Medieval buildings over a city wall, against a blue sky, flying a French flag. Saint-Malo, Bretagne

Bienvenue à Saint-Malo, Bretagne


About an hour into our trip south across the English Chanel from the Bailiwick of Jersey to Brittany, France, everything outside the ferry windows disappeared. It didn’t seem an auspicious start to our day trip to Saint-Malo, the mediaeval walled city of explorers, privateers, and pirates.

But, just like magic, dolphins appeared – leaping and diving along-side the boat –  and we exited the fog bank. There it was: a fairy-tale city, with the sun glinting off the golden beaches and the cathedral steeple rising high above the ancient walls.

View of Saint-Malo from a wet, smeary, Condor ferry window, Bretagne, France

 Once we are out of the fog we can see through the wet windows to the medieval city in the sun.

Saint Malo is an easy trip from Saint Helier in the south of Jersey where my daughter has been working on contract. So, yesterday, to celebrate her last day off before returning to England, she and I took the morning trip across – knowing the afternoon ferry back would have us “home” in time for dinner.

While that leaves very little time on the ground, the old port city on its island, fortified during the Middle Ages, is very compact. We were easily able to walk around the walls to take in the magnificent views – and still have time for stops for coffees, savoury galettes, sweet crêpes, wine, and to browse the countless shops that line the narrow cobbled streets.

View up a coble-stoned street, modern cars parked along the curb, Rue de Dinan, Saint Malo Brittany France

Rue de Dinan
Old cobbles lead into the walled city…

Overhead, window-pots of colourful flowers hand down, Saint Malo Brittany France

… while colourful flowers hang everywhere overhead.

View of Cathedrale St-Vincent; Saint Malo Cathedral under a blue sky. Brittany, France

Cathédrale Saint-Vincent-de-Saragosse de Saint-Malo
This gothic cathedral dates to the 13th Century – the original monastery on the site goes back to 1108.

In the floor of the Cathedrale St-Vincent, Saint-Malo, Brittany, is a yellow plaque Commemorating Jacques Cartier

Commemorative Plaque
An integral part of the history books I grew up on, Jacques Cartier (December 31, 1491 – September 1, 1557) set sail from his native Saint-Malo in 1534 and again in 1535 and 1541, exploring what is now Newfoundland and into the St. Lawrence River, leaving a small colony and claiming the lands for the French.

Inside Cathedrale St-Vincent, Saint-Malo Brittany France

Gothic Ceiling
The inside of the old cathedral is quite beautiful, with vaulted roofs, lovely stained glass …

Modern looking burnished copper or bronze altar inside Cathedrale St-Vincent, Saint-Malo, Brittany France

… and some stunning, modern-looking additions.

Candles burning in glass containers, Cathedrale St-Vincent, Saint-Malo, Brittany, France

This is still a strongly Roman Catholic community, and many candles are burned for loved ones.

View of Place Jean de Chatillon on a sunny day, Saint-Milo Brittany, France

Place Jean de Chatillon
Back outside, tourists and students on their lunch break enjoy the sun …

High roofs around Place Jean de Chatillon, Saint-Malo

Place Jean de Chatillon
… while I admire the architecture.

Names inscribed in gold on a polished granite plaque, War Memorial, Saint-Malo Brittany France

War Memorial

View of La Houxaie the oldest surviving house in Saint-Malo  Brittany, France

La Houxaie
Mentioned in writings from the 15th Century onwards, La Houxaie is the oldest surviving house in Saint-Malo.

A group of young French people in the contrasting light of a narrow Saint-Malo street, Brittany, France

The Next Generation
The next street across, a group of young people with their iPods and cigarettes chat in a doorway.

View across the beach to Fort National, off Saint-Malo, Brittany, France

Fort National
On one of the tidal islands, Fort National sits a few hundred metres away from the wall.

View across the beach to Fort National, off Saint-Malo, Brittany, France

Fort Royal
Built in 1689 under the direction of military architect Vauban, it was originally called Fort Royal.

Seagull on a post, beach, Saint-Malo Brittany France

When the tides are out, the beach is popular with sun bakers and seagulls.

View over the flats of Saint Malo Bay at Low Tide, Brittany, France

Low Tide
The bay of Saint Malo has the highest tidal range in Europe; when it is out, the “islands” join up.

