Head shot of a red clay temple-door guardian, Yaak or Dvarapala Yaksha.

The giant warrior (Dvarapala Yaksha) guards the doors to Wat Ratchathammaram’s unfinished temple.

Enlightenment doesn’t happen overnight.

Neither, apparently, does building a temple.

I don’t know how long they have been working on the new wihan (พระวิหาร), or shrine hall, at Wat Ratchathammaram (วัดราชธรรมาราม) in Maret on the southeast side of Koh Samui, but we’ve been driving past on the way to or from somewhere for several of our visits to the island over recent years – the sight each time causing me to remark on the beautiful red colour of the cement or clay in the building’s structure.

On our last two visits: mid-2011 and early 2012, we actually stopped. Comparing the two sets of photos that I took, I can see little change in the building or the surrounding grounds across the intervening time.

Terracotta coloured thai temple building. วัดราชธรรมาราม  Wat Ratchathammaram

Although the shrine hall structure is up, and some of the paving is down, Wat Ratchathammaram’s wihan still has an “unfinished” look.

Thai giant guardian in red clay at a temple front; Bay of Thailand in the background.

The giant warriors have been standing guard at the temple doorway for some time…

Thai dragoon head in red clay or cement, Wat Ratchathammaram, Koh Samui

…but the dragons at the steps are still supported by scaffolding.

Long view of a Thai temple hall build from red cement; a golden buddha at the end.

The wihan houses the temple’s Buddha image.

Thai temples are often decorated with murals depicting stories from religious and everyday life.  Theravada Buddhist scriptures are written in Pali, an Indian language not generally understood by Thais outside the monkhood, and temple art provides a means of passing on historical, moral, and religious lessons.

At Wat Ratchathammaram, the murals are in elaborate bas-relief, instead of the more common stylised and richly-coloured wall paintings.

Temple mural in red clay: Hanuman the monkey in a scene from the Ramakian.

This panel depicts Hanuman, the magical white monkey warrior, in an episode from the Ramakien, the Thai version of the Ramayana, the 2000 year old Hindu epic.

Red clay bas-relief: Scenes of battle from the Ramakien.

Scenes of battle from the Ramakien.

Red bas-relief: Ganesh. Wat Ratchathammaram

Ganesh, the Remover of Obstacles, in a back corner.

Three Thai devi in red bas-relief clay. Wat Ratchathammaram

Devas, benevolent supernatural beings, say prayers.

Back of the red cement wihan at Wat Ratchathammaram, Koh Samui.

More deities feature on the exterior of the back wall.

Ornate Thai temple roof in carved red cement. Wat Ratchathammaram, Koh Samui

The intricately decorated roof bargeboard or lamyong includes elements of the feathered garuda and the serpentine nāga.

Karma, from the Sanskrit karman, or ‘action, effect, fate’, comes from one’s actions and intentions. Therefore, making merit (puñña), or doing good mindfully, contributes to good karma in the Thai world-view. Honouring others (especially the Buddha) and offering service (especially to the temple) are a great way to make merit.

Young Thai man in a head-scarf laying pavers. Wat Ratchathammaram

A young man meticulously fills the gaps between the paving tiles.

Thai male in a blue polo shirt cementing paving tiles. Wat Ratchathammaram

Careful work on the new paving tiles.

Paving trowel on a pile of re clay pavers.

Paving tools.

Red pavers and building site rubble around Wat Ratchathammaram

As is the case on any building site, rubble collects on the ground.

Red clay mouldings stacked, waiting to be incorporated in the new building. Wat Ratchathammaram

New mouldings are stacked and waiting.

Meanwhile, around the rest of the temple grounds, life continues.

A white and black cat on a table, with a hot-pot and tea-making supplies.

A cat sits on the tea-making table outside the abbot’s rooms.

Red-roofed kuti (monk

Little kuti (monks’ houses) drop down the hill…

View of white sand beach and greenery from Wat Ratchathammaram, Koh Samui.

… with a pleasing view over the Bay of Thailand.

View down over private memorial stupas. Wat Ratchathammaram, Koh Samui.

Beneath the temple, down towards the beach, a number of memorial stupas are located.

