“I want people to be overwhelmed with light and color in a way they have never experienced.”

~ Dale Chihuly

Wooden row boats filled with colourful glass by Dale Chihuly.

Dale Chihuly’s Japanese-inspired Niijima Float Boat and Ikebana Boat.

I was first “introduced” to Dale Chihuly’s glass installation-artworks in Canberra in 1999.

It was while I was wandering around Floriade, Canberra’s festival of spring flowers which is held annually in the park along Lake Burley Griffin, that I came across a version of the Ikebana Boat floating in a pond. This was back in the days of film, but the sight of that glass-filled boat, in amongst the water-weeds, so impressed me that I made framed prints of one of the photos I took.

So, I was really pleased to be able to visit the relatively-newly-opened Chihuly Garden and Glass Exhibition in Seattle Center, Seattle’s 300,000 square-meter downtown parklands, arts and entertainment complex.

Chihuly is a bit of a local hero in Seattle: billed as a “true Northwesterner”, he was born and raised in Tacoma, less than an hour away, and did his early study in the region before moving on to other parts of the country and overseas. In 1971 Chihuly co-founded the Pilchuck Glass School, an international center for glass-art education in Washington State, and he is still very involved with education and arts organisations in the region.

Purple poster for the Chihuly Garden and Glass Exhibition against trees.

The Chihuly Garden and Glass Exhibition opened on May 21, 2012, after being first proposed by the Space Needle Corporation in 2010, and being approved by Seattle City Council on April 25, 2011.

International Fountain, Seattle Center

The International Fountain, build in 1962, is one of the features in the 300,000 square meter Seattle Center park, arts and entertainment complex.

Man on a cement bench examining one foot.

Seattle Center is a centre-piece of every-day life.

Seattle Space Needle against a blue sky.

The iconic Seattle Space Needle

Reflections of Chihuly

Chihuly glass sculptures and Seattle Centre buildings reflected in the base of the Space Needle.

Portrait: Smiling young woman.

An attendant outside the exhibition space helps visitors find their way through the busy Seattle Center park.

Red white and blue glass forms against a black background.

The “Glass Forest” concept came out of an exploration of blowing glass to resemble botanical forms. The pieces are blown from the top of a stepladder so the glass can flow to the floor.

Warmly lit cream yellow glass bowls - Native American tapestries in the background.

In the Northwest Room, walls are decorated with some of Chihuly’s early influences, as represented by his collection of Native American photographs, weaving and tapestries.

Cream yellow free-form glass bowls.

Delicate threads and beads are embedded in the soft shapes of Chihuly’s baskets, cylinders, and soft cylinders; all inspired by Native American basket and textile weaving.

Yellow glass nails in blue glass waves.

Colours and shaped in the Sealife Room.

Colourful glass forms with light shining through.

Part of the Persian Ceiling fixture.

Colourful glass balls and shapes.

Chihuly says the Mille Fiori (a Thousand Flowers) series was inspired by his mother’s garden.

Wooden boat filled with colourful glass balls.

Japanese-inspired Niijima Floats.

Orange conical glass structure, suspended from a black ceiling.

One of the many large “Chandeliers”.

Ruffled glass edge in rich blue and orange.

Colour intensity marks the Macchia Forest series.

Large glass and chrome glasshouse with suspended orange and yellow glass "flowers".

The 40-foot-tall glasshouse provides a bridge between the darkened inner rooms and the bright outdoor gardens.

Yellow-red glass flowers.

The suspended glass flower-sculpture in the Glasshouse is 100 feet long.

Blue glass forms in an outdoor garden.

In the garden, glass is part of the landscaping.

Shelves of Chihuly books.

Chihuly is far from being a starving artist: he is a skilled marketer and his works – large and small – sell around the world.

Yellow nested glass baskets.

The eight-inch “Jasmine Basket” retails at $5,500USD.

People in a dimly-lit giftshop.

Shoppers browse and buy – even if it is only post-cards, trinkets and T-shirts.

Reflection of the Seattle Needle in a dark glass globe.

After dark, the large balls in the gardens reflect the Space Needle.

Seattle Space Needle framed by Chihuly glass flowers at night.

The back-lit flowers in the Glasshouse provide a frame for the towering Space Needle next door.

Text: Happy TravelsIt was a delightful sensory treat, and is well worth a visit – both in daylight and after dark.

