West face of the High Cross of the Scriptures and the Cathedral at Clonmacnoise, Co. Offaly

Clonmacnoise Cathedral
A replica of the West High Cross, the ‘Cross of the Scriptures’, depicting scenes from the crucifixion of Jesus, sits in front of the ruins of the cathedral, originally built in 909 AD.

Religion and religious faith are the heart of Ireland.

So, it seems fitting that one of the most fascinating religious/historical sites sits at the heart of the country – almost dead centre – where the traditional east-west land route crossed the River Shannon. It is also apposite that this site, dating back to the earliest days of Christianity, is still used as a place of worship today.

Cluain Mhic Nois (“Meadow of the sons of Nos”) or Clonmacnoise was founded by Saint Ciarán of Clonmacnoise (sometimes known as Ciarán the Younger, CeranKieran or Queran), one of the Twelve Apostles of Ireland, as a monastery around 543-548. The actual dates vary with the source, but what is constant in the telling, is that Ciarán, who was in his early thirties, died of plague very shortly thereafter.

The monastery, however, lived on. Oenna, one of the men Ciarán converted at the first church he built at Inis Aingin, became Abbot after Ciarán’s death. Under the protection of the powerful provincial kings of Meath or Connacht (at different times), Clonmacnoise became one of the most important religious and educational centres in Ireland, attracting scholars from all over Europe until the 12th century.

Like other centres, Clonmacnoise was regularly attacked and plundered by invaders, including the Vikings and Anglo-Normans. From the 13th century it fell into decline before being destroyed in 1552 by the English. Fortunately, it was designated a national monument in 1877 and is now looked after by Ireland’s Office of Public Works (OPW).

A view of ruined temples and standing high crosses between trees, Clonmacnoise, Ireland

Crosses and Ruins
A view of ruined temples and standing high crosses greets us before we reach the car park.

The Pilgrim: a sculpture by Jackie McKenna, Clonmacnoise, Ireland

The Pilgrim
“Aedh, son of the chief of Oriel, died on pilgrimage. 606 A.D. ~ Jackie McKenna, Sculpt.”

Diorama of Early Irish Life, Visitor

Diorama of Early Life
Entry to the extensive ruins of Clonmacnoise is through the Visitor’s Centre, which houses audiovisual presentations explaining the flora, fauna, and landscape of the region, and depicting the early history of the site.

Top portion of The Cross of the Scriptures in the Visitor

The Cross of the Scriptures
The Visitor’s Centre also protects three of the High Crosses found at Clonmacnoise. The Western Cross, also called The Cross of the Scriptures, is probably the best preserved of Ireland’s high crosses. Dating to the early 9th century, the 4 metre (13 foot) sandstone cross was carved in high relief with scenes from the life of Christ.

Close up of Celtic Knots carved on an Irish High Cross, Clonmacnoise.

Celtic Knots
The High Crosses were intricately patterned with scenes or more abstract patterns of knots and spirals.

An old bible and bronze challis on an Altar Table, Clonmacnoise Visitor

Altar Table ~ Visitor’s Centre

View entering the Clonmacnoise grounds, Co Offaly, Ireland

Clonmacnoise Grounds
Much of the early monastic village was built in wood and no longer exists, but the extensive stone ruins include a cathedral, a castle, a round tower, and numerous churches (called temples).

Celtic crosses against a bright Sky, Clonmacnoise, Ireland

Crosses against the Sky
Crosses, both replicas and originals, dot the grounds.

The South Cross (replica) in front to Temples Hurpan and Dowling, Clonmacnoise, Ireland

The South Cross
A replica of The South Cross (the original is in the Visitor’s Centre) in its original position, in front of Temples Hurpan and Dowling.

Yellow Lichen on a Celtic cross, Clonmacnoise, Ireland.

Celtic Lichen
It is and atmospheric and mystical place.

Looking through the Windows of Temple Dowling to the cross in Temple Hurpan.