Close-up: private stupa with blue and white mosaic patterns.Wat Ratchathammaram, Koh Samui

Decorated in rich colours and designs…

Nameplate - in Thai script - on a private stupa in a temple graveyard. Wat Ratchathammaram

… they contain the ashes of loved ones.

Ceramic vases at the base of a private stupa. Wat Ratchathammaram, Koh Samui

Vases for flower offerings and incense sit at the base of many of the stupas –

Small golden Buddha in the alcove of a golden stupa. Wat Ratchathammaram, Koh Samui

– and a Buddha image is never far away.

Wildly coloured temple bell, Wat Ratchathammaram, Koh Samui.

The wildly coloured temple bell is a surprise, given the monochrome tones of the wihan.

It is a lovely, quiet spot, and I look forward to seeing what changes – if any – have been effected by our next visit.

Pictures: 22August2011 and 29April2012

  • Gabe - January 3, 2013 - 8:30 pm

    Probably still unfinished, but peaceful just the sameReplyCancel

  • Signe Westerberg - January 3, 2013 - 11:05 pm

    Such vibrant colours and an idealic location to contemplate, just looking at the water would be so relaxing. Gorgeous as always.ReplyCancel

  • Dietmut - January 7, 2013 - 5:22 pm

    ik heb je bericht weer met veel interesse gelezen Ursula. Ook je geplaatste fotos waren weer super. Groetjes DietmutReplyCancel

    • Ursula - January 8, 2013 - 3:01 am

      Greetings to you, too, Dietmut! Glad you enjoyed the post. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Michael - January 14, 2014 - 8:10 pm

    Liked your post and your pics are so much better than the ones I took!!!!!!!!, having read your article I can confirm that it is much the same as when you were last there, my pics from 24th Mar 2013 still show dragons supported by scaffolding and building rubble scattered around, all the same I liked it and will revisit in April 2014.


    • Ursula - January 15, 2014 - 12:37 am

      Thanks for the visit, Michael. I am not surprised to hear there has been little change at the temple – but isn’t it a peaceful spot?

Text: Peace, Love and Light Picture: Young Burmese monk with a candle

Peace, Light and Hope

The end of another year is fast approaching.

In preparation, I’m packing a bag for my escape to Australia’s Snowy Mountains. For while many regard New Year’s Eve as a time for noise-makers, fireworks, and drunken revelry, I prefer to use the time to take stock of the year past and to sketch out tentative plans for the year coming.

This time last year we were barely into our current home, surrounded by boxes and chaos. In the intervening twelve months, we’ve managed to carve out some order and to adjust to a different kind of lifestyle in a vastly different environment. But we have also been “on the road” and away from our house for at least half that time.

One of the things that becomes more noticeable when you travel is how very different people’s live are. Not just the obvious: food and housing and clothing; but the deeper fundamentals. Values and beliefs: what it means to be a “good” person; people’s hopes and dreams for themselves, and more importantly, for their children.

I was reminded of these differences everywhere we went this past year: England, Ireland, and Wales; Western Canada and across the US; country and coastal Australia; and most obviously, Thailand and Myanmar. As the Thais say, people everywhere are: “same, same… but different!”

Young burmese monk surrounded by candle-lit alcoves with Buddhas in them, Shweyanpyay Monastery, Naung Shwae, Myanmar

Novice in an Alcove

The young burmese novice in this series of photos is a perfect example. He lives, studies, works, and sleeps in Shwe Yan Pyay Monastery in Myanmar’s Shan State, where his life is well-ordered but rather austere. Entering the monastery is likely to have been his family’s decision, rather than his own, and the decision was probably based on pragmatic as well as spiritual considerations: this is a poor area, and boys in monasteries such as this get their food, clothing, and education provided. I don’t know what his personal hopes and dreams are, but he won’t have been expecting a lot of fancy gifts from Santa this past week.

In one of the outer pagodas, filled with individual Buddhas in niches – all bearing the names of their benefactors – the young novice sat in absolute stillness for half an hour, surrounded by candles in the tropical heat, while ten travellers with assorted cameras snapped pictures of him from all angles. Outwardly, he did not question this odd request from the foreign visitors. His Abbot had told him to go sit – so he sat.

