrait: Smiling Thai monk

A beautiful smile comes with the blessings.

A thai twenty baht note with mystical red drawings and writing.

The twenty baht notes have numbers deemed to be lucky.

The wat (temple), unlike most, is not ornate. Phra Kru Ba Neua Chai, as he is now known, persuades the locals to put their money into schools and orphanages and teachers’ salaries, rather than into elaborate temples.

Text: Keep smilingHe was not there the morning we visited in October, but his positive energy was all around us. By all accounts, he is a striking man, doing his bit for his corner of the country.

I like stories with a happy ending.  ‘Till next time.


  • Lisa Brockman - December 1, 2011 - 8:03 pm

    Really lovely post Ursula – a great story! Thanks for sharing.ReplyCancel

  • Signe Westerberg - December 1, 2011 - 11:41 pm

    Fantastic, you’ve managed to share with us places most will never see and describe them in such a way one almost feels as though they were there…thank youReplyCancel

    • Ursula - December 2, 2011 - 1:27 am

      Greetings, Signe and Lisa!
      So nice to have you along for the “ride”. 😉ReplyCancel

  • […] first markets we visited that day were local ones. After “making merit” with the horse-riding monks early in the morning and visiting the Royal Mae Fah Luang Gardens at Doi Tung, we stopped to […]ReplyCancel

  • Tan Beng Huat - May 16, 2015 - 4:32 am

    Dear Monks,
    I am very ill with depression. Can you please perform
    some rituals to cast out the demons in me.
    Thank you.
    From: Tan Beng Huat.

    • Ursula - May 16, 2015 - 4:48 am

      I am very sorry to hear you are unwell. Good luck with your recovery.ReplyCancel

  • AJ Zulaybar - July 20, 2016 - 7:08 am

    hello Ursula,

    I was wondering how i would be able to get in touch with the monks and do you think they are willing to train people in Muay Thai?ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - July 21, 2016 - 1:23 am

      Hi AJ,
      I’m not sure if these monks train anyone other than their novices – and most of them don’t speak or read English! Still, there are plenty of good Muay Thai gyms around Thailand, so it’s not hard to get started. 😀ReplyCancel

  • Jesline Teh - May 14, 2017 - 1:41 pm

    Hi, we will be traveling from Bangkok to chiangrai by air. Is there a local agent that can arrange to bring us to wat pra archa tong?ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - May 14, 2017 - 5:24 pm

      Hi Jesline,
      Thanks for the visit! I’m pretty sure any Chiang Rai travel agent will be able to get you there. We visited as part of a day tour in the area. Enjoy!ReplyCancel

There is something special about being a “visitor” instead of a “tourist” when you are travelling: getting a glimpse into the real, everyday lives of ordinary people, rather than the “show homes” set up by tour operators.

Khmer mother, three daughters and son seated on a grass mat in a bamboo house.

Portrait: A Rural Khmer Family, Proyyut Village, Cambodia

Let me introduce you to an “average” rural Khmer family: Mum and her four children.

I met Sony, the eldest of the four siblings, the first morning I visited Sandan School. She’s a bright girl, and was lucky enough to be chosen to attend the Jay Pritzker Academy (JPA), an American school which provides free schooling, uniforms and materials to about 365 students in the local area.

Portrait: Adolescent Khmer girl in her white school uniform polo shirt.

Fourteen-year old Sony is a student at JPA.

Sony is delightfully self-possessed and easy to talk to. Her schooling may account for some of this: JPA’s vision is to be “the best school in Cambodia and competitive with the best schools worldwide” while keeping students integrated with their local communities and cultural values. Her English is excellent, and we were able to chat about a range of topics: from health, education, and social issues in Cambodia, to the country’s history, and her personal plans for the future.

I later discovered that Sony’s youngest sister, Nana (age 5), was one of the students I had focussed on in the Sandan School first grade classroom.

Young khmer girl in school uniform with a straw broom.

Nana Sweeping

Five Khmer children look out from their dark first-grade classroom.

Nana and her classmates at their first-grade classroom window.

First-grade children in a Cambodian classroom.

Nana in the Classroom

As part of the photo-tour I was participating in (under the guidance of Karl GroblMarco RyanGavin Gough and Matt Brandon), I was expected to create a photographic essay with another group participant. We wanted to focus on one student: at home and at school. Having Sony as our guide and liaison made this possible, and we arranged to visit Nana and Sony at their home in a neighbouring village.