A couple looking through a Telescope over the bay of Saint-Malo, Brittany, France.

The views from the wall are beautiful …

The Roofs of Saint-Malo seen from the wall, Brittany, France.

Roofs and Balconies
… in both directions!

View along Saint-Malo

The Wall

Battlements, Saint-Malo Brittany France


Statue of Robert Surcouf, Saint-Malo, Brittany, France

Robert Surcouf
Robert Surcouf (1773 – 1827), privateer and slave trader, was another of Saint-Malo’s famous sons.

View of old Buildings from the Saint-Malo

Buildings from the Wall

Cannon on the wall of Saint-Malo, Brittany, France

Old Cannon

Bronze sidewalk plaque with the Coat of Arms of Saint-Malo: an ermine in a scarf, Brittany, France

Back at street level, we notice the ermine wearing a scarf, which is part of the city’s Coat of Arms and flag.

Inside the courtyard of the Château of Saint-Malo, Brittany, France

The Château of Saint-Malo

Painted Sculpture of Madonna and Christ in an alcove, city wall, Saint-Malo, Brittany France

Madonna in the Wall

Colourful bottles of alcohol on shelves in a shop window, Saint-Malo, Brittany, France

Calvados and Vin Chaud
Time for some last minute shopping?

It is a charming town, and I could have spent a lot more time there.

I had wanted to visit a few of the sites outside the walled city –

Maybe next time.

Bon voyage!

Pictures: 03September2013

Landscape: view of snow-capped Rocky Mountains over the Athabasca River, Jasper NP, Alberta, Canada

Rocky Mountains
Looking over the clear waters of the Athabasca River, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

Clear waters are laughing, they sing to the skies
The Rockies are living, they never will die

– John Denver, Rocky Mountain Suite

As John Denver knew, there is something truly magic about the Rocky Mountains. I can’t help humming or singing whenever I think of them – and Denver’s song Rocky Mountain Suite (Cold Nights in Canada) fits the bill perfectly.

Banff National Park was an integral part of my childhood and I never pass up the opportunity to spend time there. This year, however, we decided to venture further north: to Jasper National Park. It was a fortuitous choice, really, as major flooding from torrential rainfall plus snow-melt in the area just days before our arrival forced the evacuation of numerous southern Albertan cities. Mudslides and flooding cut Banff off from the east, so we would not have been able to enter.

Although it rained much our drive west from Edmonton along the Yellowhead Highway, we were relieved to meet perfectly dry roads and clear skies as the mountains came into view and we neared the boundaries of Jasper.

View of mountains, highway and oncoming traffic, Yellowhead Highway, east of Jasper, Alberta.

Jasper Mountains
Looking west along the Yellowhead Highway, east of Jasper National Park, Alberta, magnificent mountains come into view.

Close-up: a large bull elk or wapiti (Cervus canadensis) eating grass, Jasper, Alberta.

Bull Elk
We had no sooner entered the park than we met our first elk or wapiti (Cervus canadensis). He’s so close we can see the velvet on this season’s antlers.

A young male elk or wapiti (Cervus canadensis) grazes on green grass in front of a Park signboard.

Young Elk
Just down the road, a younger male grazes.

A group of elk graze on the road verge, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

“White Rump”
Herd animals, the Wapiti (“White rump” in Shawnee and Cree) graze in small groups in the fading light.

A white Bunchberry flower on fresh green leaves, Sunwapta Falls, Jasper, Alberta

Bunchberry (Cornus canadensis)

A dirt path through cedar and pine, Sunwapta Falls, Jasper AB Canada

Path to Sunwapta Falls
Morning sun peaks through western red cedar and lodgepole pine.

White water rushing behind tall cedar trees, Sunwapta River, Jasper AB Canada

White Waters
The fast-moving Sunwapta River roars along side the path…

Landscape: rushing white waters over rocks, in cedars and pines, Sunwapta Falls, Jasper AB, Canada

Sunwapta Rapids
… crashing over rocks as it rushes downstream…

Landscapes: Rushing white waters over lower Sunwapta Falls, Jasper AB Canada.

Sunwapta Falls
… and over the lower falls.