Happy Travels!

Pictures taken: 10August2012


  • Gabe - September 20, 2012 - 1:41 pm

    U always amaze me. Well doneReplyCancel

  • dietmut - September 20, 2012 - 6:46 pm

    Ursula, prachtige Japanse kunst. Groetjes DietmutReplyCancel

  • lisa - September 20, 2012 - 8:15 pm

    Beautiful artwork, beautifully captured!ReplyCancel

  • Signe - September 21, 2012 - 2:08 am

    Stunning… I adore the blue glass/garden, they are all so beautiful, magestic even.ReplyCancel

  • Signe Westerberg - September 21, 2012 - 2:11 am

    Glorious, I particularly love the Blue/Glass garden. However they are all so lovely, glass is amazing and his use of colour, the flow and movement is wonderful. Must have been an amazing experience walking amongst it.ReplyCancel

Orange red flame tree blossoms in front of a Sukhothai-era tower ruin.

Flame trees abound at Wat Chang Rop, one of the ruins in Kamphaeng Phet Historical Park.

Thailand is a treasure-trove of tropical plant life and ancient religious ruins.

I like it best when the two coincide, as they do in Kamphaeng Phet: crumbling temples located on spacious well-tended sites, shaded by trees.

Kamphaeng Phet Historical Park is part of the awkwardly-named UNESCO World Heritage Site: “Historic Town of Sukhothai and Associated Historic Towns” which, as I have mentioned before, includes Sukhothai itself, Sukhothai North and Si Sachanalai. We enjoyed exploring all the ruins, but Kamphaeng Phet seemed particularly lovely; at least in part because the surrounding trees protected the ruins (and us) from the worst of the pounding May heat.

All the Sukhothai sites date back to the 13th and 14th centuries, but Kamphaeng Phet (Fortress Wall of Diamond Strength), with its strategic importance, has some ruins from the later Ayutthaya era as well.

Ceylonese-style temple with Thai elephant carvings.

The Ceylonese-style Wat Chang Rop is adorned with 68 elephants (chang) which surround the base.

Carved elephants at the base of a laterite temple.

Although weathered and badly broken, the half-elephants are unmistakeable.

Red-orange Royal Poinciana plowers.

Called “hang nok yoong” (peacock tail) in Thai, the flame trees (Delonix Regia) splash colour all around Wat Chang Rop.

Green grass and trees, laterite temple ruins.

The ruins of Wat Chang Rop buildings are almost hidden by trees.

Back of a Sukhothai-era Buddha image

Wat Phra Singa, built during the Sukhothai and Ayutthaya eras, is flanked by frangipani trees.

Close up: frangipani tree with pink blossoms.

Pink and cream frangipani, Wat Phra Shinga

Back of a Buddha in a gold sash on a  laterite pedestal.

Flame trees in the background: Wat Phra Singa.

Green leaves on laterite steps.

Green weeds: Wat Phra Singa.

Buddha in a shrine housing

Small Shrine

Laterite-brick Buddha in a shrine

Ancient Buddha

Thai gardener in straw hat and long sleeves

A gardener, in typical Thai labourer-garb, tends the lawns.

A standing Buddha: A Mondop at Wat Phra Si Iriyabot

A standing Buddha is all that remains of the Buddhas in four postures that used to be around the mondop at Wat Phra Si Iriyabot.

Yellow flag: 2500 years since Buddha

At Wat Phra Si Iriyabot, preparations were being put into place to celebrate the 2500 years since Buddha’s enlightenment.

Thai labourer on a scaffolding

A worker, in soft leather shoes, builds a scaffolding…

Three Thai workers in hats and long sleeves steady a scaffolding.

… while four Thai women, covered against the sun, steady the base.

Laterite window.

Laterite walls enclose Wat Phra Non.

Bell-shaped laterite chedi

The bell-shaped chedi of Wat Phra Non sports fresh green growth at the top.

Thai workers seated on grass in the shade.

At Wat Phra Kaeo, in the centre of the ruins, workers gather for a break.

Ruined carved elephants, Wat Phra Kaeo, Kamphaeng Phet

Carved elephants surround the base of Wat Phra Kaeo in the centre of Kamphaeng Phet.

Backs of various-sized seated Buddhas, Wat Phra Kaeo

Seated Buddhas of all sizes, Wat Phra Kaeo, Kamphaeng Phet.

