Search Results for: market

As any visitor to these pages knows, I love markets! Under the care of a guide, I and another solo-female traveller were on our way to visit some of the adobe fortresses for which the Sultanate of Oman is famous. I knew that that would result in history-overload – so, I was especially pleased that […]

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I love markets! Any regular reader of these “pages” knows that when I travel, I visit local markets whenever I can. Markets give visitors a wonderful insight into the daily life of the people in a country, and – depending on their light and layout – present an idiosyncratic a photographic challenge. On a visit to Budapest in Hungary […]

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“Yuorait?” “Yu stap gut?”  The calls of “How are you?” in Papua New Guinea’s Tok-Pisin were all around us when we stopped at a simple roadside stall just outside Maprik in East Sepik Province. The local people who were gathered in the canopied shade – selling their produce, gossiping and chewing betel –  seemed happy to see […]

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