It was hot. And dark. And chaotically noisy. And, I loved every minute of it! To a non-Indian, a Kathakali dance performance can best be described as a Punch and Judy show on steroids. One of India’s many forms of regional classical dance, Kathakali is unique to Kerala on India’s southwestern Malabar Coast. After spending a […]
I woke up with my fingers crossed. All night long the rain had thundered on my roof. I live a short distance from Pambula, and I could only hope that the Ephemeral Festival there that day, on the Panboola Wetlands, would go ahead. It wouldn’t be the first time the whole site had been flooded […]
In communities without a written language, culture is passed down through the oral traditions of art, story-telling, music, and dance. Even architecture and weaponry can signify meaning. In Papua New Guinea, there are more than more than 850 discrete spoken languages, and until recently, none of them were written down. Even today, adult literacy sits […]
Balinese dance is an integral part of life on this tiny Indonesian island. Bali has a richness of unique culture that is immediately apparent to its many tourist-visitors. The productiveness of its lush, terraced rice fields and its relatively equitable division of food and labour have allowed the people time to develop and expand their […]
How can one talk about “the people” or “the culture” of Papua New Guinea? Papua New Guinea is one of the most culturally diverse nations in the world. Comprising the eastern half of the world’s second-largest island, it is home to hundreds of different ethnic groups and 852 known languages. And, who knows how many pockets […]