It was raining the first afternoon we went to visit. When we turned off the last bit of asphalt and onto a slippery red dirt road with potholes big enough to swallow our tuk-tuk, our driver showed serious reluctance about continuing. Sony had given him directions, but we still had to stop several times to ask for directions. There were no signposts and the lots were not numbered.

The family lives in a bamboo house on stilts, next door to a similar house on the same farming allotment, belonging to a member of their extended family. I was grateful I was wearing plastic shoes: there was no “driveway” – the houses are reached by picking your way over the least-wet patches of ground.

Corrugated iron house in a wet field, coconut trees, green.

Sony and Nana's home in Proyyut Village, Cambodia.

Corrugated iron house on stilts

Corrugated iron house on stilts: no windows, ladder entry

Close-up: rusted corrugated iron house siding.

Rusty corrugated-iron house siding.

Middle aged khmer woman sitting in a bamboo house

Auntie next door, with her baskets. The red marks on her forehead are from hot-cupping, a local remedy for headache and other ailments.

The families grow rice for their own consumption. As Sony said: if they sold it, they would not have enough for next season’s planting. Auntie owns the land. She makes baskets which she sells at the local market for 100 reils (KHR) each: about two cents American. Sony and Nana’s mother also weaves baskets when she has finished tending the rice and other crops. She has been widowed for three years now: Sony and Nana’s father died of stomach problems in 2008, leaving mum to manage on her own. Sony still finds it hard to talk about him, but showed me the shrine with his picture in it in a corner of the “living room”.

Portrait: Smiling Khmer woman

Mum at Home

Portrait: elderly Khmer woman

Gran lives close by. She came over to get a look at the strangers.

Two khmer girls in a hammock under the house.

Nana and her sister at home: a hammock under the house.

Nana’s middle sister Srai Ranoch is in grade four at Sandan School. Her class attends in the afternoons, while Nana’s is in the morning, so they are not actually in school at the same time. They are fortunate to have Sony at JPA because it relieves some of the financial pressure on the family. Even though schooling is free, each child is expected to contribute towards tests and materials. While this contribution is small, it represents a huge proportion of the meagre family income. Their brother, who is thirteen, dropped out of school three years ago to help Mum with the fields. Sometimes he is able to earn a little money helping the neighbours.

A khmer boy and girl squat under a house with their dog

Nana and her brother

Four khmer children in the communal space under a house.

Cousins: Foreign visitors are uncommon in this little village, so the cousins next door have come over for a look.

Young Khmer girl dancing with her dog on a patch of muddy ground.

Nana dancing with her dog.

The second time we went to visit, the sun came out, and with it came even more of the neighbouring children. They all led us on a wonderful excursion through the rice patties and fields that comprise their back yard.

Small khmer child climbing a coconut palm

Cousin up a Tree

Young khmer boy picking coconuts from a tree

Getting fresh coconut for the visitors.

Afternoon light, faint rainbow, over Cambodian rice fields

Afternoon rainbow in the rice fields.

Close-up: Blue and brown toad in clods of dirt

Blue Toad

Young rice growing in wet fields.

Summer Rice

Back view: Man in a cloth flap hat tilling the rice fields

Worker tilling the rice fields

Portrait of a Khmer toddler against yellow-green of new rice.

Girl in a rice field

Khmer farmer in a blue shit guiding three white cows.

Bringing in the cows.

Three Cambodian females squatting at the edge of a water-filled rice patty.

Time for a chat: Sony, Nana and their cousin take time out.

Falling light on afternoon rice fields

End of the day: afternoon on the rice patties.

To the Future (text)We were grateful to Sony and her family for letting us visit, and giving us an insight into their lives.

I hope they both continue to study hard and build a better future for themselves and their family.


(Sony’s story, in her own words, can be found HERE in the SoundSlide presentation one of my co-participants and I put together.)



  • Lisa Brockman - November 26, 2011 - 2:19 pm

    Lovely, Ursula! Wonderful story and images!ReplyCancel

  • Signe Westerberg - November 27, 2011 - 11:38 pm

    These lovely people seem so lovely and have so little… bless them and their generosity and wonderful smiles.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - November 28, 2011 - 12:21 am

      Hi Lisa and Signe!
      These people have such sadness in their pasts and difficulty in their presents, but they still make it so easy to make pictures around them. It was a joy to visit them. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Anthea - December 11, 2011 - 11:27 am

    love all these photos so much 🙂ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - December 11, 2011 - 1:37 pm

      Thanks, Anthea! The people make it easy ~ the dark houses make lighting a nightmare. 😉ReplyCancel

