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Papua New Guinea is known for its colourful tribes. Even the official government tourism site features different tribal groups in their elaborate tradition costumes and face paint. Of course, the country is also known for its ongoing inter-tribal animosities. Tribal warfare continues to be the subject of regular news reports and academic study. Papua New […]

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Who hasn’t seen pictures of the colourful festivals in Papua New Guinea, where the seemingly endless array of tribal groups demonstrate their unique costumes, songs, dances, and elements of culture? These festivals are are known as sing sings in Tok Pisin, the creole that allows tribal people from 850 distinct language groups to communicate with […]

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Papua New Guinea is fascinating! Home to just over nine million people, at last estimate there were over 7000 different cultural groups with almost 850 distinct languages being spoken. The country is routinely touted as the most linguistically diverse place on the planet. Of course, with the pressures of the modern world, and the double-edged […]

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Anyone familiar with the rugged, jungle-clad terrain and dearth of infrastructure across Papua New Guinea will be horrified by the news of the recent rise of Covid-19 cases in the country (e.g. Covid Cases Triple). The very remoteness of tribal territories that helped keep the epidemic at bay until now also complicates the delivery of […]

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