Walls and Windows
Looking through the thick walls of Temple Dowling (10th century) to the cross in the adjoining Temple Hurpan (17th century).

Celtic cross inside  Temple Hurpan, Clonmacnoise, Ireland

“For John Claffey”
This cross is relatively new: John Claffey died in 1921; his wife in 1915. Temple Hurpan serves as a burial place for select members of the local parish.

Inside Temple Melaghlin, Clonmacnoise, Ireland

Temple Melaghlin (c.1200)
It is said that at least seven Melaghlin Kings are buried under this temple, which is, therefore, known as the King’s Church.

Holy Communion in the open air oratory by the River Shannon, Clonmacnoise, Ireland.

Holy Communion by the River Shannon
Clonmacnoise is a living site: normal services are held regularly. In addition, there are two special ‘days of devotion’, both of which attract pilgrims from near and far.

The arched doorway and crumbling ruins of Temple Ciarán, Clonmacnoise, Ireland

Temple Ciarán
The sloping arched doorway at the front provides access to the tiny (4 x 3 metres) temple.

Side view of the ruins of Temple Ciarán, Clonmacnoise, Ireland

Temple Ciarán
Known as an Irish Tomb Chapel, this early masonry church (10th century) was believed to be the resting place of Saint Ciarán.

Composite : Arched doorway and arched window, Clonmacnoise Cathedral, Ireland

Clonmacnoise Cathedral
Originally built in 909 AD, the cathedral has been added to over the years. The entry door, called the Whispering Arch, is where the monks took confessions.

Frieze of the Saints Dominic, Patrick and Francis over the Clonmacnoise  Cathedral door, Ireland

Saints Dominic, Patrick and Francis
Sculptures of Saints Dominic, Patrick and Francis were added above the north door of the Clonmacnoise Cathedral in the 1450s.

View Inside Clonmacnoise Cathedral, Ireland

Inside Clonmacnoise Cathedral

The East Face of the replica Cross of the Scriptures depicts the scene of the Last Judgement.

Cross of the Scriptures (replica)
The East Face of the cross depicts the scene of the Last Judgement.

Motor boat on the River Shannon

River Shannon
Many visitors to the site come in by boat.

The ruins of Clonmacnoise Castle on a green hill, Co Offaly, Ireland

Clonmacnoise Castle
Our last stop in the area is at the abstract pile of brickwork that is the ruins of Clonmacnoise Castle, built in 1214.

text: slainte - good health

While researching the background to the buildings in the Clonmacnoise monastic community, I came across posts from a number of people who had visited it more than once, and from many who had deep, mystical attachments to the site. 

I can certainly understand that. It truly is an enchanting and fascinating place – well worth exploring.


Pictures: 04July2012

  • Gabe Gajdatsy - January 23, 2014 - 9:14 pm

    It is a very calming site & not commercializedReplyCancel

  • Rodolfo Lopez - February 23, 2015 - 8:52 pm

    En este momento estoy editando el video de mi visita en setiembre/2013,reviviendo la emoción que me produjo el lugar y aprendiendo el sentido de muchas cosas en estas paginas

    Google Translation:
    Right now I ‘m editing the video of my visit in September / 2013 , reliving the excitement that gave me the place and learn the meaning of many things in these pagesReplyCancel

    • Ursula - February 23, 2015 - 9:03 pm

      Hi Rodolfo,
      It’s a fascinating place, isn’t it? Good luck with your video!ReplyCancel

  • […] was how we decided to include the wild Connemara region of West Galway and the ancient monastery Clonmacnoise – both “Highly Recommended” – in our travel plans. It was while trying to […]ReplyCancel

  • […] the day in question, we had spent the morning at the ruins of a centuries-old monastery (Clonmacnoise) and a lived-in castle (Birr Castle), and we were looking for the home of the world-famous Irish […]ReplyCancel

  • Tracey coughlan - January 11, 2017 - 7:31 pm

    Why is the great Coughlans never mentioned. The cathedral is all Coughlans graves. People who have visit clonmacnoice would have notice its actually called Coughlans templeReplyCancel

    • Ursula - January 12, 2017 - 12:02 am

      Hi Tracey,
      So it is your ancestors buried there? What a fascinating heritage! It is a wonderful place.
      Cheers! UReplyCancel

British Columbia provincial crest on the prow of a ferry.