Large Sukhothai-period reclining Buddha.

Reclining Buddha, Wat Phra Kaeo.

Large stone head of a reclining Buddha.

The face of calm: reclining Buddha, Wat Phra Kaeo.

There is always a contrast between the ancient ruins and the modern temples in their day-to-day practice. The newer areas of Wat Phra Kaeo were no exception: there were still flowers and Buddha images, but just not the same!

Dried Lotus flowers on a woven red mat.

At the entrance to the modern Wat Phra Kaeo, lotus was being dried…

Gold leaf on a Thai Bodhisattva head.

… and gold leaf is offered to a more modern Bodhisattva made from plastic.

Text: Happy TravelsStill, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and faith is in the practice.

Happy travels.

Pictures: 23May2012

  • Guava - September 13, 2012 - 2:54 pm

    Another great set of photos Ursula. Brightened up my afternoon (^___^)ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - September 13, 2012 - 3:27 pm

      Thanks so much, Guava! Glad you enjoyed them. 😀ReplyCancel

  • gabe - September 13, 2012 - 9:48 pm

    a nice way to start the dayReplyCancel

  • Signe Westerberg - September 14, 2012 - 12:15 am

    This has to be one of my favourites, the gentleness of the trees overshadowing the ruins, almost like nature taking it back however beautifully maintained so the perception is there and the reality not… just lovely.ReplyCancel

  • Kevin Dowie - September 14, 2012 - 3:48 am

    Another nice photo essay Ursula,
    I’m a little envious. I’m currently in Thailand and was hoping to get to Sukhothai, it was one of the main reasons I made the trip. Sadly the area is currently effected by flooding, making my visiting the area problematic.
    grumble… 🙂ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - September 15, 2012 - 9:23 am

      So sorry to hear that Thailand is flooding again, Kevin! We all went through last year, and management programs were supposed to be put into effect to mitigate future flooring… Clearly not sufficient. 🙁 I hope you enjoy yourself anyway – the country has SO much to offer.

      Thanks as always to Signe and Gabe for taking the time to read and comment! 🙂ReplyCancel

Dingle Way walking sign posts: to Tralee, Dingle, Cloghane

The “Walking Man” shows us the way out of Camp.

Is there a country in the Western world that doesn’t take to the wearing of the green on St Paddy’s Day (March 17th)?

Thanks to the abundant numbers of people of Irish origin living outside Ireland, shamrocks and Kelly green are known far afield.

But, in Ireland, it is not only the shamrock which is green: it is the whole landscape. From olive to kelly and emerald: greens of every shade and hue. And, as the skies opened and the rains fell on our heads on the second day of walking along The Dingle Way in County Kerry, we could easily understand why it was all so lush and fresh.

Wild fuchsia hedge against white sky.

The narrow country lanes and muddy paths are hedged in with verdant fuchsia bushes.

Day 3: Camp to Anascaul

This walk takes you across the hub of the Dingle Peninsula. Following a “Boirín”, a Gaelic word meaning small road; that leads you to a col between Corrin and Knockbrack Hills to reach a height of 235Mtrs.705Ft. 
From here you will have some remarkable views of Baurtregaum Mountain; which is the highest mountain in the Slieve Mish range and an impressive megalithic fort that sits on the edge on Caherconree Mountain. 
From here the trail descends gently downwards and eventually offers you some spectacular views across the wildlife sanctuary of lnch Beach. It was here that some of the famous “Ryan’s Daughter” movie was filmed.

Distance: 17km/11.6 miles, Ascent: 350 m/1050 ft

Flowers planted among the stone ruins of an old home.

Camp, Ireland: where modern new homes can feature ancient ruins as part of their front-yard landscape design.

Small bitumen road through green fields and hills.

The old Tralee to Dingle road leads off into the greens…

Green fields and blue mountains.

… more greens …

Shaggy Irish sheep against green fields and hills.

Sheep on the green.

Heather, Ferns and Foxglove along a small black creek.

Heather, ferns and foxglove along a boggy creek.

A rusty barrel in a green field.

A rusty barrel provides a nice point of contrast against all the green.

Large granite stone encircled by grasses.

Standing stones, ogham stones, stone circles and just plain stones… We were never quite sure what we were looking at!

Evergreen trees in the rain.

An evergreen tree farm in the rain.

Rain against green hills.