Burmese Novice monk holding a candle in prayer, Shwe Yan Pyay Monastery, Nyaung Shwe, Myanmar

Novice Monk in Prayer

Clearly, these are not “found” images; the scene was set by our photographic-tour leader, Karl Grobl and our local guide MM while we were visiting Myanmar last September.

Shwe Yan Pyay Monastery in Nyaung Shwae is housed in a beautiful 150-year-old teak building, which I will return to in some future “Wanders” PhotoBlog post. We visited the monastery twice: once in the mid-morning for lunch, and on this evening occasion to photograph the young novice in the small window of opportunity between the fall of darkness and evening prayers.

Novice Burmese Monk in Candlelight, Shwe Yan Pyay Monastery, Nuang Shwe, Myanmar

Novice in Candlelight

Text: Happy New YearWhile these images may not tell us much about this young novice’s actual life, to me they convey the kind of quiet, meditative contemplation that I associate with the New Year period.

So, I wish you and yours a happy and peaceful new year, and the quiet time to reflect on what is important.

Pictures: 23September2012

  • Gabe - December 27, 2012 - 6:39 am

    I love the images. Another year of very good weekly wanders completed.
    Always thought provoking.ReplyCancel

  • Karl Grobl - December 27, 2012 - 6:46 am

    Ursula, what a wonderful post for the approaching new year. You’ve given us amazing images and an important message to ponder. Thanks for sharing, and I wish you the best in the coming year. Cheers, KarlReplyCancel

    • Ursula - December 27, 2012 - 9:25 am

      Glad you liked it, Gabe.
      So pleased you stopped in, Karl. Thanks for creating such great opportunities. 😀ReplyCancel

  • Michael LaPalme - December 28, 2012 - 12:40 am

    What a beautiful collection of images Ursula… 🙂 What a stunning scene!ReplyCancel

  • Michael carter - December 28, 2012 - 1:19 am

    Hi Ursula,
    beautiful images. thanks to the abott for sending the novice there to sit 😉
    it’s serene.

    happy 2013 Ursula 😉


    • Ursula - December 28, 2012 - 1:37 am

      Thanks, Michael x 2. Happy New Year’s to you both.ReplyCancel

  • Lisa - December 28, 2012 - 3:27 am

    Lovely images and beautifully said Ursula!ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - December 28, 2012 - 4:38 am

      Thanks so much, Lisa. One day you and I have to talk about processing: your colours from the same location are SO different!!
      Have a great 2013. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Dietmut - December 28, 2012 - 4:06 pm

    Ursula, all of these photos are wonderful and thank you for your report. Warm greetings and a lovely turn over, DietmutReplyCancel

    • Ursula - December 29, 2012 - 12:37 am

      Thanks, Dietmut. Happy New Year to you too.ReplyCancel

  • Kevin Dowie - December 29, 2012 - 2:16 am

    Great images Ursula,
    I particularly like the “Novice in an alcove” (as captioned) shot. I know some people love “inspirational” messages/text added to such images, but to me they work best without. Just a personal preference! 🙂
    Best wishes for the New Year.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - January 1, 2013 - 12:21 am

      Kevin, your input is always appreciated. Happy New Year!
      Dietmut, thank you for your good wishes. Best wishes for a wonderful new year!ReplyCancel

  • Dietmut - December 31, 2012 - 3:50 pm
  • Signe Westerberg - January 2, 2013 - 6:01 am

    lovely as always and may your 2013 be everything you both hope for. Thanks for the travels this year…looking forward to what 2013 holds in store.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - January 2, 2013 - 9:34 am

      Happy New Year, Signe. Hope to catch you face-to-face one of these days!ReplyCancel

  • PATRICIA - January 4, 2013 - 8:53 pm

    Happy New Year, All. May the rest of your days be better days.ReplyCancel

  • Patrick Gallagher - January 5, 2013 - 8:41 am

    Nice job, Ursula, with some stunning photos. I hope you have a very good new year.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - January 7, 2013 - 11:58 am

      Thanks, Patrick. HNY to you too. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • philip coggan - July 19, 2013 - 2:05 am

    I wouldn’t feel too guilty abt getting the little boy to sit still for an hour for your photos – every day we ask children to sit still for hours on end in the name of teaching them spelling and arithmetic 🙂ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - July 19, 2013 - 4:54 am