Splendor Sine Occasu
“The Sun Never Sets…” or “Brilliance without Setting”
The shield of the province of British Columbia is proudly displayed on the prow of the government-owned ferries.

If you grew up in one of the many protectorates or dominions of the British Commonwealth, and are as old as I am, you will remember a world map in the classroom, covered in pink.

British Columbia, on the west coast of Canada, was the last bit of pink on the left – before the map ended and the lowering sun ran into the international dateline. Those maps harked back to the days in which the sun never set on the British Empire.

Of course, that ship has long since sailed; the sun did set. But, some of the ideals and symbols endure. I found it interesting to look up the elements of the British Columbia shield, which is proudly displayed on the prow of all the provincial ferries. Little changed from the original version drawn in the 1890s, the design reflects the sentiments of the day: the Queen’s royal crest above a shield incorporating an antique crown and the Union Jack above a sun, lowering itself into the the waves of the Pacific Ocean. The “supporters” are the wapiti (elk) of Vancouver Island in the west, and the bighorn sheep of the mountains in the east.

Sun, water and wildlife – and a tip of the hat to the British royalty; the shield sums it up, really. Of course, the old regime pretty much ignored the rich cultural and artistic practices of the local First Nations people. While that acknowledgement is still missing from the crest and shield, symbols originating out of Indigenous traditions can be seen everywhere else.

There is no better place to be than the west coast of British Columbia – the heart of the Pacific North West, especially in good weather. I’d return to the area even if I didn’t have family to visit on both sides of the Strait of Georgia.

If you want to drive, the BC Ferries are the vital links in the road system that get you from inlet to island to peninsula and back – through a landscape of trees and mountains and waterways where no bridges reach.

The Queen of Capilano, a car ferry, Horseshoe Bay, BC.

The Queen of Capilano
We watch one of the smaller BC ferries come into dock at Horseshoe Bay, thirty minutes north of Vancouver. Most of the ferries are “queens”, and most have indigenous tribal names. Capilano was a Squamish chief, after whom many local places were named.

Looking back over the green waters and blue skies at Horseshoe Bay Ferry Terminal, BC Canada

Leaving Horseshoe Bay
Ferry travel is very civilised (if rather expensive!): after paying, you can park your car in the queue and wander over to the local shops or restaurants to pass the time before being called back to your vehicle.

Expanse of quiet Howe Sound water with a ferry wake, mountains in the background, BC Canada

In our Wake
The waters of Howe Sound are protected and scenic…

View from the Langdale Ferry of treed island housing, Bowen Island, BC Canada

Howe Sound Islands
… as we wend our way past the islands of Bowen and Keats to the south of us, and Gambier to the north.

Persephone, a steel logging tug, against an overcast sky, Gibsons BC

The next day, in the small coastal community of Gibsons, we lunched at Molly’s Reach and had a look at Persephone, the steel logging tug that featured in The Beachcombers, Canada’s longest-running English-language drama. In production from 1972 to 1990, the show put the local area on the map. My mother was an extra in two of the 387 episodes, and my children later watched syndicated episodes in Australia, half a world away.

Wooden "Welcome to Sechelt" sign against trees and highway, BC Canada

Welcome to Sechelt
The lower Sunshine Coast community of Sechelt, the “land between two waters”, just 25 minutes further up the road, is still home to the Sháshíshálh Indian Band, as well as newer arrivals – mostly retirees from nearby Vancouver. It also boasts atmospheric rocky beaches and lush green parks.