Rain against the hills.

The rains came and went, as we walked the seventeen kilometres between Camp and Anascaul.

A photographer friend of mine asked me how I had kept my gear dry. Well: disposable plastic rain-coats pulled tight over broad-brimmed hats, plastic sleeves over the cameras, and an umbrella to keep the lenses dry whenever I wanted to take a shot. We were a bit of a sight!

Ferns at the edge of a puddle.

Ferns at the edge of the road-side puddles.

A tangle of brambles.

The tangles of brambles made me think of faerie tales and sleeping princesses…

Sheep in a green field behind a wire fence.

Fenced-in greens.

Red and yellow wild flowers

Wild flowers against more green…

Decrepit barn in the lee of a green hill

A pale-red roofed barn in the lee of an impossibly-green hill.

Three cows in the foreground against green hills.

Mooo! Curious cows watch us pass…

Rocky creek in very green fields.

A creek joins us on our descent into Castlemaine Harbour.

Our trip-notes told us that “excellent lunches” were available at Foley’s Bar in Inch, so we followed the road through the rain and down into town.

The young cailín (colleen) tending bar told us that her family had owned the pub for generations, but they had only just sold the restaurant-portion of the Bar, and the new owner had decided to take the week off! So, we made do with coffee from the bar and muesli bars and nuts from our back-packs, while we chatted with the barmaid. Her family farmed – but things were slow – so two of her brothers were working in Australia. She had considered visiting them, but she was concentrating on her studies, and she loved being in this small corner of the world where she knew everyone and the outdoor activities were plentiful.

Smoke from a chimney against green fields and gray skies.

Peat fires over Inch.

Rains on the Beach

Rains on the beaches along the North Atlantic.

A pale brown cow looks out from behind a fuchsia bush.

The cows found us quite a sight as we passed.

Fuchsia hedges against green fields and blue-green mountains.

More fuchsia hedges contrast the greens as we descend into Annascaul for the night.

text: slainte - good healthIt was not a hard walk, but it was wet. When we finally descended into Anascaul (Annascaul on Google-maps), we were very pleased to hear that we could get pizza on site, and not walk any further.

And, red wine makes a nice contrast to all that green!



  • dietmut - September 8, 2012 - 5:06 pm

    leuk dat je ons hebt meegenomen op deze wandeling. Het is een mooie serie geworden. Ik wens je een fijn weekend, DietmutReplyCancel

  • Signe Westerberg - September 10, 2012 - 3:50 am

    What a delightful place, quaint and welcoming it seems from your posts and by gosh it is Green…. thanks as always for sharing your trip with us.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - September 10, 2012 - 11:16 am

      Thanks, Signe! I do appreciate you taking the time to comment. 😀ReplyCancel

Gold pocket watch and gold-rimmed glasses. Andrew Jackson

Standing the test of time ~ Some personal effects of General Andrew Jackson; seventh president of the United States.

How will you – or I – be seen in the future; say, one- or two-hundred years from now? What legacy will we leave? How will we stand up against the changes of mores and values that take place over time?

I had cause to think about this last week while visiting The Hermitage, the home and plantation of Andrew Jackson, the controversial seventh president of the United States.

Close up: Eastern Red Cedar; Juniperus Virginiana

Magnificent eastern red cedar (juniperus virginiana) in the grounds of The Hermitage.

“He blazed new trails and opened new possibilities. He was loved and loathed… revered and reviled… but seldom ignored.”
– The Hermitage

The legacy of General Andrew Jackson (1767-1845) is mixed indeed.

He was part of the Revolutionary War for American Independence by the age 13, and later, as Major General of the Tennessee Militia in 1812, he was responsible for leading a force of militia and irregulars to victory against the British at the Battle of New Orleans. But, he also participated in a number of questionable duals: leading to at least one death.

He adopted an orphaned Creek Indian boy, Lyncoya, (c1811-1828) and raised him with his nephew, whom he also adopted. But, he signed off on the Indian Removal Bill (1830) which forced Native American nations from southeastern United States (Cherokee, Muscogee [Creek], Seminole, Chickasaw, Choctaw and others) off their lands. In what is now called the Trail of Tears, Native Americans were forced-marched, suffering great hardships and loss of life, out of their homes and to the “Indian Territory” in what is now Oklahoma.