      Very true, Philip! But I know MY children wouldn’t have sat so still. Thanks for your visit! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Denise Johnson - April 13, 2014 - 1:39 am

    Thanks for sharing these images. Seven years ago I had a death experience that looked so much like this photo. Seeing it almost made me faint. I am inspired to visit this monastery before I die, now. Please kindly send the boy a percentage of the sales of the cards. The monastery as well as his family could use the support and his practice is now making you money. I wouldn’t want you to receive negative karmic ramifications. Thank you.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - April 13, 2014 - 5:02 am

      Thanks for your visit and comments, Denise. Rest assured, we always put funds and support into the monasteries and temples we visit.ReplyCancel

  • […] Candles in the Alcove Once the novices have eaten, we are able to persuade one to pose for us in the alcove. (I posted a selection of these photos as “Light the Way” some time ago.) […]ReplyCancel

Detail of child

“Suffer the Children”
Detail from one of the magnificent Harry Clarke stained glass windows, DIseart, DIngle, Ireland

It’s a funny day today: the blustery winds keep changing directions as I watch the swans and pelicans on the estuary across the road from where I live.

I guess the unsettled weather is fitting for this, the last day of the cycle in the ancient Mayan calendar. For a price, you can escape or celebrate the end in a Russian bunker, while doomsday preppers in the US have their bunkers ready; just as well, really, as French authorities are banning access to Bugarach, the magic mountain and safe haven in the Pyrenees. I’ll spend the evening sitting on my balcony, come what may.

I had a fleeting moment, at some point during this year, of thinking that I might be blogging or posting a status update as the world was ending: a bizarre conceit, really – after all, if everything stops, I’m sure the electricity and internet will be the first to go! And, who would possibly be reading? But, it is perhaps symptomatic of this “connected” world we are now in, that this silly thought even crossed my mind.

As I write this, the press is still full of reaction to the recent horror-killing in the USA, half a world away: that of 20+ children and 6 adults at a Connecticut school. A tragic occurrence by any standards. But, we live in a world where, on average, 19000 children under five die every day: from disease, war, and insufficient nutrition. Those headlines are less dramatic.

Six months ago, I was in the western-most reaches of Ireland, where the rocks and the ruins seem well removed from the woes of the 21st century. Truly, as my husband and I walked around the flank of Mount Eagle, with nothing standing between us and North America except the wild Atlantic Ocean, I felt as if we were in another world.

But this rugged landscape is steeped in its own tragic history of oppression and starvation, and located in a country currently struggling through crippling unemployment.

Day 6:  Dingle to Dunquin

The trail from Dingle takes you further westwards through the village of Ventry and onto the golden sandy beach of Ventry Harbour. A country lane leads you on to the medieval roads of Slea Head. This area is dotted with a multitude of Clochans or more commonly known as beehive huts which date back to the Mesolithic Period of around 6000 BC. 
As your trail bends north around Slea Head you will also have some stunning views back over the great Blasket Island and your final view of Dingle Bay.

Distance: 20 km/12.5 miles    Ascent: 310 m/930 ft

Before leaving Dingle, we stopped in at Dingle’s well advertised “Hidden Treasure”: the Díseart Institute of Irish Spirituality and Culture: a former convent, housing an information centre and some absolutely fabulous religious art.

Details of a Last Supper fresco: Jesus has the Bread of Life in his hand. The Díseart, Dingle Co.Kerry

“The Last Supper”
Detail from the Fresco painted by American mural artist Eleanor Yates. The Apostles are all modelled on local men, and all the items and foodstuffs on the table are from local crafts and produce. You can see Dingle Bay through the “windows”.

Mural depicting Nano Nagle in Paris. Diseart, Dingle, Co.Kerry

Honora “Nano” Nagle (1718-1784)
Another room houses a mural depicting Nano Nagle in Paris, before her decision to live her life by Christ’s example. Later, back in Ireland, she founded the Presentation Sisters and, in spite of the risks, established several schools for the poor.

Harry Clarke stained glass Window

Created in 1922, the richly detailed Harry Clarke windows depict six scenes from the life of Christ.