Tiny purple fairy slippers on a forest floor, Japer AB Canada

Fairy Slippers (Calypso bulbosa)
Tiny orchids grow on the forest floor.

View over Upper Sunwapta Falls

Tumbled Trees and Tumbling Waters

View of the bridge over Sunwapta Falls, Jasper AB Canada

Bridge over Upper Sunwapta Falls

Landscape: view over Upper Sunwapta Falls, Jasper AB Canada

Upper Sunwapta Falls
White waters roar down in splashing torrents.

Castilleja Miniata (Red Paintbrush)

Red Paintbrush (Castilleja Miniata)
Everywhere we walked or drove, the meadows and verges were alive with colour.

American black bear (Ursus americanus) on a green field of grass and wildflowers. Jasper AB Canada

American Black Bear (Ursus americanus)
Our Canadian friends get pretty blasé about the black bears which can be nuisance around garbages…

American black bear (Ursus americanus) sitting in green grass, in front of a woodpile, Jasper AB Canada

American Black Bear (Ursus americanus)
… but I still get excited seeing them in the wild.

Highway with one caravan on it curving into snow-capped mountains, Jasper AB Canada

Mountain Roads
The roads were pretty quiet ~ although the park seemed to have plenty of European visitors.

Large bull elk, partially obscured by cedar branches.

Elk / Wapiti (Cervus elaphus)
We were told that elk numbers were diminishing in the park, but we saw many powerful bulls.

Portrait: large bull elk with velvet still on his six-point antlers, Jasper AB Canada

Portrait of a Bull Wapiti
This fellow may not be that old: apparently Alberta’s elk mature quickly and three-year-old bulls can sport large racks.

 Male bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) walking on the highway beside Medicine Lake, Jasper AB Canada

Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis)
I am used to having to scour the mountain ridges to see these animals – never before have I met them on the road!

Portrait: The head and horn of a Male bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) in profile, Jasper AB Canada

Portrait: Male Bighorn
Unconcerned by our presence, the sheep walked straight past our car windows. Medicine Lake, Jasper.

Family group of bighorn sheep: females and babies, on a steep gravel slope, Medicine Lake, Jasper.

Bighorn Family
As we drove back along Medicine Lake in the late afternoon, a family group were scrambling along the slope.

A family of bighorn sheep jockeying for position at the tailpipe of a vehicle. Jasper AB Canada

Bighorn Sheep & Car
For some reason, the whole group decided to lick the backend of another car stopped on the road. Our vehicle was of no interest!

A Baby Bighorn Sheep walks across a roadway, Jasper AB Canada

Baby Bighorn Sheep
A little one gives up, and crosses back over the roadway.

A male photographer with a large lens shoots photos of a male elk, Jasper AB Canada

Encounter with a Bull
A photographer with a large lens shoots photos of a male elk.

Bull Elk against greenery, Jasper AB Canada

Bull Elk
The bull, weighing in at between 320 and 330 kg (710 to 730 lb), stares back.

Text: Keep smiling

Beautiful scenery, beautiful flora, beautiful animals…

It’s enough to make you sing!

Happy Travels,

Cold nights in Canada and icy blue winds
The man and the mountains are brothers again
Clear waters are laughing, they sing to the sky
The Rockies are living, they never will die

– John Denver, Rocky Mountain Suite

Pictures: 23-24June2013

Evening scene on U-Bein Bridge: a woman with a basket stands on the wooden bridge, silhouetted against a purple sky, Amarapura, Myanmar

Quiet Time on U-Bein Bridge, Amarapura, Myanmar
(For you purists out there, the purple cast is the result of a little artistic licence and Lightroom split-toning, rather than pure nature.)

Does originality matter any more?

That was the question posed today by a photographer who’s Facebook feed I look in on from time to time. He was lamenting the fact that a picture awarded a first place for “Sports Action” by World Press Photo was an image he considered unoriginal, by virtue of the fact that other photographers had previously taken similar pictures from similar points of view.

Personally, I think it depends, at least partially, on one’s purpose. An artist should aim to be original, so for photographic contests, one can rightfully expect that originality would be part of the criteria.

My work is not particularly original. Although I keep trying to ground my photographic technique and to stretch my artistic eye, I will never be a pace-setter.