He reputedly adored his wife, Rachel, and in true frontier style, married her before she was officially divorced from her first husband. He defended her honour vigorously, and blamed his political opponent, John Quincy Adams, for her death after a particularly dirty political campaign. Even so, Jackson ridiculed the fight of women for the vote.

After Jackson’s first electoral campaign of 1824-1825 – where he received the most popular and electoral votes, but was defeated by John Quincy Adams in the House of Representatives – the Democratic Party was formed as a vehicle to lobby for him, leading him to win in his second campaign. In spite of several controversial decisions, he won a second term, serving the maximum-allowable eight years: from 1829-1837. He was a champion of “the humble members of society – the farmers, mechanics and laborers…” And yet he sent troops to quell labor disturbances on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canals.

His belief in democracy was like that of the Romans: only open to free white males. Voting rights for women, Blacks and Native Americans were never even considered. His own estate, The Hermitage, which he bought and operated from 1800, only prospered on the backs of the 150 slaves which he owned.

As I walked around the property, which is now owned and operated by the Ladies’ Hermitage Association, these contradictions were very much at the forefront of my thoughts.

Greek columns at the front of the two story Hermitage Mansion.

The mansion at The Hermitage was designed with a “Greek Revival” style facade to symbolise American’s love of liberty and democracy.

Green lawn and green trees with pink blooms.

Orchards and gardens are a large part of The Hermitage’s extensive grounds.

Portrait: man in 1800

Bill, one of the costumed “Historical Interpreters” who act as guides within the manor. No photography is allowed inside the house.


Daisies in the gardens.

The Tomb of Andrew Jackson in a green garden

Surrounded by gardens: the tomb of Andrew Jackson.

Small Dragonfly against the green dome of a tomb and a blue sky.

Delicate life: small dragonfly against the tomb of General Andrew Jackson.

Carved headstone: Thomas Donaldson Lawrence.

One of the many memorials and headstones in the Jackson family plot: Thomas Donaldson Lawrence, Jackson’s great grandson.

Orange and tortoiseshell butterflies on red flowers.

Butterflies in the gardens of the family plot.

Orange Cosmos

Cosmos around the headstones.

Behind leafy oaks, a small cottage.

The slaves’ quarters are well away from the main house.

Small log cabin with two doors.

Some of the modest cabins which served as slaves’ quarters have been restored.

Modest interior of a log cabin.

Alfred was born (as a slave) at The Hermitage and lived and worked there all his life. He was still on the property when it became a public museum, and, at his request, is buried in the family plot.

Green leafs and buds of the cotton plant.

The reason for the slaves: cotton plants are labour-intensive, and plantation owners did not believe they could grow a competitive crop without free workers.

Pink bud of a cotton flower behind green stems and leaves.

A delicate cotton flower hides among the green stems and leaves.

Yellowed stalks of dry corn.

The corn crops have died all over the United States this year as a result of drought conditions.

Turkeys on a green lawn.

Turkeys in the grass – on the run.

Brass bell against a red roof.

Bell at the back of The Hermitage mansion.

Bobble Heads: President Andrew Jackson and Uncle Sam

The ultimate in irony? Bobble Heads of President Andrew Jackson, Uncle Sam and other presidents in The Hermitage Gift Shop.

Bronze horse weather vane in a shop window.

Winds of change? A bronze horse sits in the gift shop window.

While Jackson reserved his idea of “democracy” for a select few, what he did was to set in motion a process of political party politics. The Democratic party, his legacy, was an electoral machine whose organization and discipline would serve as a model for all others. The groups he excluded from power have used the process he set in place to redress the balance.

To the Future (text)As I said earlier: a mixed legacy.

But, one worth remembering.

What will ours be?

Photos taken: 24August2012

  • Anna :o] - September 1, 2012 - 6:35 pm

    Lovely history lesson Ursula – love the pics, especially the daisy one.

    Anna :o]ReplyCancel

  • Signe Westerberg - September 3, 2012 - 2:43 am

    I love that you don’t just visit places Ursula, you absorb them, what a wonderful trait, even better that you share it.

    as to the legacy, ask me after Saturday LOLReplyCancel

    • Ursula - September 6, 2012 - 11:01 pm

      Many thanks to my two Liverpool Ladies. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • David Sadowski - October 6, 2015 - 4:08 am

    Eight years was not the “maximum allowable” time Andrew Jackson could have been president. There was no limit then.