The Harry Clarke stained glass windows are just beautiful, but there came a point at which we had to brave the rains and start walking the 20 kilometres between us and our next lodgings.

Colourful row houses on a wet street: Dingle, Ireland

Leaving Dingle – down a wet road and into the mists…

Yellow flowers on Wild Honeysuckle (Woodbine: Lonicera periclymenum) against green hills.

Beautifully fragrant wild honeysuckle (Woodbine: Lonicera periclymenum) lines the roadways we followed. I was told these plants epitomise the Irish: flexible, resilient, and deceptively strong.

Ivy on the Fence Posts

“Turn left at the fence.”
Ivy grows on wooden fence rails, next to galvanised gate posts.

Wet green path with fuchsia hedges either side.

Once off the roads, we are surrounded by honeysuckle, blackberry and fuchsia. Although not native to Ireland, fuchsia were planted as hedges by farmers and are now ubiquitous all over the southwest.

Wet fuchsia flowers.

The fuchsia are much happier about the rain than we are.

White-flowering green plant growing on a sandy beach; Ventry Beach

White-flowers on a wet and windy Ventry Beach.

Sandy inlets and grasses on Ventry Beach

Following our guide notes, we walked the three kilometres along Ventry Beach…

Creek flowing through sand and grass, into Ventry Harbour.

… crossing streams along the way.

Clumps of grass growing in sand: Ventry Beach

Clumps of grass growing in sand: Ventry Beach.

White house nestles in very green hills. Dingle Peninsula, Co.Kerry Ireland

A modern house sits among the stone cottages and ruins.

Donkey and white pony grazing on green grass; thatched cottages behind.

Like a scene from another time: The hill is dotted with thatched stone cottages, stone and wooden fences, and beasts of burden.

Rugged Irish West Coast shrouded in fog, Slea Head, Dingle Peninsula

Looking back towards Ventry and Dingle, we can see where we have walked.

Close-up: rough stone wall overlooking the Atlantic. Dingle Peninsula, Ireland

We follow the old stone walls…

 Stone walls in green grass against a wet colourless sky. Dingle Peninsula, Ireland.

… up the hill.

Shorn Sheep on a wet, green rocky hillside. Dingle Peninsula, Ireland

We are watched by sheep…

Small waterfall flanked by green ferns. Dingle Peninsula, Ireland.

… as we cross waterfalls.

Landscape: Stone remains of monk

Eventually, we spot our first clochans, or “Beehive Cells”, built by early Christian monks between 700 and 800 AD. The Blasket Islands are visible on the horizon.

Stone foundations of monk

These huts, like the early monasteries of Ireland, were occupied into the 12th Century. During this period, the Celtic Church was not under the direct rule of Rome, and so kept many of the early Pre-Christian influences.

Purple foxgloves and green ferns, DIngle Peninsula, Ireland.

Wet to the knees, we work our way through foxgloves and ferns.

Beehive Cells, Dingle Peninsula, Ireland

The Beehive Cells are everywhere.

Landscape: Black cliffs and green grass over sandy beach and waves. Dingle Peninsula, Ireland.

Under Brehon Laws in the 19th century, family plots were divided among the sons, until the farms became too small to be useful.

Landscape: stone walls and stone cottages, Dunquin, Dingle Peninsula, Ireland

Stone walls still divide the countryside as we descend to the road and round the hill towards Dunquin.

Wild Daisies at a roadside, Dunquin, Ireland

The skies darken further. Daisies flank one side of the road ~

Rugged Irish west coast landscape, Dunquin

~ and the other side drops off steeply into the ocean.

Harry Clarke stained glass of May Joseph and Jesus.

Harry Clarke stained glass.

In spite of the recent hardships and poignant memories of famine, exodus, and “the Troubles”, there is a faith and resilience in Ireland that keeps the smiles, the hospitality, and the music flowing.

Christmas is just around the corner, so it is fitting to return to Harry Clarke’s windows.

Perhaps, if the world continues tomorrow, as most of us believe it will, we can fulfil the Mayan prophesy by making the world a different and better place – especially for the children.

Text: May the Spirit of the Season be with You.