Nor am I a trail-blazer. Most of the places I visit are also on other people’s itineraries; they have been seen and documented before. For example, the U-Bein Teak Bridge over Taungthaman Lake, south of Mandalay, has been photographed so often at sunset that it is one of Myanmar’s most iconic images.

That didn’t stop me from wanting to see it and photograph it myself.

View over the painted wooden boats on Taungthaman Lake to U Bein Bridge, Amarapura, Myanmar

Wooden Boats Waiting
The best way to photograph those iconic silhouettes is from a hired boat on Taungthaman Lake.

Standing boatman in a pith-hat and two men seated with large cameras, watching the foot-traffic on U Bein Bridge, Amarapura, Myanmar

Cameras Ready!
With Taungthaman Lake filling up with tourists and photographers, the likelihood of getting a shot like no other reduces considerably.

I visited the bridge on two successive evenings last September as part of a photographic tour facilitated by photographer Karl Grobl and guide Mr MM. And, my nine travel-companions and myself were not alone in carrying camera equipment. A truly original image might be hard to come by!

Sihouettes of burmese crossing U Bein Bridge, Amarapura, Myanmar, at twilight.

Fading Light
The 1.2km bridge, built from teak timbers recovered from the Amarapura palace when King Mindon relocated to Mandalay in 1852, is in daily use as means of crossing the big lake.

Young burmese woman in silhouette against evening light, U Bein Bridge, Amarapura, Myanmar

Heading Home

A child and two burmese monks at twilight, U Bein Bridge, Amarapura, Myanmar

Comings and Goings

Last light behind U Bein Bridge, a lone man walking, and the Spiral Temple, Amarapura, Myanmar

Last Light

Sihouette of a burmese man and stacked chairs; view over Taungthaman Lake and U Bein Bridge, Amarapura, Myanmar

Restaurant on the Shore
There are a number of places on the lake’s shore where you can watch the light fade over the famous bridge.

View of the teak bridge supports and the wooden planking, U Bein Bridge, Amarapura, Myanmar

Teak Posts
On my second visit, I opted to walk out over the lake.

Burmese monks and other locals on U Bein Bridge, Amarapura, Myanmar

Monks on the Bridge

Landscape: Quiet evening on Taungthaman Lake, Amarapura, Myanmar

Still Waters
Taungthaman Lake is quiet on the far side of the bridge.

Landscape: the white Spiral Buddhist Temple reflected in the quiet waters of Taungthaman Lake Amarapura, Myanmar

Spiral Temple
On the shore, a Buddhist temple is reflected in the waters of the lake.

Landscape: tourist boat on and fishermen in Taungthaman Lake, Amarapura, Myanmar

Taungthaman Lake
A tourist boat works its way past fishermen wading in the shallow waters.

Burmese Fisherman in a pith-hat up to his waist in water, carrying his thongs and his catch, under U Bein Bridge, Amarapura, Myanmar

Under the bridge, a fisherman prepares to come in for the day. At regular intervals, there are stairs up and down from the water.

Looking up at the U Bein Bridge, Amarapura, Myanmar

Life on the Bridge
I took a boat from the middle of the lake for the remains of the evening.

Two burmes Monks looking over the railing on U Bein Bridge, Amarapura, Myanmar

Monks on the Bridge

Silhouettes of two monks on U Bein Bridge, Amarapura, Myanmar

Monks on the Bridge
Like other tourists on the bridge, visiting monks take pictures of themselves.

Sunset silhouette of a crowd on U Bein Bridge, Amarapura, Myanmar

Sunset Silhouettes
As the sun goes down, the crowd on the bridge grows in number.

Silhouetted against a yellow sunset Couple on the Bridge U Bein Bridge, Amarapura, Myanmar

Young Couple

Burmese monks silhouetted against a deep blue sky, U Bein Bridge, Amarapura, Myanmar

The Blue Hour

Last Light U Bein Bridge, Amarapura, Myanmar

Last Light

Burmese man walking a bicycle, silhouetted against a sunset sky, U Bein Bridge, Amarapura, Myanmar

Back to Shore 

Text: Happy Rambling“Original” or not, the experience is as important to me as the outcome. I love the travel, and the chance to see places for myself, especially those iconic and oft-visited places that have been photographed many, many times before.