Afternoon sun flares, as the Earls Cove ferry unloads, BC Canada

Sunbeams ~ Earls Cove
Another day, and another short stretch of drive up the lower Sunshine Coast Highway, through tall douglas firs and quaint coastal housing. After a quick hike to marvel at the “strong waters” of Skookumchuk Narrows, we sit in the afternoon sun, waiting for our next ferry to unload.

Looking over the back gate of a small car ferry leaving Earls Cove, BC, in the afternoon sun.

Leaving Earls Cove
On this leg of the journey, we take a small ferry the 18 km across Jervis Inlet from Earls Cove to Saltery Bay. (I like the hand print that is visible on the window I’m shooting through; someone has been climbing!)

The radar on a BC ferry; three flags (Canada, BC and BC Ferry) against a blue sky.

Flying the Flags
Three flags flying at the top of our ferry: the Canadian, the Provincial, and the BC Ferries.

Silhouette of an elderly couple on a metal bench on the back deck of a  BC ferry, Jarvis Inlet.

Watching Water
It is a pleasant – if cool – afternoon on the waters …

Jervis Inlet Waters from the Earls Cove ferry.

Jervis Inlet Waters
… and the view is always changing.

Coming into Saltery Bay from the ferry. BC Canada

Saltery Bay
After an hour on the boat, we dock at Saltery Bay, disembark, and drive the 30km up the Sunshine Highway to Powell River

Red and orange sunset through trees and laundry, Powell River, BC

Powell River Sunset
… where we are treated to a magnificent sunset after a delicious dinner.

Brass bell on the Queen of Burnaby BC ferry, against a pale sky.

Queen of Burnaby Bell
Early the next morning, we were on another ferry –

A bundle of heavy ropes on the deck of a BC ferry.

Ropes ~ Ship-Shape
– this time for an hour and twenty minutes across the Strait of Georgia (the Salish Sea) –

Rusty anchor chains on the deck of a BC ferry.

Rusty Chains
– between Powell River on the northern Sunshine Coast and Comox on Vancouver Island.

Close-up: Yellow Cedar needles.

Yellow Cedar
Back on land on Vancouver Island, we detoured forty-five minutes north …

Old Wood Working machinery outside the Museum at Campbell River, BC Canada

Wood Working
… to visit the Museum at Campbell River and learn something about the old timber industry.

First Nation carved and painted Red Snapper wall art, Museum at Campbell River, BC

Red Snapper
The museum has an excellent First Nations exhibit, but you can’t take photos inside. I had to content myself with pictures of the artwork in the gift shop.

Salmonberries Rubus spectabilis with flowers and green fruit, BC Canada

Blackberries (Rubus fruiticosus)
It is the end of July, and the blackberries are still forming. I thought these were salmonberries – the correction is thanks to a sharp-eyed reader. 😀

Driftwood logs on a rocky beach, Campbell River, BC, Canada.

Old logs wash up on the beaches.

Chainsaw carving of a mythical monster, Campbell River, BC

Transformations on the Shore
A little further down the road, the results of the annual “Transformations on the Shore” chainsaw carving competition are still on display.

Pacific Northwest First Nations Sun on wood, Campbell River foreshore, BC

Many of the carvings incorporate traditional Pacific Northwest First Nations designs;

Large Pacific Northwest Eagle against a pine tree, Campbell River, BC

…   new renditions of age-old themes.

SignOffAlthough we have travelled around the southern portions of the Sechelt Peninsula and Vancouver Island before, this was the first time we’ve been able to drive the northern parts of the circuit.

I look forward to the day when we have the time to explore it more fully.

Until then, Happy Travels!

Pictures: 27-30July2012

With her shoes in her hands, a young burmese woman walks through a Burmese Buddhist temple with a large bunch of weeping goldsmith flowers, Mandalay.

Flowers for Offerings
With her shoes in her hand, a woman walks through a Burmese Buddhist temple with a large bunch of weeping goldsmith flowers (padeign gno in Burmese) as offerings. Visits to local temples are a part of every-day life in Myanmar.