Photos: 23June2012

The golden Shwemawdaw Temple in afternoon light against fluffy white clouds. Bago (Pegu), Myanmar

Golden afternoon at Shwemawdaw Temple, Bago, Myanmar

Bago is a golden city, originally build during the Mon dynasty. Destroyed by the Burman in 1757 and partially restored in the early 19th century, the city lost prominence when the Bago River changed its course and cut the city off from the sea.

It must have really been something during its heyday, for even now, there is plenty to occupy tourists, Buddhist pilgrims and photographers. Travelling with Karl Grobl on a photography tour, I spend a mid-morning at a monastery and the middle of the day at the local market, before visiting Shwemawdaw and Shwethalyaung Temples in the early afternoon.

The Shwemawdaw Paya or Golden God Temple is a Mon temple originally built in the tenth century, but subsequently rebuilt several times – after major earthquakes. The current pagoda, at 375 feet, is the tallest in Myanmar; some 50 feet taller than Shwedagon.

The ornate entry to Shwemawdaw Temple, Bago, Myanmar

The ornate entry to Shwemawdaw Temple, Bago, Myanmar.

Close-up: Burmese script carved into a bronze bell, Shwemawdaw Temple, Bago, Myanmar

Burmese or Mon script on a Shwemawdaw Temple bell.

Burmese women walking with their heads covered against the sun, Shwemawdaw Temple, Bago.

Women heading for prayers, Shwemawdaw Temple, Bago.

Weathered curved walls of a small shrine area in Shwemawdaw Temple, Bago, Myanmar

Colours and Textures:
Small shrine area in Shwemawdaw Temple, Bago, Myanmar

Two marble burmese buddhas seated in Shwemawdaw Temple, Bago, Myanmar

The luminous marble and gold paint typical of Burmese Buddhas.

Marble seated buddha, draped in a purple cloth.

Touching the Earth
Shwemawdaw Buddha

Small green building advertising fortune telling services: Shwemawdaw Temple

Astrology and Palmistry
Shwemawdaw Fortune Teller

Burmese people with a glass case containing money in exchange for prayer papers.

Faithful and hopeful have prayers written on papers in exchange for “donations”.

Three seated burmese buddhas draped in gold robes, Shwemawdaw Temple

Three more Shwemawdaw Buddhas.

Tall red and gold pillars in an ornate entry hall, Shwemawdaw Temple.

Shwemawdaw Steps

Not far from the Shwemawdaw Temple, another temple complex houses a 55 metre- (180 ft) long reclining buddha. The Shwethalyaung Buddha was built by King Migadippa I in 994. After Bago was destroyed, the buddha was lost under regrown vegetation for over a hundred years. After it was rediscovered in 1881, the undergrowth was cleared, and in 1906 a tazaung (pavilion) was built over it to protect it from the elements.

Looking up a wide staircase to a huge reclining buddha, Shwethalyaung, Bago, Myanmar

Up the steps to the Shwethalyaung Buddha…

Brown burlap cloth on the temple stairs, Shwethalyaung Temple

Indigent’s bedroll: Shwethalyaung Temple steps.

Looking from feet up to the head of the Shwethalyaung reclining Buddha.

At the feet of the 55 metre Shwethalyaung reclining Buddha.

The gilded and jewelled feet of the Shwethalyaung Buddha.

Gilded and Jewelled:
At the feet of the Shwethalyaung Buddha.

Shwethalyaung Buddha Head resting on jewelled caskets.

Shwethalyaung Buddha Head

Back view of piled jewelled chests with Buddha head resting; jewelled deva watching over.

Buddha resting on jewelled chests; a jewelled deva watching over.

Young child with glass cases filed with paper fortunes, Shwethalyaung Buddha, Bago, Myanmar.

Toddler with Fortunes

Looking down along the reclining Shwethalyaung Buddha to the feet and golden toe nails.

Shwethalyaung Buddha Feet

Teak Seller in the temple surrounds

A teak seller shows her wares.

Carved Burmese teak ornaments: Shwethalyaung Buddha Temple

Carved Burmese teak ornaments for sale.

Portrait: Young Burmese woman, Shwethalyaung Buddha

Another Gift Seller

Colourfully painted little wooden dolls representing Burma

Myanmar’s ethnic groups in doll form.

Portrait: young burmese gift seller in the Shwethalyaung courtyard.