    Franklin D. Roosevelt served for 12 years and was actually elected to four terms, which would have totaled 16.

    This was changed by adoption of the 22nd amendment to the US Constitution on February 27, 1951. Since that time, no one can be elected president more than twice. Anyone who succeeds to become president can only be elected once, if they serve for more than two years of someone’s term.

    Therefore, as a practical matter, the absolute limit on how long someone can be president now is 10 years.

    Thus Lyndon Johnson, who became president after the assassination of President Kennedy on November 22, 1963, was still able to run for reelection in 1968. If he had been reelected, his total time in office would have been more than 8 years but less than 10.

    On the other hand, if Gerald Ford had been elected in 1976, he would have been limited to one full term in office, plus the 2 1/2 years he served once Nixon resigned from office in 1974.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - October 6, 2015 - 9:52 am

      Many thanks for the correction, David. 😀ReplyCancel

Two people are dwarfed by the rock formations of the SD badlands.

The Badlands of South Dakota.

I grew up in the Canadian prairies, not so far from the Alberta badlands.

OK – so we lived in the city, but we did have old wagon wheels in the back yard and a wild and overgrown gully behind our home. It was cowboy and Indian country: I have dim memories of watching reruns of The Roy Rogers Show on the flickering black and white television with my neighbour in the basement of his house before we’d go out and play at being Roy Rogers or Dale Evans ourselves, galloping across the lane and through that gully where a freeway now runs.

I also have dim memories of visiting “The Hoodoos” in the badlands near Drumheller, Alberta.

So, I was really excited at the chance to visit what the U.S. Department of the Interior’s National Park Service calls the “definitive Badlands”.

“For centuries humans have viewed South Dakota’s celebrated Badlands with a mixture of dread and fascination,” says the official Badlands National Park brochure. The combination of hot dry climate, soft sedimentary rocks, clay-rich soils, and erosion from wind and rain produces a landscape of fantastic shapes and subtle colours.

Curving road into dry badland mountains.

Badlands Loop Road

Dry yellow grasslands against a blue sky.

Grasses on the Badlands

Badland rock formations behind dry grass.

Rock formations around the Cedar Creek area, Badlands National Park, SD.

White rock formations, white sands and dry yellow grass, against a blue sky.

Rock formations around the “Window Trail”.

Small bird with a long beak on white sandy ground.

Small badland bird.

Rattlesnake warning sign in front of badland landforms.

It pays to keep your ears, not just your eyes, open!

The craggy lanscape of the SD badlands.

Peaks, gullies and buttes

Young blond child climbing through badlands.

Some visiting children explore the badlands, using them like a natural jungle-gym.

Yucca plant in yellow bloom against white sands, badlands and blue skies.

Plants at the edge: narrow-leaf yucca.

Just outside the National Park, but still in the dry prairie landscape, there is a little general store which provides a home to native prairie dogs.

Prairie Dog

A prairie dog standing guard.

The black-tailed prairie dog on white sandy ground.

A black-tailed prairie dog outside its hole.

Prairie dog

Prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) are part of the squirrel (Sciuridae) family.

Two boys in matching caps feeding ground squirrels.

Kids love feeding the prairie dogs.

Two prairie dogs standing back to back.

Prairie dogs have a complex form of communication, and seem to take turns guarding the colony.

Ground Squirrel

Watchful prairie dog.

Ground squirrel eating a peanut.

Prairie dogs love peanuts.

Prairie Dog


Soft sunset over South Dakota badlands.

Sunset over the badlands.

Night over the badlands.

Night falls over the badlands.

It’s a magical, mystical place and I would have loved to have stayed longer and explored further.

But, it wasn’t quite like my childhood memories of the badlands, and I didn’t see Roy or Dale…

Maybe next time!

  • Gabe - August 25, 2012 - 9:00 pm

    Almost daydreamt of bad guys hiding in the dry gulches or American Indians evading the Calvary : )ReplyCancel

  • David - August 26, 2012 - 1:47 am

    Beautiful photo’s and comantary. Look forward to enjoying these wander’s regularly 🙂ReplyCancel

  • dietmut - August 26, 2012 - 9:04 am

    Leuk, dat je ons laat zien waar je bent opgegroeid. Leuke foto’s heb je voor deze serie gekozen Ursula. Ik wens je een fijn weekend, DietmutReplyCancel