Religion has been at the centre of countless world conflicts since time immemorial – as I was reminded by an article about religion and politics posted on Facebook this morning. Religion is also integrally entwined with the role politics plays in managing societal organisation and ensuring civil order: in many parts of the world, religion shapes every aspect of people’s daily lives, instructs them on how to behave, and provids a purpose and a focus for their artistic expression.

Nowhere is this more true than in Myanmar.

The trappings of religious practice are in evidence everywhere in the public and private spaces throughout this predominantly Buddhist country. Even when you are not visiting one of the many beautifully built, lavishly decorated, and lovingly maintained temples (e.g. Shwedagon, Yangon; Kyakhatwine, Bago; Shwemawday Paya and Shwethalaung Buddha, Bago; Shwe Yan Pyay Monastery, Naung Shae; Three Temples, Mandalay; Saiging HillsMahamuni Temple and Soon U Ponya Shin Pagoda; or Hsinbyume Pagoda, Mingun), you will notice Buddhist iconography and religious items all around.

A short walk through the streets of Mandalay illustrate the religious richness of Burmese traditions.

I had some time to spare before my group was expected to meet for a visit to the marble-carving street – ten photo-enthusiasts under the leadership of photographer Karl Grobl and Burmese guide Mr MM – so I took myself for a wander through an ordinary Mandalay neighbourhood, where, unsurprisingly, I found a temple.

Street Market with monks

Markets at the Temple
Any time you are anywhere near a temple, you will find monks’ robes, candles, offerings and all manner of religious supplies for sale.

Portrait: Two Burmese Buddhist nuns, Mandalay

The Nuns
A pair of Buddhist nuns takes care of one of the market stalls.

Cool brick space inside a Mandalay temple with arched doorways.

Temple Walls
It’s only an ordinary temple…

Burmese buddhist Monk Walking  barefoot across a temple compound, Mandalay.

Walking Monk
… but it is still a great place to people-watch.

Barefoot Burmese woman in a temple courtyard with a bunch of weeping goldsmith flowers, Mandalay.

Walking Woman
The wet grounds make for nice reflections.

Wilting and yellowing lilies in a Burmese temple, Mandalay

Fading Flowers
Offerings include fresh flowers…

Paper flowers made from Burmese kyat., Mandalay

Money Flowers
… and paper flowers made from Burmese kyat.

Portrait: young Burmese woman preparing betel for chewing, Mandalay

Preparing Chew
Back outside the temple, a young woman prepares leaves for betel chewing…

Two young burmese women seated on the ground sorting through a huge mound of garlic, Mandalay.

Sorting Garlic
… while two other women toss garlic to clean it.

Marble seated Buddha, painted, in an empty lot, Mandalay

Marble Buddha
A faded painted Buddha in an empty lot signals that we have reached the marble-carving street.

Three burmese people sanding and polishing a large marble buddha, Mandalay.

Perfecting Buddha
Creating the large marble buddhas that are seen everywhere in Myanmar is labour-intensive.

Environmental Portrait: burmese man at a marble factory, Mandalay.

But, in spite of the searing heat…

Portrait: Burmese woman in a woven hat, Mandalay.

… workers will pause for a cheerful smile.

Burmese Hands at Work rubbing a delicately carved marble buddha, Mandalay.

Hands at Work
Every section of carving is painstakingly polished and scrubbed…

Head-shot of a painted white marble Burmese Buddha, Mandalay

Burmese Buddha
… and the finished products are stunning; …

Heads of three shiny new Burmese marble Buddhas, Mandalay

Burmese Buddhas
… beautiful …

Brand new seated marble buddhas, Mandalay

Burmese Buddhas
… and all subtly different.

A burmese man with a hand-Sander, polishing a large marble buddha.

No face masks, no gloves, no protective eye-wear;

A burmese man with a hand-Sander, polishing a large marble buddha.

workers have to concentrate carefully …

burmese man with a hand-sander,  sanding a large marble elephant, Mandaly.