That is good enough for me.

Written: 11August2013

Photographs: 14-15September2012

  • Sally Bates - August 23, 2013 - 12:57 pm

    I absolutely your pictures Ursula.
    They are so professional and the title at the bottom of each photo has a nice touch.
    You obviously love what you do.
    No wonder you two travel so much.
    Thank you…ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - August 23, 2013 - 1:11 pm

      Thank YOU for joining me, Sally! You are welcome along any time. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • gabe - August 26, 2013 - 9:14 am

    Love the quality of the photos and the serenity depicted along the bridgeReplyCancel

Feathers and ribbons on a wire mesh fence, Wounded Knee, South Dakota, USA

Catching Dreams
Ribbons and feathers for loved ones wave on the wind on the graveyard fence, Wounded Knee, SD

We drove across North Dakota on our road trip this summer: about 350 miles – almost all of them dead straight – through black dirt and green hills, and under a dark, looming sky.

It made me think about our visit to neighbouring South Dakota last year.

Granted, the landscape further south was different: hotter, drier, with more buttes and badlands. But I felt the same sense of oppressive gloom. In North Dakota, it was the weather – and the glum resignation of the young staff at the Visitor Centre when we said we weren’t stopping, but were driving through. “Su-ure. Like most people,” she responded in her Scandinavian-derived sing-song, shrugging dolefully.

In South Dakota, it was the history.

My husband and I were driving east from Cody WY, headed for Kadoka SD, where we planned to stay two nights so we could visit the South Dakota Badlands. As we sailed across the night, we realised we were bypassing Mt Rushmore. So, we decided to back-track. We looked at the map, and, instead of following a straight trip back along the same Highway 90, we traced a route south and around, through the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and past historic Wounded Knee.

Landscape: cattle grazing on dry grasslands in front of mess, South Dakota, USA

Mesa on Highway 73 South
The land south of Kadoka is hot, dry and dramatic.

A fiels of sunflowers, South Dakota, USA

Sunflowers, wheat, and hay appear to be the only crops.

Male Lakota Indian road-worker in a florescent jacket with a stop sign, South Dakota, USA

Road works are everywhere, and Native Lakota from the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation are on the job.

White panel-siding building, Kadoka School Zone, South Dakota, USA

A Kadoka School
School’s out! The “Drug and Weapon Free Zone” sign shouldn’t really be necessary, should it?

Portrait: a Latoka woman with a stop sign, South Dakota, USA

A Lakota woman working the road crews smiles as she makes us wait –

Lanscape: A Pilot Car on a dirt road; a backhoe in the background, South Dakota, USA

Follow Me!
… and we are finally off, through the dust and heat –

Landscape: round bales of hay on a dry, ploughed field, South Dakota, USA

Golden Bales
– past ploughed fields and to the next road works.

Landscape: storage silos on the horizon, against a blue sky, South Dakota, USA

Storage Silos on the Horizon

Landscape: a rough, brush covered shelter, Wounde Knee, South Dakota, USA

Lakota Arts and Crafts, Wounded Knee
This inauspicious site is our first indication of what is supposed to be an official U.S. National Historic Landmark.

I guess every country and culture has moments that it is not proud of; Wounded Knee has seen two major cultural clashes, both of which arose out of stubbornness and resulted in loss of life.

The original battle, the Wounded Knee Massacre, took place on December 29, 1890. Causes are never simple, but the combination of: bison herds being hunted to near extinction; Sioux people being forced off their lands after dubious unfulfilled treaty agreements; the recent death of Sitting Bull, eight of his supporters and six policemen; a new Native American Ghost Dance religion that had believers thinking they were immune to bullets; over-zealous and heavy-handed Cavalry; and firearms discharged (accidentally and intentionally) at close range, resulted in a pursuit and massacre of up to 300 Lakota (mostly women and children) and the death of more than 25 soldiers, many by friendly fire.

Three days of blizzard followed, and the civilians hired to bury the dead Lakota found the bodies frozen. Even so, four infants were reportedly found alive. One of these was the child who came to be called Zintkala Nuni, or Lost Bird. She was handed around for some time before being adopted by Gen. Leonard Colby, whose suffragist wife, Clara Bewick Colby, was left to raise her – especially after he abandoned Clara for Zintkala’s nursemaid/governess and failed to provide adequate support for either dependent.

