Self Portrait: Bangkok, Thailand
Ever since my brother gave me my first camera just before my first major overseas adventure (a very long, long time ago), I have loved travelling and loved taking pictures.
It’s only recently, however, that I’ve been able to really indulge my passion for both. Living in Bangkok has given me opportunities I’ve not had before, and I’m loving every minute of it!

Self Portrait: Suvarnabhumi, Thailand
About my
Once upon a time, people wrote letters to their family, friends and colleagues when they had something to say. They sent greeting cards on special occasions and postcards when they traveled. In this age of electronic media, the form of these interactions has changed significantly, while the purpose remains the same: to communicate thoughts, feelings, ideas and impressions.

Self Portrait: Udaipur, India
There is, however, a steep learning curve: even though old dogs CAN learn new tricks it can take longer. I’m new to this Blogging stuff, so I’m not quite sure how it will all take shape. I hope to add new things weekly, and when time permits, to return to older digital images and stories, and possibly even dig out some film… Remember film?
So, lets see how it all goes. I hope you enjoy my Weekly Wanderings.
A Word about Copyright:

Self Portrait ~ Q-House, Lumpini, Bangkok
It shouldn’t have to be said, should it? Photos on this site are mine and are copyright stamped by me, unless clearly stated otherwise (Every so often, my husband gets a shot that I really wish I had taken. If I post one of those, I’ll tell you.)
If you want a picture for personal use on another private, non-comercial site, you are welcome to it, IF:
1) You tell me! and,
2) You include on your site a clear link back to the source (i.e., me).

Self Portrait ~ Jaipur, India
If you want photos for printing or for a commercial site (and I include NGOs and Not-for-Profits here, as they still make more money than I do!), then ASK me. If you try to print from the uploaded .jpegs, you will notice they are very low resolution, rather than the mega-files I have on my computer.
Copyright infringement is THEFT and is bad karma.
‘Nuf said!

Self-Portrait: Michelin Office, Paris

Self Portrait ~ Departure Bay Marina, Nanaimo

Bangkok and I are reflected in the giant Christmas decorations at Q-House, Lumpini. 07December2009
Hi Ursula,
If you are ever in Phuket drop by and say hello! It would be great to meet you.
Dawn, Bon Island, Phuket
Hi Dawn,
Thanks so much for stopping by! We usually end on the other of Phuket when we manage to get down there, but Bon Island looks fascinating – it would be great to visit one day. 🙂
I am a freelancer doing an article for Washingtonian Magazine about Shepherdstown West Virginia and love one of your photos. What do you charge for magazine use? You will be credited, of course.
Hi Ann,
I’m glad to hear you like my pictures. I’ve emailed you.
Cheers, Ursula
Hi Ursula,
Love your photos and the topics you touch and document. I’m about to start freelancing next year and thus would have questions for you. I’d appreciate if you could drop me a line so I could ask a few questions via email, if you don’t mind. 🙂
Best regards and thanks in advance!
Hi Zsolt,
Thanks for your visit. I’ve emailed you.
My husband is also Hungarian – small world, isn’t it?
Hi Ursula! I live in Bangkok and maintain a blog to keep our family and friends back home in the US up to date on our activities in Thailand. It is nothing major – I have no advertisers, sponsors, etc.
We just returned from a visit to Cha-Am and I am writing a post about the salt farms that we saw on the drive. I did manage to take some photos but they are nowhere near as nice as yours and there was no activity in the fields on the days we passed by. I would like to ask if I can add a few of your photos to my blog? Most likely, I would use the photos with the salt piles and the tools used. Obviously, I will credit you for those photos. Enjoy Australia – we lived for three years in the very outback of Alice Springs. The Aussies are lovely people and we had such a fantastic time there.
Many thanks. Kristen
Hi Kristen,
Thanks for checking out my PhotoBlog. 🙂
I’m happy for you to use some photos as you described; just link them back to their source and send me a copy of the link. Ta!
Enjoy Bangkok – it’s a great place to live.
Cheers, Ursula
Hi Ursula! What a great site you have…
I love your photos and never knew your hidden
talent. Steve and I leaving for Phuket for a week
in July. Can’t wait to go now…
Do you think we need any vaccines; we are only staying
a week in a hotel but will be eating local foods
at night, I guess
Cheers, Mara
Hi Mara,
Glad you could “visit” my site. 🙂
While people can have shellfish problems anywhere in the world, we’ve almost NEVER had problems with Thai food. As long as you love spice, you will be ok!
I’ve emailed you. U
Hi Ursula,
I would like to use some of your Bluesfest Pictures. Please contact me to check out the conditions. Thank you.
Hi Steven
Thanks for your interest. I have emailed you. 😀
I have followed you for a number of years on Flickr. I just recently took the time to go to your travel blog and I have to admit, it is really well done. The writing in combination with the photos is enlightening. Thanks for sharing. “See” you on Flickr.
David B
Greetings, Dave!
I’m so glad you stopped by. “See” you around. 😀
Hello, I just viewed your Silom Rd. Chinese cemetery photos. I was there a few days ago and found it awesome, no floods, and plan to go back Feb 1 when I leave bel. If the girl who wanted a picture of her grandfathers grave is still interested, I would be happy to find it and make sure to photo it for her, if all goes well with the dogs that is. Enjoyed your photos and posted a few of the many ones I took on Trover. All the best, Kevin Hogue
Hi Kevin,
Isn’t it a great place! Bangkok is full of wonderful corners – I do miss it. If you find the gravestone described, I’m sure the granddaughter would still love to see it. 😀
Many thanks for your visit to my site. Why not “LIKE” me on Facebook and invite your friends?
Cheers, Ursula
Hi Ursula,
I work in the graphic department of an Italian cosmetic company (ELEY SRL – http://www.eley.it / http://www.insightprofessional.it ) and I’ve seen your photos…they’re great!
We’d like to use one of them for some marketing material (mainly catalogues, to distribute all over the world) for a new cosmetic skincare range under our brand INSIGHT.
Could you answer me when you can by mail?
Thanks in advance for your gentleness and your tremendous photos
Hi Claudio,
I’m glad you like the photos. If you drop me a note through the “Contact” page, I can email you.
Cheers, Ursula
Dear Ursula,
i would like to use one of your kalbeliya dancer photos
for an article in an academic theatre journal (no payment involved)
If you agree, could i get your full name for a photo credit?
thank you,
Hi Catherine – I’ve emailed you.