… and the heat and dust must take a toll on their health.

Small green marble Buddhas and black prayer beads for Sale, Mandalay

Buddhas for Sale
As well as the large white buddhas, smaller figurines and prayer beads are for sale.

Three burmese men crating a large marble buddha, Mandalay

Crating Buddhas
Amid the heat and dust, buddhas are readied for transport.

Five burmese women on wooden scaffolding wash a large seated buddha, Mandalay.

Towards the end of the road, women on scaffolding wash a large buddha…

Three burmese women polishing a large marble buddha, Mandalay

… while another group polishes one.

Text: Metta - wishing you loving kindness.Buddhas everywhere.

And everywhere, Burmese people celebrating their religion – by making offerings and by making art.

Rather nice, really.


Pictures: 17September2012

Sunburst through broken tree stumps. Charlotte

The Last Sun of 2013
Late afternoon at Charlotte’s Pass, in Australia’s Snowy Mountains (31 December 2013).

2013 was a big year in our house – with excitement and challenges; travel and change – but it ended much as it began for my husband and myself: with time out in the Snowy Mountains of Australia, communing with nature.

As visitors to this PhotoBlog know, this is something of a habit for me. I always book some quiet time into the schedule between Christmas and the early New Year; time to look back at jobs completed and things achieved, and to look forward to new goals and unfinished business.

When it is practical, I spend this time in Jindabyne and Kosciuszko National Park (e.g., Snowy Mountain High). We do make it into the mountains at other times of the year, whether it be just to walk or to enjoy the annual Thredbo Blues or Jazz Festivals, but December-January we make a point of visiting. The alpine flowers are out and the weather is beautiful; just the right environment to recharge ones batteries after a hectic year.

So, please join me for some quiet moments in the mountains.

Red berries on an evergreen bush, Bullocks Track, Kosciuszko National Park AU

Summer Berries
Bullocks Track (18 January 2013).

Kosciuszko Express Chair Riding up to the top of a misty Mt Crackenback (19 January 2013).

Kosciuszko Express Chair
Riding up to the top of a misty Mt Crackenback (19 January 2013).

Looking over the granite outcrops of  Mt Crackenback down towards Thredbo Village

Mt Crackenback
Looking over the granite outcrops back down towards Thredbo Village (19 January 2013).

People on a metal walkway above the treelike: Kosciuszko Lookout Trail, NSW AU

Kosciuszko Lookout Trail
Walking through the rocks and heath above the treeline towards Mt Kosciuszko, which is still hidden over the hill (19 January 2013).

Fading and dying Silver Snow Daisies, Kosciuszko National Park, AU

Silver Snow Daisies (Celmisia asteliifolia)
The season peaked early, and by mid January the snow daisies were already past their prime (19 January 2013).

Strings of Bark on a eucalyptus tree, Waterfall Track

Textured Bark
Eucalyptus forests are full of textures and colours: Waterfall Track (20 January 2013).

Large tree stump among greases, Waterfall Track, Kosciuszko NP

Stump of a Veteran
Waterfall Track (20 January 2013).

Dandelion head in seed.

Make a wish! (19 January 2013)

Yellow heads of Alpine Podolepsis flowers.

Alpine Podolepsis (Podolepsis Robusta)
At first glance, these can be mistaken for dandelions…

A cluster of Podolepsis Robusta - Alpine Podolepsis (Mountain Lettuce)

Alpine Podolepsis
… but a look at the leaves reveals why they are called “Mountain Lettuce”.

a person walking through a flat section of Waterfall Track, Kosciuszko NP

Waterfall Track
Just under 6km, this is a delightful walk through the lower eucalyptus forest.

Orange Everlasting Bracteantha Subundulata Rainbow Lake Walk, Kosciuszko NP

Orange Everlasting (Bracteantha Subundulata)
After the silver snow daisies, the everlastings are my favourites: Rainbow Lake Walk (22 January 2013).