Lost Bird endured a short and difficult life, accepted by neither culture, and suffering from prejudice, poverty, abuse and violence before ultimately succumbing to influenza and dying on Valentine’s Day at age twenty-nine. In 1991, her body was moved from her pauper’s grave in California to the sad little graveyard at Wounded Knee. One of the young men I spoke with was an infant at the time, but his eyes grew wistful as he remembered his grandfather presiding over the ritual ceremonies conducted on that day.

Headstones in dry grass, Wounded Knee

Graveyard, Wounded Knee

Headstone for Lost Bird, Wounded Knee

Final Resting Place
Zintkala Nuni (Little Lost Bird) is finally home at Wounded Knee.

Small feather on a wire mesh fence, Wounded Knee, SD USA

Feathers on the Fence
Catching dreams and memories for loved ones…

The second Wounded Knee Incident was in 1973, when the town was occupied by members of the Oglala Civil Rights Organization (OSCRO) and the American Indian Movement (AIM) and became the rallying point for an often violent protest against the corruption of a local tribal president, and the failure of the US government to fulfill treaty promises.

A round building, painted brown and green, Lakota Center, Wounded Knee, SD USA

Lakota Center, Wounded Knee
In a round building in the middle of nowhere…

Portrait: A male Lakota (sioux nation), Wounde Knee, SD USA

Manning the Centre
… a Lakota man tried to explain the history of the centre and of his people.

The whole atmosphere was ineffably sad. Both the place and the people seemed wounded – with the scarring improperly healed. The young men I spoke to talked about the conflict of cultures and the lack of opportunities. One worked as an itinerant farm hand – when there was work to be had. He used to have six cows himself, but sold them during hard times. He told us how, the other morning, half asleep, he found a neighbouring (white) rancher’s cows on his doorstep. “For a moment, I thought I’d got lucky,” he mused dreamily. Then he woke up with a deep sigh.

It is hard to know how to respond to that kind of hopelessness.

Feeling deeply affected, we continued west and stopped at the small city of Hot Springs for lunch.

There, we learned about a whole different historical epoch. As it turns out, Hot Springs is home to a karst sinkhole formed approximately 26,000 years ago. During the last ice age, mammoths and other animals were attracted to the warm spring waters and the vegetation growing around the pond. Once in the steeply-sided pond, the animals could not escape, dying of starvation, exhaustion, or drowning.

The covered-over sink hole was discovered in 1974 when the owner of the property found what turned out to be mammoth bones on his land. The property was sold back to a trust, and The Mammoth Site was born. A climate-controlled building was constructed over what is now a working paleontological dig and a fascinating view into the plants and animals of the Pleistocene era. So far, the fossil evidence of 58 columbian mammoths and 3 woolly mammoths (all male; mostly young) have been found, along with remains of plants, giant short-faced bear, camel, llama, prairie dog, wolf, fish, and numerous invertebrates.

Young American man with short blond hair and glasses, with a microphone, The Mammoth Site, SD USA

Our “interpreter” was informative and amusing, as he walked us through the history of the centre and the geology of the site.

A young woman works at a small section of a fossil excavation, The Mammoth Site, SD USA

Painstaking Work
Uncovering the fossils takes patience and time – students at all levels and visiting professionals take turns working the dig.

A view of a dig with mammoth tusks and bones, with an elevated walkway behind them, The Mammoth SIte SD USA

The elevated walkway allows visitors a good view of the site and the work going on, but still keeps them out of the way.

It was a fascinating visit, and elevated our mood somewhat after the morning’s experience. Checking the maps again and realising we could drive through Wind Cave National Park and Custer State Park to get to Mt Rushmore, cheered us up further.

Large male American Bison, Wind Cave National Park, SD USA

A Big Male
After their near extinction in the late 1800s, bison were saved by the American Bison Society and reintroduced to the park in 1913-1914.

Small herd of American Bison, Wind Cave National Park, SD USA

Bison Herd
Bison numbers have grown; too late, of course, for the Lakota and other Sioux tribes.