  • sanan - May 15, 2012 - 10:43 am

    I love all the people and picture .it great and wonderful .ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - May 15, 2012 - 1:02 pm

      Thanks, Sanan!
      It’s great to have your company for the trip. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • lissillour - October 18, 2013 - 2:46 pm

    A very moving testimony of the reality of life Cambodge.Chaque family has its own story more or less happy, but this country has a very difficult to forgive recent history.
    But Cambodians are very intelligent and hardworking people.
    Thank you for this story that I for one am also on FLICKR.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - October 18, 2013 - 9:27 pm

      Thanks for your visit, Georges. It is true: there is still a real sadness in the country. But the people are wonderful – I love visiting.ReplyCancel

Teenage girl in uniform on a bicycle, pedalling her younger brother into Sandan School, Cambodia

Coming into School in the Morning – Sandan School, Cambodia

Cambodia is a youthful country with a sad history.

One third of the country’s 15 million people (32.2%) is under the age of fifteen (July 2011 est.).

Given the genocide perpetrated by Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge between 1975-1979 when two million Cambodians were killed, it is not surprising that less than 4% of the population is 65 or over. During the Khmer Rouge regime, educated people were targeted in the name of “agrarian socialism”. Thousands of teachers were amongst those executed after the fall of Phnom Penh in 1975.

So, the education system had to rebuild from scratch, along with the rest of the country’s infrastructure, and this could only start properly after the end of the civil war in 1990. Today, there are a lot of children – and still too few educated adults. This puts a lot of pressure on the country’s schools. On average, students stay in school for ten years, attending half a day of classes (four hours), either in the morning or in the afternoon, six days a week. Those who can afford it also attend evening “tutoring” classes. A number of parents told me that many teachers put all their energy into these tutoring classes; they said that teachers ignore the curriculum during their normal classes so that students have to pay the extra if they wish to pass the exams. If true, this is disappointing, but, given teachers’ pay scales and work loads, not terribly surprising.

I’ve visited Cambodia a number of times in the past to participate in an annual professional conference for the local teachers. This latest trip, however, was for me – I was there with my camera and with four gifted professional photographers: Karl GroblMarco RyanGavin Gough and Matt Brandon. Still, I couldn’t resist visiting a local school, to see what was happening.

Children in school uniform walk and cycle to the gates of Sandan School, Cambodia

Arriving at School in the Morning – Sandan School, Cambodia

As you’d expect, the schoolyard in the morning is a lively place. Children arrive early: on foot, on oversized bicycles, ferried by their older siblings, or piled onto motorcycles or scooters driven by parents on their way to work. Children buy snack food from local vendors. They sweep the rooms and the yard, and unstack the desks in the classrooms. The boys play tag or marbles in the packed-dirt yard, while the girls skip or play a local version of Jacks on the veranda – all before the bell rings at eight o’clock.

Two khmer boys squatting on dirt, playing marbles

Boys flicking marbles. The object seems to be both distance and knocking your opponent out of play – like curling or boules.

Small hand holding six cat

A good marble-flicker shows off his winnings: a collection of cat’s eyes.

Two young khmer girls squatting to play a game like jacks.

Young girls playing a game resembling jacks with coloured bits of plastic.

Khmer girls in school uniform playing elastics on a school verandah.

Skipping elastics on the verandah.

Detail: Young girl

Fancy Footwork

Khmer boys in school uniform sweeping a packed-dirt school yard.

Sweeping the yard? These boys aren’t very focussed, but the job got done.

Colourful plastic flip-flops lined up on a school step.

No shoes indoors!

Young khmer girls in school uniform sweep a school verandah.

Preparing for the day: young girls sweep the verandah.

Portrait: Young Khmer girl with a plastic food bag.

First-grader with her snack-in-a-baggie.

Young khmer boy stands in a classroom doorway.

Too young for class : Younger siblings hang around the classrooms.

Portrait: Khmer boy with a soft-drink in a plastic cup on a school verandah

Kids love the camera! The camera loves kids!

Three young boys look out the barred window of their Khmer classroom

Boys – waiting in the classroom.

Khmer teacher at the open door of her classroom.

The teacher is here – the class is ready.

(Recorded classroom sound-bite)

Teacher with a pointer teaching khmer letter combinations.

Learning letters and spelling rules

Wide angle view of a Cambodian first-grade classroom.

Kids in the Classroom

Khmer girl writing letters on a personal chalkboard.

Careful work. (When was the last time you saw a chalkboard?)

Khmer children at wooden desks writing on personal chalkboards.