Mass of Yellow Floating Hearts on their green lily-leaves, Rainbow Lake, Kosciuszko NP

Yellow Floating Heart (Nymphoides pelota)
Non-natives, the fringed lilies are none-the-less a delightful addition to Rainbow Lake.

Delicate purple Gunn

Gunn’s Willow-herb (Epilobium Gunnianum)
The delicate Gunn’s Willow-herb is easy to miss in the tall snow grass.

Native Bluebell (Walhenbergia), Kosciuszko NP

Native Bluebell (Walhenbergia)
There are at least three kinds of native bluebells in the park; I can never remember which one is which.

View over Rainbow Lake, Kosciuszko NP

Rainbow Lake
It is a short walk (3km round-trip) through snowgrass and snow gums to Rainbow Lake – originally a dam to supply water to nearby Hotel Kosciusko, which burnt down in 1951.

Close-up of a delicate blue- green Lichen on a eucalyptus.

More eucalyptus colours and textures (22 January 2013).

The delicate white blossoms of the Eucalyptus Pauciflora - Snow Gum.

Snow Gum (Eucalyptus Pauciflora) Blossoms
The blossoms of the snow gum are surprisingly delicate, considering the rugged conditions they live under (31 December 2013).

View over The Main Range from the Snow Gums Boardwalk, Kosciuszko NP

The Main Range
One of the first things we do on every visit to the High Country is walk up the short Snow Gums Boardwalk to have a look over the Main Range. There is very little snow remaining at the moment (31 December 2013).

Tall  Rice Flower against a granite rock, Kosciuszko NP

Tall Rice Flower (Pimelea Ligustrina)
There are delicate colours in every crevice..

Close-up: bunch of Tall  Rice Flower (Pimelea Ligustrina) blossoms.

Tall Rice Flower (Pimelea Ligustrina)
… and delicate flowers on every plant.

Delicate white and purple flowers on an Alpine Mint-Bush, Kosciuszko NP.

Alpine Mint-Bush (Prostanthera Cuneata)
The beautiful-smelling Mountain Mint tells me I have arrived (31 December 2013).

Text: Happy New YearI hope you have enjoyed your holiday season, and wish you all the best for a happy, healthy new year.

‘Till next time!

Mr Tikam Chand, Jaipur instant portrait photographer and some black and white prints.

Mr Tikam Chand
Jaipur street portrait photographer.

When do two negatives make a positive?

When you are dealing with film – that tricky stuff that used to be in all our cameras. Every so often I come across a forgotten roll in a box somewhere, but I haven’t used it for years. Recently, however, I met a man who still shoots – and develops – film.

It was Jaipur. Mid-morning. Nine photography-enthusiasts were seated on a bus which was stop-starting its way through the crowded streets.

Photo-guide Karl Grobl and local guide DV – Digvijay Singh were at the front, alternating between conspiratorial whispers together and animated telephone conversations in Hindi. Finally, the good news: “We found him! He’ll see us.”

Somehow, our driver turned the bus around in the busy, narrow streets, and we tumbled out into the Hawa Mahal district of Jaipur with all our whiz-bang digital camera equipment in tow.

A short walk up a road with market shops on one side and street vendors on the other, and we found the “studio” of Mr Tikam Chand, grandson of the man who was the official Royal Photographer for the Maharaja of Jaipur in the 1800s.

1860 Carl Zeiss wooden camera, Jaipur

The “Minute Camera”
The same 1860 Carl Zeiss wooden camera with its built-in dark room that took pictures of royalty during the Raj now takes tourist pictures in the street.

Clippings in a frame: the history of the Jaipur "Minute Camera".

Yellowing photos and news reports tell the story of the old camera and the two brothers, Surendar and Tikam Chand, who have operated it since it was passed down to them in 1977.

A group of photographers take pictures of an 1860 Carl Zeiss camera in Jaipur. Owner Tikam Chand stands by.