Mother and fawn White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus), Wind Cave National Park, SD USA

White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus)
A mother deer with her young fawn, watches the road skittishly.

Baby burro on a roadway, Custer State Park, SD USA

Baby Burro
The now-wild burros of Custer State Park beg for food from drivers.

A Pair of Pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) in grasslands, Custer State Park, SD USA.

A Pair of Pronghorn
Pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) are now quite numerous in western states.

View through one of the tunnels on the Iron Mountain Road to the faces on Mt Rushmore, Custer State Park, SD USA

The Iron Mountain Road
This feat of engineering winds through the Black Hills and passes through three tunnels that frame a very faint Mount Rushmore in the distance.

View over pine and spruce forests, Custer State Park

Over the Woods
Pine and spruce forests, Custer State Park

View through a tunnel on the Iron Mountain Road to Mt Rushmore, SD USA

Tunnel Vision
Mount Rushmore in the distance.

View of the faces on Mt Rushmore at twilight.

Mt Rushmore

By the time we reached Mt Rushmore, the shadows had grown long, and I’d lost enthusiasm for visiting oversized carvings of powerful white men, etched into a mountain with little regard for the original residents of the Black Hills below. According to “Honor the Treaties”, a short film I came across recently, 90% of Lakota today live below the US poverty line the life expectancy of males is only 47.

Afternoon Light over the Dakota Grasslands, Highway 90, SD USA

Afternoon Light over the Dakota Grasslands 

View: Sunset over the Black Hills of South Dakota, USA

Sunset over the Black Hills

To the Future (text)Sobering thought – after a long day’s drive through the sacred hills.

Lets hope they can do better in the future.

Photos: 17August2012

  • Gabe - August 16, 2013 - 5:40 am

    A day of widely ranging emotions, with stark beautyReplyCancel

  • dietmut - August 18, 2013 - 3:33 pm

    very interesting report Ursula. Greetings, DietmutReplyCancel

  • Katy - July 9, 2014 - 1:05 pm

    My mother taught weaving on the Pine Ridge reservation during the ’70s. She was arrested and thrown in jail while trying to leave the reservation after the news reported the stand off was over. Crazy sad history there. Another terrible epoch in American history was the 1864 Sand Creek Massacre in Eastern Colorado, where one of my ancestors was involved in the killing of many Cheyenne women and children.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - July 10, 2014 - 1:16 am

      Your mother was clearly an amazing woman in her day, Katy! I guess that is where you get your grit. 😀
      The whole “clash of cultures/beliefs” thing is ineffably sad, isn’t it? And, we as a people don’t seem to be getting any more tolerant of difference.ReplyCancel

Four novice burmese monks on the lower terraces of Hsinbyume Pagoda, Mingun, Myanmar

Hsinbyume Pagoda
Seven concentric terraces, representing the seven mountain ranges going up to the mythological Mount Meru, form the base of Hsinbyume Pagoda, Mingun.

There are ups and downs when traveling with a photo group.

One of the most important advantages is time: a group of people aiming to make pictures will often stay in one place long enough to experiment with light and angles and to focus on details, long enough to make the average non-photographer fidget with boredom and restlessness.

Being with a group of photo enthusiasts means that you have access to lots of advice and input. On the flip side, it can also mean being overwhelmed by other people’s styles and and ideas, and having difficulty holding on to your own.

It means being put in the right place a the right time. It also means competing for space and having to work around others – and taking lots of dud pictures that include other people’s lenses, feet, heads, flashes, and other body- and camera-bits.

Sometimes, like at Hsinbyume Pagoda in Myanmar last September, with photographer Karl Grobl and guide Mr MM, it means having “models” organised. This is always a lot of fun, and is much easier than negotiating permission with subjects yourself. However, it also means waiting your turn while subjects wilt in the heat, losing the moment, or having the eyes of your subject drawn away by someone else, just as you are about to take the picture you have been warming them up to.

But, it provides a welcome opportunity for photographic exercise. For me, Hsinbyume Pagoda was a challenge in lighting: dark skinned novices in dark robes contrasting severely with a white pagoda against a whiter-than-white sky; dark skinned novices in dark robes disappearing in the dimness of the pagoda’s interiors.

It also gave me a chance to make the kind of “orchestrated” photos that I don’t normally take.