Checking Answers

Portrait: Young Khmer boy with his green chalk-board

Proud of his work…

Portrait: Solemn-faced khmer girl with a chalkboard

“I think it is correct.”

Simple plastic-covered flashcards hanging from a classroom ceiling from wool threads.

Flashcards hang along the ceiling.

First-grade khmer children giving their teacher reals for their classroom tests.

Children are expected to pay for their classroom tests and materials.

Portrait: Khmer teacher in her classroom doorway.

End of class… until the afternoon children arrive.

Foreground: Wheel rim used as a school bell. Background: children leaving.

End of the school day… except for the extra tutorial classes.

It is always a joy to visit Cambodia. In general, the people are gentle mannered, softly spoken, and welcoming. The Cambodian teachers I’ve met at conferences have always been enthusiastic participants in the papers I have presented and the workshops I have run. They have demonstrated a real thirst for input and a willingness to learn and improve. The teachers I interacted with at this little local school were similar: overworked and underpaid, but enthusiastic, energetic, and trying to do the best for their pupils.

The social infrastructure of a country tells you a lot about its values. Good education, like adequate health care, is, in my opinion, the cornerstone of social justice in a community. Education (which may or may not be the result of good schools) is important to a population’s future, and even more critical in developing countries where the pace of change means that children will have to make  choices about how to merge traditional values with international possibilities.

To the Future (text)Although international aid accounted for about half the national budget in 2010, Cambodia spends only about two percent of its GDP on education. Schooling is free to students; perhaps the government thinks it is free to them also.

Unfortunately, you often get what you pay for.

The teachers and children in these schools deserve better.

“More than 50% of the population [of Cambodia] is less than 25 years old. The population lacks education and productive skills, particularly in the poverty-ridden countryside, which suffers from an almost total lack of basic infrastructure.”

– CIA Factbook, Updated Nov. 8, 2011


  • Carol Buckley - November 20, 2011 - 10:09 am

    This is lovely, almost a story book quality to its sequence. Your hard work is evident; you have created a reflective and warm series of images.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - November 20, 2011 - 1:51 pm

      Hi Carol,
      So pleased you stopped in and enjoyed the story! 😀
      I enjoyed visiting with the kids – more about them next week. 😉ReplyCancel

  • Signe Westerberg - November 20, 2011 - 10:37 pm

    I have to agree the camera loves kids, and how could it not, those fresh faced young people and deservedly proud of their work. We here do take our education for granted and whilst I will continue to fight for equality for our public school students vs our private schools, our children do get a great deal in comparison and sadly (although almost expected) resent the drudgery of attending day in day out… bless those young minds and those who struggle in difficult circumstances to get the basics through.ReplyCancel

  • Anna :o] - November 23, 2011 - 7:03 pm

    I agree that good education and adequate health care is the cornerstone of social justice. Our children are our future – where ever we live – and I hope these little ones do indeed have a bright future. Wonderful images.

    Anna :o]ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - November 24, 2011 - 12:42 am

      Thanks, Signe and Anna.
      These kids have such potential! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Kevin Dowie - November 26, 2011 - 2:27 am

    Excellent photo essay Ursula. I visited Cambodia several years ago. For a country that has been through so much, the people are wonderful and welcoming. Your post has got me thinking that I should return!ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - November 26, 2011 - 2:53 am

      Hi Kevin,
      I’m so glad you enjoyed it. You’d love a photo tour! I can’t recommend Karl Grobl’s trips highly enough (bookings through Jim Cline). I know Karl (with Gavin, Matt and Marco Ryan) is planning another trip next July. 😀ReplyCancel

  • […] met Sony, the eldest of the four siblings, the first morning I visited Sandan School. She’s a bright girl, and was lucky enough to be chosen to attend the Jay Pritzker […]ReplyCancel

  • Patrick Gallagher - July 28, 2013 - 3:27 am

    Another nice job, Ursula. I feel as though I was there. I visited some small rural schools in Buriram when I was a Peace Corps volunteer in the mid 1970’s and they weren’t much different than this one you captured so well in your photographs and words. Thanks, for sharing.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - July 28, 2013 - 3:59 am

      Thanks for the visit, Patrick!
      It is sad, in a way, that things have changed so little since the 70’s. The children in these rural schools are delightful, but it is hard to know what educational opportunities they actually have.ReplyCancel

  • Ursula - July 30, 2013 - 1:19 am

    Ha Ha, John!
    I, on the other hand, was bad at marbles, and skipping, and all those other non-book-related pursuits. Playgrounds were agony! 🙂ReplyCancel