Gift seller in the Shwethalyaung Courtyard.

Portrait: Young burmese woman in the courtyard of Postcard Seller, Shwethalyaung

A postcard seller sends us off on our way…

Text: Keep smiling

We left Shwethalyaung for the two hour drive back to Yangon –

and the next instalment in the Burmese adventure.

‘Till then!

Photos: 12September2012

  • gabe - December 13, 2012 - 10:29 pm

    Golden temple & one large reclining Buddha. typical life around the temple. Very nice.ReplyCancel

  • Signe Westerberg - December 14, 2012 - 5:45 am

    Can’t even imagine what it must be like to stand amongst such history… jsut beautifulReplyCancel

    • Ursula - December 16, 2012 - 6:25 am

      Thanks, Signe and Gabe! Indeed, it is a privilege standing amidst the history. 🙂ReplyCancel

Water splashing over travertine terraces, Mound Spring, Yellowstone NP

Breathtaking natural beauty: hot spring water splashing over travertine terraces.
Mound Spring at Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park.

It’s pretty hard to beat nature.

And Yellowstone National Park, that amazing natural space covering 8,987 square kilometres (3,472 square miles) of water, grasslands and forest in Western USA, serves up some of nature’s best.

From the iconic spout of Old Faithful to the less visited but equally intriguing Artist’s Paint Pots, Yellowstone’s geothermic features are second to none.

The natural travertine terraces at Mammoth Hot Springs, however, must be the-best-of-the-best.

For our brief visit to Yellowstone Park in August, we stayed at Gardiner, just outside the north entrance to the park. From there it was a short (albeit slow) drive through the Roosevelt Arch to the park’s many attractions.

View: Roadway through Gardiner, the Roosevelt Arch and mountains.

The North Entrance to Yellowstone is through the rustic town of Gardiner and the Roosevelt Arch, dedicated by (and to) President Theodore Roosevelt in 1903.

Although Yellowstone was established by an act of US Congress in 1872 under President Ulysses S. Grant, the 50-foot tall basalt arch which marks the most important entry into the park was named for President Theodore Roosevelt, conservationist and dedicated Mason, who laid the cornerstone of the structure in 1903.

Once into the park, the landscape changes dramatically. We kept our eyes on the mountains, and were rewarded with sight of a band of Big Horn Sheep: ewes, lambs and yearling males; barely visible as they clambered effortlessly over the rocks. Unfortunately, the older males, with their distinctive, large eponymous horns, were nowhere to be seen.

Almost invisible against the rock face, female and young bighorn sheep. Mount Everts, Yellowstone.

Almost invisible against the rock face, female and young Big Horn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) on Mount Everts.

Outlined by light, a Big Horn lamb (Ovis canadensis) on a rocky ledge, Mount Everts, Yellowstone

Outlined by light, a Big Horn lamb looks to see where mum has gone.

Mammoth Hot Springs are only eight kilometres (5 miles) into the park from the Roosevelt Arch. We circled the busy car park for a while before gaining access to a newly-vacated space, grabbed the cameras and went for a walk along the boardwalks.

View of Liberty Cap, a dormant hot spring cone against the hills of Yellowstone NP.

Liberty Cap, a 37-foot (11-m) dormant hotspring cone, sits at the northern edge of Mammoth Hot Springs. Built up of mineral deposits over hundreds of years, it was named for its resemblance to the peaked caps worn during the French Revolution.

Purple wild flowers in the rippled ground of Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone NP.

Flowers on the Edge
Wildflowers grow in the rippled waters of the lower terraces, Mammoth Hot Springs.

View: Devil

Devil’s Thumb, a rocky outcrop, and the travertine layers of Minerva Terrace, Mammoth Hot Springs.

The travertine terraces of Mammoth Hot Springs are like nothing I’d ever seen before. The underlying rock in this area is limestone. Fractures in this limestone allow hot spring waters, replenished by rains and snows, to bubble through to the surface, dissolving calcium carbonate en route and depositing it as travertine.