Street Photography
Travellers, with their digital cameras, take pictures of the 150-year-old camera while Tikam Chand talks to guide DV.

Tikam Chand with two tourists, preparing for a portrait.

Setting Up
Mr Chand likes his customers to be seated perfectly: he is ready with a comb and mirror.

Three portrait subjects against a black cloth on a Jaipur street while photographer Tikam Chand checks the settings on the Carl Zeiss camera.

Checking Settings
Tikam Chand checks settings ‘under the hood’ while his portrait subjects wait patiently. Focus on the camera is adjusted by sliding the lens back and forth inside the wooden box.

Tikam Chand over the pink cloth over an old camera: three photographic subjects facing, Jaipur.

Letting in the Light
Tikam Chand has a finely developed sense of light and time. The old camera has no shutter release; he simply removes the lens cap, counts off in his head, and replaces the cap.

Looking at the front of an old Carl Zeiss  camera, Jaipur

Look into the Lens!
The aperture can be adjusted from 4.5mm to 32mm using a brass bracket around the lens.
The Jaipur street gets hotter as the mid-morning sun rises.

Portrait: A white-haired couple in sunglasses smile for the camera, Jaipur.

Jan and Lew
Two group participants smile for the camera…

Upside-down image in an old camera: A white-haired couple in sunglasses smiling, Jaipur.

The Wonder of Optics
… and their image inside the camera is upside down.

Tikam Chand, Jaipur, mixing photographic developing chemicals.

When all the pictures are taken…

Tikam Chand, Jaipur, pouring photographic developing chemicals.

… it is time to mix the developing chemicals.

A negative print portrait in a water bucket with a Kingfisher bottle, Jaipur.

Water Rinse
After their chemical bath, the negative prints get their water rinse.

 Side view of  1860 Carl Zeiss wooden camera, with twine holding the photo plates, and Cracked Glass o ver old photos, Jaipur

Twine and Cracked Glass
The photo plates on the archaic wooden camera – reputedly the last of its kind in the world – are held together with twine. Cracked glass guards precious old photos.

Wooden board with three negative portrait prints, Jaipur.

Negative prints are pinned up to be photographed to produce positive images…

Photographer Tikam Chand

Chemical Rinse
… and the whole development process is repeated.

Photographer Tikam Chand  exchanging photos for money, Jaipur.

The Exchange
A customer pays for her fresh prints – negative and positive. The package needs to stay covered in newspaper for thirty minutes or longer. Tikam and his brother are having more difficulty sourcing the appropriate paper and chemicals these days, so prices have gone up. We payed 500INR ($8) for each of our photo sets. Well worth it for the experience!

Text: May the Spirit of the Season be with You.As we count down the days, looking forward to the new year, it is worth looking back as well, back to how things once were, and to preserve the knowledge, skills, and traditions of the past.

For it is “the old way of doing things” that has given us something to build on.

Wishing you a Happy Holiday Season.

Photos: 15November2013

  • gabe - December 27, 2013 - 4:56 am

    Very retro in this digital ageReplyCancel

  • Karl - December 27, 2013 - 12:44 pm

    Awesome story, awesome images, and told only as Ursula can do…I so enjoyed reliving every moment of that encounter in Jaipur through your words and pictures. Thanks Ursula for this holiday gift, you’re amazing! Happy Holidays, KarlReplyCancel

    • Ursula - December 27, 2013 - 11:00 pm

      Awe, thanks Karl. I always look forward to those “unique” experiences that are always part of your trips. Happy Holidays!ReplyCancel

  • Luis Duarte - October 4, 2015 - 12:20 am

    I took my best family portrait with Mr Surendar in 2006. You can see a photo in my portfolio from India, photo 5 (http://luisduarte.com/eternal-india/).

    My profile photo in facebook, is the one he took (https://www.facebook.com/luis.duarte.583).

    Good memories, Thanks!ReplyCancel