Four young burmese novice monks arrange themselves on the terraces of Hsinbyume Pagoda, Mingun, Myanmar.

Novices on the Waves
Four young novices arrange themselves on the terraces at the base of Hsinbyume Pagoda.

Four young novice monks on the white terraces of Hsinbyume Pagoda, Mingun, Myanmar.

The young novices wait for everyone to take their pictures.

A Little Burmese Novice tidies his robes, Hsinbyume Pagoda, Mingun, Myanmar.

Little Novice
Against the white waves of the pagoda, glaring in the heat, a young novice tidies his robes.

Little burmese Novice standing on the lower terraces of Hsinbyume Pagoda, Mingun, Myanmar.

Little Novice

Young burmese Novice running across the waves of the lower terraces of Hsinbyume Pagoda, Mingun, Myanmar

Don’t tell the Abbot!

Young burmese novice running across the waves of the lower terraces, Hsinbyume Pagoda, Mingun, Myanmar.

Novice on the Run
Our novices engage in some rather un-monkly behaviour for our benefit.

Young burmese novice, robes flying, running on the terraces of Hsinbyume Pagoda, Mingun, Myanmar

Novice on the Waves

Young burmese novice jumping across the waves of the the lower terrace, Hsinbyume Pagoda, Mingun, Myanmar

Novice in Flight

Barefoot tourists climbing the stairs to Hsinbyume Pagoda. Mingun, Myanmar

The whole group climbs the stairs up to the pagoda…

Novice burmese monk with an umbrella, outside Hsinbyume Pagoda, Mingun, Myanmar.

… to take pictures of a young novice on the path outside it.

Portrait: young burmese novice with an umbrella posed outside Hsinbyume Pagoda, Mingun, Myanmar

In the Heat of the Day

Portrait of a young burmese novice against a metal lattice doorway, Hsinbyume Pagoda, Mingun, Myanmar

Novice in a Doorway
Inside the pagoda, it is dark and textured –

Portrait: young burmese novice against a textured metal lattice, Hsinbyume Pagoda, Mingun, Myanmar.

Novice in a Doorway
– making a foil for the young novices.

Portrait of a smiling burmese novice with an umbrella, Hsinbyume Pagoda, Mingun, Myanmar

Novice on a Walkway
Outside, on the walkway, the heat continues to radiate in all directions.

A burmese couple kneeling in prayer at an alter, Hsinbyume Pagoda, Mingun, Myanmar.

Meanwhile, inside, a couple say their prayers…

Looking along an upper terrace at Hsinbyume Pagoda, Mingun, Myanmar; rough grass and rubbish.

… and the grass grows wild and rubbish collects on the terraces.

View down to the exit of Hsinbyume Pagoda, Mingun, Myanmar.

Soon it is time to descend the stairs, pass the money collection bins, and exit the pagoda ~ and to reenter the “every day” world… where more “natural” photos await.

Certainly, there are pros and cons of traveling with a photo group.

Text: Keep smilingBut I love that it gets me to places I might not otherwise go, and stretches me to make pictures I might not otherwise attempt.

And, ultimately, it means coming home with so many pictures it is hard to know where to start!

‘Till next week…

Pictures: 15September2012

  • Anna :o] - August 8, 2013 - 5:46 pm

    Orchestrated your photos – but nevertheless wonderful!
    Anna :o]ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - August 8, 2013 - 9:30 pm

      Thanks, Anna :o]! Lovely to have your company. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Dietmut - August 18, 2013 - 3:36 pm

    I love this series. Beautiful captures. Greetings and nice week DietmutReplyCancel

    • Ursula - August 20, 2013 - 8:37 pm

      Thanks, Dietmut. The novices were fun!ReplyCancel

  • Claudio Collina - February 8, 2016 - 11:59 am

    Hi Ursula,
    i’m Claudio from Italy,
    could i use your stunning Little Novice photo in a catalogue, for a new organic, biological and ethically produced cosmetic skincare? Let me know if it’s possible.
    Thank you in advance for your disposability and compliments for your works.ReplyCancel

    • Ursula - February 9, 2016 - 2:49 am

      Thanks, Claudio! I have emailed you. 😀ReplyCancel