The result is, as a Yellowstone National Park publication puts it, a “living sculpture”. The shape of Minerva Springs, in particular, changes, dependent on the volume of water, the slope of the ground, and debris in the water’s path. “During some cycles of activity, water discharge and mineral deposition have been so great that boardwalks have been buried beneath mounds of newly deposited travertine.” The colours come from the composition of the travertine itself, and from the particular thermophiles (heat-loving organisms) living in the water.

Blue waters pooling in white limestone terraces; Minerva Terrace, Yellowstone NP

Hot blue waters and white limestone terraces comprise Minerva Terrace.

White, yellow, black and brown limestone terraces with yellow water pooling. Minerva Terrace

Primal Colours: thermophiles (heat-loving organisms) colour different parts of the travertine. Yellow and colourless thermophiles live in the hottest waters; the orange and brown indicate cooler waters.

Lacy white limestone travertine against yellow spring waters, Minerva Terrace

Lacy white limestone travertine against yellow spring waters, Minerva Terrace

Terraced slopes in white and yellow: Minerva Terrace

Terraced slopes in white and yellow: Minerva Terrace

Green bush with yellow flowers in a hot spring flat; Mammoth Hot Springs

Plants on the Edge
Flowers in the hot spring flats – Mammoth Hot Springs.

Hot spring on a plateau, surrounded by trees and mountains. Mammoth Hot Spring

Hot spring plateau, Mammoth Hot Springs

As beautiful as they are, the terraces, like other geothermal areas, are dangerous. All the pamphlets warn about toxic gasses, and people are entreated to stay on paths and walkways. But, every year, people test the waters with fingers and toes, suffering burns as a consequence. “Over the last decade, 16 park visitors have been burned extensively and deeply enough by geysers or hot springs that they’ve been immediately flown to Salt Lake City for treatment at the University of Utah Hospital regional burn center”(2007).

Up to the Overlook

Up to the Overlook
Elevated walkways protect the sensitive landscape from the tourists – and the tourists from themselves. Every year, people who can’t resist leaving the boardwalks or testing the waters suffer from burns.

White travertine terraces, with yellow wildflowers at the edge. New Blue Spring

Steaming white travertine terraces, with yellow wildflowers at the border. New Blue Spring.

Reflective waters in a brown hot spring edged by evergreens and mountains. Main Terrace, Mammoth

Reflective waters: Main Terrace, Mammoth Springs

Limestone terraces; blue mountains in the background. Main Terrace, Mammoth Springs

Mountains – and mountains of limestone: Main Terrace, Mammoth Springs

Hot spring water falling over travertine terraces, Mound Spring, Mammoth Springs

Like a waterfall, the hot mineral waters tumble over the terraces of Mound Spring, Mammoth Springs.

Hot spring water falling over travertine terraces, Mound Spring, Mammoth Springs

Mound Spring

Hot spring water falling over travertine terraces, Mound Spring, Mammoth Springs

Mound Spring

Elk (Cervus elaphus)

Twilight, and the wapiti or elk  (Cervus canadensis) come out to graze on the lawns around Mammoth Hot Springs.

Man and woman on a harley, taking pictures of elk (wapiti: Cervus canadensis), Mammoth Hot Springs

Mammoth Hot Springs Drive-Bye

Steam on the Upper Terraces, Mammoth Hot Springs

Thermal steam in the evening light on the Upper Terraces of Mammoth Hot Springs.

Sign-post: "Angel Terrace" and "Stay on Road", against flowers growing in limestone

Angel Terrace, on the Upper Terraces of Mammoth Hot Springs.

Dead trees on evening light on a travertine terrace, Mammoth Hot Springs.

Trees engulfed by travertine stand like sentinel skeletons against the evening light.

The evening light was falling as we drove around the Upper Terraces, so we pointed the car north for the short trip back to our accommodation.

Sunset over mountains, Yellowstone National Park

End of another beautiful day – Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone –

Truly, a place of beauty.Text: Happy Rambles, Ursula :-)

Photos: 12&14August2012

  • Gabe - December 6, 2012 - 10:35 am

    Beautiful trip & adventureReplyCancel

  • Signe Westerberg - December 7, 2012 - 1:08 am

    What an amazing planet we live on, you get to see some wonderful things Ursula thanks for sharing them <3ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - December 10, 2012 - 12:02 am

      Signe and Gabe – I am always pleased to have your comments! 😀ReplyCancel